The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reaction

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  1. Stinger297
    2 months


  2. Nerveroxis
    3 months

    This is the greatest fantasy story that has ever been told and hope to one day be blessed enough to see it overtaken.

    1 replies
    1. Robin
      2 months

      I honestly think Critical Role is doing a good job filling the job. I know it has a certain type of humor that you have to like, but I like it a lot. And I think the Mighty Nein show will do even better as the Legend of Vox Machina. Lord of the Rings is just hard to surpass, it's sort off the original for a lot of us.

  3. Connor
    3 months

    Glad you guys are doing theatrical for a first viewing. It's a lot more digestible than the extended editions. Though I highly recommend watching the extended versions, and soon, so you can see the difference between the cuts. The theatrical cuts are phenomenal, but the extended editions are what makes this trilogy cinema's magnum opus.

  4. rrrebo
    3 months

    Ruff: "That guy's growin' on me, man"

    Boom: "Boromir?"

    Ruff: "Yeah."

    Me: "Oh. Oh no. Oh my dear sweet summer child. Bless your heart."

  5. rrrebo
    3 months

    Yes, the Ring absolutely shrank. Sauron's gauntleted finger was massive, and the Ring filled Isildur's palm at first when he took it off the finger. I don't remember if that was ever specifically mentioned in the book or not, but it has been a trope in D&D forever that magic rings shrink to fit (or enlarge). The cinematic choice may have been related to that as a creative visual, or it may have been simply a method to bridge the scale differential between Sauron being massive and like 12 feet tall, and Isildur, a normal human.

  6. Captain
    4 months

    I actually forgot, since I haven't really watched the theatrical version in forever, thats there's no set up for Bilbo vanishing because we see Isildur do so when he ran away. So when he gives his speech, new viewers are shocked at his disappearance. thats awesome.

  7. Mikala
    4 months

    It felt so weird to not see the extended edition scenes. I don't think I've seen the theatrical release since I was a kid and I'm 23 now. I had forgotten which scenes were even extended edition scenes.

  8. Janne
    4 months

    I know others have echoes this sentiment but I hope for two towers and return of the king you use the extended editions. In my opinion the added scenes improve each of the films a lot, especially return of the king, which not to spoil, cuts out some very important scenes in the theatrical cut.

  9. _Crimson_Fkr_
    4 months

    Supremely missed opportunity in not watching the extended edition.

  10. david
    4 months

    I'm surprised Boom didn't mention that Christopher Lee was also Count Dooku since they watched Star Wars prequels already. 

  11. Joshua
    4 months

    I am so hyped for LTOR. You should do the extended edition even if you got to split up the watch days. 

  12. That
    4 months

    Pls do the extended cut for two towers, there are so many important scenes cut out of the theatrical release. 

  13. jemx27
    4 months

    I really enjoyed the hobbit movies, tho it's probably because I watched it before LOTR. it was nice to see all the connections to the hobbit like boom was pointing out, but I totally get it from the point of view of someone who grew up with LOTR 

  14. Jakeb
    4 months

    I was waiting for the "Did you know that..." from boom but it never came.

  15. Ruukasu97
    4 months


  16. Ian
    4 months

    I do hope you give the extended editions a try, I know I'm just some random voice on the internet, but I promise that it doesn't feel as long as it is at all.  Its almost perfectly paced and includes such great scenes and character moments.

    1 replies
    1. Janne
      4 months

      Yep, I hope so too, like Ruff said at the end, it doesn't feel that long.

  17. Thanatoaster
    4 months

    I never realized that pretty much all of my favourite character moments are exclusive to the extended version.

  18. Sean
    4 months

    PLEASE do the extended cuts for AT LEAST the Two Towers ( if not both the last two movies) the extended cut fixes alot of the problems with the adaptation on the second book in the theatrical version - such as the Hurons at Helms Deep ( and before you say spoilers the boys would definately have to look up what a Huron even is for that to be a spoiler)

  19. Ruukasu97
    4 months

    93millions in 2000

  20. Mike Dark
    4 months

    Ben 10 would have destroyed that monster in 10 min with waybig

  21. Quin
    4 months

    Not that you read these comments, but you should definitely do the extended editions for the last 2 movies. Just like you were saying about this movie not feeling as long as it is, the same goes for those movies, and considering how into the world you seem, I think you'd really appreciate the extra plot and world building from the extended editions. It wasn't as necessary for this movie, but you really can feel the lacking of the scenes that get cut for the theatrical versions of the last 2.

