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1 month
the adrenaline they must have had throughout that has to be insane
2 months
i remember going to see this in theaters and in front of the AMC was a Ford Camera with the bumblebee autobot details it was so cool. I loved Revenge of the Fallen and didnt care for dark side of the moon but the Whalberg movies are awesome they are fun and given they are based on TOYS! is awesome. I wasn't a huge fan of Bumblebee.
2 months
Definitely watch all five movies plus Bumblebee and the recent movie, Rise of the Beasts so we can get your opinions on them
3 months
I was like 5 when this came out and it made me love transformers my 3ntire childhood
3 months
What I love most about the transformer movies, at least the first 3, is that Michael Bay and his crew really cared about accuracy when it comes to the military. So, essentially, all the military scenes (giving grace for the secret headquarters lol) are quite accurate to real life - with how they talk, act, walk, codes, chain of command, how fast they mobilize, etc.
3 months
It's funny how much I don't remember of this movie. I only really remember the ending fight scene, hating how all the Decepticons are grey models instead of their just as flashy selves from G1 and so-on, and getting confused that Starscream (my favorite transformer) died in the fight, when it was actually Jazz. The fact that I couldn't even TELL, made me hate this movie so much. I also hadn't watched Transformers G1 in a suuuuper long time when I watched this movie, so all I could remember was Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, and Optimus Prime. I had no idea who the fuck BumbleBee was and why he got such an important role, hahaha. XD It at least got me inspired to pick up the OG series to rewatch it.
But omg, I would love it if you guys reacted to the Transformers series, especially if you do G1, Armada, and Prime. Animated might be a fun ride, but my god, those chiiiiins. I can never get over the art style in Transformers Animated. XD
3 months
How about the prince of egypt movie
3 months
All I know about these Transformers films is that Linkin Park did three songs for three movies and the first two, What I’ve Done and New Divide are two of their biggest songs.
3 months
these guys need to watch the unicron trilogy, original g1 cartoon and its movie and the Prime Cartoon
1 replies
3 months
Do not forget Beast Wars.
3 months
Fun fact about Peter Cullen: He also made the Predator noises himself in the first Predator movie (and I'm sure in some of the others too, but the big one is the first movie). The way he tells it, none of the sounds were planned, the director basically just said to make a scary alien sound, he adlibbed it first take, and the rest is history.
3 months
about the weirdness at the end. That really made me think if soaking…….
3 months
absolutely gotta watch 2 and 3
3 months
PLEASE watch transformers prime! It's an amazing animated series and surprisingly mature for the intended audience. Used to watch it all the time in middle and high school when it came out in my country.
3 months
Y’all need to watch the transformers prime show. It’s regarded by many as one of the best pieces of transformers media.
3 months
what would it take to get them to watch transformers prime
3 months
Dark Side of the Moon the third one is my personal favorite other then Transformers One. I hope you watch the other two
3 months
I'm not lying when I say this is my absolute favorite movie lmfao
3 months
funfact about the Optimus' voice: in Türkçe (Turkish) translation of the series, voice actor Ayhan Kaya voiced the optimus prime with no special effects but only his raw voice. He passed away at the age 64 due to a heart attack, on my birthday 10/10/22😥
3 months
You guys should watch the Pearl Harbor film that Michael Bay directed in 2001 that stars Ben Affleck, but ONLY the R-Rated DIRECTOR'S CUT of the film! The R-Rated Director's Cut of Pearl Harbor (2001) is arguably FAR superior than the original PG13 version.
3 months
honestly going through all the transformers movies is such a treat and insane ride. ik it isnt part of the bayverse but Bumblebee movie is amazing for its own stand alone thing. also for transformers shows. best one in my opinion is Transformers prime! peace boys!
3 months
I can say confidently they did not plan this series out. You'll see as you guys go along, but it's ridiculous the continuity breaks this series has. The second movie was also in the middle of a writers strike, and you can definitely tell.
2 replies
3 months
Ah, so it suffers writing issues like Quantum or Solace did?
