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2 months
The continuity of Transformers is always slightly different based on the media you're watching/reading it from, as Orion Pax was originally a dock worker, not a miner, and Megatron was originally both a miner turned gladiator, which is where he began to gather his army with Soundwave and Shockwave, which leads to meeting Starscream as they needed an air force and Vos' leadership landed on Starscream's shoulders after getting accused of murdering his best friend (Skyfire or Jetfire,same character, different name) after an accidental Energon-space hunt that failed (they were both scientists). Also, some have Orion and Megatron being friends, while others they never even knew each other until Orion became Prime and started fighting against Megatron's army after it got corrupted in their ideals to take out the corrupted rich/noble mechs/Sentinel Prime, as it was Decepticon bots that were the under dog getting racially discriminated on for being "war mechs" and the like.
I am a bit sad Starscream barely got a role in the movie outside of fanservice, and Bumblebee got such an active role when I'm pretty sure he doesn't really take part in the war until near the end of it on Cybertron (before they get stranded on Earth), so he's usually a youthful type who's learning to fight and become his own man, not being such an instant badass. Still, I enjoyed him in this movie. XD
3 months
Did...did they not have the rights to bumblebees name? Anyway please watch the first original movie for transformers it's super good for a movie that was only ment to sell a new line of toys
2 replies
3 months
His Cybertron name is B-127. He gets renamed Bumblebee later on earth. That's in some stories.
3 months
Its probably not a matter of having the rights but they probably wanted to do the Bumblebee movie route
3 months
I really hope you guys watch the 80s movie for Transformers
3 months
“No-cogs” is definitely this universe’s “n-word” 😂
3 months
I love the minor details in this that foreshadow the characters. Elita talking to Orion about his "Optimism" and he layer becomes Optimus, Megatron talking about Deception and later starts the Decepticons. Even Elita saying Orion didn't have the touch or the power was a reference to a Transformers song.
3 months
I saw clips of this movie on YouTube and it looked dope af and so I bought it on Amazon for a discounted price and I can say that this is one of the best Transformers media. The trailers didn't do the movie justice. The only movie I saw multiple times was Infinity War where I went the weekend it came out with my dad and then a week later I went with my boyfriend, who is a huge Marvel fan, to see it.
3 months
You guys gotta check out transformers prime and the war for cybertron games definitely some of the best interpretations of the transformers much love to you guys loved this reaction
4 months
Transformers Prime would be a good follow up. Without going too much into it Optimus being originally Orion and former friends with Megs does play some part. Even if it is not super forefront.
4 months
The marketing department truly failed this movie, it has comedy but it’s a very serious movie overall, and the choreography is so top notch, you can just feel the love and passion while watching this movie
4 months
4 months
4 months
4 months
It was kinda sad to learn that in the deep history of all the transformers lore, Megatron was technically a good guy trying to fix his planet
4 months
I believe this is the only version of transformers where some can't transform and cybertronian racism exists
1 replies
4 months
The comics do, or at least have been for 15 years, but yes this is the first real time they truly touched on the oppression. Maybe somewhere in the Unicron Trilogy series of shows, never watched them all, or maybe even Prime, but not like this. EarthSpark is also new, haven't watched because no Paramount subscription :(
4 months
At just a little after 9 minutes they make a reference to the 80s movie! "You don't have the touch or the power" the iconic song from rhe 80s movie is "you got the touch, you got the pooooooower!"
4 months
4 months
This was so good!
4 months
you guys need to watch prime
4 months
If your wanting to try the games, try War for CyberTron and Fall of CyberTron they are the best transformers games ever made.
4 months
You guys have got to watch the original 1989 Transformers The animated movie. there were so many references in this movie to that movie and the t v show and the comics period you will not be disappointed period the first time I watched this movie was with you guys. I was very on the fence on On whether or not I was going to give this a chance because of how iconic transformers as a franch eyes is. I didn't want to be disappointed. Watch it 3 more times after. I've finished watching your reaction to it. Great reaction, guys thanks. And as far as DC animated movies are concerned, I recommend any of the Batman standalone ones Green Lantern emerald knights, batman superman public enemies and the sequel apocalypse.
