Transformers: Dark of the Moon Reaction

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  1. TSP247
    22 days

    I loved that Leonard Nimoy voiced sentinel prime in this movie. I did wish they kept megan fox only really because i remember in the early 2000's she was every guys crush or on poster in their rooms.

  2. ntolson7
    1 month

    I cant wait til Age of Extinction and Last Knight

  3. Hannah
    1 month

    Hello... I've just joined your Patreon and I've finished watching all your Transformers reactions. Great reactions btw!! Are you going to watch the rest of the films? I like all of the them. One of you mentioned Grimlock... Well you may see him 🤐 Love the Flintstones inspired shirt! 

  4. Nighttime Globe
    2 months

    man Buzz Aldrin is still alive as well as 2 others from Apollo 11 to think 3 of them are out of there entire crew. I know buzz is 94 almost 95 in my time it's 17 days from now

  5. Robin
    2 months

    John Malkovich always reminds me of his movie Red and the sequel with Bruce Willis. Those were pretty fun!

  6. Michael
    3 months

    Megatron isn’t a prime, but his name does come from *A* prime, Megatronus

  7. RoxyLLarts
    3 months

    Please please watch transformers prime or transformers animated you'll love em

  8. Fulcrum
    3 months

    I was like 8 or 9 when this came out. I lost my fucking shit in the theater when ironhide died. 

  9. LastHale
    3 months

    While the rest of the Transformers films are not as good as the first three they are still stupid fun to watch, i mean the beats pill product placement made me laugh so fucking hard.

  10. Nerveroxis
    3 months

    While Revenge of the Fallen is the best movie in my opinion, this movie had a quality to it that made made it worthy to look eye to eye with the rest of the Sam trilogy and to join them in looking down upon what else has released.

  11. shantheman99
    3 months

    You guys should react to "Learning to love Michael Bay's Transformers movies" by Empire Wreckers on Youtube. It's genuinely very good, and not what you're expecting.

  12. bbenzo.
    3 months

    heavy suggesting a transformers prime watch through 

  13. Van
    3 months

    I personally really like the mark films because he actually fights transformers more than Sam does (in my opinion Sam does still fight but for him it’s mostly running somewhere to do something important and cool)

  14. Swordfish
    3 months

    Honestly, I kinda want you guys to watch the other two just for that Highs-and-Lows affects. Dredge through it all, but I'm cool if not.

    Bumblebee though, you should ABSOLUTELY watch! The one after that (yes, there's another) Beast Wars, I haven't watched, heard mixed reviews, that'd be up to you after Bumblebee.

  15. Swordfish
    3 months

    1, 2, then 3 for the trilogy. 3 just gets messy across the screen visually, drones on a bit. It has some great character designs and amazing action scenes, but 2 just feels better for both. I'll still pull up Rise of the Fallen for the opening scene in China, the Optimus vs Decepticons in the Forest scene, and the Battle for the Pyramids scenes.

  16. lightning132ttv
    3 months

    By the way, Megatron is NOT a Prime and he never was a Prime.

  17. Parkster01
    3 months

    In all honesty, TF4 is not bad. Sure, Mark Walhburg makes a bad texan, but I truly think the series only loses its plot in TF5. Four is only judged poorly on its follow up

  18. Brandon
    3 months

    Cant wait for y'all to react to the wahlberg movies plus bumblebee and rise of the beasts. Out of the four mentioned Id say Bumble Bee and Rise of the Beasts are the better two. The wahlberg films are still fun tho.

  19. deus._.deorum
    3 months

    Ruff in Optimus's voice " I came from a world... where mark never said, I Fwound a Twansformer"

  20. Rian
    3 months

    Y'all gotta watch transformers prime, I promise you will not regret it

  21. Narutoanime16
    3 months

    Ya'll gotta watch the Transformers Prime show its soo fire . I love the falling building scene alot this whole movie was crazy lol

  22. Flynn
    3 months

    Would love to watch them react to transformers prime 

  23. Aileen
    3 months

    There are 4 movies after these three the two with Mark, the bumblebee movie and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts which came out in 2023. Its more of a reboot of the series.

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      3 months

      Yeah, Bumblebee was the Reboot and Rise of the Beasts is the sequel to Bumblebee.

