Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Reaction

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  1. vividlearner744
    2 months

    now that i've learned the transformers lore more i dont like this depiction of megatronus prime 'the fallen one'

  2. Aaron
    2 months

    Fun Fact, this movie won a razzi award as the worst movie of the year.

  3. Fulcrum
    2 months

    There is a commercial of optimus ordering burger king

  4. Carmen
    3 months

    thank you for random ka-chowww keeping count 

  5. Phoenix
    3 months

    The thing about the next movie, while Megan Fox was fired, it was after the script was already created with her character in it. As such, the relationships in the next movie feel a bit wierd and forced since they didnt have time to do a full rewrite and instead just added 1 scene to explain how characters met. Won't say too much, but its a thing for people to note as people watch the third movie because the human scenes sometimes feel really odd and that is why

  6. Crazy
    3 months

    Ive been wondering for a while what happened to H man

    1 replies
    1. Springtime
      3 months

      They explained on the podcast that he was fired

  7. Steamed
    3 months

    The horny little dog is just like Boom 

  8. Steamed
    3 months

    New Divide by Linkin Park baby! 

  9. Jack
    3 months

    The action and transformers stuff is still good in the Mark movies. But the human part is pretty lame, and not acted as well. These two y’all watched r my favorite. Third is still good. Just is weird without megan fox, especially after the whole I love you thing this movie😂😂 

  10. Swordfish
    3 months

    Wheelie was Tom Kenny, voice actor of SpongeBob

  11. Low
    3 months

    fun fact: this movie screenplay was developed in 3 weeks

    1 replies
    1. Low
      3 months

      and it shows

  12. kirpikins
    3 months

    i was a child when this first came out. We had a dvd of it and the first 5 times ive watched the movie i always cried when optimus died like that. Sometimes i was bored when got up early, i start watching this and cry alone waking everyone up

  13. Slasher2
    3 months

    Good luck finding any after Activision discontinued support for them

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      3 months

      "Ebay" - Optimus Prime 2007

  14. Dinamo89
    3 months

    I hope you guys watch transformers prime.Also about Optimus voice, heres video please react to it.

  15. Weremon
    3 months

    Fun fact. the Autobot that's shot in the face after talking to Sam is Elita-1

  16. Jeremiah
    3 months

    You guys gotta checkout transformers prime and the cybertron video games they are the best pieces of transformers media 

    1 replies
    1. A.M
      3 months

      Seconded prime was dope

  17. strange.happenings
    3 months

    Tom kenny voices like 4 characters in this movie.

  18. Jared
    3 months

    The orange transformer twin and Wheelie are voiced by Tom Kenny(Spongebob, Ice King, etc.)He was pretty upset that he had to play the Twin because he didn't like their dialogue being super racist and offensive. Michael Bay told him before shooting that they were just place-holder lines.....Unfortunately, they were not; they all made it in the movie. I know he came back to voice Wheelie again in the next film but that's it.

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      3 months

      it was the green one (Skids), the orange one (Mudflap) is voiced by Reno Wilson.

      1 replies
      1. Jared
        3 months

        That's what I meant. Thanks for clearing that up lol!

  19. Andre
    3 months

    I hadn't noticed until now but Optimus Parachutes had the Autobot logo on it. Also I could be wrong but The Fallen is Megatronus Prime. Of the first three films, this one is probably the weakest but hot damn is it an amazing movie. That just goes to show how great the first and third ones are

  20. Charles
    3 months

    "first witwitcky to go to college" wasn't his great grandfather a doctor or professor or something

    1 replies
    1. Phoenix
      3 months

      just a captain and back in the 1800s you didnt really need to go to school in order to have really high titles placed you. more of a, you did something cool here's a title

  21. Bradley
    3 months

    The old beast wars cartoon would be cool to do at some point. 

  22. Jose
    3 months

    that WAS the oompa loompa from the johnny depp charlie and the chocolate factory

  23. monika_lockpick
    3 months

    Aliens? In the Ocean? let’s talk about Pacific rim…….

  24. Darc
    3 months

    Funny enough. That guy you called an oompah loompa i believe actually played all the oompah loompas in the Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the chocolate factory 

  25. Springtime
    3 months

    This movie has a total of 12,237 deaths while the first movie had a total of 19 deaths

    1 replies
    1. rangerghost24
      3 months

      That’s actually insane 💀

  26. UnusedDogSlice
    3 months

    I hope u guys watch transformers prime is a peak transformers show and I'm still so sad it got canceled when it did😔

  27. striker
    3 months

    Game wise definitely check out War for cybertron and Fall of cybertron.

