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4 hours
Agents of shield binge
4 hours
I wish they'd do Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. now, but I doubt it
9 hours
Colson just went to Tahiti
18 hours
Guys I HIGHLY recommend watching the Tobey and Andrew Spider-man movies, preferably before you start phase 4. And I definitely recommend X-men and the Blade trilogy!
1 day
definitely recommend watching the Toby and Andrew Spiderman movies before watching Tom's 3rd movie (No way home). It won't be the same if you haven't seen those
1 day
A majority of the movies and shows released after Far From Home lost the magic of the earlier films. However, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, No Way Home, Hawkeye, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, WandaVision, Shang-Chi, Loki (Seasons 1 and 2), Werewolf by Night, and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever stand out. While Black Panther 2 was impacted by rewrites following Chadwick Boseman's death, they still did a commendable job given the circumstances.
The main issue with many Marvel productions is the constant missteps. When one strategy works, they overcompensate, and when that fails, they overcorrect in the opposite direction. It's surprising how many good to great projects they've produced when you consider the amount of poor or downright awful content they've released over the past six years.
1 replies
1 day
alot of people shit on the latest Phases of Marvel and how they're bad. But when you look at all af the Projects of Phase 4&5 most of them are quite good actually. It's just that there's so many of them compared to the earlier Phases that the many good movies and series get overshadowed by the bad ones.
1 day
I hope they do the Netflix marvel shows now that there canon
2 days
I’m genuinely so happy and excited about y’all reacting to the mcu ☺️😄
2 days
Time for Coulson to go to Tahiti. It's a magical place after all.
2 days
You should def watch the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies' super underrated in my opinion
2 days
Yes please do the og spiderman movies
2 days
1:16:55 Lego Marvel's Avengers had it
2 days
I'm loving these reactions to the MCU. I hope at some point you guys watch the animated Marvel movies like the Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2, Planet Hulk, Hulk VS, the Next Avengers and such. They are such good movies
2 days
Don't worry about Coulson you guys, they just sent him on vacation, I hear Tahiti's nice this time of year.
1 replies
2 days
its a magical place
2 days
I actually remember the midnight premiere of this movie. I got the first issue of the X-Men vs Avengers comic and actually met, got something sign by and took a photo with Lou Ferrigno and this was what when he was in his 50’s he was actually still pretty jacked & i believe he was apart of the press tour/ meet and greet as he did some mo cap or voice work for hulk in the movie.
2 days
Sorry I got further in. The reason they focus so much on Ashley Johnson's character is because there's a deleted scene where she had a conversation with some of them. So like she was a character, but then they were like eeehhhh we don't need her that much.
2 days
::whispers:: Agents of SHIELD. Now is exactly the time to start....
2 days
1:06:07 See Branagh, that's how you use a dutch tilt.
No I will never let that go, the dutch tilts in Thor are genuinely infuriating. Especially now that I know it was done by someone who's supposed to be good at this.
2 days
You all stared at him judgingly as he was getting more water acting like it was really loud, but it wasn't even loud enough for the mic to pick it up. The only part the mic picked up was the opening and closing of the bottle, but nobody was staring at him during either of those times. Y'all are just hating on him for trying to stay hydrated smh
2 days
If you guys continue on I HIGHLY recommend checking out the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies before phase 3 and 4. I need you guys to trust this humble Billy this one time when I say that's the best place to watch em before getting to Tom Holland's movies. It's just a more fulfilling time goin in with that experience.
2 days
I do love this movie, but again it kinda drops the ball a bit with Loki as a character, 'cause there are hints more is going on then we're actually seeing, but it gets dropped when Thor 3 comes around. D= It's shown that the wand controls minds, and Loki comes out of the portal at the beginning looking WRECKED. Guy is pale and sweaty and not okay, and clearly being tortured by the Other, with threats on his life if he doesn't do what they say. There is also the fact Loki never wanted the throne, so why would he want one on Earth? And, Loki said to Thor that he was THROWN off the bridge to his supposed death, instead of letting go himself... Something is clearly not okay with Loki mentally.