3 months
Yeah its infamous for writing and shooting within the same day. A bunch of ideas that Bay tried to string together into something that made any semblance of sense
3 months
this is the reason why people love transformers and why its francise lived and grew so much. THIS IS WHAT WE HAD TO GROW UP ON
3 months
Transformers one was amazing and i loved it because it wasn't connected to this series at all
3 months
The music goes so hard in this film , you'd love Transformers Prime the show you get even more lore in that like Transformers One gave. 3 seasons and a Beast wars movie to end it
3 months
It's a good thing none of the intelligent decepticons like Shockwave was sent to get the glasses. He'd just hack a bank and purchase them.
3 months
I celebrated when I saw this on the schedule yesterday. Love this trilogy, and I love your reaction to this movie (goes without saying. Lol)! Just want to warn you about 4 and 5, though -- they're not good, in my opinion. But since you're starting the Transformers films... I'm begging you to consider watching Transformers Prime when you get the chance (like so many others here, lol!). It's practically a crime not to. 😂🤖
3 months
You guys should watch the original animated movie!
3 months
"We are going to hide the cube in the city" Probably the stupidest idea ever. But hey, they needed thing to destroy and explode so it couldn't be the desert again.
3 months
Cool fun fact and bc u guys also brought it up the Camero bumblebee is in the movie is I think one of the prototypes of the car but with some more zaz on it bc the new camero at the time wasn't out yet and this movie is technically it's Comercial and it's debut appearance in movie/tv and the actual car came out a bit after the movie
3 months
Can you guys react to Hot fuzz Please? It really good
3 months
Now that you’re watching the Michael bay transformers movies you have to watch the Michael bay tmnt movies.
1 replies
3 months
Michael Bay didn't direct those, he only produced those.
1 replies
3 months
I do agree, though, that they NEED to watch those!
3 months
I love all of the movies.
3 months
the trilogy gets better as it goes, just wait until the 3rd one
1 replies
3 months
The 5th one was a mess of many different things tho.
1 replies
3 months
Well that's why they said "trilogly". The first 3 are the best they get. After that is when it goes sharply downlhill. Except for the bumblebee standalone film which is pretty good.
1 replies
3 months
That's a reboot though. Different continuity
3 months
I have such an emotional attachment to these films <3
3 months
I forgot how fuckin fun this movie is. For 2007. It looks so amazing. My sister saw it in theaters like 5 times lol.
1 replies
3 months
Also the second one in my opinion is an absolute BANGER as well. Third is really good. Prolly nostalgia talkin, but 1 and 2 r just killer
3 months
manifesting this makes them watch Transformers Prime PLEASSEE ive been advocating for more people to watch Transformers Prime…….. its so peak…..
3 months
Btw when optimus calls humans a young species......atleast in the comics and some shows, optimues himself is 9 million years old, so literally the entire history of our species is young to him
3 months
3 months
So the bumblebee movie is actually a reboot of the franchise and the beast wars movie is the sequel to that it’s a completely different continuity the the bayverse
3 months
So glad you’re checking out more transformers stuff definitely gotta watch bumblebee other than transformers one it’s probably one the best movies and definitely watch transformers prime best show
Halcyon Days
3 months
Really like this one, I dont remember much about anything in the subsequent movies in the franchise but I fw this one. Love the animation in the transformations, LOVE Optimus Prime's voice, Starscream is so fucking cool, Bumblebee is so precious. Megatron's screentime was underwhelming but I just shrug that off lol
1 replies
Halcyon Days
3 months
I meant "franchise" as in the Michael Bay movies
3 months
Fun fact, that human Megatron had flicked when he was on the ground, was Michael Bay. Watch 2 and 3, you can skip 4 and 5. Watch Bumblebee and Rise of the Beast which is nit connected to Bayverse and use designs closer to their G1 designs. And you guys should watch Transformers Animated it definitely gives OG Ben10 vibes
3 months
Please watch the original 80s show! It's so good!
1 replies
3 months
Or least the 86 movie. The original film. Can be kinda standalone and such a good look into the series
3 months
Man, these aren’t my favorite movies but I will always love them because they gave us Transformers: Prime.
