Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi Reaction

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  1. rrrebo
    3 months

    There is, in fact, a kid in the Ewok suit. Wicket the Ewok, the first one who finds Leia, was played by a then-11-year-old Warwick Davis. Warwick Davis went on to star as Willow in the George Lucas film "Willow". He was the leprechaun in the original "Leprechaun" movie, and he also famously played Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor, as well as Griphook the Goblin in the Harry Potter movies.

    The little person inside R2-D2 most of the time was Kenny Baker, who reportedly was very uncomfortable in the suit, so the crew plastered porn all over the inside of the RD-D2 costume as a surprise.

    Diminutive STAR WARS actor KENNY BAKER stopped complaining about his

    discomfort inside robot R2DT during filming for the sci-fi saga's final

    episode - because the film crew plastered its interior with pictures of

    naked models.

    "The 70-year-old star dreaded filming the first five Star Wars films

    because the awkward metal outfit was unbearable, but his work on the

    sixth installment, STAR WARS: EPISODE III - REVENGE OF THE SITH was more

    tolerable because he shared the costume with pornographic images.

    He explains, "The lads surprised me one day by sticking a load of Page

    Three pictures inside R2D2's head. I got inside and wondered what the

    heck was going on.

    "I got cross-eyed looking at everything in front of me. But it was rather nice. It made it a lot more bearable."  "

    Here he is eating a sandwich in costume:

  2. Quin
    5 months

    I just realized, it's so perfect that you broke the blue lightsaber last episode, in the same movie where Luke lost his. And now, for episode 6.

  3. Trystin
    6 months

    I wonder if Vader stopped Luke from killing the Emperor to protect Palpatine or to keep luke from turning to the dark side. Does the book answer that question?

  4. Mitchell
    8 months

    There aren’t necessarily signs that Leia was his sister, but she is shown to be force sensitive.

  5. Colonel
    10 months


  6. Movie
    10 months

    And here we are The Return of the Jedi and the redemption of Anakin Skywalker such an amazing movie filledmwith epic moments and incredible quotes non more so than "I am a Jedi like my father before me" and love thatbHayden was added as a force ghost at the end!Bring on the Prequels awesome reaction guys?

  7. lightning132ttv
    10 months

    I don't think that 7, 8, and 9 are bad movies, I just feel like they kind of destroyed the established lore that Lucas set up so well and kind of threw it all out so they could do their own thing without being chained down.

  8. lightning132ttv
    10 months

    You guys should check the Super Star Wars trilogy on the SNES if you get the chance! They're fire!!

  9. lightning132ttv
    10 months

    When it comes to story-telling, I always felt it best to start with Rogue One, then watch New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, then watch the prequel trilogy, then finish with Return of the Jedi. It flows better to me personally.

  10. Echo
    10 months

    Dude this was my favorite movie of all Star Wars when I was a kid, and it took my 15- 20 yrs to realize it’s cuz of Leia making my baby gay heart do flips. Like she was definitely an early crush and the slave outfit was only part of the gay awakening. Her kicking ass definitely the majority but like as someone who suffered from internalized homophobia until I was 21 I definitely could understand the REAL reason I loved this one the most

    1 replies
    1. Echo
      10 months

      Damn, this all hits different when you come from a background of borderline cult religious psychosis. I feel like Luke, figuring out I’m “special” (aka gay as fuck) grappling with it, finally accepting it, and having to grow through the hatred I felt towards my family for enforcing homophobia on me (and brainwashing me) to come out and heal past the hate. My dad is definitely darth Vader, groomed and brainwashed by the crazy religious fanatics that are the “last of their kind” (aka crazy), but is also trying to grapple with the brainwashing. Except the second my dad had a clear head (he was on meds that kinda drugged him for two years) he grabbed onto the brainwashing as hard as he could. He didn’t throw either me or palpateen over, but he has firmly showed me he will NEVER listen to anything I have to say on any religious matter as he’s the one that went to 4 years of Bible college. Anyway we’re essentially stuck back on that cloud city when he had gotten to walking together on the forest planet. Sorry this shit is really confusing when you’re a polytheist trying to shake sense into the people you live with. 