He has moments of clarity, being calm and "normal" for him when he's not holding the wand, and when the Hulk smashed him... it's very similar to when Natasha knocked Clint out, and Selvig snapping out of it after the blast. There is also the whole plot, Loki purposely riling them up to fight him at the tower, having a false-safe for the portal, and not even attempting to flee when he could have used his magic to disappear..? Seems very fishy to me. But, most people do just wave it away as "Loki is evil" and that's that.
1 replies
2 days
They did the same with Wanda, they just let people wave it away as "Scarlet Witch is evil" or "Wanda is crazy" which makes no sense. The Loki series did a good job fixing some of the writing issues with Loki, but the majority of the actual important things still got ignored or changed.😔
1 replies
2 days
I wish Thor 3 was different, so #1, the LOKI series didn't have to exist, and #2, we could have had Loki fighting in the endgame lineup with Thor, instead of having to deal with fat-jokes and haha-isn't-trauma-funny? DX And Wanda, she is such an interesting character, too, they need to stop messing up the most complicated ones with "they're just evil" excuses. D=
2 days
I'm not sure if you guys are watching the Spider-Man films at this point or continuing on with iron Man 3 but you guys should see the shorts that goes after iron Man 3 that you can only watch on Disney Plus there are like multiple kinds of shorts that you need to watch after some of the movies cuz it kind of ties in together with the other movies in the future
3 days
Fun Fact: In the comics Thanos does what he does to literally court death. Not the thrill from having a near death experience but literally to court the personification of death, who is portrayed as a lady. So the bit during the mid-credit scene when the Other states to fight them is to court death, it is a nod to the origins of why Thanos pursues his goals so heavily. Also, the five spidermen movies that or not associated with the MCU would be a legendary watch, way too hype for those.
3 days
If you want to get technical, Black Widow is actually a super soldier too, just not in the same way as Steve is. I'm not sure if MCU Widow shares that status too, but she does in the comics. Nick Fury is also classified as a super soldier too in the comics.
They did define the difference in super soldier and super human because of how strong Captain America is, which is a super soldier is as physically strong/enhanced as a person can possibly be without being defined as super human. All the super soldiers in Marvel are on different points of the scale, of course, but Capt. is RIGHT at the cut-off before he'd hit super human classification.
As far as what Bree was saying about girls and comics, YEAH. That's a thing I can relate to. I have been reading comics since I was little and have been MOCKED several times by guys when I was younger when I went to buy comics, sometimes by myself and even a few times when they were dumb enough to not notice my dad was nearby.
Because I had wanted to go see these movies when I was younger and so did my dad(he got me into comics), it had become a tradition to go to premieres for nerdy movies together so I had it luckier than most in that regard. He did pass away my sophomore year and Avengers came out the year I graduated so he never got to see it, but I still went to the premiere with my mom and my friends just like we would have. It was actually the one time where I really actually noticed there were SO many girls there. It was certainly frowned upon but there are a lot more of us than I had thought.
Yva Asparagus
3 days
Its really nice to watch you guys dive into the marvel universe 😁 I highly recommend you watch the Amazing spider man movies because I think they are much darker than the other ones and I really like Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. Also the soundtracks of both movies are sick 😏👌
3 days
They actually filmed a lot of the ground level battle scenes for this in Cleveland instead of New York. I think they filmed some of Cap 2 and maybe Black Widow there as well. They also filmed some of the new Superman movie there this past summer and I got to go see how they transformed parts of downtown into Metropolis, with Metropolis building and street signs, cabs, buses etc. They even built a DC fast food place. It was super cool to see.
3 days
Is the next marvel movie going to be Spider-Man from the Sam Raimi trilogy? If it is I can’t wait
1 replies
2 days
Why on earth would that be NEXT? They should watch that trilogy and The Amazing Spider Man 1 and 2 before No Way Home, but until AFTER Endgame they have no reason to watch them as it'll just interrupt the flow of the MCU.
3 days
Guys PLEASE watch agents of shield Its my favorite show ever
3 days
I would love for them to watch agents of shield
1 replies
3 days
samme as its still one of my fav show marvel ever made (past present included) still hoping we either get a cameo from like daisy or mac or even fitz/simmons or maybe one day theyll pick back up that planned agents of s.w.o.r.d reboot/continuation.
3 days
THE AVENGERS 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🤗🤗😝😝 Iron man my love 😍
3 days
"I wasn't expecting THEM [Steve and Tony] specifically to butt heads this much"..........