3 months
There are the three Transformers movies with Shia, the two Transformers movies with Mark Wahlberg, and then there is Bumblebee and Transformers Rise of the Beasts that takes place after Bumblebee
3 months
Yessss love transformers ❤️❤️🙌🏾
3 months
so strange seeing this after watching the glory that is Transformers one
3 months
Omg please do the fast and furious series that would be awesome!!!
3 months
Please let this clear the path into them watching Prime
3 months
to give you heads upTransformers One is not connected to Bayverse Transformers 2007 - The Last Knight
just let you know okay
Residentfan 1
3 months
Y’know given Sam’s kick of that little robot’s head and his run to the building towards the end, I think he would’ve actually done ok on the football team.
3 months
I'd say see 2 and 3. Skip 4 and 5, but watch Bumblebee and Rise of the beast. Also watch Transformer 86.
3 replies
3 months
4 has its few moments that i think it wouldn't be a lost cause to watch it, but yeah no one should suffer 5
3 months
I say watch 4 just for lockdown and the dinobots
3 months
They probably could get away with watching 4, for nothing else than to see the degradation in quality (and most because I NEED to see their reaction to the Romeo & Juliet scene, ifykyk). 5 is such a schizo movie, I don't even know if they'd even want to watch it or not lmao
3 months
there is the shia trilogy, 2 movies with mark Wahlberg, and 2 prequel/reboot movies so technically there is 7 movies
1 replies
3 months
They aren't prequels. Bumblebee is the reboot and ROTB is the sequel to the reboot.
3 months
I wouldn't even say people like the first three. A fair amount of people like this one and far fewer but still some like Dark of the Moon. I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys Revenge of the Fallen outside of 2 or 3 solid scenes.
3 months
This is the movie that I developed a crush on Megan Fox when I was a kid.
3 months
Also the machines aren’t “evil” out right. It’s like a baby being born. It doesn’t know anything yet except chaos for its parents. They’re just acting out since they don’t know how to act evil or good. It’s just they act aggressive towards ppl since they seem threatening
3 months
As someone who was not a fan of transformers growing up, I kinda enjoy these movies for the stupid giant robot battles
3 months
One thing about unnecessary scenes, particularly ones with hot women, is that that is Michael Bays whole thing with his movies, especially transformers. You’ll see it especially in the next 4 movies. And just a heads up, the second is the weakest of the trilogy with Sam. The next 2 have Mark Wahlburg and it’ll be an entire different experience. But imo, the weakest one is still a 4/10 for me
3 months
Recommendation for Transformers Prime. Also there are six more movies
3 months
Personally I like 1 & 2. 3 would have been fine of they had just recast Megan Fox's character instead of trying to shoehorn in a completely different character after Spielberg through his fit and fired her. Yes, I understand why he was pissed, but I also think it was a poorly thought out off the cuff remark by a young actress that didn't mean it in the context or extreme that Spielberg took it. The character they replaced Michaela with was painfully subpar and it was blatant that they just took the original script and made literal last second changes.
Residentfan 1
3 months
“That's how the military works, ‘dude trust me it’s ok’.” As it turns out, if you watched MikeBurnFire’s YouTube channel, you’d know that this is basically how it works. The military is hilariously incompetent.
3 months
Im taking a construction material class and yes asphalt is a liquid which solidifies and mixes with aggregate if you please
Residentfan 1
3 months
There’s a big group of Transformers fans who think that Michael Bay turned Optimus into a psychopath, not realizing that this is supposed to be a more realistic portrayal of war. Optimus in these movies is the equivalent of a WWI vet going to fight in WWII, immediately going to fight in the Korean War and then going into the Vietnam War. Imagine what serving in all four of those wars does to the psyche.
2 replies
3 months
The thing is, Optimus gets more violent during part 2, and I won't spoil, but those who have seen part 2 will know why. :)
3 months
The difference is that Optimus says out loud how good he is instead of showing it
3 months
Im weird i like all the films in the series even the crappy ones
1 replies
3 months
One can appreciate the spectacle, if not the story. Speaking as someone who was 8 when this came out, the story deficits didn’t matter much to me at the time.