  22. dealerrat
    4 months

    love how Boom immediately started laughing as soon as Boromir sat down

  23. Preston
    4 months

    The main reason the budget is so low for this movie compared to what you might be expecting is that they primarily filmed in New Zealand. Pretty much everything you spend money on in film production is cheaper there. In fact it's so cheap and these movies are so popular that it kind of imploded the industry there from how many people rushed over there after these came out. 

  24. Rae
    4 months

    ICONIC. I can't wait for more!!!!

  25. Gabriel
    4 months

    I loved the reaction guys. I'm so happy you really enjoyed it Ruff. It also made me happy to hear you say that you wanna keep watching them and maybe do it sooner than were going to.  Can't wait for the next one, Lord of the Rings is just so amazing

  26. KingOfRedLions89
    4 months

    LOTR: The Rings of Power series on Prime gets a lot of criticism (more so in season 1) but I think you guys might actually really like it. It’s a prequel and takes place thousands of years before the movies. Might be worth a shot.

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      3 months

      I think it could be fun. While not as good as these movies, which is a real high bar, the series is still a nice enough watch. There are of course issues but the internet seems to have a hate boner for it for some reason.

  27. shantheman99
    4 months

    LOTR is so much better than Harry Potter, it's not even close.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      It depends on what metric you're judging them by, though. Tolkien was leagues beyond Rowling as a writer and world builder, and in pure quality and craft, yeah, Lotr is far better. But Harry Potter has its own strengths, and captures some qualities that Lotr doesn't. I love both of them

  28. masterlowkii
    4 months

    please continue harry potter AND this!!! Love you all keep it coming!!! P.S. lets see that ass boom ._.

  29. matthew
    4 months

    Boys we got another one ruff has the itch XD

  30. Kyoheitowle
    4 months

    Not trying to ruin the fun but pipe weed is just tobacco

  31. casualking21
    4 months

    Yep, Boom is the hot one! Those Converse are sick af!

  32. Gabriel
    4 months

    Man I'm so behind on your guys videos, I'm so happy to be back and I can't wait to watch your reaction to this later

  33. Tina
    4 months

    My (non-parasoical) crush on Sean continues with this reaction. I'm just as delightful when watching these films.

  34. Slasher2
    4 months

    Is this the extended version?

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      4 months

      It's not :c

  35. Jax
    4 months

    I think these movies are basically perfectly cast but God damn Sean Austin is actually the perfect Sam. Imo he was the most important character to nail, especially in the upcoming movies and not a second of his screen fails to deliver for that character.

    My ideal end series version of Usopp is basically just Sameise Gamgee.

  36. Melissa
    4 months

    I am so glad you're watching these films. Please watch The Hobbit films too! I loved them as much as the originals. They have their own charm to them.

  37. Unstablebeast
    4 months

    Yo ruff, PLEASE stream shadow of mordor after yall finifsh the movies

    1 replies
    1. Slasher2
      4 months

      Where are they watching this that the streaming service didnt translate the Elvish? They are missing so much context.

  38. David
    4 months

    Before even starting the video, im commenting hoping for the extended versions

  39. JM
    4 months

    Oh, and Christopher Lee, known nazi killing badass, was a massive Lord of the Rings fan. He actually met Tolkien. 

    Lee also once interrupted a director to tell him there was no need to coach him on how to react to being stabbed, as he'd heard the sound a man makes when he is stabbed in the back. So, you know, there's that.

  40. JM
    4 months

    The behind the scenes segments are amazing and well worth a watch, though for obvious reasons they shouldn't be viewed until after you've seen the movies. My particular favorite is the one that touches heavily on Tolkien's life and his inspiration for a lot of what's in these books, but the cast interviews are also fantastic.