*patiently waits for Captain America 3 reaction..................*
3 days
The reason they focus in on Ashly Johnson is because there were a lot of scenes of her moving through the destruction and chaos of the battle that were cut.
3 days
The speaker for the guy is giles from Buffy
3 days
Fun fact, if I heard right, Tony Stark was not scripted to randomly snack berries in that scene with Bruce. I heard RDJ was such a snacker on set and on camera constantly, so that part was simply improvised. I could almost see it on Ruffalo's face when Robert just offered him the bag and said "Blueberry?" yet it also felt natural. Nobody stops that man if he's got the munchies.
3 days
The woman being interviewed at the end is Ashley Johnson. the voice actor for Pike in Vox Machina and ellie in the last of us game.
3 days
I love Natasha does all that but is scared of the Hulk
3 days
can confirm, shawarma is great and ya'll should get it sometime
3 days
Its ok, the tv show yall are not going to watch re-alived coulson
1 replies
3 days
the t.v show imo is still better then a lot of shows released now a days simply because they weren't pinned down and were allowed to do whatever they wanted especially after s1 when they were allowed to move past the movies. Genuinely still a yearly rewatch for me but honestly its one of those shows that's amazing if you like the down to earth spy marvel stuff and not so much if your there specifically for the magic/powers side of marvel. Although there is still def a lot of that and too this day i still want mac to show up as another universe director fury as he is in his universe lol (plus seeing fitz and simmons again and daisy ofc just such a good cast all around) and i really hope one day we either get that long awaited agents of s.w.o.r.d reboot or at the very least a cameo maybe in secret invasion/battle world.
3 days
What is so funny to me about that ending credit scene with the shawarma is they filmed and added it the day before the premier I believe and at the time Chris Evans was filming another movie called Snowpiecer and he had a beard, which meant he couldn't shave it. So, they gave him a fake face to put over it but it looked awful, so they told him to just keep his hand on his face and that's why he doesn't move at all. I highly recommend checking out Snowpiecer too because it's awesome!
One of my favorite things about this movie is up until then we had only seen Coulson be serious, focused and professional, so to see him fangirling over Cap was so funny and sweet. And honestly it makes him feel more human and relatable, which to me makes his death even sadder. I also liked that both Cap and Tony proved each other wrong. Cap was wrong about Tony not sacrificing himself but Tony was also wrong about Steve, he wasn't just made from a bottle and I loved that it was Tony that told Cap to give the orders when it came to the battle, he didn't even hesitate.
3 days
y'all are really saving the days when I don't work. still sad to wait until next year for Invincible but I'm glad to have Marvel Fridays
1 replies
1 day
Think you mean Marvel Monday's. 😉
3 days
Howard never said anything of that about Tony. Not sure if it was a joke. I can't tell sometimes when y'all are serious or kidding of misunderstanding.
1 replies
3 days
Just saying lol.
3 days
I will never forget when this movie came out on May 6th, 2012 it was my 18th birthday that it came out and I went with two of my friends and that whole theater was overcrowded there were people who were just standing up to watch the movie it was the best day of my life and if I had to experience it again I would I even got the cool cups for me and my friends I kept The one with woman black widow.
3 days
Some also see this film as Marvel's start of BIG humor with films, though comedy was still balance well in superhero films until late 2010s. We still had a few hero films that had joke scenes at bad timings but this film did them well
3 days
The woman you saw thanking Cap is the voice actress of Teen Gwen from Ben 10 and Terra from Teen Titans.
1 replies
3 days
Dude I didn't notice that how can I have missed that that was her.
3 days
Hope y'all watch the Planet of the Apes films one day, short but banger franchise
3 days
The reason they focused on the one woman in the cap fight scene is because there was a while side story that they cut but kept the slow Mo pan.
3 days
I don't get the hate for the HIMYM ending. I mean it wasn't a generic ending like friends or TBBT, being a more grounded and realistic end showing that not everything is a happily ever after, for a more whacky comedy of this formula. It was also hinted at from season 1, And when you realise the purpose of what Ted is telling his kids, and why he starts the story 9 years before meeting their mother and at the point that he meets robin, its actually a really good ending. Though I won't lie season 9 was a meh season on the whole, probably because its entirety is set across a weekend, and it limited the story telling.