  11. Omegajim
    10 months

    And it's all down hill from here

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      10 months

      The prequels are great though! It's downhill after the original 6 films. Rogue One was a banger though too!

  12. hurryupmode
    10 months

    Highly recommend A Bad Lip Reading's take on these films.

  13. Jacob
    10 months

    Original trilogy is so good. Glad you guys liked it and can’t wait to see how you react to the prequel‘s. Myself I never hated the prequel‘s I was seven when episode one Phantom Menace came out, and I fell in love with probably the greatest piece of movie soundtrack awesomeness Dual of the Fates. Of the Disney, Star Wars shows and movies I loved rogue one definitely recommend. Never saw the Han Solo movie so I can’t say either way. But the sequel trilogy is the worst of the three trilogies like if I were reading each of them on a scale of 1 to 10 episode seven is a 6.5 out of 10, episode eight is a three out of 10, and episode nine is a five out of 10.  Of the shows I’ve watched Kenobi, Ahsoka and Andor. Asoka is the worst of the three, but is honestly better than both episode eight and nine I’d probably put it out at 6.5 just like episode seven. Kenobi was pretty good I would rate it at 7.5. Andor was easily a nine out of 10. 

    Real quick, Luke, actually has one of the highest body counts in the series because he destroyed the first Death Star where tens of thousands of storm troopers, command staff, engineers, technicians, people that would have to ferry supplies to the Death Star, etc. we’re all killed when he pulled the trigger. 

    Also, the idea was that Luke as a follower of the Jedi way was not to cut somebody down in anger, which is what the emperor wanted because then he’d be come closer to the dark side so by refusing to fight, especially after disarming Vader, he chose the path of the Jedi, which is what pushes Vader to save his son. It’s an interesting battle, because when you look at the fight, they had in Empire strikes back the roles are kind of reversed. Luke does everything he can to not fight when during empire strikes back he took almost every chance he could to fight. While Vader tried to turn him to the dark side, there was a difference being in he was still willing to fight to show off the power of the dark side.  So I am a fan of that almost mirror of the two fights. 

    Anyway, can’t wait to see more of your reactions for this franchise. Oh, you should definitely check out the family guy crossover Star Wars specials.

    1 replies
    1. sam16621
      10 months

      Hey Guys! Please do the clone wars series after prequels. And when you do, make sure you find the watch list online because the episodes are out of order on stream. Thanks! ✌

  14. JM
    10 months

    Oh, and the person in the suit of the first/main Ewok you see is Warwick Davis, who has been in a whole lot of shit since, including a bunch of other minor/background Star Wars characters in later movies to the point where you could probably make a game of trying to figure out which alien extra he's playing in each one.

  15. JM
    10 months

    I was born in 82, so I quite literally grew up with these movies and watched them so much I had them all more or less memorized for a long while. Unfortunately, that means every actual change (not the clean up, obviously) that has been made since sticks out like a sore thumb to me and takes me slightly out, even the random CGI critters they toss in the background. The majority of the changes are like that, though, just background stuff, and apart from my brain going "that's not how it was" I don't mind them. The actual scene tweaks can grate, but largely because I'm crotchety about it. That said, replacing the Yub Nub song during the end party was a high crime and Lucas should go straight to movie jail or something. It slaps.

    Anyway, I love these movies regardless, you should absolutely watch Indiana Jones, and 100% play Knights of the Old Republic if you can get it running; it's really starting to show its age, but it's great.

  16. Swordfish
    10 months

    Rogue One and Solo can be watched before the Sequel Trilogy, no order necessary. Prequels first, obviously; that still lays down a lot of ground work for the universe. Mandalorian can be handled after all of those with no Sequel Trilogy. Yeah, watch Sequels, just don't let them hang you up on the good stuff.

  17. bbenzo.
    10 months

    There’s quite a few lore breaking reasons the sequels are disliked, but mine has more to do with behind the scenes racism, I’ll get into it once you guys get to them, or if it comes up earlier.

  18. datsweetweedthough
    10 months

    please do spaceballs

  19. bbenzo.
    10 months

    Said it before and I’ll say it again, Clone Wars(3D) before Episode 3, up till season 6, then watch Season 7 after Episode 3

  20. Morningstar2126
    10 months

    You should also watch the Indiana Jones and Harry Potter movies!

