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9 days
Yessssss, please watch the extended editions
1 month
I would absolutely watch you guys react to the entire series again, and I really really Really hope you do The Hobbit movies too!!
2 months
I'd say watch the cartoon Hobbit movie first, maybe even the Lord of Rings cartoon as well for shirts and giggles, and then go into the movies. The movies are fine enough, but knowing how the cartoon Hobbit is better before hand would give you an idea on why people hate on the Hobbit Trilogy.
2 months
I would 100% want you guys to watch the extended versions, they make the movies so much better. Also while they are not as good as Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit movies are still good and you should definitely watch them. The second film has my favourite villain in any of the Hobbit or LOTR films.
2 months
So, are you going to be playing the Shadow of Mordor/War games on the channel?
2 months
Huh, never noticed the drastic difference between extended and theater editions before. You guys didn't even see what happened to Saruman.
2 months
Ooh yeah, there is a funny clip where Elijah and Sean are playing co-op Baldur's Gate and Elijah doesn't want to get rid of an evil item, so Sean just pushes Elijah's character in the lava. xD
2 months
There is a new animated Lord of the Rings movie called the war of the Roirrim. And I still need you guys to watch the biopic Tolkien.
2 months
The first Hobbit movie is good. The 2nd is okay & ths 3rd is not great. But worth watching for sure!.. & seriously the extended editions are incredible. 4k & all is nutz!! Return of the King & Two Towers especially are better movies extended.
2 months
Eowyn was always loved by LOTR fans. Her "I am no man" wasn't considered cringe. Miranda Otto the actor even talks about this in an interview
2 months
PLEASE watch the extended editions. They are even better & you guys have had an amazing reaction to the theatrical. Second viewing is even better
2 months
Good news, though: Sam was eventually permitted to go to the Undying Lands to live out the rest of his days with Frodo.
2 months
Sam was definitely the hero of the story, the Ring tempted him exactly once and it promised to make him the best gardener in all the shire, and he said "no I'm fine thanks"
2 months
I'd love to see the extended versions~
2 months
rewatch the whhole series extended
2 months
Lol at the end during the Orlando Bloom meme video when Sean noticed they were accidentally spoiling future things.
2 months
So when is the extended edition coming?
2 months
I would absolutely love to see you react to the extended versions, or at the very least a few of the scenes from extended!
2 months
Definitely watched the hobbit,and have Bree watch the extended version with you
2 months
I would 100% watch a re-watch reaction series to the extended editions, and also reactions to the extensive behind the scenes content
2 months
I also would recomend to watch behind the scenes if you have the extended editions. It is really fascinating how they progressed in making these movies. And the way they did it if fairly unique. I sometimes just put them on to have in the background and listen to it. The process is insane, with costumes, props, drawing board, script, actors, stunt people, their struggles and blupers. I would love to see someone react to them. They are long and you might not want to react to them all but they are really interesting to see behind the scenes. And if you ever are going to watch the behind the scenes this trilogy is the one to do it!
2 months
It has been sooo long sense I have seen the original movies and not the extended cut. It feels so weird. You expect certain scenes and they are just not there. XD
2 months
Boom really likes to make assumptions about things and say them like he knows info, like just say "I'm not sure".
2 months
Yes please the extended editions & the animated movies from the 80's
1 replies
2 months
Also may want to check out 'A simpl Walk' where people from Roosterteeth walk the distance from the Shire to Mordor in New Zeland
2 months
I don't remember if this was in the book, but the fact that there were 3 eagles that came to rescue Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom makes me think that Gandalf had a little bit of hope that Smeagol would still be alive at the end.
2 months
god this trilogy is so good I'd even watch a rewatch of the entire thing
3 months
the palantir bit can be summed up as follows: "Bad news, Sauron now knows everything Pippin knows. Good news, Pippin doesn't know shit."
3 months
Yall just talked all the way through Rohirrim charge. About nothing even related to movie. There is no greater battle charge in cinema and y’all just talked all through Theoden speech not even paying attention. Disappointing to say the least.
3 months
It is absolutely criminal to not watch Extended. Makes zero sense to watch theatrical. So much missed content.
1 replies
2 months
agreed! I've only ever watched the extended edition and I had no idea that the theatrical completely skips Sarumon's death!
3 months
You should absolutely watch the extended editions. The extended editions are considered to be in the S tier above the theatrical release.
3 months
You guys should watch the rankin bass hobbit movie it looks silly but it’s a way better adaptation of the hobbit than the three movies
3 months
Fun fact : the kid that Sam picks up at the end is Sean Astin's daughter. A little detail that I always love.
1 replies
2 months
and the Baby his wife is holding is her actual daughter.
3 months
Definitely watch rings of power
3 months
Yes! Definitely watch the extended editions!
3 months
3 months
Fun fact: Most of the Rohirrim were women with beards. They were asking for owners of horses to fill in to be extras. Most of those who showed were women with their own horses. So yeah most were wearing helmets all the time and the fake beard.
3 months
Please watch the extended edition. We will watch all of it!
3 months
I loved the reaction to the movie and the cartoon! Fantastic!
3 months
Please, watch them again as extended edition.
3 months
of course we want y'all to watch them again
3 months
The Hobbit movies aren’t nearly as good but they’re fun!! If you go in prepared understanding it’s not the same caliber, they’re just fine. The Rings of Power is NOT worth your time. Many people who are die hard fans couldn’t get through the second season- even most reactors just said ‘hey we can’t finish the series, sorry guys’..
3 months
100% watch the Hobbit movies, but if you want a nearly accurate version, there is a 4 hour edited version. The M4 fan edit was made with the book in hand. That being said, I'm personally quite fond of the additions just for fun. Heres the link to the fan edit:
1 replies
3 months
I actually think the fan edit is worse than the trilogy.
If the trilogy is bloated, the fan edit is desiccated. Even with all the fluff and fan service in the trilogy cut out there's still 2 movies worth of film, cutting down to 1 movie was an insane choice.
3 months
To answer your question about army sizes at the battle of pelenor fields ... its ticky.