1 replies
3 days
It's a good ending for you. It's all subjective.
3 days
If they don’t watch all post credit scenes ima riot
3 days
Yes watch all the avengers movies i like them
3 days
Man this movie at midnight is probably my all time favorite movie theatre memory, maybe only topped by seeing X2 at midnight when I was in elementary school.
My friend group took up nearly an entire row for this movie, we were so excited, such simpler times
Agents of shield binge
I wish they'd do Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. now, but I doubt it
Colson just went to Tahiti
Guys I HIGHLY recommend watching the Tobey and Andrew Spider-man movies, preferably before you start phase 4. And I definitely recommend X-men and the Blade trilogy!
definitely recommend watching the Toby and Andrew Spiderman movies before watching Tom's 3rd movie (No way home). It won't be the same if you haven't seen those
A majority of the movies and shows released after Far From Home lost the magic of the earlier films. However, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, No Way Home, Hawkeye, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, WandaVision, Shang-Chi, Loki (Seasons 1 and 2), Werewolf by Night, and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever stand out. While Black Panther 2 was impacted by rewrites following Chadwick Boseman's death, they still did a commendable job given the circumstances.
The main issue with many Marvel productions is the constant missteps. When one strategy works, they overcompensate, and when that fails, they overcorrect in the opposite direction. It's surprising how many good to great projects they've produced when you consider the amount of poor or downright awful content they've released over the past six years.
alot of people shit on the latest Phases of Marvel and how they're bad. But when you look at all af the Projects of Phase 4&5 most of them are quite good actually. It's just that there's so many of them compared to the earlier Phases that the many good movies and series get overshadowed by the bad ones.
I hope they do the Netflix marvel shows now that there canon
I’m genuinely so happy and excited about y’all reacting to the mcu ☺️😄
Time for Coulson to go to Tahiti. It's a magical place after all.
You should def watch the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies' super underrated in my opinion
Yes please do the og spiderman movies
1:16:55 Lego Marvel's Avengers had it
I'm loving these reactions to the MCU. I hope at some point you guys watch the animated Marvel movies like the Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2, Planet Hulk, Hulk VS, the Next Avengers and such. They are such good movies
Don't worry about Coulson you guys, they just sent him on vacation, I hear Tahiti's nice this time of year.
its a magical place
I actually remember the midnight premiere of this movie. I got the first issue of the X-Men vs Avengers comic and actually met, got something sign by and took a photo with Lou Ferrigno and this was what when he was in his 50’s he was actually still pretty jacked & i believe he was apart of the press tour/ meet and greet as he did some mo cap or voice work for hulk in the movie.
Sorry I got further in. The reason they focus so much on Ashley Johnson's character is because there's a deleted scene where she had a conversation with some of them. So like she was a character, but then they were like eeehhhh we don't need her that much.
::whispers:: Agents of SHIELD. Now is exactly the time to start....
1:06:07 See Branagh, that's how you use a dutch tilt.
No I will never let that go, the dutch tilts in Thor are genuinely infuriating. Especially now that I know it was done by someone who's supposed to be good at this.
You all stared at him judgingly as he was getting more water acting like it was really loud, but it wasn't even loud enough for the mic to pick it up. The only part the mic picked up was the opening and closing of the bottle, but nobody was staring at him during either of those times. Y'all are just hating on him for trying to stay hydrated smh
If you guys continue on I HIGHLY recommend checking out the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies before phase 3 and 4. I need you guys to trust this humble Billy this one time when I say that's the best place to watch em before getting to Tom Holland's movies. It's just a more fulfilling time goin in with that experience.
I do love this movie, but again it kinda drops the ball a bit with Loki as a character, 'cause there are hints more is going on then we're actually seeing, but it gets dropped when Thor 3 comes around. D= It's shown that the wand controls minds, and Loki comes out of the portal at the beginning looking WRECKED. Guy is pale and sweaty and not okay, and clearly being tortured by the Other, with threats on his life if he doesn't do what they say. There is also the fact Loki never wanted the throne, so why would he want one on Earth? And, Loki said to Thor that he was THROWN off the bridge to his supposed death, instead of letting go himself... Something is clearly not okay with Loki mentally.