    Show wise transformers animated is dope and transformers prime is dope.

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      3 months

      I'd recommend Dark of The Moon too, it was developed by high moon studios who made the Cybertron games, and it's pretty good. If they would, they should probably play them in release order i.e. War -> DOTM -> Fall, just so the game mechanics' evolution makes sense

  28. myboi
    3 months

    so its kinda hinted at the fact the fallen and megatron wanted to destroy earth so much is because the planet is the transformers equivalent of a planet eater and end of the universe type being. and humans are its off spring. at least in this movie universe specifically. but i think it was that in in a few of the older cartoons as well

  29. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    Plz React to Transformers The Movie 1986Then Watch Transformers Dark Of the Moon (Best one of Transformers Film my opinion)

  30. strange.happenings
    3 months

    i dont remember what it was, but there was a transformers game where you would scan different vehicles as you traversed the level, basically, find the car that works for this moment, remember it being a lot of fun.

  31. Saint
    3 months

    they don't say his name, but The Fallen is Megatronus Prime.

    1 replies
    1. Emma
      3 months

      who was megatron's idol in transformers one, and had the decepticon logo as his face

  32. Joseph
    3 months

    next if follows dark of the moon, age of extinction, the last knight and then 2 prequel partially reboot movies, bumblebee and rise of the beasts 

  33. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    And if u don't realize it at first, Megan is replaced with a Victoria's Secret Model. And I think she is good for the story, but it hurts seeing this movie and realizing Sam and Mikaela break up after this movie 

  34. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    Also the way the live action movies go is the trilogy, the 2 Marky Mark movies, Bumblebee, and the Animal Transformers movie

  35. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    So basically, Megan Fox called Michael Bay “Hitler” as in to work under, but he didn't really mind that. Steven Spielburb, who worked on the trilogy, told Bay to fire Megan allegedly. It was never confirmed. And one of the supposed reasons for Spielburg to get rid of Megan was that he's part Jewish, which I never knew. 

  36. lightning132ttv
    3 months

    So, funny thing about the scene with Devastator towards the end...Michael Bay wanted a LOT of detail, and they went so hard with the animation and everything, that the computer system actually blew up and caught fire. Lmao! They had to rebuild the entire thing xD

  37. SD
    3 months

    The funniest thing about these movies, is that Optimus is portrayed as like, the pinnacle of good, but he is very possibly the most violent character in any of these movies.

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      3 months

      It’s almost like war involves violence and even the good guys have to get violent during it! What a shocking revelation you have had!

      1 replies
      1. imrightoverhere
        3 months

        tf? there's a difference between the violence of war and Optimus' needless brutality. Like shooting a defeated enemy point blank or ripping a face off is not something guys relish in lol

  38. Charlie
    3 months

    the devastator is still the most expensive cg model ever made

  39. striker
    3 months

    Fun fact about the twins,they're so SEVERELY hated by pretty much everyone,that they aren't in the 3rd film and were killed off in a movie toe in comic

  40. Bomb-Boy
    3 months

    Waiting for the next Harry Potter

  41. Charlie
    3 months

    bay optimus fights from the trilogy are  peak cinema

  42. delta3064
    3 months

    The best games by far are war for cybertron and its sequel fall of cybertron, they are amazing and loosely connected to the tv series transformers prime which is one of the best cartoons period

  43. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    Imagine transformers one prime and revenge of the fallen prime meeting. One guy is like "We cant start with an execution." The other is "GIVE ME YOUR FACE"

  44. RedAlphaWolf808
    3 months

    I hope you guys watch all of the transformers movies including 4 and 5 some people didn't like it but I thought it was still good

  45. Gabriel
    3 months

    Speaking of Peter Cullens voice, you should watch the video of him explaining how he came up with the voice of Optimus

  46. nominomiss
    3 months

    Love that yall are taking this Transformers journey. A wild and fun ride! Excited to see if yall will play the War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron games. Hands down a couple of the best games ever.

  47. xav98
    3 months

    So Peter’s voice actually isn’t like that 100% normally. He himself has said that voice is directly based off his brother who was ex military. He would do that to i believe joke with him.

    1 replies
    1. JediJaras
      3 months

      Peter apparently got some advice from Larry, his brother on voicing Optimus: "Peter, if you're going to be a hero, be a real hero. Be strong enough to be gentle."

      1 replies
      1. xav98
        3 months

        That’s honestly beautiful 

  48. xav98
    3 months

    Rewatching the unedited version 

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