The only cannon sources are in the novel but in the novel the ghost army does not come to Minas Tirith. It only helps deal with the corsair ships. Aragorn then rallies the released southern gondor defense armies which is who he brings to release gondor on the black ships.
So book army sizes are thus:
Gondor defense army: 3000
Rohirrim Cavalry: 6000
Aragorn's southern gondor relief army: about 5000 max
Orcs/ eastern Evil men: 10s of thousands ( like atleast 20,000 min)
Trolls, Eliphants, etc: close to 1000
Plus the Nazgul.
3 months
I'm in the same boat with Mikala, I havent watched the theatrical versions since they were in theaters. I'd forgotten how much worse the writing is in alot of scenes with the extended material cut. Esspecially the opening were ( without the extended material) they seem to ride to isengard for absolutely no reason. Like why exactly did Gandalf, theodin, gimli and the rest go to isengard on this version exactly?
I know from a move the plot forward perspective they need to find pippin and merry and the pilantiri ( probably spelled that wrong)
But the characters had no way to KNOW marry and pippin where at isengard till they got there.
The extended cut gives a valid reason for why they all went to isengard following helms deep AND if you watched the extended Two towers you understand while the forest suddenly extends all the way up to isengard walls when in the last shot we see in theatrical it's been cut back for miles from isengard
3 months
You NEED to watch the extended editions. I think you should also record them. There are so many scenes that I would love to see your reactions to. I haven't watched the theatrical versions since I was a kid and watching along with you guys, there were definitely some scenes that I feel like are SO good and should have been included.
3 months
PLEASE record reactions to the Extended Editions when you watch them!
3 months
Interesting information for your rewatch through the extended versions - Sam was not the first person that willingly gave up the ring when he gives it back after Shelob paralyzed Frodo. It was actually Bilbo in Fellowship of the Ring back at his home when Gandalf told him to leave it and he willingly dropped it on the ground, which is why that particular scene was shot with so much intensity with the music, but without knowing why it's significant it seems out of place at first.
3 months
Yes!! Re-watch with the extended and then the Hobbit. But do the Hobbit extended as well
3 months
Really looking forward to seeing how this journey continues with the extended editions, the hobbit, ROP, and even the new animated film. Exciting times for LOTR fans!
3 months
Please for the love of all that is holy watch the extended versions, I will gladly rewatch them with you. God LOTR is soooo good and I love that Ruff is like I WANT MOOOAARR and I love that for him.
3 months
I always assumed the Land of the Undying was actually just a place where they all rest in piece, not a place to continue living. Especially after Gandalf explained there is more after death? So, considering elves don't actually die of age, but if they grow tired of living, they sail to that island to actually let themselves pass on in a respectable place, an elf graveyard, if you will. BUT, that's just how I understood it.
3 months
Such a fantastic film and film series! Absolutely would love to see you guys react to the extended versions. Funnily enough, when my Dad introduced me to the series he only ever showed me the extended editions but never called them that, so I always thought those were the only version of the films.
3 months
A cool detail you can see in this movie is how bruised Frodo’s neck is where the chain holding the ring is. It quite literally weighing on him.
3 months
I never realized it before but a gambling Legolas share a horse when they're going to the Mountain with Aragorn nice to touch the show the development of their friendships and Trust since they both started out pretty much racist toward each other
1 replies
3 months
* Gimli and Legolas
3 months
I't would be nice if you watched the extended editions becuase i don't know where to watch them and google is convinced they are on prime and max
3 months
Bruh I've watched the extended edition trilogy like 4 times this year. Hell yeah I'll watch ya'll do an extended edition rewatch
3 months
I have loved the Lord of The Rings movies since they came out so I'm very glad to see you all enjoy them so much. In my opinion, it is the only book made movies where the movies are better than the books. I'm sure I'm in the minority of those that believe this but the books were hard to read and I just feel the movies captured the writing of Tolkien and presented them much better than my imagination ever could. I would be down to watch you all react to the extended versions!
3 months
The lore is far more deeper and Lord of The Rings only covers the top peak of the iceberg. One could say the first dark lord is the main character which the entire lore/legendarium revolves he is the common denominator through out it.
3 months
If you care about the lore, Rings of Power is not the way to go. They only had access to the appendix of a book and all the Tolkien scholars left the making of the show because of the lore changes they kept making
1 replies
3 months
I thought the primary reasoning for that was the Tolkien estate wouldn't allow them to use The Silmarillion so they just picked what they could legally use.
1 replies
3 months
Right, all they had legal access to was the appendix lol. They never should’ve tried to make the show with what they had access to. They should’ve just made their own show unattached to Tolkien
3 months
I actually lovee The Hobbit movies too
3 months
If you want more Elijah, he voices a yeti named Saxaphone in summer camp island!
3 months
the way I was waiting for that "Fool of a Took" for 20 minutes. Gandalf also said it in the first movie when Pippin knocked over all the armour and chains down the well in the dwarf place
3 months
they sail to Valinot at the end. its the land of the gods and the original home of the elves. Death does not exist there, so they will never die while being there. It also it not physically on earth. Its outside, so normally you cannot get there, but the gods granted the elves and certain individuals like Frodo, Bilbo and even Gimli to come
2 replies
3 months
Mortals are not granted eternal life in Valinor. They simply get to enjoy the remainder of their lives in comfort and without pain. Tolkien mentions the Valar can't make fundamental changes to mortals. Only Eru (essentially the creator of all) can grant immortality. So technically it's possible for Frodo, Bilbo, and Gimli to be granted eternal life, but we don't know for sure.
What's wild is there was some text where Tolkien alluded to mortal lives actually being shortened in Valinor. Though no idea if that's canon or not.
3 months
3 months
I think it's good to watch the theatrical versions first. I love the extended versions. I think those are great if you want a longer stay in Middle Earth, to learn more, and have a longer adventure. However, the theatrical versions are the essential experience. Peter Jackson himself says the theatrical versions are the definitive versions. I do think there are many extended version bits you would love. Maybe give it a year or two, then give them a watch. Hobbit movies first though!
3 months
Did you guys seriously talk over the epic Brave Heart moment from Theoden? Dudes, really???