  21. Diuque
    10 months

    I will continue to say that you should see Clone Wars 2D before episode 3. People will say: "but that mini series is no longer canon, better 3D before season 6", but I consider that 2D has all the context they need in 2 hours, introductions of new characters and relevant events to explain the time jump of episode 3. If we are objective, only some arcs of clone wars 3D are relevant to the movies, other arcs only become important for future series and others are stories of 3 - 4 chapters that do not affect the plot.

  22. fmjraven
    10 months

    Don’t think we can trust Ruff with a saber anymore lol

  23. PJ
    10 months

    Rogue one and Solo are stand alone movies. You should watch 7, 8, and 9 together. 

    But the first Star Wars tv series you should check out is The Clone Wars (2008-2013, 2020)

  24. RoBroCrafts
    10 months

    Please watch Star Wars The Clone Wars!

  25. myboi
    10 months

    i cant wait for them to react to the star wars clone wars tv show. if they do it. at the very least the 2D micro series would be fun.

  26. David
    10 months

    Original Trilogy is done. It's time for........SPACEBALLS:THE MOVIE

  27. Mantas
    10 months

    rogue 1 you should do before 7, 8 and 9. Solo would be good to do after clone war series it has a spoiler for clone war series

    1 replies
    1. Morningstar2126
      10 months


      Boba Fett actually escaped the Sarlac in the legends continuity which wasn’t canon until Disney made it canon to everyone’s approval !

  28. Julian
    10 months

    Watch the Twisted Toonz reading of Return of the Jedi. I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it.

  29. Andre
    10 months

    There was hints that Leia and Luke had a special connection, most notably at the end of Empire Strikes Back when it’s Leia that senses Luke was in trouble and where to find him.

  30. Webbman76
    10 months

    Definitely do the Prequel Trilogy aka Episode 1-3. After that you can do whatever you want. 

  31. David
    10 months

    I think some of the added CG stuff just cluttered the screen in a way that didn't fit the composition, like it was just there to show off what they could do with vfx. Its the only easy way to watch the OT anyway, so its not like we have much of a choice.

  32. thepugprotector
    10 months

    For one, I think rogue one should come before 7, 8, and 9. I also wanted to mention that the ewok that found Princess Leia is named Wicket and I named my rabbit after it when I was 8 or 9. Star Wars had an impact on my life. And the sequels have always felt bad to me. I went into episode 7 excited and with expectations and came out underwhelmed. I was in high school at the time. While I do know that preconceptions can affect how I watch a movie, I don't generally dislike movies without a solid reason; then 8 came out, and I hoped they fixed it, but it was somehow worse. I have not even bothered to watch 9 because I didn't want to fuel Disney to continue. I would have been happy with it ending at the prequels, personally speaking. I do, at some point, want to watch 9, just to see what they did to it, but it won't be in a way where I give Disney money for it. I think the reaction I am looking forward to the most, now that this journey has started is the Clone Wars series. It is one of my favorite series of all time and gives the universe of Star Wars so much depth.

  33. lightning63
    10 months

    Rogue One and Solo are completely standalone prequels to the original trilogy, and you can watch one without the other.

    For continuing you Star Wars journey do the prequels next and after that you can either start Clone Wars or continue the movies with Rogue One.

  34. Cobalt
    10 months

    You guys should watch The Clone Wars right after the prequels

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      10 months

      I keep saying right before episode 3, just for that Anakin context?

  35. Msr9272tce
    10 months

    if youve got the star wars collector itch get a neopixel lightsaber or rgb, rgb you can heavy duel 

  36. Hannah
    10 months

    so leia saying shes always known wasnt literal. it was her saying she knew there was something special between them. shes always known they had a connection that no other could have. she and luke misread what that connection was. because why would they think they were related? the only explanation for the feeling would be romanic at first until they both learn the truth.