    It's worth noting that just about anything that seems like a cliché in The Lord of the Rings only seems that way because Tolkien basically invented the fantasy genre. It's where all the modern (so to speak) concepts of elves, orcs, dwarves, etc, sprang from, for instance. Tolkien wanted to essentially invent a mythology arc for the British Isles, because he felt it didn't really have one. He also wanted an excuse to invent languages. He fuckin loved languages. All of the languages you hear spoken in these movies are real (though I don't know how comprehensive they are).

    The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings are the only books in this setting that Tolkien actually published. After he died, his son (I think?) went through a lot of his old notes and writings and eventually published a lot of those, which is where The Silmarillion, Lost Tales, etc, come from. It's worth noting that the last book has a massive appendix full of history and lore, including family trees and *calendars*. It's crazy.

  41. Kyoheitowle
    4 months

    The only reason to not do the extended additions is if slow pacing bothers you. But since you 3 are one piece fans, the slower pacing shouldn't be a problem and the additional lore should be more than worth it.

  42. grigsy87
    4 months

    I have much empathy/ sympathy  for Bilbo and Boromir. 60 years with the Ring while Sauron was in hiberation turned Bilbo into a dangerous feral cat. Boromir was around the ring at its peak "temptation powers" while Sauron returned, and his people were facing the brunt of Sauron's wrath for decades (even though Sauron was gone, the actual empire still was functioning). His father was loosing his mind and elves/dwarves were not sending support to them out of fear of angering Sauron and drawing his ire. Boromir did legit bring up good points. Without any doubt the ring would corrupt Legolas , arogorn, and gimli given enough time.  

  43. Persnickity
    4 months

    I came for the movie but I stay for yall being all billy about a cardboard cutout. May your oxygen be strong as a wizards. Never weak nor too potent. Precisely as much as you mean to

  44. Wolfbane37
    4 months

    Bruh, I'll binge watch LOTR with you guys anytime. Make them the next 2 movies and do the Hobbit. Pump them out. I'll take this over any young Justice anytime

  45. Brandon
    4 months

    I always wonder what Frodo would have looked like had he turned into a ring wraith. would ha just be a small ring wraith? would ha inexplicably grow?

  46. pengvinman
    4 months

    I had read somewhere that Tolkien planned or wanted to do a lot more stores in Middle Earth, and that eventually the plan was to tell his version of Atlantis.

    1 replies
    1. grigsy87
      4 months

      He did began to write it, but stopped. Christopher Tolker (his son) addresses some of those notes in the "HIstory of Middle Earth" Series. The History of Middle Earth is not new material per se, rather it expands on the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and the Similiarian. It is Christopher's Tolkien's collection and exposition/analysis of his father's notes about Middle Earth in 12 volumes. JRR Tokien left  many boxes of pages of random drafts, notes, theories, thoughts, etc. He made Christopher Tolkien the literary executor of his estate and gave him permission to republish on JRR's behalf or destroy on his behalf.  

  47. hurryupmode
    4 months

    "Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement, for even the very wise cannot see all ends."

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      The subtitles get it wrong, though. it's "Do not be too eager to deal out death IN judgement", not AND judgement. It's a small but critical difference. The actual quote is saying don't be eager to kill people as a way of judging them, whereas the mis-quote is saying don't be eager to kill or judge, and kind of warps the meaning a bit.

  48. grigsy87
    4 months

    The Ring is kind of like a Horcrux. Sauron is/was a type of angelic being who fell (like the devil/satan) in Tolkien Mythology. By nature, Sauron doesn't have a physical form but he can take on one. Over the countless battles and spells he's cast, he made himself vulnerable by tying his essence to physical objects. Once those objects are destroyed, he can no longer take physical form. But because Sauron is a divine type being, he can never truly be destroyed. He can only be banished to the non-material world/dimensions. 

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      Careful, I don't know if they got that far yet, considering they only just posted the reaction to the Sorcerer's Stone, and haven't posted any of the other Harry Potter movies yet. Also, Horcrux's are kind of like the ring, not the other way around.

      Then again, I don't think they read these comments anyway, so you're probably fine.

  49. Anna
    4 months

    I cannot emphasize enough: watch the extended versions for Two Towers and Return of the King. 

  50. Anna
    4 months

    Please please PLEASE watch the extended edition for the whole trilogy guys!!! You won't regret it :)

  51. Halcyon Days
    4 months

    Whoa I wasn't expecting Wizarding World AND Middle-earth back to back lol hyped!