3 months
So fun fact; they needed so many extras for the battle of the black gate, that they called in the New Zealand army Reserves. And they all got really into it and took it seriously 😂
3 months
Another good Lord of the Rings game that might be under the radar is Return to Moria.
3 months
Extended scene reaction! Yes!!!
3 months
Ride of the Rohirrim is one of my favorite scenes in basically any movie, ever. I can't describe what it was like to see on the big screen when it released. In-universe, there are six thousand riders with Theoden. In reality, it was several hundred extras charging across a large field. They put out an open casting call for anyone with a horse who knew how to ride, and the majority of people who showed up were women, so that scene involves a whole lot of female riders wearing beards and face obscuring helmets.
I would watch the shit out of you guys watching the extended editions. The LotR trilogy is a masterpiece, the extended editions are masterpiece+. The thing about them though is that while there are definitely entire scenes that weren't in the theatrical cuts, there are also a *lot* of scenes that were in the theatrical release but were edited down for time (or, sometimes, references to scenes that were cut), that have been restored. So it's possible to Youtube the new ones, but the changes aren't as clean as simply adding new scenes. If you had to watch only one of the extended edition movies, though, I'd definitely point at Return of the King. That movie is so dense with material that some genuinely important stuff got left out, such as what happened to Saruman, or why, after Gandalf says Sauron won't take the bait of them marching on the Black Gates, he ends up doing so anyway.
There's hours and hours of behind the scenes stuff that came with the original release of the extended editions. Some of it probably wouldn't make good reaction material even if it's awesome because it gets into a lot of the technical details of sets, special effects, etc, but I do recommend the three (I think there are three?) segments on Tolkien, and Fellowship of the Cast. There are segments on how they adapted each book, but it's been a long time since I saw them so I don't remember enough to know if they'd be a good reaction watch. I know there's a segment about Andy Serkis throwing himself around all over doing the motion capture, and how they turned that performance into the Gollum that's onscreen.
I love the Hobbit book, but the movies are an example of Hollywood doing what Hollywood does. They wanted another Lord of the Rings, and the Hobbit is, on top of being a single novel that's not remotely as dense as LotR, a book that was aimed to include a younger audience. There's a lot more whimsy in the Hobbit than LotR, so the movies have some serious tone problems on top of being stretched beyond reason. Production and filming were also hell. It was originally going to be directed by Guillermo del Toro (I'm so sad we didn't get to see his version), before he left the project over, ahem, creative differences, and Peter Jackson was effectively hauled back in without much time at all to write let alone direct. The actors do their damnedest and the movies are kind of amazingly better than you'd expect given what was going on behind the scenes, but the quality downgrade from 'absolute masterpiece' is very noticeable. I'd wait a little bit to watch them, because I think you'd enjoy them more if there was some breather space between them and this.
3 months
I would absolutely 100% watch y'all watch the Extended Editions. Also, I have SUCH a hard time watching this movie because Sam's crying gets me every time. But I stuck it out to watch with y'all and I'd do it again!
3 months
Only morons bitched about Eowyns line when she took down the Witch-King. They failed to realize its verbatim what she said and did in the books from fucking 1955. Its what us nerds wanted.
1 replies
3 months
I'm sure there were people in 1955 livid about Eowyn's inclusion in the novels, but happily we did not have the internet so they either had to fume in obscurity or write angry letters about it.
3 months
There's also a funny theory that Frodo doesn't actually know Legolas' name. He doesn't explicitly ever state Legolas' name ever in the films. In the reunion scene when Legolas enters the room, Frodo doesn't say his name like the others while also having an odd look on his face. Technically, the pages Frodo writes at the end of the film does mention Legolas, but it could mean he just asked Sam for the name much later lol.
1 replies
3 months
And here I am scanning comments because I brain farted his name 😶🌫️🤣😶🌫️
3 months
My understanding with Frodo and Bilbo traveling to the Undying Lands with Gandalf and the elves was to give them peace and comfort for the rest of their mortal lives. As Ring Bearers, their lives were tormented for some time. It's especially evident with Frodo and his stab wound from Weathertop. Think of it as a means to completely ease any pain and PTSD.
In the books, there were a few more who eventually travel to the Undying Lands. Sam also goes to the Undying Lands after his wife Rosie passes. He entrusts the Red Book to his daughter and went to the Grey Havens because he too was technically a Ring-bearer - albeit for a short time. Both he and Frodo reunite there. 120 years after the War of the Ring, Legolas also took Gimli as an honored guest to the Undying Lands out of the latter's desire to see the beauty of Galadriel again. He became the first Dwarf to visit the Undying Lands.
3 months
One thing I say in regards to the extended editions is I think return of the king has one of the worse ones in terms of a first watch.
The theatrical cut doesn’t show Aragorn again from the moment he asks the ghosts to help and they show up to help, you don’t even get a response on if the ghosts are going to help. It creates natural tension suspense.
Sure some watchers can probably guess or assume the ghosts will come to save the day, but in terms of objective story telling knowing the ghosts are already going to help and are on their way undersells the entire battle.
When you know for 100% fact the ghosts are coming the main battle just feels like you’re waiting for them to come save the day, while in the theatrical cut you don’t fully know if they are coming, or if the men might pull something else off
Like I said it’s not a deep or complex moment, but I think from an objective perspective the story flows better when viewer isn’t shown the ghosts agree to help and are on their way
3 months
Not as a reaction but you guys should check out the behind the scenes for these movies, there both interesting and hilarious, especially the parts about Andy Serkis becoming Gollum. He originally was only going to be the voice, but his performance while reading convinced perter that he needed to mocap as well
3 months
Definitely need to watch the Hobbit trilogy
3 months
I havn’t seen the theatrical versions since the theater. The extended versions feel like a completely different movie (better).
3 months
You guys should also watch all the old animated Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies
3 months
I'm so happy how much Ruff loved these movies. Also I would love to see you guys watch the Extended Editions, there is so much extra stuff which expands and add upon things. I can't wait for you guys to watch the Hobbit movies aswell. Rings of Power is up to you guys, I'd recommend atleast checking it out. You guys should watch the War of the Rohirrim animated movie coming out soon
3 months
This was so good! If you like Peter Jackson's stuff I would love to see y'all watch the Peter Jackson King Kong. Weird movie but lots of awesome huge set pieces and great CGI!