He has moments of clarity, being calm and "normal" for him when he's not holding the wand, and when the Hulk smashed him... it's very similar to when Natasha knocked Clint out, and Selvig snapping out of it after the blast. There is also the whole plot, Loki purposely riling them up to fight him at the tower, having a false-safe for the portal, and not even attempting to flee when he could have used his magic to disappear..? Seems very fishy to me. But, most people do just wave it away as "Loki is evil" and that's that.
They did the same with Wanda, they just let people wave it away as "Scarlet Witch is evil" or "Wanda is crazy" which makes no sense. The Loki series did a good job fixing some of the writing issues with Loki, but the majority of the actual important things still got ignored or changed.😔
I wish Thor 3 was different, so #1, the LOKI series didn't have to exist, and #2, we could have had Loki fighting in the endgame lineup with Thor, instead of having to deal with fat-jokes and haha-isn't-trauma-funny? DX And Wanda, she is such an interesting character, too, they need to stop messing up the most complicated ones with "they're just evil" excuses. D=
I'm not sure if you guys are watching the Spider-Man films at this point or continuing on with iron Man 3 but you guys should see the shorts that goes after iron Man 3 that you can only watch on Disney Plus there are like multiple kinds of shorts that you need to watch after some of the movies cuz it kind of ties in together with the other movies in the future
Fun Fact: In the comics Thanos does what he does to literally court death. Not the thrill from having a near death experience but literally to court the personification of death, who is portrayed as a lady. So the bit during the mid-credit scene when the Other states to fight them is to court death, it is a nod to the origins of why Thanos pursues his goals so heavily. Also, the five spidermen movies that or not associated with the MCU would be a legendary watch, way too hype for those.
If you want to get technical, Black Widow is actually a super soldier too, just not in the same way as Steve is. I'm not sure if MCU Widow shares that status too, but she does in the comics. Nick Fury is also classified as a super soldier too in the comics.
They did define the difference in super soldier and super human because of how strong Captain America is, which is a super soldier is as physically strong/enhanced as a person can possibly be without being defined as super human. All the super soldiers in Marvel are on different points of the scale, of course, but Capt. is RIGHT at the cut-off before he'd hit super human classification.
As far as what Bree was saying about girls and comics, YEAH. That's a thing I can relate to. I have been reading comics since I was little and have been MOCKED several times by guys when I was younger when I went to buy comics, sometimes by myself and even a few times when they were dumb enough to not notice my dad was nearby.
Because I had wanted to go see these movies when I was younger and so did my dad(he got me into comics), it had become a tradition to go to premieres for nerdy movies together so I had it luckier than most in that regard. He did pass away my sophomore year and Avengers came out the year I graduated so he never got to see it, but I still went to the premiere with my mom and my friends just like we would have. It was actually the one time where I really actually noticed there were SO many girls there. It was certainly frowned upon but there are a lot more of us than I had thought.
Its really nice to watch you guys dive into the marvel universe 😁 I highly recommend you watch the Amazing spider man movies because I think they are much darker than the other ones and I really like Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. Also the soundtracks of both movies are sick 😏👌
They actually filmed a lot of the ground level battle scenes for this in Cleveland instead of New York. I think they filmed some of Cap 2 and maybe Black Widow there as well. They also filmed some of the new Superman movie there this past summer and I got to go see how they transformed parts of downtown into Metropolis, with Metropolis building and street signs, cabs, buses etc. They even built a DC fast food place. It was super cool to see.
Is the next marvel movie going to be Spider-Man from the Sam Raimi trilogy? If it is I can’t wait
Why on earth would that be NEXT? They should watch that trilogy and The Amazing Spider Man 1 and 2 before No Way Home, but until AFTER Endgame they have no reason to watch them as it'll just interrupt the flow of the MCU.
Guys PLEASE watch agents of shield Its my favorite show ever
I would love for them to watch agents of shield
samme as its still one of my fav show marvel ever made (past present included) still hoping we either get a cameo from like daisy or mac or even fitz/simmons or maybe one day theyll pick back up that planned agents of s.w.o.r.d reboot/continuation.
THE AVENGERS 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🤗🤗😝😝 Iron man my love 😍
"I wasn't expecting THEM [Steve and Tony] specifically to butt heads this much"..........
