The Mummy Returns Reaction

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  1. Y0GE
    7 days

    The mummy movies have the same charm as Indiana Jones movies in that it knows it's a fun action adventure movie and leans into it full ham.

  2. JRax
    14 days

    The special effects in this movie are absolutely hilarious somehow still better than modern Marvel movies but this was a fun one. I enjoy the rides at universal a lot better than the movies though

  3. Aileen
    23 days

    this was the rocks first movie!! He credits Brenden Freizser for giving him his big break as an actor. 

  4. Jacob
    24 days

    I hope u watch the 3rd one it's still pretty good 

  5. Skeletor
    1 month

    Van Helsing too me was Steven Summers best movie and I hope they watch that movie after these mummy films and The Best 2 The Rock Movies I like is The Run Down and San Andreas

  6. Captain
    1 month

    God, Oded Fehr lines about a thin line between Coincidence and Fate makes me upset he wasn't the live action Doctor Fate in DC. I know he was the voice in the animated series but he would have continued to be perfect as the character. 

    And with Jonathan being fairly competent with guns, especially when he drops this jokester attitude, I always liked the theory that he fought in WW1. He's a crack shot with that rifle and if you remember in the first movie he very easily and casually uses various pistols. But from the horror he experienced in the Great War he plays at being this jester and commensurate failure and alcoholic to just escape it. 

    And I agree with another comment. Watch the Corridor Crew video where they have I think the lead CGI guy from the movie and they have a great talk about this. Guy is really accepting that it wasn't his teams best work but I think the main reason was that they had like 3 days with how the Rocks schedule worked to do anything with scanning and modeling him. So in terms of the movie they had literally no time to do anything and it's actually impressive what they managed with such a small time.

  7. Unstablebeast
    1 month

    More brenden freizser movies please! george of the jungle and the whale both bring my top picks for 2 very different performances 

  8. Mantas
    1 month

    I would really love if you guys would do the reaction to mummy cartoon

  9. Sharkmiser93
    1 month

    I like to think that the jungle sequence reminds me of the director's work on the 1994 remake of Jungle Book.

  10. MordredKane
    1 month

    to be fair to the British museum most people in the area of the middle east would rather blow up ancient artifacts that preserve them LOL

  11. The
    1 month

    Definitely check out George of the Jungle, Journey to the Center of the Earth and The Whale!!!!

  12. SlapHappyGreen
    1 month

    So glad you've done the first 2 movies of this cause I love them and the reactions were fun af. I hope you do the 3rd as well cause its still a good movie even if its not quite as good as the OG 2, still has some great acting a good story, and the CG is MUUUUUCH better. I had to look into it after you guys talked about it in the credits but the 1st movie did the same thing Returns did, only had a budget of $80Mil but made about $420Mil so both movies did wildly well.  However Scorpion King only made about $180Mil against a $60Mil budget so still did well but not nearly as successful which might be why it took so long for them to come around and do a 3rd movie

  13. Kat
    1 month

    I recommend watching the corridor digital video on youtube "We fixed the worst VFX shot ever" where they redid the CGI scorpion king in this movie. Their version still isn't perfect, but I think is a good example of what a remaster should be. They also have a VFX artists react episode with one of the VFX artists who worked on this movie, and they talk about that scene.

  14. MelaninSweetie
    1 month

    The Mummy 1-2 is worth it. Rush Hour 1-2 is great. Rush Hour 3 isn’t too bad it just feels forced to happen. Like what they did with The Mummy 3 and Shrek 3 and 4.

  15. capkyros
    1 month

    The CGI on Rock looks so bad because of a specific reason. Yes the tech at the time wasn't great but what happened was the CG team asked to spend a day with Rock to get the reference material they needed such as detailed pictures of his face and eyes. But they couldn't get it cuz of his schedule. So they had to use existing pictures. Also I say watch the 3rd but take it with alot of grains of salt.

  16. Angel
    1 month

    I recommend watching the show Doom Patrol. Brendan Fraser is in the show..

  17. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    the 3rd one is tomb of the dragon emperor and i think it has better cgi than the second one 

  18. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    yesssssss watch the third one its worth it becuase it does a time skip and its amazingggggg i think the cgi is better i can say in the 3rd one 

  19. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    u guys have to do the rest of the movies man plz do it!!!!!!!!

  20. The
    1 month

    now we need Mummy 3 and The Scorpion King movies!!!

  21. Enya
    1 month

    I’m pretty sure that’s also the Downton Abbey castle lol 

  22. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i've beeen waiting for this , these movies i grew up with and i love my mom for showing me this young and now i get to watch it again with u guys since its been years since i seen it again 

  23. Sharkmiser93
    1 month

    That was a milk snake Evy kicked and nearly hit Rick. Yes, milk snakes and coral snakes look alike but there's a rhyme to remember when you're in the Southeast region. Red and black, venom lack, red and yellow can kill a fellow. 

    Egyptian asps are another name for cobras. Asps are found in Europe, and they are venomous.

  24. mcwilson_1
    1 month

    There was a really good animated series that spun off from this

  25. Anthony
    1 month

    Now look up an huntsman spider

  26. hurryupmode
    1 month

    Did you mean to leave 1:27:58 - 1:35:46 in? 

    BTW I totally agree about the Sony State Of Play. There were so many new and interesting IPs.

    The next State Of Play, they announce fuckin whatever highly anticipated From Software release or remaster or whatever and then gamers will bitch about no new IPs. Gamers are NEVER fuckin happy.

  27. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    The mansion also looks suspiciously like the X-Men school

  28. hurryupmode
    1 month

    The pillars in the beginning falling like dominos was a callback to Evy knocking down the bookshelves

    1 replies
    1. Colonel
      1 month

      Ty, I was about to mention this.

  29. jango381
    1 month

    If you do watch all the GOW Cutscenes I’m definitely interested 

  30. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 month

    The third movie at least has Michelle Yeoh so it’s worth a watch. 

  31. Atticus
    1 month

    Why didn't they just splice Dwayne Johnson's torso onto a scorpion body?

  32. Joanna
    1 month

    Erik yes! They used to do that all the time for DVD sets and Blu-Ray sets for trilogies! Lol 

  33. sam16621
    1 month

    Movie recommendation: Brandon Lee's The CROW.

  34. sam16621
    1 month

    "No Faith." 

    - Ruff 2025

  35. Toxic
    1 month

    look despite this movies flaws with cgi and some script writing errors i still love this movie so much

  36. Robin
    1 month

    I'm looking forward for all the movies! Also, maybe give John Carter a chance?

  37. theater_grandpa
    1 month

    This one is my favorite 

  38. Diamond
    1 month

    Yeah baby! Let's make sure they do the 3rd too lol. Watch, watch, watch

  39. Dylan
    1 month

    Letd go, I love this movie, perhaps more than thr first

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