3 months
Please Watch the Hobbit Trilogy next!! It's not the original trilogy but it has its own charm and honestly a fun time.
3 months
random request, but when's the last time you guys saw the original Jurassic Park? that'd be super cool to see a reaction of
3 months
Hobbit yes, Rings of Power no.
1 replies
3 months
Agreed. ones just a bloated project that still has the heart of tolkien in it. RoP is just awful sludge that shits on the world of tolkien
1 replies
3 months
Oh please the hobbit movies are filled with nonsense, I can’t take any dorks seriously who are willing to give those movies a pass while whining about rings of power
3 months
I would love to watch the extended version with Y'all, never seen it, always wanted to
3 months
You guys should definitely check out some nerd of the rings videos if you want a deeper dive into the lore.
3 months
As great as these movies are the major thing that annoyed me with this movie series is Frodo himself quite possibly one of the most incompetent main character characters of all time
2 replies
3 months
Tell me you didn't understand one of the major themes of the story without telling me you didn't understand one of the major themes of the story
3 months
To be fair, the guy is pretty preoccupied carrying the all corrupting item on his neck the whole time, the same item that outright turns most people on sight.
3 months
definitely do extended when you can work it in.
3 months
ya i would be down for the extended editions and the hobbit movies
3 months
i would be very interest in his "better solution" for the Oliphant charge......please do a video on his expertise on medieval cavalry warfare
3 months
So funny enough, the book that Frodo was writing in at the end is supposed to have been the original manuscript that Tolkien merely translated. Within his own writing, Tolkien placed himself as a sort of linguistic historian who was building out this "missing historical myth" of England. So the Lord of the Rings is more of an autobiography by Frodo, with the accounts of the other perspectives from the other members of the Fellowship.
3 months
I would totally rewatch the series but you should do the extended editions
3 months
With the "nothing to combat dragons" technically those aren't dragons but i guess it still stands, but dragons are basically extinct at the time of LOTR, there might be one or two hanging around but they would not be living where people are, so most nations would not be expecting an attack by dragons or dragonlike beings
1 replies
3 months
Those one or two possible dragons probably are just the sea serpents
3 months
Glad you guys enjoyed the Lord of the Rings, hope you guys do watch the extended editions, even if you don’t record them, you should watch them for your own enjoyment. As for the Hibbit movies, I personally enjoyed them, they weren’t as good as the Lord of the Rings, but I find the extended editions are much better than the theatrical versions. So my option is you watch them instead of the theatrical, if you guys decide to watch the hobbit. They aren’t as bad as people make them out to be.
3 months
Konrad Kyeser was a famous German siege engineer who wrote a book about siege warfare
3 months
I think the books go into more detail, but Faramir's father was using a Palantir and it corrupted his mind just enough to lose hope and faith, and to go psycho.
3 months
I have a special request... You should look up Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Sean Astin (Samwise) play baldurs gate 3 with the head of larian studio, its such a funny marketed ad video.
3 months
The Hobbit movies would be fine if they hadn't insisted on trying to recreate some of the scenes that make LOTR so memorable, ie: Arwen's entrance > Evangeline showing up to heal the dwarf. For whatever reason the studio wouldn't leave Jackson alone and let The Hobbit just be what it is. HOWEVER, they do add in quite a bit of cannon lore that is happening in the book but wasn't written in the book. One thing Tolkien wished was that he had made The Hobbit darker like his later books. All that said I think they are worth watching and very entertaining. If for no other reason than you get 'Jackson lore' behind why Legolas apparently never runs out of arrows and his glorious campaign of 'Don't touch my stuff!' 🤣
it's hillarious they thought that the 4 kids at Sam's wedding were his and Rosie's. Like how fast do they think Hobbits grow.
3 months
I'm gonna say it- no dinosaurs could fly. Pterosaurs could, but they were a distinct group from dinosaurs.
3 months
Check out the Hobbit movies too!
3 months thought this might interest you guys
3 months
The land the elves are going Is also where the gods live and there are no elves besides aowyn and legolas left in middleearth the rest left and even then legolas only leave when gimli is at the end of his life and legolas also brings him to the undying lands.
3 months
I will happily watch the extended editions with you guys. I can not believe how many scenes were cut out of the theatrical version! Like this edition is great, the story is fantastic and I still cry either way. Loved the reactions. I would be down for The Hobbit trilogy too. I still very much enjoyed The Hobbit movies a lot. It gave me more to experience in this world and so much more backstory. Cannon-ness can be debated later. I think you all would love watching them too, they are fun.
3 months
So I only recently found you guys on Youtube, and after watching a few of the videos on there, I knew I had to join the Patreon to get access to the whole videos. I feel like watching these is like watching a movie with my buddies, but one where I can sit by and play a video game at the same time and not get badgered about it. Seriously, you guys are great, and I appreciate this kind of content.
3 months
10,000 soldiers of Gondor
6,000 Riders of Rohan
about 4000 reinforcements + ghosts
200,000 orcs and friends
3 months
Elf smiths are just really well good and don't need to start over by melting the sword down all the way
3 months
High key down for a rewatch with the extended editions
3 months
Yes please to watching the extended editions!
3 months
It was about 200.000 orcs against 10.000 gondorian soldiers and 6.000 riders of Rohan.
3 months
I would gladly watch you rewatch the whole series for the Extended Editions. IMO Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King extended are the definitive editions of these movies.
2 replies
3 months
3 months
I second this
3 months
I'm pretty sure the Orlando Bloom video is when they were filming The Hobbit, goofing around between takes.
3 months
yes rewatch the exrtended woooo
3 months
We will absolutely rewatch yall rewatch the trilogy extended editions!
3 months
Hell yes, a rewatch with the extended editions?! You sonofabitch, I'm in.
3 months
Yes react to the extendeds!