*patiently waits for Captain America 3 reaction..................*
The reason they focus in on Ashly Johnson is because there were a lot of scenes of her moving through the destruction and chaos of the battle that were cut.
The speaker for the guy is giles from Buffy
Fun fact, if I heard right, Tony Stark was not scripted to randomly snack berries in that scene with Bruce. I heard RDJ was such a snacker on set and on camera constantly, so that part was simply improvised. I could almost see it on Ruffalo's face when Robert just offered him the bag and said "Blueberry?" yet it also felt natural. Nobody stops that man if he's got the munchies.
The woman being interviewed at the end is Ashley Johnson. the voice actor for Pike in Vox Machina and ellie in the last of us game.
I love Natasha does all that but is scared of the Hulk
can confirm, shawarma is great and ya'll should get it sometime
Its ok, the tv show yall are not going to watch re-alived coulson
the t.v show imo is still better then a lot of shows released now a days simply because they weren't pinned down and were allowed to do whatever they wanted especially after s1 when they were allowed to move past the movies. Genuinely still a yearly rewatch for me but honestly its one of those shows that's amazing if you like the down to earth spy marvel stuff and not so much if your there specifically for the magic/powers side of marvel. Although there is still def a lot of that and too this day i still want mac to show up as another universe director fury as he is in his universe lol (plus seeing fitz and simmons again and daisy ofc just such a good cast all around) and i really hope one day we either get that long awaited agents of s.w.o.r.d reboot or at the very least a cameo maybe in secret invasion/battle world.
What is so funny to me about that ending credit scene with the shawarma is they filmed and added it the day before the premier I believe and at the time Chris Evans was filming another movie called Snowpiecer and he had a beard, which meant he couldn't shave it. So, they gave him a fake face to put over it but it looked awful, so they told him to just keep his hand on his face and that's why he doesn't move at all. I highly recommend checking out Snowpiecer too because it's awesome!
One of my favorite things about this movie is up until then we had only seen Coulson be serious, focused and professional, so to see him fangirling over Cap was so funny and sweet. And honestly it makes him feel more human and relatable, which to me makes his death even sadder. I also liked that both Cap and Tony proved each other wrong. Cap was wrong about Tony not sacrificing himself but Tony was also wrong about Steve, he wasn't just made from a bottle and I loved that it was Tony that told Cap to give the orders when it came to the battle, he didn't even hesitate.
y'all are really saving the days when I don't work. still sad to wait until next year for Invincible but I'm glad to have Marvel Fridays
Think you mean Marvel Monday's. 😉
Howard never said anything of that about Tony. Not sure if it was a joke. I can't tell sometimes when y'all are serious or kidding of misunderstanding.
Just saying lol.
I will never forget when this movie came out on May 6th, 2012 it was my 18th birthday that it came out and I went with two of my friends and that whole theater was overcrowded there were people who were just standing up to watch the movie it was the best day of my life and if I had to experience it again I would I even got the cool cups for me and my friends I kept The one with woman black widow.
Some also see this film as Marvel's start of BIG humor with films, though comedy was still balance well in superhero films until late 2010s. We still had a few hero films that had joke scenes at bad timings but this film did them well
The woman you saw thanking Cap is the voice actress of Teen Gwen from Ben 10 and Terra from Teen Titans.
Dude I didn't notice that how can I have missed that that was her.
Hope y'all watch the Planet of the Apes films one day, short but banger franchise
The reason they focused on the one woman in the cap fight scene is because there was a while side story that they cut but kept the slow Mo pan.
I don't get the hate for the HIMYM ending. I mean it wasn't a generic ending like friends or TBBT, being a more grounded and realistic end showing that not everything is a happily ever after, for a more whacky comedy of this formula. It was also hinted at from season 1, And when you realise the purpose of what Ted is telling his kids, and why he starts the story 9 years before meeting their mother and at the point that he meets robin, its actually a really good ending. Though I won't lie season 9 was a meh season on the whole, probably because its entirety is set across a weekend, and it limited the story telling.
It's a good ending for you. It's all subjective.
If they don’t watch all post credit scenes ima riot
Yes watch all the avengers movies i like them
Man this movie at midnight is probably my all time favorite movie theatre memory, maybe only topped by seeing X2 at midnight when I was in elementary school.
My friend group took up nearly an entire row for this movie, we were so excited, such simpler times