  52. TheToweringOtakunt
    4 months

    So, a wild behind-the-scenes thing for this movie was during the duel between Lurtz (the Uruk-hai captain) and Aragorn. The Uruk prosthetic and costume setup was somewhat notorious on set for making it difficult to grip things since they were essentially made to wear two sets of gloves -- the armor gloves and then a set of prosthetic gloves to make their hands bigger to match their body suits. For the duel scene, Lawrence Makoare (who played Lurtz) was meant to just pretend to throw the knife which would then be added in post. However, his hand had become covered in fake blood without his realizing it and his grip wasn't great because of the costume, so the knife slipped out of his hand and really went flying directly at Viggo Mortensen's face. That knife deflection in the scene was real. Viggo managed to defend himself on the spur of the moment without breaking character.

  53. bans4ee
    4 months

    love the shout out of the frighteners. now you need to react to it

  54. Jamie
    4 months

    after this, you guys should watch the YTP Lord of Da Tings. i cannot watch this movie without hearing the YTP 

  55. hurryupmode
    4 months

    "Gandalf as Ring-lord would have been far worse than Sauron" - JRR Tolkien.

  56. hurryupmode
    4 months

    The One Ring did shrink and grow as needed to fit it's wearer's hand. They accomplished this shot, not through perspective but a morph between two shots of the actor holding a larger ring and a smaller one.

  57. The
    4 months

    Have you guys seen the teaser trailer for How To Train Your Dragon Live Action movie? If not, please react to it! It looks Epic!

  58. lightning132ttv
    4 months

    Aww y'all didn't watch the extended version ;-;

    2 replies
    1. Slasher2
      4 months

      How they watch alot of movies is Ruff rips them from the blue rays and the extended versions are really annoying to find

      1 replies
      1. lightning132ttv
        4 months

        The Extended Versions are the most widespread versions for these films. There's NO WAY they couldn't find it.

        1 replies
        1. lightning132ttv
          4 months

          But if they streamed this instead, then that could be why.

          1 replies
          1. Dr
            4 months

            Both versions are easily available on Prime

    2. Wolfbane37
      4 months

      Bruh, I'll binge watch LOTR with you guys anytime. Make them the next 2 movies and do the Hobbit. Pump them out. I'll take this over any young Justice anytime

  59. Ryan
    4 months

    Never really cared for LotR or Harry Potter series but I hope the Sorta Stupid crew and the fans enjoys them.

  60. Jakeb
    4 months

    Yall remember foaming out the mouth guy in ATLA? Its me. 

  61. Bobby
    4 months

    extended edition! especially for two towers! 

  62. Residentfan 1
    4 months

    In case it’s not clear, the Cave of Two Lovers from ATLA may or may not have purposely mirrored the Mines of Moria.

  63. cyberguccx
    4 months

    Funny how I watched the Hobbit movies before this without knowing it was a prequel, I thought it was a remake of these movies.

  64. Kollie123
    4 months

    So funny seeing Ruff just being completely enthralled by the end, it always happens. You gotta be a special kinda miserable to not enjoy these movies from the acting, the movie production, or the plot, this trilogy is just at its core peak cinema 

  65. LaLa
    4 months

    Legolas is the friend that if you told him you had a problem his response would be, "How many bodies am I creating and how many of them do you want buried?"

  66. hurryupmode
    4 months

    Hope y'all do the extended editions.

  67. Residentfan 1
    4 months

    I actually really like the Hobbit movies and I hope you watch them. The reason for three movies is that there’s a bunch of stuff that isn’t in the book that sets up LOTR. And by “not in the book” I mean it is in the book but is done off screen(off page?) when a character disappears early in the story, runs off, does all the LOTR setup stuff and then comes back just in time for the finale. Also the climax of the Hobbit movies is infinitely better than the book’s climax because in the book, the main character gets knocked unconscious as soon as the final battle starts and then it just cuts to him waking up after the battle. Tolkien skips the battle! In the movie we SEE the battle! It’s better because it fixes Tolkien’s lazy writing.

    2 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      I enjoy the Hobbit movies a lot, but they most definitely aren't an improvement of the book. Most of the Hobbit movies' faults are because they're trying to shoe-horn Lord of the Rings fan service into the plot instead of telling the story as it was intended, which was as a mostly unrelated side adventure.