  24. Wolfie_03
    3 months

    These movies are eye-candy, yes. If you like to just turn off your brain, enjoy the mass destruction, the explosions, and high octane action, cool. Enjoy. But these movies are litterally what made me start to think of the collateral damage. The loss of life, implied life loss, and devastation left behind. Glad you guys had fun with it. Glad others like it, just makes me anxious and sad to think of the loss of life that is brushed aside. Kind of like Superman and Zod fighting in the more recent superman movie (Man of Steel, 2013). It looks amazing. But there is no slow down to realize the results of all that damage.

  25. A.M
    3 months

    As someone who loves in nj I'm hearing abiut the drone stuff from you guys lol

  26. xXSwag420ShrekXx
    3 months

    Please keep watching the transformers movies! I think you'd be missing out on some fun movies if you don't. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but they don't seem to be shoehorned in too hard, and they're fun to watch!

  27. Charles
    3 months

    Y’all need to watch the next one. The villain is sick and dinobots plus humans are assholes for what they do

  28. Austin
    3 months

    Personally I think Mark Wahlberg had a better character than Shiah but I'd say its a toss up between Dark Side of the Moon, Age of Extinction and Rise of the Beasts for best live action movie 🤷

  29. Aidan
    3 months

    Apparently, this movie was originally supposed to end with Optimus agreeing to a truce with Megatron. However, I guess the novelization got leaked, or something to that effect, and the ending was redone because of it.

  30. Mikala
    3 months

    This one is my least favorite. One of the main reasons is because Ironhide is my favorite besides Optimus and Bumblebee.

  31. kirpikins
    3 months

    the radiation related materials mostly illegal to buy if youre not working at a licensed laboratory.  Im studying chemistry rn and pretty pissed off that we dont have a one since i wanted to study nuclear chemistry 😢

  32. kirpikins
    3 months

    most matter can protect you from radiation. lead is the most efficent. for example:In interventional radiology studies, due to the high level of scattered radiation exposure, personnel should use aprons with a lead thickness of at least 0.5 mm. You actually should use lead aprons or glasses if youre having an X-ray. If the nurse havent given you one you have the right to ask for one. Most dentists doesnt actually give their patients the apron unless they ask for it

  33. Maddkandi
    3 months

    I remember seeing one of the mark walhburg movies in theaters with my dad, I believe it was the first one after this movie. It was pretty enjoyable, but I’ve never watched it again or had a single thought about it. 

  34. TNRdragon
    3 months

    i will say that sentinel in this movie at least was doing something to save his planet, the only betrayal was him siding with the decepticons in order to save cybertron, and only thinking about the needs of his race. meanwhile tf one sentinal is a horrible selfish monster that doomed his planet because he wanted power

  35. lightning132ttv
    3 months

    You guys need to watch the animated Transformers film from 1986 BEFORE you decide to watch Age of Extinction and Last Knight! It would be better to.

  36. OneAutmLeaf
    3 months

    I actually really liked the Mark Walburg movies

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      3 months

      Dude, same! I hope they watch Age of Extinction and Last Knight!

  37. _Crimson_Fkr_
    3 months

    I like the Bayformers movies but they've got the same problem as the modern godzilla & kong movies, too much human shit.

  38. CJ
    3 months

    42:27 movies aren't afraid to show that lol. They show it all the time sometimes to a very exaggerated degree  🤣 🤣.

  39. Andre
    3 months

    Sentinel's Blade in Transformers One is a reference to the blade he used in this movie. And the woman, Meary, was kinda right to be apprehensive about the use for the pillars because she worried about enemy soldiers and weapons which is exactly what the pillars were used for. The two movies after this are okay, they're not terrible but they're not my favorite. This would have been the best time to end the series in my opinion, especially after killing off 4 of the biggest names in Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Shock and Soundwave. Also Bayverse Starscream has to be the most loyal because in most continuities, Starscream wouldn't hesitate to snipe a kill from a weakened Megatron 

  40. hakairyu
    3 months

    To give a non chatgtp answer, in defiance of Ruff’s request, any matter between you and a source would technically help with radiation, especially if it’s not gas and so very spread out. Lead’s used because it’s dense, so more mass for less volume, and also cheap compared to alternatives. A few meters of water works well enough too, that’s why they keep spent fuel in deep pools until the worst of it decays. Then they entomb it in concrete and bury it, those work just the same. But if you’re gonna line a whole room, something like lead’s ideal.

  41. Childishsloth416
    3 months

    Megatron was never a prime, the villain from the last movie “the fallen” is a prime. His name was megatronus but after his betrayal the other primes decided to erase his name from history. That’s why he’s considered the first decepticon and why he’s just called “the fallen”.