3 months
Ah yes these are guilty pleasure movies for me. Well the first 3 anyway.
1 replies
3 months
There’s no reason for guilt of any kind when watching transformers 1-3 there all goated
1 replies
Residentfan 1
3 months
No theres definitely guilt to be had for enjoying the second movie
3 replies
3 months
those fights in revenge of the fallen went hard and the devastator is still like the most expensive cgi model ever made
3 months
For if no other reason that Skids and Mudflap. Such terrible characters that Hasbro is afraid to even use the names much anymore
1 replies
Residentfan 1
3 months
One can only hope they died a horrible painful death between movies
3 months
Fr I cannot stand the second one imo
3 months
The only good Bay Transformers imo
1 replies
3 months
I feel many of them have a few moments. 3 the most. But yeah better looks into the series out there. IDW Comics, Prime or Animated shows (even Armada or Cybertron), the 86 film
3 months
I really like the first movie, has alot of good action and the jokes are decent. The action in this movie (as a whole) I think is better than in the others, mostly because while the camera shakes in some action scenes here u can still make out well enough what is going on. In the other movies though the shaking gets worse and more annoying, atleast for me. I hope to see u guys react to more Transformers series/movies in the future :)
3 months
I always hear people say bad things about these movies, and while I agree with some, I still find the series enjoyable.
3 months
easter eggs videos PLEASE
3 months
Incase you guys don’t know or haven’t seen, that bus split in the highway fight was done practically! It was one of the greatest practical FX stunts I’d seen from a movie BTS clip at the time and changed me view on movie making! Iconic! 🙌🏼
3 months
Just a heads up, the Bay movies of Transformers take place in their own universe. From what I understand Transformers One is more closer to the books.
3 months
As much shit as Michael Bay movies get, I do like how fast all the transformers move. I’ve never been a fan of the trope where things move slower when they’re bigger, especially when they’re “living” beings. They did a pretty good job with the real time movement in fight scenes
3 months
It would be sick if y’all did an all cutscene reaction to the Transformers: War for Cybertron and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron games.
3 months
I hope you guys go back and watch the 80s Transformer movie.
3 months
kinda hopes this leads them to try the transformers animated series like transformers prime
3 months
People love 1 and 3, tolerate 4 and absolutely hate 2 and 5(for different reasons)
1 replies
3 months
eh 2 had some of the coolest scenes in any of the movies
3 months
FUCK YESyou guys better watch all the movies including 1986
3 months
One of the best closing moments in film
1 replies
3 months
I mean, having What I’ve Done by Linkin Park playing will make anything better
the adrenaline they must have had throughout that has to be insane
i remember going to see this in theaters and in front of the AMC was a Ford Camera with the bumblebee autobot details it was so cool. I loved Revenge of the Fallen and didnt care for dark side of the moon but the Whalberg movies are awesome they are fun and given they are based on TOYS! is awesome. I wasn't a huge fan of Bumblebee.
Definitely watch all five movies plus Bumblebee and the recent movie, Rise of the Beasts so we can get your opinions on them
I was like 5 when this came out and it made me love transformers my 3ntire childhood
What I love most about the transformer movies, at least the first 3, is that Michael Bay and his crew really cared about accuracy when it comes to the military. So, essentially, all the military scenes (giving grace for the secret headquarters lol) are quite accurate to real life - with how they talk, act, walk, codes, chain of command, how fast they mobilize, etc.
It's funny how much I don't remember of this movie. I only really remember the ending fight scene, hating how all the Decepticons are grey models instead of their just as flashy selves from G1 and so-on, and getting confused that Starscream (my favorite transformer) died in the fight, when it was actually Jazz. The fact that I couldn't even TELL, made me hate this movie so much. I also hadn't watched Transformers G1 in a suuuuper long time when I watched this movie, so all I could remember was Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, and Optimus Prime. I had no idea who the fuck BumbleBee was and why he got such an important role, hahaha. XD It at least got me inspired to pick up the OG series to rewatch it.
