Ted 2 Reaction

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  1. gtqcnumber1
    3 months

    Mila Kunis did not come back to play Lori because she was pregnant. In an early draft of the script, someone mentioned that Lori died between the two movies. That idea was considered too depressing, so it was changed to John and Lori getting divorced.

  2. Colonel
    6 months

    "They should have sent a poet" It's a phrase from the movie Contact... That movie is AMAZING, I wish to god you guys listen to me and react to it. If you saw it already, OK then :)

  3. Cube
    6 months

    Erics rant about surrogate pregnancy was absolutley insane

    1 replies
    1. Krispin
      3 months

      I was with Bri on that one. There is something beautiful that women share with their kid after going through that suffering. It's a process that draws them close which is why others would weigh natural birth over surrogacy. I'm just making a point that sometimes deters authentic growth.

      1 replies
      1. Krispin
        3 months

        sometimes *convenience* deters authentic growth

  4. Joseph
    6 months

    Cars trilogy 

  5. Joseph
    6 months

    suggestion - horton hears a who

  6. John
    6 months

    You guys should watch the series 

  7. Bomb-Boy
    6 months

    still waiting for you guys to react the sponge out of water movie, Stephen hillenberg comes back for that movie and it’s not pretty bad

  8. The
    6 months

    you need to watch "Ernest Scared Stupid"

  9. saad
    6 months

    You guys should check out the Ted series!! So damn funny!

  10. Christine
    6 months

    Harry potter movies??

    2 replies
    1. Christine
      6 months

      sorry computer had a glitch and sent the comment three times sorry 

    2. Christine
      6 months

      Harry potter movies??

      1 replies
      1. Christine
        6 months

        Harry potter movies??

  11. King
    6 months

    We watching the show?

  12. endymion619_96433
    6 months

    You guys have got to watch Sponge Out Of Water & Sponge On The Run

    1 replies
    1. SnooperStar
      6 months

      For the latter, definitely not.

  13. KingOfRedLions89
    6 months

    Please watch Earnest Scared Stupid! when it gets close to Halloween 

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      6 months


      1 replies
      1. KingOfRedLions89
        6 months

        And also please watch Beetlejuice 

  14. collinpeacock
    6 months

    You missed the post credits Liam Nesson comes back with the box of trix beat up

  15. Inkasaurus
    6 months

    Please do Madagascar next!

  16. XD
    6 months

    you should watch RANGO someday

  17. kamen_rider_kai
    6 months

    Are y'all going to watch the Ted series?

  18. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    Why did Donny dress as Raphael and not Donatello?

  19. iKirbeeburgr
    6 months

    Uhh guys? We are kinda back.

  20. Jose
    6 months

    Throwing apples at joggers? You guys need to watch the show

  21. SkyNight79
    6 months

    This Movie will never get old, for series suggestions please what the Ted series, Jackie Chan Adventures, Shaolin Showdown, for movie suggestions Atlantis the lost empire, A quite place part 2, Despicable me 1 through 4 and the lego movie 2

  22. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    Ruff you need to go back to checking for post credit scenes…..

  23. Jose
    6 months

    A million ways to die in the west is a must have after this

    1 replies
    1. bloodymariarose
      6 months

      Trust me I’ve suggested that reaction more than once 😂

  24. Joseph
    6 months

    please watch the show

  25. Joseph
    6 months

    personally think this is better then the first

  26. drizzt8886
    6 months

    I agree with the Tom Brady stuff. I've seen more pictures of him kissing his kid weird than actually playing football. I know the name but you show me a picture he's just generic athletic white guy.

  27. Apryll
    6 months

    I love wanton bigotry as “humor”.

  28. Michael
    6 months

    I still hope you guys get around to watching Iron Giant.

  29. Manic_Expressions03
    6 months

    Soooo there IS a post credits scene 😬

  30. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    Mila Kunis was pregnant at the time of filming so couldn’t come back. I do find the whole divorce thing kind of forced. They could’ve just had Lori be on a business trip or something to explain her absence but now the happy ending of the first movie is erased.

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      6 months

      Whoops….sorry Boom

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