1 replies
4 months
Even Optimus prime's ending speech is a nod to the live action movies. So many hidden gems in this movie. It really was good.
4 months
I highly recommend that you guys check some transformers games, especially the Cybertron trilogy! In case you need the names:
1. Transformers: War for Cybertron
2. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
3. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
These are considered The best transformers games ever made!
2 replies
4 months
Oh god dont subject them to the hell that is ROTS, I feel like they'd like Devastation a whole lot better
4 months
I personally prefer revenge of the fallen over dark spark only because I loved the pvp in revenge of the fallen and how transforming worked.
4 months
4 months
U guys should watch the Sam raimi Spider-Man trilogy if u haven’t already.
4 months
One thing this movie could have kept consistent with the comics and made it better is having Megatron still be an outspoken member of the community. In the original lore, Megatron DID start as D-16 as a miner, but he became mistreated and targeted for assassination unfairly because he wrote a liberalism treatise for civil rights. He started as an MLK like figure who became jaded and learned to throw aside ideals thinking they didn't work.
This movie ends with him in a similar end point, but they replaced the whole decent with just righteous anger at being lied to. While that's certainly easier to digest, this movie did a good surprise job that makes me sad it didn't get that extra bit in there.
As an aside, I know the animation has aged awfully, but if you guys watch Beast Wars, I would be so happy.
1 replies
4 months
There are so many different versions. You're refering to the Aligned continuity Megatron origin. which began in 2010
G1 cartoon had him built by the Decepticons to be their ultimate Warrior and Leader
G1 Marvel Megatron was a gladiator who wanted to Cybertron into a big traveling battleship like Warworld
Dreanwave had miner Megatron who eventually became a violent revolutionary which was retooled into the IDW Origin.
4 months
y'all should check out Ella Enchanted!! It's soooooo good!!
4 months
If you want a good transformers series I'd recommend Transformers Prime and if you want a good game series I'd recommend Transformers War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Love you guys
4 months
I need a wild robot reaction asap
4 months
You guys should check out TMNT Mutant Mayhem if y’all haven’t already.
1 replies
4 months
Already on the channel
4 months
Not gonna lie, the little Optimus impression that Chris Hemsworth started doing when he was giving a pep talk to the miners was really distracting in the climax, though Brian Tyree Henry's Megatron was *amazing*especially in the rally speech, it felt like I was listening to a combination of Frank Welker in Prime and Fred Tatascoire in the Cybertron games.
4 months
Transformers One is not Connected to Live Action Transformersits it own Universe and Timeline
there are 2 timeline to Live Action Transformers
1 is called Bayverse and 2 is called Knightverse
Knightverse is Travis Knight who made Bumblebee a Transformers Movie
there are 2 Knightverse Movies
1 is Bumblebee 2018 Movie and 2 is Transformers Rise of the Beasts (its for Transformers Beast Wars)
Bayverse has 5 Transformers Movies
3 best and 2 meh Transformers Movies
3 trilogy is Transformsers 2007, Transformers Revenges of the Fallen, Transformers Dark of the Moon,
2 Duelogy is Transformers AOE and Transformers The Last Knight
you should react to Bayverse Movies first then to Knightverse and you should watch making of Transformers Movies
1 replies
4 months
Only 1 and 3 are good from bayverse, revenge of the fallen is so cringe and horribly written
1 replies
2 months
ah good one thank you for pointing that out, i forgot ROTF was bad
the actions are awesome tho
humans and stuff
you right they are Cringe as hell
4 months
I really like D-16's decline. You can tell he just broke when he learned the truth. After that he had no faith and no compassion because of what was done to him. The rest of the movie is scraping together what's lest of himself to get his version of justice. Hella flawed but I wouldn't expect a broken man to have the best reasoning.