  42. Childishsloth416
    3 months

    Please react to transformers prime, it’s one of the best transformers shows ever.

  43. Cerebral
    3 months

    um mr ruff sir, transformers IS a cinematic masterpiece! :D

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      3 months

      Not quite lol.

  44. Dinamo89
    3 months

    The Transformers The movie 1986 and Transformers Prime, come on Billies! let them hear!

  45. Jeremiah
    3 months

    If you guys want more satisfying character stuff and better story with the transformers you gotta watch the shows like Transformers Prime they are basically these movies but actually focus on the transformers it also was a big influence on Transformers One. 

  46. Brandan
    3 months

    My ranking is TF, Bumblebee, TF ROTB, TF3DOTM, TF2 ROTF, TF4 AOE, TF5 TLK . From the live action films. 

  47. Kris
    3 months

    The way they talk it sounds like they don’t realize there’s 7 live action movies, including the one after Bumblebee. Boom will lose his mind at that one!

  48. KingOfRedLions89
    3 months

    I hope you guys react to the Bumblebee movie and Transformers Rise of the Beasts

  49. Chris
    3 months

    At the execution scene, while they're forcing Bumblebee on his knees, you can see Barricade, the cop car Deception. You can that he turns away when Shockwave tries to kill Bee. The sad and cool part about these Bayverse films is they show shades of gray. Decpticons don't want to kill the Autobots, they just to end the fight and rebuild.

  50. amazingworldofgumballstan
    3 months

    As someone who is really b(i)ased, just watch 4 and stay away from 5. The only good thing about 5 is Anthony Hopkins in general. 4 has my fav transformer in the entire series, and some really cool concepts. It jusg fumbles really bad in almost anything. I like it cause dumb action = monkey brain

  51. Gabriel
    3 months

    I hope you guys watch the next transformers movies

  52. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    Wait these movies have Story? They are not just Robot Kaiju fight fest?

    1 replies
    1. Mr.Maple
      3 months

      And after rewatching all of these. Transformers ONE reigns supreme by FAR lol.

  53. Gabriel
    3 months

    Awesome reaction guys. Also I get the whole Megatron turning on Sentinel because of Carly seemed out of no where but they did show Carly seeing Sentinel roughing up Megatron through the telescope. But I get it, at the scene I always just imagine Megatron being like I know you're playing me but you're right lol

  54. Residentfan 1
    3 months

    You did in fact look up whether it was Steve Buscemi last movie and came to the conclusion that it was Tom Kenny and repeated your mistake this time

  55. RedAlphaWolf808
    3 months

    I think you should watch 4 and 5 also they were still good imo

  56. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    nothing good about new jersey or new york

  57. kitrembo
    3 months

    If y’all want another badass character named Dutch, definitely check out Black Lagoon! 

  58. Tobito
    3 months

    So, fun fact: The reason Carly comes off alot like a Michaela replacement is because Megan Fox was fired from Transformers 3 after the script was already finished. There wasn't time for extensive rewrites so they basically just crossed out Michaela's name and wrote Carly in her place. Add one small scene of how she and Sam met, as well as the occasional offhanded comment about Michaela dumping Sam and tadaa! Character replaced without extensive rewrites.

  59. Julian
    3 months

    I kinda hope you do the 4 and 5, i like them, even the fifth one  , and then you could do the reboot :D

  60. cznquest
    3 months

    These are Good anyone who says different is brain dead or just hates fun to be nicer

  61. Miles
    3 months

    TO answer your question on best transformers game they are WAR FOR CYBERTRON, FALL OF CYBERTRON there is a third game in the trilogy called RISE OF THE DARK SPARK but that is not loved like the first two. In my Opinion the only good parts of that third game are the flash back parts of the story in G1

  62. Darc
    3 months

    Yeah. A planet that big being teleported to earth, even slowly, would fuck us over beyond measure. 

  63. Dylan
    3 months

    You guys should do some godzilla movies

    1 replies
    1. Kingwukong72
      3 months

      I hope they do all the Monsterverse movies

  64. Andy
    3 months

    I think the fourth one is worth a watch! A lot of awesome moments. The last one….yeah yikes, but maybe you’d enjoy that one.

  65. striker
    3 months

    Fun fact this wasn't the original ending for the film.The original ending was prime and Megatron coming to an understanding and taking down sentinel together

    And the film ending with the autobots and decepticons coming to a truce which is where the trilogy was supposed to end..