3 months
Return of the King is a stunning conclusion to the trilogy, Recommend watching the extended editions at some point adds much more depth to the story. hope you guys react to the hobbit
Queer Lynx
3 months
1000 times yessss please make recording of your extended editions rewatch
1 replies
3 months
3 months
Such a shame, you guys didn’t watch the extended edition, but I’m glad you guys enjoyed it. I hope you watch them anyway.
3 months
i wanna watch you re-watch the whole series, just letting you know
1 replies
3 months
3 months
I hope you guys rewatch at least the extended editions of at least this one considering it has some huge things that are just missing from the theatrical release
3 months
first comment! this is one of my favorite movies ever!
1 replies
3 months
up there with revenge of the sith for me, probably top 5 or 10
Yessssss, please watch the extended editions
I would absolutely watch you guys react to the entire series again, and I really really Really hope you do The Hobbit movies too!!
I'd say watch the cartoon Hobbit movie first, maybe even the Lord of Rings cartoon as well for shirts and giggles, and then go into the movies. The movies are fine enough, but knowing how the cartoon Hobbit is better before hand would give you an idea on why people hate on the Hobbit Trilogy.
I would 100% want you guys to watch the extended versions, they make the movies so much better. Also while they are not as good as Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit movies are still good and you should definitely watch them. The second film has my favourite villain in any of the Hobbit or LOTR films.
So, are you going to be playing the Shadow of Mordor/War games on the channel?
Huh, never noticed the drastic difference between extended and theater editions before. You guys didn't even see what happened to Saruman.
Ooh yeah, there is a funny clip where Elijah and Sean are playing co-op Baldur's Gate and Elijah doesn't want to get rid of an evil item, so Sean just pushes Elijah's character in the lava. xD
There is a new animated Lord of the Rings movie called the war of the Roirrim. And I still need you guys to watch the biopic Tolkien.
The first Hobbit movie is good. The 2nd is okay & ths 3rd is not great. But worth watching for sure!.. & seriously the extended editions are incredible. 4k & all is nutz!! Return of the King & Two Towers especially are better movies extended.
Eowyn was always loved by LOTR fans. Her "I am no man" wasn't considered cringe. Miranda Otto the actor even talks about this in an interview
PLEASE watch the extended editions. They are even better & you guys have had an amazing reaction to the theatrical. Second viewing is even better
Good news, though: Sam was eventually permitted to go to the Undying Lands to live out the rest of his days with Frodo.
Sam was definitely the hero of the story, the Ring tempted him exactly once and it promised to make him the best gardener in all the shire, and he said "no I'm fine thanks"
I'd love to see the extended versions~
rewatch the whhole series extended
Lol at the end during the Orlando Bloom meme video when Sean noticed they were accidentally spoiling future things.
So when is the extended edition coming?
I would absolutely love to see you react to the extended versions, or at the very least a few of the scenes from extended!
Definitely watched the hobbit,and have Bree watch the extended version with you
I would 100% watch a re-watch reaction series to the extended editions, and also reactions to the extensive behind the scenes content
I also would recomend to watch behind the scenes if you have the extended editions. It is really fascinating how they progressed in making these movies. And the way they did it if fairly unique. I sometimes just put them on to have in the background and listen to it. The process is insane, with costumes, props, drawing board, script, actors, stunt people, their struggles and blupers. I would love to see someone react to them. They are long and you might not want to react to them all but they are really interesting to see behind the scenes. And if you ever are going to watch the behind the scenes this trilogy is the one to do it!
It has been sooo long sense I have seen the original movies and not the extended cut. It feels so weird. You expect certain scenes and they are just not there. XD
Boom really likes to make assumptions about things and say them like he knows info, like just say "I'm not sure".
Yes please the extended editions & the animated movies from the 80's
Also may want to check out 'A simpl Walk' where people from Roosterteeth walk the distance from the Shire to Mordor in New Zeland
I don't remember if this was in the book, but the fact that there were 3 eagles that came to rescue Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom makes me think that Gandalf had a little bit of hope that Smeagol would still be alive at the end.
god this trilogy is so good I'd even watch a rewatch of the entire thing
the palantir bit can be summed up as follows: "Bad news, Sauron now knows everything Pippin knows. Good news, Pippin doesn't know shit."
Yall just talked all the way through Rohirrim charge. About nothing even related to movie. There is no greater battle charge in cinema and y’all just talked all through Theoden speech not even paying attention. Disappointing to say the least.
It is absolutely criminal to not watch Extended. Makes zero sense to watch theatrical. So much missed content.
agreed! I've only ever watched the extended edition and I had no idea that the theatrical completely skips Sarumon's death!
You should absolutely watch the extended editions. The extended editions are considered to be in the S tier above the theatrical release.
You guys should watch the rankin bass hobbit movie it looks silly but it’s a way better adaptation of the hobbit than the three movies
Fun fact : the kid that Sam picks up at the end is Sean Astin's daughter. A little detail that I always love.
and the Baby his wife is holding is her actual daughter.
Definitely watch rings of power
Yes! Definitely watch the extended editions!
Fun fact: Most of the Rohirrim were women with beards. They were asking for owners of horses to fill in to be extras. Most of those who showed were women with their own horses. So yeah most were wearing helmets all the time and the fake beard.
Please watch the extended edition. We will watch all of it!
I loved the reaction to the movie and the cartoon! Fantastic!
Please, watch them again as extended edition.
of course we want y'all to watch them again
The Hobbit movies aren’t nearly as good but they’re fun!! If you go in prepared understanding it’s not the same caliber, they’re just fine. The Rings of Power is NOT worth your time. Many people who are die hard fans couldn’t get through the second season- even most reactors just said ‘hey we can’t finish the series, sorry guys’..
100% watch the Hobbit movies, but if you want a nearly accurate version, there is a 4 hour edited version. The M4 fan edit was made with the book in hand. That being said, I'm personally quite fond of the additions just for fun. Heres the link to the fan edit:
I actually think the fan edit is worse than the trilogy.
If the trilogy is bloated, the fan edit is desiccated. Even with all the fluff and fan service in the trilogy cut out there's still 2 movies worth of film, cutting down to 1 movie was an insane choice.