4 months
not gonna lie, the trailer did NOT give this movie justice. I was a bit sceptical because of how the trailer portrayed the story, but this movie has been nothing but an amazing ride
4 months
If you want another movie that people shat on for the trailer but loved when it came out then you should check out the Dungeons and Dragons movie
4 months
I love how boom basically spoiled the whole entire movie and like the first 17 minutes that made me laugh really hard
1 replies
4 months
Luckily, I was guessing and not spoiling lol
4 months
I love this movie its just so good at doing the lore and it was funny lol. Ya'll would definately love the Transformers Prime show its so good it pretty much adds up with this movie
4 months
I really hope you guys watch Transformers Prime. It’s a great show.
4 months
2 GOATS being born at the same time is insane
4 months
I'm surprised that they knew who Megatron and Optimus prime were right away but not Bumblebee
4 months
You guys should watch transformers prime great show
4 months
Love transformers
4 months
It’s funny how I once thought about the idea of reacting to the live action ones. That and my wish list is seeing some Godzilla films, Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, & Spectacular Spider-Man or the 90’s Spider-Man show. Lol
4 months
Wild robot is unironically like easy top 5 best DreamWorks movie
4 months
16:04 I'm pretty sure the usual voice actor for Optimus died, though
1 replies
4 months
Naw he's alive,just getting really old
1 replies
4 months
I've got no problem with Cullen not being in it. It's not like he's the only guy to ever play Optimus. He's my favorite but there are different takes.
4 months
I hope you guys watch Transformers Prime. It's peak Transformers.
4 months
Now you guys just need to watch the Michael Bay films and the new Live-Action films!
1 replies
4 months
And the original 1986 anime film!
4 months
I really need yall to watch Alien, Aliens, and Alien: Romulus. Romulus is def my favorite release this year
4 months
Wait a minute did I miss something what's with the egg man staue
4 months
i'm sorry but move over Deadpool and wolverine, you've been de-throned
4 months
This movie has had a rough deal. There was almost no marketing for it before it came to theaters and one of the 2 trailers they released made it look like a silly children's movie.
4 months
It’s so weird how comedy focused the trailers were, while using on the worst jokes, when the appeal of this movie is definitely the action and character moments
4 months
You guy should watch the Netflix transformers trilogy series.
1 replies
4 months
4 months
You should play the transformers games! Especially War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron.
4 months
Ok you guys definitely gotta watch the micheal bag movies Tv show wise I highly recommend transformers prime it's one of the highest praised parts of the franchise also games wise Fall of cybertron is what you have to play
4 months
Well:..this is a suprise…LETS GOOOOO!!!!
4 months
4 months
Hell yeah!!! Also watch check out The Wild Robot, when you can. Definitely brought A tear to my eyes.
The continuity of Transformers is always slightly different based on the media you're watching/reading it from, as Orion Pax was originally a dock worker, not a miner, and Megatron was originally both a miner turned gladiator, which is where he began to gather his army with Soundwave and Shockwave, which leads to meeting Starscream as they needed an air force and Vos' leadership landed on Starscream's shoulders after getting accused of murdering his best friend (Skyfire or Jetfire,same character, different name) after an accidental Energon-space hunt that failed (they were both scientists). Also, some have Orion and Megatron being friends, while others they never even knew each other until Orion became Prime and started fighting against Megatron's army after it got corrupted in their ideals to take out the corrupted rich/noble mechs/Sentinel Prime, as it was Decepticon bots that were the under dog getting racially discriminated on for being "war mechs" and the like.
I am a bit sad Starscream barely got a role in the movie outside of fanservice, and Bumblebee got such an active role when I'm pretty sure he doesn't really take part in the war until near the end of it on Cybertron (before they get stranded on Earth), so he's usually a youthful type who's learning to fight and become his own man, not being such an instant badass. Still, I enjoyed him in this movie. XD
Did...did they not have the rights to bumblebees name? Anyway please watch the first original movie for transformers it's super good for a movie that was only ment to sell a new line of toys
His Cybertron name is B-127. He gets renamed Bumblebee later on earth. That's in some stories.
Its probably not a matter of having the rights but they probably wanted to do the Bumblebee movie route
I really hope you guys watch the 80s movie for Transformers
“No-cogs” is definitely this universe’s “n-word” 😂
I love the minor details in this that foreshadow the characters. Elita talking to Orion about his "Optimism" and he layer becomes Optimus, Megatron talking about Deception and later starts the Decepticons. Even Elita saying Orion didn't have the touch or the power was a reference to a Transformers song.