  37. bbenzo.
    10 months

    At them End of Episode V, when Luke is hanging from Cloud City, it’s heavily implied that Leia sensed Luke in trouble, which is how she knew to go back to save him, this come roughly 20 minutes after Yoda stated “there is another”(in reference to Leia), so while not directly mentioning their connection, it was heavily implied that she was connected to Luke’s prophecy and force sensitive at the least 

  38. wynosaurus
    10 months

    MY FAVORITE STAR WARS MOVIE!!!! For context Ruff, this is the first movie to get the fandom complaints, mainly due to the apparent childishness of the ewoks. AKA this is the first time anything "ruined Star Wars"  the first of many lmao.

    1 replies
    1. JM
      10 months

      What I always found funny about this was the people complaining about the ewoks always seemed to forget their introduction involved fully intending to eat the main characters, followed shortly after by them repeatedly dogpiling and then beating a bunch of Imperial soldiers to death. One is playing drums on a collection of helmets at the ending party; wonder what happened to the bodies of the people that were wearing them.

  39. Amir
    10 months

    THE PREQUELS SHOULD BE NEXT! While nowadays there are mixed reactions to the Prequel Trilogy, I truly think that it is underrated and while I can admit that the Original Trilogy is better written, in some areas however I enjoy the Prequel Trilogy more.

  40. bbenzo.
    10 months

    Yet again asking for a Clone Wars reaction(up til season 6) before y’all watch Episode III!

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      10 months

      Gotta disagree. They have to watch Episode 3 before clone wars, the show was written under the assumption that viewers had already seen Episode 3. Besides interrupting their weekly movie reactions and putting the ENTIRE rest of the film franchise on hold while they watch six seasons of a tv show and an animated movie is a little ridiculous and impractical from a business standpoint. Besides Fridays are for movies, if they interrupt the Star Wars movies we'd still have to wait for a slot to open up on another day.

  41. nightwolf4397
    10 months

    i personally love the prequel trilogy and can't wait for you guys to react to it

  42. DementisXYZ
    10 months

    Bro, I was so glad Sean brought up Family Guy and Robot Chicken Star Wars specials, cause I was gonna suggest it and would love to see reactions to them.

  43. MegumiMary
    10 months

    "He's never killed anyone this entire series"

    BULL SH*T!


    He blew up the Death Star!

    That was technically a terrorist act (granted morally it falls on the side of good but in universe it is still classified as terrorism and mass murder)

  44. Veritas
    10 months

    They will LOVE Clone Wars. My first "dive" into anything Star Wars was the Clone Wars cartoon, it is what I think of when I imagine Star Wars and nostalgia, as this trilogy was way before my time. I cannot stress enough how critical it is to the franchise's value, how well written it is, and how big its world is especially when combined with Rebels, Mandalorian, Bad Batch, Ahsoka, Andor, etc. Also, in all three reactions Boom called him CP-3O instead of C3-PO and I can't tell if it's on purpose. ?

  45. Crusty
    10 months

    The family guy parodies are honestly really good and I'm not a fan of family guy at all

  46. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    I like that Ruff hadn’t seen any Star Wars except for an extremely obscure and non canon cartoon from the 80s. 

  47. Jadzia
    10 months

    You guys should react to Family Guy Star Wars and Robot Chicken Star Wars just for fun!

    1 replies
    1. Iain
      10 months

      I second this robot chicken is criminally underrated

  48. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    Luke knew that Leia was his sister because he used the force……is the official reason. I suspect he just named the only woman he knows.

  49. devontetheenigma
    10 months

    Let's be honest with ourselves as much as clone wars adds to episode 3- the series came after the release of the prequels. In reality the clone wars is partially one of the main reasons the prequels are even loved as much as they are because it adds to it. The sequels by contrast took what was canon in the extended universe and made it basically non-canon after Disney brought star wars. Clone wars should be saved for after the prequels- 1,2,3 and rogue 1.

    3 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      10 months

      i've always been a defender of the prequels and have only in the past few weeks begun to watch clone wars. So I can easily say this blankey argument of "People only like the prequels because of clone wars" is simply not true

      I never got the prequel hate- I always loved how they added to the original trilogy.