To answer your question about army sizes at the battle of pelenor fields ... its ticky.
The only cannon sources are in the novel but in the novel the ghost army does not come to Minas Tirith. It only helps deal with the corsair ships. Aragorn then rallies the released southern gondor defense armies which is who he brings to release gondor on the black ships.
So book army sizes are thus:
Gondor defense army: 3000
Rohirrim Cavalry: 6000
Aragorn's southern gondor relief army: about 5000 max
Orcs/ eastern Evil men: 10s of thousands ( like atleast 20,000 min)
Trolls, Eliphants, etc: close to 1000
Plus the Nazgul.
I'm in the same boat with Mikala, I havent watched the theatrical versions since they were in theaters. I'd forgotten how much worse the writing is in alot of scenes with the extended material cut. Esspecially the opening were ( without the extended material) they seem to ride to isengard for absolutely no reason. Like why exactly did Gandalf, theodin, gimli and the rest go to isengard on this version exactly?
I know from a move the plot forward perspective they need to find pippin and merry and the pilantiri ( probably spelled that wrong)
But the characters had no way to KNOW marry and pippin where at isengard till they got there.
The extended cut gives a valid reason for why they all went to isengard following helms deep AND if you watched the extended Two towers you understand while the forest suddenly extends all the way up to isengard walls when in the last shot we see in theatrical it's been cut back for miles from isengard
You NEED to watch the extended editions. I think you should also record them. There are so many scenes that I would love to see your reactions to. I haven't watched the theatrical versions since I was a kid and watching along with you guys, there were definitely some scenes that I feel like are SO good and should have been included.
PLEASE record reactions to the Extended Editions when you watch them!
Interesting information for your rewatch through the extended versions - Sam was not the first person that willingly gave up the ring when he gives it back after Shelob paralyzed Frodo. It was actually Bilbo in Fellowship of the Ring back at his home when Gandalf told him to leave it and he willingly dropped it on the ground, which is why that particular scene was shot with so much intensity with the music, but without knowing why it's significant it seems out of place at first.
Yes!! Re-watch with the extended and then the Hobbit. But do the Hobbit extended as well
Really looking forward to seeing how this journey continues with the extended editions, the hobbit, ROP, and even the new animated film. Exciting times for LOTR fans!
Please for the love of all that is holy watch the extended versions, I will gladly rewatch them with you. God LOTR is soooo good and I love that Ruff is like I WANT MOOOAARR and I love that for him.
I always assumed the Land of the Undying was actually just a place where they all rest in piece, not a place to continue living. Especially after Gandalf explained there is more after death? So, considering elves don't actually die of age, but if they grow tired of living, they sail to that island to actually let themselves pass on in a respectable place, an elf graveyard, if you will. BUT, that's just how I understood it.
Such a fantastic film and film series! Absolutely would love to see you guys react to the extended versions. Funnily enough, when my Dad introduced me to the series he only ever showed me the extended editions but never called them that, so I always thought those were the only version of the films.
A cool detail you can see in this movie is how bruised Frodo’s neck is where the chain holding the ring is. It quite literally weighing on him.
I never realized it before but a gambling Legolas share a horse when they're going to the Mountain with Aragorn nice to touch the show the development of their friendships and Trust since they both started out pretty much racist toward each other
* Gimli and Legolas
I't would be nice if you watched the extended editions becuase i don't know where to watch them and google is convinced they are on prime and max
Bruh I've watched the extended edition trilogy like 4 times this year. Hell yeah I'll watch ya'll do an extended edition rewatch
I have loved the Lord of The Rings movies since they came out so I'm very glad to see you all enjoy them so much. In my opinion, it is the only book made movies where the movies are better than the books. I'm sure I'm in the minority of those that believe this but the books were hard to read and I just feel the movies captured the writing of Tolkien and presented them much better than my imagination ever could. I would be down to watch you all react to the extended versions!
The lore is far more deeper and Lord of The Rings only covers the top peak of the iceberg. One could say the first dark lord is the main character which the entire lore/legendarium revolves he is the common denominator through out it.
If you care about the lore, Rings of Power is not the way to go. They only had access to the appendix of a book and all the Tolkien scholars left the making of the show because of the lore changes they kept making
I thought the primary reasoning for that was the Tolkien estate wouldn't allow them to use The Silmarillion so they just picked what they could legally use.
Right, all they had legal access to was the appendix lol. They never should’ve tried to make the show with what they had access to. They should’ve just made their own show unattached to Tolkien
I actually lovee The Hobbit movies too
If you want more Elijah, he voices a yeti named Saxaphone in summer camp island!
the way I was waiting for that "Fool of a Took" for 20 minutes. Gandalf also said it in the first movie when Pippin knocked over all the armour and chains down the well in the dwarf place
they sail to Valinot at the end. its the land of the gods and the original home of the elves. Death does not exist there, so they will never die while being there. It also it not physically on earth. Its outside, so normally you cannot get there, but the gods granted the elves and certain individuals like Frodo, Bilbo and even Gimli to come
Mortals are not granted eternal life in Valinor. They simply get to enjoy the remainder of their lives in comfort and without pain. Tolkien mentions the Valar can't make fundamental changes to mortals. Only Eru (essentially the creator of all) can grant immortality. So technically it's possible for Frodo, Bilbo, and Gimli to be granted eternal life, but we don't know for sure.
What's wild is there was some text where Tolkien alluded to mortal lives actually being shortened in Valinor. Though no idea if that's canon or not.
I think it's good to watch the theatrical versions first. I love the extended versions. I think those are great if you want a longer stay in Middle Earth, to learn more, and have a longer adventure. However, the theatrical versions are the essential experience. Peter Jackson himself says the theatrical versions are the definitive versions. I do think there are many extended version bits you would love. Maybe give it a year or two, then give them a watch. Hobbit movies first though!
Did you guys seriously talk over the epic Brave Heart moment from Theoden? Dudes, really???
So fun fact; they needed so many extras for the battle of the black gate, that they called in the New Zealand army Reserves. And they all got really into it and took it seriously 😂
Another good Lord of the Rings game that might be under the radar is Return to Moria.