I saw clips of this movie on YouTube and it looked dope af and so I bought it on Amazon for a discounted price and I can say that this is one of the best Transformers media. The trailers didn't do the movie justice. The only movie I saw multiple times was Infinity War where I went the weekend it came out with my dad and then a week later I went with my boyfriend, who is a huge Marvel fan, to see it.
You guys gotta check out transformers prime and the war for cybertron games definitely some of the best interpretations of the transformers much love to you guys loved this reaction
Transformers Prime would be a good follow up. Without going too much into it Optimus being originally Orion and former friends with Megs does play some part. Even if it is not super forefront.
The marketing department truly failed this movie, it has comedy but it’s a very serious movie overall, and the choreography is so top notch, you can just feel the love and passion while watching this movie
It was kinda sad to learn that in the deep history of all the transformers lore, Megatron was technically a good guy trying to fix his planet
I believe this is the only version of transformers where some can't transform and cybertronian racism exists
The comics do, or at least have been for 15 years, but yes this is the first real time they truly touched on the oppression. Maybe somewhere in the Unicron Trilogy series of shows, never watched them all, or maybe even Prime, but not like this. EarthSpark is also new, haven't watched because no Paramount subscription :(
At just a little after 9 minutes they make a reference to the 80s movie! "You don't have the touch or the power" the iconic song from rhe 80s movie is "you got the touch, you got the pooooooower!"
This was so good!
you guys need to watch prime
If your wanting to try the games, try War for CyberTron and Fall of CyberTron they are the best transformers games ever made.
You guys have got to watch the original 1989 Transformers The animated movie. there were so many references in this movie to that movie and the t v show and the comics period you will not be disappointed period the first time I watched this movie was with you guys. I was very on the fence on On whether or not I was going to give this a chance because of how iconic transformers as a franch eyes is. I didn't want to be disappointed. Watch it 3 more times after. I've finished watching your reaction to it. Great reaction, guys thanks. And as far as DC animated movies are concerned, I recommend any of the Batman standalone ones Green Lantern emerald knights, batman superman public enemies and the sequel apocalypse.
Even Optimus prime's ending speech is a nod to the live action movies. So many hidden gems in this movie. It really was good.
I highly recommend that you guys check some transformers games, especially the Cybertron trilogy! In case you need the names:
1. Transformers: War for Cybertron
2. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
3. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
These are considered The best transformers games ever made!
Oh god dont subject them to the hell that is ROTS, I feel like they'd like Devastation a whole lot better
I personally prefer revenge of the fallen over dark spark only because I loved the pvp in revenge of the fallen and how transforming worked.
U guys should watch the Sam raimi Spider-Man trilogy if u haven’t already.
One thing this movie could have kept consistent with the comics and made it better is having Megatron still be an outspoken member of the community. In the original lore, Megatron DID start as D-16 as a miner, but he became mistreated and targeted for assassination unfairly because he wrote a liberalism treatise for civil rights. He started as an MLK like figure who became jaded and learned to throw aside ideals thinking they didn't work.
This movie ends with him in a similar end point, but they replaced the whole decent with just righteous anger at being lied to. While that's certainly easier to digest, this movie did a good surprise job that makes me sad it didn't get that extra bit in there.
As an aside, I know the animation has aged awfully, but if you guys watch Beast Wars, I would be so happy.
There are so many different versions. You're refering to the Aligned continuity Megatron origin. which began in 2010
G1 cartoon had him built by the Decepticons to be their ultimate Warrior and Leader
G1 Marvel Megatron was a gladiator who wanted to Cybertron into a big traveling battleship like Warworld
Dreanwave had miner Megatron who eventually became a violent revolutionary which was retooled into the IDW Origin.
y'all should check out Ella Enchanted!! It's soooooo good!!
If you want a good transformers series I'd recommend Transformers Prime and if you want a good game series I'd recommend Transformers War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Love you guys
I need a wild robot reaction asap
You guys should check out TMNT Mutant Mayhem if y’all haven’t already.