But omg, I would love it if you guys reacted to the Transformers series, especially if you do G1, Armada, and Prime. Animated might be a fun ride, but my god, those chiiiiins. I can never get over the art style in Transformers Animated. XD
How about the prince of egypt movie
All I know about these Transformers films is that Linkin Park did three songs for three movies and the first two, What I’ve Done and New Divide are two of their biggest songs.
these guys need to watch the unicron trilogy, original g1 cartoon and its movie and the Prime Cartoon
Do not forget Beast Wars.
Fun fact about Peter Cullen: He also made the Predator noises himself in the first Predator movie (and I'm sure in some of the others too, but the big one is the first movie). The way he tells it, none of the sounds were planned, the director basically just said to make a scary alien sound, he adlibbed it first take, and the rest is history.
about the weirdness at the end. That really made me think if soaking…….
absolutely gotta watch 2 and 3
PLEASE watch transformers prime! It's an amazing animated series and surprisingly mature for the intended audience. Used to watch it all the time in middle and high school when it came out in my country.
Y’all need to watch the transformers prime show. It’s regarded by many as one of the best pieces of transformers media.
what would it take to get them to watch transformers prime
Dark Side of the Moon the third one is my personal favorite other then Transformers One. I hope you watch the other two
I'm not lying when I say this is my absolute favorite movie lmfao
funfact about the Optimus' voice: in Türkçe (Turkish) translation of the series, voice actor Ayhan Kaya voiced the optimus prime with no special effects but only his raw voice. He passed away at the age 64 due to a heart attack, on my birthday 10/10/22😥
You guys should watch the Pearl Harbor film that Michael Bay directed in 2001 that stars Ben Affleck, but ONLY the R-Rated DIRECTOR'S CUT of the film! The R-Rated Director's Cut of Pearl Harbor (2001) is arguably FAR superior than the original PG13 version.
honestly going through all the transformers movies is such a treat and insane ride. ik it isnt part of the bayverse but Bumblebee movie is amazing for its own stand alone thing. also for transformers shows. best one in my opinion is Transformers prime! peace boys!
I can say confidently they did not plan this series out. You'll see as you guys go along, but it's ridiculous the continuity breaks this series has. The second movie was also in the middle of a writers strike, and you can definitely tell.
Ah, so it suffers writing issues like Quantum or Solace did?
Yeah its infamous for writing and shooting within the same day. A bunch of ideas that Bay tried to string together into something that made any semblance of sense
this is the reason why people love transformers and why its francise lived and grew so much. THIS IS WHAT WE HAD TO GROW UP ON
Transformers one was amazing and i loved it because it wasn't connected to this series at all
The music goes so hard in this film , you'd love Transformers Prime the show you get even more lore in that like Transformers One gave. 3 seasons and a Beast wars movie to end it
It's a good thing none of the intelligent decepticons like Shockwave was sent to get the glasses. He'd just hack a bank and purchase them.
I celebrated when I saw this on the schedule yesterday. Love this trilogy, and I love your reaction to this movie (goes without saying. Lol)! Just want to warn you about 4 and 5, though -- they're not good, in my opinion. But since you're starting the Transformers films... I'm begging you to consider watching Transformers Prime when you get the chance (like so many others here, lol!). It's practically a crime not to. 😂🤖
You guys should watch the original animated movie!
"We are going to hide the cube in the city" Probably the stupidest idea ever. But hey, they needed thing to destroy and explode so it couldn't be the desert again.
Cool fun fact and bc u guys also brought it up the Camero bumblebee is in the movie is I think one of the prototypes of the car but with some more zaz on it bc the new camero at the time wasn't out yet and this movie is technically it's Comercial and it's debut appearance in movie/tv and the actual car came out a bit after the movie
Can you guys react to Hot fuzz Please? It really good
Now that you’re watching the Michael bay transformers movies you have to watch the Michael bay tmnt movies.