Extended scene reaction! Yes!!!
Ride of the Rohirrim is one of my favorite scenes in basically any movie, ever. I can't describe what it was like to see on the big screen when it released. In-universe, there are six thousand riders with Theoden. In reality, it was several hundred extras charging across a large field. They put out an open casting call for anyone with a horse who knew how to ride, and the majority of people who showed up were women, so that scene involves a whole lot of female riders wearing beards and face obscuring helmets.
I would watch the shit out of you guys watching the extended editions. The LotR trilogy is a masterpiece, the extended editions are masterpiece+. The thing about them though is that while there are definitely entire scenes that weren't in the theatrical cuts, there are also a *lot* of scenes that were in the theatrical release but were edited down for time (or, sometimes, references to scenes that were cut), that have been restored. So it's possible to Youtube the new ones, but the changes aren't as clean as simply adding new scenes. If you had to watch only one of the extended edition movies, though, I'd definitely point at Return of the King. That movie is so dense with material that some genuinely important stuff got left out, such as what happened to Saruman, or why, after Gandalf says Sauron won't take the bait of them marching on the Black Gates, he ends up doing so anyway.
There's hours and hours of behind the scenes stuff that came with the original release of the extended editions. Some of it probably wouldn't make good reaction material even if it's awesome because it gets into a lot of the technical details of sets, special effects, etc, but I do recommend the three (I think there are three?) segments on Tolkien, and Fellowship of the Cast. There are segments on how they adapted each book, but it's been a long time since I saw them so I don't remember enough to know if they'd be a good reaction watch. I know there's a segment about Andy Serkis throwing himself around all over doing the motion capture, and how they turned that performance into the Gollum that's onscreen.
I love the Hobbit book, but the movies are an example of Hollywood doing what Hollywood does. They wanted another Lord of the Rings, and the Hobbit is, on top of being a single novel that's not remotely as dense as LotR, a book that was aimed to include a younger audience. There's a lot more whimsy in the Hobbit than LotR, so the movies have some serious tone problems on top of being stretched beyond reason. Production and filming were also hell. It was originally going to be directed by Guillermo del Toro (I'm so sad we didn't get to see his version), before he left the project over, ahem, creative differences, and Peter Jackson was effectively hauled back in without much time at all to write let alone direct. The actors do their damnedest and the movies are kind of amazingly better than you'd expect given what was going on behind the scenes, but the quality downgrade from 'absolute masterpiece' is very noticeable. I'd wait a little bit to watch them, because I think you'd enjoy them more if there was some breather space between them and this.
I would absolutely 100% watch y'all watch the Extended Editions. Also, I have SUCH a hard time watching this movie because Sam's crying gets me every time. But I stuck it out to watch with y'all and I'd do it again!
Only morons bitched about Eowyns line when she took down the Witch-King. They failed to realize its verbatim what she said and did in the books from fucking 1955. Its what us nerds wanted.
I'm sure there were people in 1955 livid about Eowyn's inclusion in the novels, but happily we did not have the internet so they either had to fume in obscurity or write angry letters about it.
There's also a funny theory that Frodo doesn't actually know Legolas' name. He doesn't explicitly ever state Legolas' name ever in the films. In the reunion scene when Legolas enters the room, Frodo doesn't say his name like the others while also having an odd look on his face. Technically, the pages Frodo writes at the end of the film does mention Legolas, but it could mean he just asked Sam for the name much later lol.
And here I am scanning comments because I brain farted his name 😶🌫️🤣😶🌫️
My understanding with Frodo and Bilbo traveling to the Undying Lands with Gandalf and the elves was to give them peace and comfort for the rest of their mortal lives. As Ring Bearers, their lives were tormented for some time. It's especially evident with Frodo and his stab wound from Weathertop. Think of it as a means to completely ease any pain and PTSD.
In the books, there were a few more who eventually travel to the Undying Lands. Sam also goes to the Undying Lands after his wife Rosie passes. He entrusts the Red Book to his daughter and went to the Grey Havens because he too was technically a Ring-bearer - albeit for a short time. Both he and Frodo reunite there. 120 years after the War of the Ring, Legolas also took Gimli as an honored guest to the Undying Lands out of the latter's desire to see the beauty of Galadriel again. He became the first Dwarf to visit the Undying Lands.
One thing I say in regards to the extended editions is I think return of the king has one of the worse ones in terms of a first watch.
The theatrical cut doesn’t show Aragorn again from the moment he asks the ghosts to help and they show up to help, you don’t even get a response on if the ghosts are going to help. It creates natural tension suspense.
Sure some watchers can probably guess or assume the ghosts will come to save the day, but in terms of objective story telling knowing the ghosts are already going to help and are on their way undersells the entire battle.
When you know for 100% fact the ghosts are coming the main battle just feels like you’re waiting for them to come save the day, while in the theatrical cut you don’t fully know if they are coming, or if the men might pull something else off
Like I said it’s not a deep or complex moment, but I think from an objective perspective the story flows better when viewer isn’t shown the ghosts agree to help and are on their way
Not as a reaction but you guys should check out the behind the scenes for these movies, there both interesting and hilarious, especially the parts about Andy Serkis becoming Gollum. He originally was only going to be the voice, but his performance while reading convinced perter that he needed to mocap as well
Definitely need to watch the Hobbit trilogy
I havn’t seen the theatrical versions since the theater. The extended versions feel like a completely different movie (better).
You guys should also watch all the old animated Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies
I'm so happy how much Ruff loved these movies. Also I would love to see you guys watch the Extended Editions, there is so much extra stuff which expands and add upon things. I can't wait for you guys to watch the Hobbit movies aswell. Rings of Power is up to you guys, I'd recommend atleast checking it out. You guys should watch the War of the Rohirrim animated movie coming out soon
This was so good! If you like Peter Jackson's stuff I would love to see y'all watch the Peter Jackson King Kong. Weird movie but lots of awesome huge set pieces and great CGI!