Already on the channel
Not gonna lie, the little Optimus impression that Chris Hemsworth started doing when he was giving a pep talk to the miners was really distracting in the climax, though Brian Tyree Henry's Megatron was *amazing*especially in the rally speech, it felt like I was listening to a combination of Frank Welker in Prime and Fred Tatascoire in the Cybertron games.
Transformers One is not Connected to Live Action Transformersits it own Universe and Timeline
there are 2 timeline to Live Action Transformers
1 is called Bayverse and 2 is called Knightverse
Knightverse is Travis Knight who made Bumblebee a Transformers Movie
there are 2 Knightverse Movies
1 is Bumblebee 2018 Movie and 2 is Transformers Rise of the Beasts (its for Transformers Beast Wars)
Bayverse has 5 Transformers Movies
3 best and 2 meh Transformers Movies
3 trilogy is Transformsers 2007, Transformers Revenges of the Fallen, Transformers Dark of the Moon,
2 Duelogy is Transformers AOE and Transformers The Last Knight
you should react to Bayverse Movies first then to Knightverse and you should watch making of Transformers Movies
Only 1 and 3 are good from bayverse, revenge of the fallen is so cringe and horribly written
ah good one thank you for pointing that out, i forgot ROTF was bad
the actions are awesome tho
humans and stuff
you right they are Cringe as hell
I really like D-16's decline. You can tell he just broke when he learned the truth. After that he had no faith and no compassion because of what was done to him. The rest of the movie is scraping together what's lest of himself to get his version of justice. Hella flawed but I wouldn't expect a broken man to have the best reasoning.
not gonna lie, the trailer did NOT give this movie justice. I was a bit sceptical because of how the trailer portrayed the story, but this movie has been nothing but an amazing ride
If you want another movie that people shat on for the trailer but loved when it came out then you should check out the Dungeons and Dragons movie
I love how boom basically spoiled the whole entire movie and like the first 17 minutes that made me laugh really hard
Luckily, I was guessing and not spoiling lol
I love this movie its just so good at doing the lore and it was funny lol. Ya'll would definately love the Transformers Prime show its so good it pretty much adds up with this movie
I really hope you guys watch Transformers Prime. It’s a great show.
2 GOATS being born at the same time is insane
I'm surprised that they knew who Megatron and Optimus prime were right away but not Bumblebee
You guys should watch transformers prime great show
Love transformers
It’s funny how I once thought about the idea of reacting to the live action ones. That and my wish list is seeing some Godzilla films, Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, & Spectacular Spider-Man or the 90’s Spider-Man show. Lol
Wild robot is unironically like easy top 5 best DreamWorks movie
16:04 I'm pretty sure the usual voice actor for Optimus died, though
Naw he's alive,just getting really old
I've got no problem with Cullen not being in it. It's not like he's the only guy to ever play Optimus. He's my favorite but there are different takes.
I hope you guys watch Transformers Prime. It's peak Transformers.
Now you guys just need to watch the Michael Bay films and the new Live-Action films!
And the original 1986 anime film!
I really need yall to watch Alien, Aliens, and Alien: Romulus. Romulus is def my favorite release this year
Wait a minute did I miss something what's with the egg man staue
i'm sorry but move over Deadpool and wolverine, you've been de-throned
This movie has had a rough deal. There was almost no marketing for it before it came to theaters and one of the 2 trailers they released made it look like a silly children's movie.
It’s so weird how comedy focused the trailers were, while using on the worst jokes, when the appeal of this movie is definitely the action and character moments
You guy should watch the Netflix transformers trilogy series.
You should play the transformers games! Especially War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron.
Ok you guys definitely gotta watch the micheal bag movies Tv show wise I highly recommend transformers prime it's one of the highest praised parts of the franchise also games wise Fall of cybertron is what you have to play
Well:..this is a suprise…LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Hell yeah!!! Also watch check out The Wild Robot, when you can. Definitely brought A tear to my eyes.
you guys should watch transformers prime it is a great show with only 3 seasons and is imo the best transformers show
It js the best besides maybe beast wars