Michael Bay didn't direct those, he only produced those.
I do agree, though, that they NEED to watch those!
I love all of the movies.
the trilogy gets better as it goes, just wait until the 3rd one
The 5th one was a mess of many different things tho.
Well that's why they said "trilogly". The first 3 are the best they get. After that is when it goes sharply downlhill. Except for the bumblebee standalone film which is pretty good.
That's a reboot though. Different continuity
I have such an emotional attachment to these films <3
I forgot how fuckin fun this movie is. For 2007. It looks so amazing. My sister saw it in theaters like 5 times lol.
Also the second one in my opinion is an absolute BANGER as well. Third is really good. Prolly nostalgia talkin, but 1 and 2 r just killer
manifesting this makes them watch Transformers Prime PLEASSEE ive been advocating for more people to watch Transformers Prime…….. its so peak…..
Btw when optimus calls humans a young species......atleast in the comics and some shows, optimues himself is 9 million years old, so literally the entire history of our species is young to him
So the bumblebee movie is actually a reboot of the franchise and the beast wars movie is the sequel to that it’s a completely different continuity the the bayverse
So glad you’re checking out more transformers stuff definitely gotta watch bumblebee other than transformers one it’s probably one the best movies and definitely watch transformers prime best show
Really like this one, I dont remember much about anything in the subsequent movies in the franchise but I fw this one. Love the animation in the transformations, LOVE Optimus Prime's voice, Starscream is so fucking cool, Bumblebee is so precious. Megatron's screentime was underwhelming but I just shrug that off lol
I meant "franchise" as in the Michael Bay movies
Fun fact, that human Megatron had flicked when he was on the ground, was Michael Bay. Watch 2 and 3, you can skip 4 and 5. Watch Bumblebee and Rise of the Beast which is nit connected to Bayverse and use designs closer to their G1 designs. And you guys should watch Transformers Animated it definitely gives OG Ben10 vibes
Please watch the original 80s show! It's so good!
Or least the 86 movie. The original film. Can be kinda standalone and such a good look into the series
Man, these aren’t my favorite movies but I will always love them because they gave us Transformers: Prime.
There are the three Transformers movies with Shia, the two Transformers movies with Mark Wahlberg, and then there is Bumblebee and Transformers Rise of the Beasts that takes place after Bumblebee
Yessss love transformers ❤️❤️🙌🏾
so strange seeing this after watching the glory that is Transformers one
Omg please do the fast and furious series that would be awesome!!!
Please let this clear the path into them watching Prime
to give you heads upTransformers One is not connected to Bayverse Transformers 2007 - The Last Knight
just let you know okay
Y’know given Sam’s kick of that little robot’s head and his run to the building towards the end, I think he would’ve actually done ok on the football team.
I'd say see 2 and 3. Skip 4 and 5, but watch Bumblebee and Rise of the beast. Also watch Transformer 86.
4 has its few moments that i think it wouldn't be a lost cause to watch it, but yeah no one should suffer 5
I say watch 4 just for lockdown and the dinobots
They probably could get away with watching 4, for nothing else than to see the degradation in quality (and most because I NEED to see their reaction to the Romeo & Juliet scene, ifykyk). 5 is such a schizo movie, I don't even know if they'd even want to watch it or not lmao
there is the shia trilogy, 2 movies with mark Wahlberg, and 2 prequel/reboot movies so technically there is 7 movies
They aren't prequels. Bumblebee is the reboot and ROTB is the sequel to the reboot.
I wouldn't even say people like the first three. A fair amount of people like this one and far fewer but still some like Dark of the Moon. I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys Revenge of the Fallen outside of 2 or 3 solid scenes.
This is the movie that I developed a crush on Megan Fox when I was a kid.