Please Watch the Hobbit Trilogy next!! It's not the original trilogy but it has its own charm and honestly a fun time.
random request, but when's the last time you guys saw the original Jurassic Park? that'd be super cool to see a reaction of
Hobbit yes, Rings of Power no.
Agreed. ones just a bloated project that still has the heart of tolkien in it. RoP is just awful sludge that shits on the world of tolkien
Oh please the hobbit movies are filled with nonsense, I can’t take any dorks seriously who are willing to give those movies a pass while whining about rings of power
I would love to watch the extended version with Y'all, never seen it, always wanted to
You guys should definitely check out some nerd of the rings videos if you want a deeper dive into the lore.
As great as these movies are the major thing that annoyed me with this movie series is Frodo himself quite possibly one of the most incompetent main character characters of all time
Tell me you didn't understand one of the major themes of the story without telling me you didn't understand one of the major themes of the story
To be fair, the guy is pretty preoccupied carrying the all corrupting item on his neck the whole time, the same item that outright turns most people on sight.
definitely do extended when you can work it in.
ya i would be down for the extended editions and the hobbit movies
i would be very interest in his "better solution" for the Oliphant charge......please do a video on his expertise on medieval cavalry warfare
So funny enough, the book that Frodo was writing in at the end is supposed to have been the original manuscript that Tolkien merely translated. Within his own writing, Tolkien placed himself as a sort of linguistic historian who was building out this "missing historical myth" of England. So the Lord of the Rings is more of an autobiography by Frodo, with the accounts of the other perspectives from the other members of the Fellowship.
I would totally rewatch the series but you should do the extended editions
With the "nothing to combat dragons" technically those aren't dragons but i guess it still stands, but dragons are basically extinct at the time of LOTR, there might be one or two hanging around but they would not be living where people are, so most nations would not be expecting an attack by dragons or dragonlike beings
Those one or two possible dragons probably are just the sea serpents
Glad you guys enjoyed the Lord of the Rings, hope you guys do watch the extended editions, even if you don’t record them, you should watch them for your own enjoyment. As for the Hibbit movies, I personally enjoyed them, they weren’t as good as the Lord of the Rings, but I find the extended editions are much better than the theatrical versions. So my option is you watch them instead of the theatrical, if you guys decide to watch the hobbit. They aren’t as bad as people make them out to be.
Konrad Kyeser was a famous German siege engineer who wrote a book about siege warfare
I think the books go into more detail, but Faramir's father was using a Palantir and it corrupted his mind just enough to lose hope and faith, and to go psycho.
I have a special request... You should look up Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Sean Astin (Samwise) play baldurs gate 3 with the head of larian studio, its such a funny marketed ad video.
The Hobbit movies would be fine if they hadn't insisted on trying to recreate some of the scenes that make LOTR so memorable, ie: Arwen's entrance > Evangeline showing up to heal the dwarf. For whatever reason the studio wouldn't leave Jackson alone and let The Hobbit just be what it is. HOWEVER, they do add in quite a bit of cannon lore that is happening in the book but wasn't written in the book. One thing Tolkien wished was that he had made The Hobbit darker like his later books. All that said I think they are worth watching and very entertaining. If for no other reason than you get 'Jackson lore' behind why Legolas apparently never runs out of arrows and his glorious campaign of 'Don't touch my stuff!' 🤣
4,000 Gondorians
6,000 Rohirrim
50,000 undead soldiers
200,000 Orcs
2,000 Corsairs
20 Mûmakil
2,000 Haradrim
4 Ringwraiths
20+ Trolls
Was the amount in the films for the armies
it's hillarious they thought that the 4 kids at Sam's wedding were his and Rosie's. Like how fast do they think Hobbits grow.
I'm gonna say it- no dinosaurs could fly. Pterosaurs could, but they were a distinct group from dinosaurs.
Check out the Hobbit movies too! thought this might interest you guys
The land the elves are going Is also where the gods live and there are no elves besides aowyn and legolas left in middleearth the rest left and even then legolas only leave when gimli is at the end of his life and legolas also brings him to the undying lands.
I will happily watch the extended editions with you guys. I can not believe how many scenes were cut out of the theatrical version! Like this edition is great, the story is fantastic and I still cry either way. Loved the reactions. I would be down for The Hobbit trilogy too. I still very much enjoyed The Hobbit movies a lot. It gave me more to experience in this world and so much more backstory. Cannon-ness can be debated later. I think you all would love watching them too, they are fun.
So I only recently found you guys on Youtube, and after watching a few of the videos on there, I knew I had to join the Patreon to get access to the whole videos. I feel like watching these is like watching a movie with my buddies, but one where I can sit by and play a video game at the same time and not get badgered about it. Seriously, you guys are great, and I appreciate this kind of content.
10,000 soldiers of Gondor
6,000 Riders of Rohan
about 4000 reinforcements + ghosts
200,000 orcs and friends
Elf smiths are just really well good and don't need to start over by melting the sword down all the way
High key down for a rewatch with the extended editions
Yes please to watching the extended editions!
It was about 200.000 orcs against 10.000 gondorian soldiers and 6.000 riders of Rohan.
I would gladly watch you rewatch the whole series for the Extended Editions. IMO Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King extended are the definitive editions of these movies.
I second this
I'm pretty sure the Orlando Bloom video is when they were filming The Hobbit, goofing around between takes.
yes rewatch the exrtended woooo
We will absolutely rewatch yall rewatch the trilogy extended editions!
Hell yes, a rewatch with the extended editions?! You sonofabitch, I'm in.
Yes react to the extendeds!
Return of the King is a stunning conclusion to the trilogy, Recommend watching the extended editions at some point adds much more depth to the story. hope you guys react to the hobbit
1000 times yessss please make recording of your extended editions rewatch
Such a shame, you guys didn’t watch the extended edition, but I’m glad you guys enjoyed it. I hope you watch them anyway.
i wanna watch you re-watch the whole series, just letting you know
I hope you guys rewatch at least the extended editions of at least this one considering it has some huge things that are just missing from the theatrical release
first comment! this is one of my favorite movies ever!
up there with revenge of the sith for me, probably top 5 or 10