Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Reaction

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  1. tew592.
    1 month

    do more famiily guy 

  2. Steamed
    6 months

    The DVDs were part of the reason the show was bought back. It and Adult Swim reruns. Both it and Futurama are on Disney+ here in Australia 

  3. Steamed
    6 months

    Would love more Family Guy from the start! 

  4. Starlight
    7 months

    Omg! Omg! Yes! Please react to all of the family guy episodes! That would be AMAZING!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

  5. Matthew
    7 months

    Family Guy would be great, nobody else reacts to it

  6. Trey
    7 months

    please react to all of family guy it would be pog

  7. ShadowWalker
    7 months

    Watch Family Guy Road to the Multiverse 

  8. Aaron
    7 months

    That was Brian's gay cousin, Jasper I think.

  9. Amaree
    7 months

    I would watch every episode if you’ll did family guy 

  10. PJ
    7 months

    More Family Guy fosho. Side note as a kid I wasn't allowed to watch this show (I was barely a year old when It first came out) but my mom owned this exact DVD copy and I would watch it in secret. So nostalgically these episode are some of my favorite because they were my first ever Family Guy episodes lol

  11. Kay
    7 months

    oh i hope you guys do more Family Guy stuff it's always hilarious

  12. Neel
    7 months

    Family Guy Road to the Multiverse episode would be a cool one off reaction

  13. _rosewater0704
    7 months

    Would absolutely watch Family Guy reactions!

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      7 months

      american dad  i think would be funnier for them

  14. Deli
    7 months

    100% would watch a family guy reaction

  15. CrimsonDTV
    7 months

    Ngl bro I still blame young stewie. Older stewie mightve seemed like his life was miserable but he seemed to enjoy it. And yes his house on fire is definitely young stewies fault lol. He quite literally did this all to himself 

  16. Foulrookie
    7 months

    honestly I would love to see all the stewie and brian specials, especially  road to the north pole

  17. Crusty
    7 months

    Watch family guy but only the brian and stewie episodes

  18. Josh
    7 months

    Lacey Chabert the OG Meg also voiced Eliza Thorneberry and Zatanna in Young Justice

  19. Joseph
    7 months

    i hope Fridays movie is dcamu, think its teen titans judas contract 

  20. Luke
    7 months

    More Family guy please.

  21. icvelymaria
    7 months

    Omg please watch family guy 

  22. Residentfan 1
    7 months

    0:37:45 as someone from SF I can confirm that everyone over 60 won’t shut up about what the city was like when they were children.

  23. darkus
    7 months

    Yeet fairly odd parents

  24. Ethan
    7 months

    *hopes for an American Dad reaction someday rising*

  25. sombra_hacker09
    7 months

    In the words of lois "This isn't a movie at all it's just 3 episodes back to back fox should be ashamed it's just a middle finger to the fans"

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