Also the machines aren’t “evil” out right. It’s like a baby being born. It doesn’t know anything yet except chaos for its parents. They’re just acting out since they don’t know how to act evil or good. It’s just they act aggressive towards ppl since they seem threatening
As someone who was not a fan of transformers growing up, I kinda enjoy these movies for the stupid giant robot battles
One thing about unnecessary scenes, particularly ones with hot women, is that that is Michael Bays whole thing with his movies, especially transformers. You’ll see it especially in the next 4 movies. And just a heads up, the second is the weakest of the trilogy with Sam. The next 2 have Mark Wahlburg and it’ll be an entire different experience. But imo, the weakest one is still a 4/10 for me
Recommendation for Transformers Prime. Also there are six more movies
Personally I like 1 & 2. 3 would have been fine of they had just recast Megan Fox's character instead of trying to shoehorn in a completely different character after Spielberg through his fit and fired her. Yes, I understand why he was pissed, but I also think it was a poorly thought out off the cuff remark by a young actress that didn't mean it in the context or extreme that Spielberg took it. The character they replaced Michaela with was painfully subpar and it was blatant that they just took the original script and made literal last second changes.
“That's how the military works, ‘dude trust me it’s ok’.” As it turns out, if you watched MikeBurnFire’s YouTube channel, you’d know that this is basically how it works. The military is hilariously incompetent.
Im taking a construction material class and yes asphalt is a liquid which solidifies and mixes with aggregate if you please
There’s a big group of Transformers fans who think that Michael Bay turned Optimus into a psychopath, not realizing that this is supposed to be a more realistic portrayal of war. Optimus in these movies is the equivalent of a WWI vet going to fight in WWII, immediately going to fight in the Korean War and then going into the Vietnam War. Imagine what serving in all four of those wars does to the psyche.
The thing is, Optimus gets more violent during part 2, and I won't spoil, but those who have seen part 2 will know why. :)
The difference is that Optimus says out loud how good he is instead of showing it
Im weird i like all the films in the series even the crappy ones
One can appreciate the spectacle, if not the story. Speaking as someone who was 8 when this came out, the story deficits didn’t matter much to me at the time.
Ah yes these are guilty pleasure movies for me. Well the first 3 anyway.
There’s no reason for guilt of any kind when watching transformers 1-3 there all goated
No theres definitely guilt to be had for enjoying the second movie
those fights in revenge of the fallen went hard and the devastator is still like the most expensive cgi model ever made
For if no other reason that Skids and Mudflap. Such terrible characters that Hasbro is afraid to even use the names much anymore
One can only hope they died a horrible painful death between movies
Fr I cannot stand the second one imo
The only good Bay Transformers imo
I feel many of them have a few moments. 3 the most. But yeah better looks into the series out there. IDW Comics, Prime or Animated shows (even Armada or Cybertron), the 86 film
I really like the first movie, has alot of good action and the jokes are decent. The action in this movie (as a whole) I think is better than in the others, mostly because while the camera shakes in some action scenes here u can still make out well enough what is going on. In the other movies though the shaking gets worse and more annoying, atleast for me. I hope to see u guys react to more Transformers series/movies in the future :)
I always hear people say bad things about these movies, and while I agree with some, I still find the series enjoyable.
easter eggs videos PLEASE
Incase you guys don’t know or haven’t seen, that bus split in the highway fight was done practically! It was one of the greatest practical FX stunts I’d seen from a movie BTS clip at the time and changed me view on movie making! Iconic! 🙌🏼
Just a heads up, the Bay movies of Transformers take place in their own universe. From what I understand Transformers One is more closer to the books.
As much shit as Michael Bay movies get, I do like how fast all the transformers move. I’ve never been a fan of the trope where things move slower when they’re bigger, especially when they’re “living” beings. They did a pretty good job with the real time movement in fight scenes
It would be sick if y’all did an all cutscene reaction to the Transformers: War for Cybertron and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron games.
I hope you guys go back and watch the 80s Transformer movie.
kinda hopes this leads them to try the transformers animated series like transformers prime
People love 1 and 3, tolerate 4 and absolutely hate 2 and 5(for different reasons)
eh 2 had some of the coolest scenes in any of the movies
FUCK YESyou guys better watch all the movies including 1986
One of the best closing moments in film
I mean, having What I’ve Done by Linkin Park playing will make anything better