    2. Kollie123
      4 months

      I disagree on calling it lazy writing. The hobbit is a much chiller book, a large scale war battle isn’t needed or the point of the story. Certainly it makes sense that a movie version wouldn’t leave out the battle but skipping it makes sense for the book

  68. Merck
    4 months

    "Ruff red-mane" yeah grow out the beard. 

  69. Kollie123
    4 months

    The saddest thing about themNot watching the extended editions is how much better they flesh out boromir 

  70. Arrowwolf
    4 months

    I hadn’t watched the extendeds until this year tbh. For your first time viewing you won’t miss anything, but on rewatch if you like this watch the extended and treat yourself cause it helps round the story a lot more 

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      4 months

      I  mean, if this does well enough and if they like it maybe we can ask them to react to the extended edition in a year or two

  71. 25redshark
    4 months

    Ok Im gonna be different here, the theatrical cut is better for your first time watching, as its better paced. The extended cut though does have moments that add more context, so if you want to id like to see a "rewatch party" but with the extended cuts

    2 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      The way I see it, is it really depends on the person. For more casual viewers, and people who might struggle with longer run-times or slower pacing, then yeah, theatrical might be better. I also don't think the extended version of Fellowship is nearly as important than for the other 2 movies. But judging by how immersed and engaged with this movie Ruff was, I highly suspect that he would prefer the extended editions. I feel like if he watched them, and was then told about which scenes were cut, he would be surprised and wonder how they could have been cut.

    2. Jakob
      4 months

      Think the only real thing you miss is something being off-screened in the third movie but it isn't too bad, so, eh

  72. Jonathan
    4 months

    First thing I checked was the watch time. Was immediately saddened to no see 4 hours

  73. Msr9272tce
    4 months

    warcraft 3 but lord of the rings factions was the best back in the day

  74. smilingknight
    4 months

    I live an hour away from Hobbiton lol. It still looks amazing 

  75. PKKite
    4 months

    Damn yall missed some good stuff not doing the extended. (I assume it's all been recorded already so no changing it now) maybe do a quick vod on youtube that shows all the extended scenes.

  76. strange.happenings
    4 months

    finally, a reason to watch the movies.

  77. Robert
    4 months

    A few things. Like every is saying, the extended cuts are way way better. I also if we are doing this I feel like we should start with the hobbit as it takes place before the lord of the rings

    1 replies
    1. Vegvisir92
      4 months

      true but Jackson added in a load of stuff that would just completely fly over viewers heads if they hadn't watched LOTR first

  78. Benjamin
    4 months

    Please do the extended Editions. Since i saw them i cannot stand the originals anymore... so much dialogue they cut that explains so much about the lore

  79. Andrew
    4 months

    Man, you guys are some of the just the best reactors ever. I love how fucking funny you are and how much you don’t give a shit but also do give a shit. It’s so wonderful also you better be watching the extended edition it’s illegal not to lol 😝 and if you’re not, you better rewatch it

  80. ernestova891
    4 months

    you guys need to watch the extended editions of the next two movies or you'll miss a lot of good action

  81. Jordon
    4 months

    Love these movies kind of sad you didn't do extended Version but the Theatrical cut is still great 👍 

  82. Jonathan
    4 months

    Anyone else a little disappointed they didn't do the extended version

    3 replies
    1. Quin
      4 months

      I can give Fellowship a pass, since it's the least critical one to do the extended edition for, and it's also the one that gets your feet wet with the world and long run-times, so doing theatrical can be a good way to gauge if the extended versions would be for you. Especially since Ruff was always hesitant because of the length. But when they post The Two Towers theatrical, then I'll be properly sad.

    2. Zavooloo
      4 months

      yeah im irrationally butthurt by this decision but understand schedules were probs made so they didnt know how bad a lot of us wanted this juicy jazz, i agree tho... it's extremely hard to watch after seeing the extended... almost night/day.

    3. Unstablebeast
      4 months

      More than a little on my end

  83. Msr9272tce
    4 months

    yesssssss saw this was on the schedule and celebrated. 

  84. ernestova891
    4 months

    first comment love this movie

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