    But then the tie in comic got leaked and spoiled the ending 

    So they changed it to what was the new ending

  66. nickmanus
    3 months

    Once again, another fantastic reaction! I'm SO glad you guys did this trilogy! And while 4 (AOE) is okay (5, TLK is utter garbage, lol), I personally think it's best you leave it here and do the Bumblebee movie and Rise of the Beasts (separate live-action universe from this one) if you decide to continue with Transformers films and stay away from Age of Extinction and the Last Knight. That's just my opinion. But, of course, if you do still want to look into other Transformers media, Transformers Prime (top tier peak Transformers!) is always an option... Hehehe!!! 😁😄

  67. Dark
    3 months

    When it comes to the ending with Megatron being so easily manipulated by Carly and turning on Sentinel a lot of people forget what happened in the 2nd movie. Megatron got half his brains blown out & his jaw destroyed by Optimus. Fast forward to this movie and he still has a giant hole in his head cause he wouldn’t let his doctors properly fix him instead of killing them. He wasn’t thinking straight cause he can’t which is why he made such odd decisions and also wasn’t very involved in the final fight

  68. COREY
    3 months

    That white building is a real place. It is the Milwaukee Art Museum and I used to always jog past it during our summer Football mini camps. 

  69. John
    3 months

    I would say if you don’t want to watch the 4th and 5th watch bumblebee and rise of the beast

  70. endymion619_96433
    3 months

    in order my favorites are 2,4,1,5,3

  71. Jiggy
    3 months

    The English voice actor for Naruto is in this movie working at the same company as Sam

  72. genericgamer283
    3 months

    Look, im not gonna sugarcoat it, the next 2 are ass. I wouldn't even mind if you skipped the 5th one, but I NEED you to see the 4th one for a particular scene involving Texan Law (iykyk).

  73. Darc
    3 months

    And just think. If they actually put in any effort at all for chernobyl the nuclear power would be amazing. But no, some asshats fucked it up and now everyone is scared of nuclear energy, the cleanest and strongest energy we have access to. Even the waste from decades of nuclear plants could fill 10 Porto potties

  74. sombra_hacker09
    3 months


  75. Darc
    3 months

    I hope people realize that not doing any research leads to fucked up misinformation like "there are aliens just flying around new jersey"

  76. Darc
    3 months

    Its kind of a toss up sometimes. It's like a video game, sure it can look good, sure it can play decent. But if the characters, writing, and story suck ass then it's not exactly good

  77. KeterLordFR
    3 months

    I absolutely agree about still liking the movies. There's a huge amount of movies that people consider "bad" or even "trash" that I enjoy simply because I find them fun or spectacular. Of course they're not the best movies in the world, that notion is subjective anyway so it doesn't matter, but I still enjoy watching and sometimes re-watching them. Heck, I love every Michael Bay Transformers movies, even the last 2, simply because there's an incredible amount of work put into spectacular visual effects, and I don't even find the scripts to be that bad. To me, they're great. It's annoying to see people expecting perfection all the time and trying to shame others for having some harmless fun watching a freaking movie. If they don't like it, they don't watch it, it literally doesn't hurt them that the movie exists.

  78. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    Q or you know him as Wheeljackthe Red Car name Dino or know him as Mirage

    From G1

  79. nominomiss
    3 months

    Wohoo!! More transformers!!!

  80. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    Fun FactsCarly is from Transformers G1 Cartoon

    This Movie is based of Transformers G1 Episode Ultimate Doom

    i let some people do G1 Transformers for you and Learn

  81. Jared
    3 months

    Age Of Extinction isn't that bad. It has its issues(as do all of them), but it's really not bad(at least the last 4th of the movie, lmao.)It's just as obnoxiously goofy as the others, and that's really all you look for in most Michael Bay movies. However, The Last Knight is actually just bad.

  82. Curtis
    3 months

    Saw this in theaters. Liked it, but It almost felt like two separate movies.

  83. F7
    3 months

    If you guys continue past this go into the next two movies as a separate universe from the trilogy

    1 replies
    1. kekkers
      3 months

      The only live action ones that are separate are bumblebee and rise of the beasts 

  84. Logan
    3 months

    This movie was not my favorite in the chaya series but it's better than the stuff recently 

  85. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    this Movie is my Favorite of Transformers Live ActionYou Guys Should React to The Transformers The movie 1986

    PLZ Watch it!!

    1 replies
    1. Chris
      3 months

      Bro yes g1 to the max

      1 replies
      1. KaiserKnight217
        3 months

        Spread it for them to watch G1 Movie!

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