      Revenge of the Sith is by far my favorite Star Wars movie- even if I do recognize that Empire is objectivley better

    2. wynosaurus
      10 months

      You CAN officially watch Mandalorian and get most of it. HOWEVER it builds on stuff presented in The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels

    3. wynosaurus
      10 months

      Technically the extended universe stuff was never fully canon. Basically it was canon until if and when George Lucas contradicted it, which he often did. 

  50. MegumiMary
    10 months

    it is my understanding that Mandalorian requires a watch of Clone Wars first (Hence why I am making my way through Clone Wars First)

    It is also my understanding that Rebels is a sequel series to Clone Wars so following up Clone Wars with Rebels is recemended

    After that you should do Mandalorian

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      10 months

      Yeah, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian is the best order. Since Mandalorian builds off of Rebels plotpoints fairly heavily 

  51. patelasaur
    10 months

    When you guys get to the shows, watch Book of Boba Fett between Season 2 and 3 of Mandalorian otherwise things will get confusing. Tbh book of boba should have just been a season of Mandalorian

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      10 months

      Agreed Book of Boba Fett is The Mandalorian season 2.5

  52. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    You can do Mandalorian season 1 after this but seasons 2 and 3 have a bunch of Clone Wars and Rebels characters get reintroduced.

  53. Petrichor12
    10 months

    My vote is for Rogue One next just because I am most excited for it and you don't need the others to know what's going on.

    Then prequels. Then Solo. Then new trilogy (assuming TV shows are benched). If TV shows are on the table, then "Solo" last.

    I'd be excited for the Star Wars parodies like: Family Guy, Phineas and Ferb, or Spaceballs

  54. LaLa
    10 months

    YES! Please watch the Indiana Jones franchise! They are such an enjoyable, fun bunch of movies. Truly great for just being able to sit back, chill, and not have to over think about plot points.

    Since Ruff has expressed interest in fun space movies you might also enjoy:

    1- The Star Trek movies (old or new)

    2- Valerian

    3- Spaceballs

    4- Avatar movies

    5- The Martian

    6- Treasure Planet

    7- The Fifth Element

    8- Galaxy Quest

    9- Jupiter Ascending

    10- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Some of these movies are what most would classify as B movies, but I feel like they all lend themselves to entertainment. Which is my only criteria for enjoying a movie. ?

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      10 months

      All these movies are amazing. The 5th Element is my favorite on this list. ?

  55. sguy90
    10 months

    I believe when this movie released back in '83 the adult audience didn't like it because it felt more kid friendly than the other two, even tho the other two were also family friendly. It was mainly the Ewoks but yeah. It's a never ending cycle with Star Wars movies and hate, like you said back when the prequels were new the people who grew up on the originals hated them. Now with the sequels both fans of the originals and prequels started to hate them. The spin off movies you could watch at your own time but you don't have to watch those alongside the sequels. You could watch them after

  56. Jason
    10 months

    y'all gotta get Ruff a fidget cube or something lmao

  57. Radar
    10 months

    The Wilhelm scream is from a movie called Distant Drum from 1951. The sound's first name was man getting "Man getting bit by and alligator, and he screams". In 1977, when the first star wars movie was made, Ben Burtt (A sound designer) knew the sound from The Charge at Feater River from 1953, since he sound was used when Privater Wilhelm got shot by an arrow. So Ben Burtt asked Warner Bros which owned the sound, if he could used the sound for Star Wars. He was granted the access to use the sound. So that's how the Wilhelm scream became an iconic sound, it was mainly because of Star Wars

  58. Gabriel
    10 months

    im so happy,  i cant wait for you guys to watch the prequels,  I love them so much. the sequels are my least favorite but there are things I liked about them. I still cant wait to watch along with you guys on those ones aswell. 

  59. Persnickity
    10 months

    The band in Jabba's palace are legendary. This is not a joke. The name of the band is the Jizz-Wailers

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      10 months

      The name of the band is the Max Rebo band. You’re thinking of the cantina band; Fugurin Dan and the Modal nodes, who play a genre called Jizz, and all Jizz musicians are jizz-wailers

  60. Persnickity
    10 months

    If Boom is willing to be called Jabba then we got Ruff as Salacious Crumb and Erik as Bib Fortuna. Olivia is Boba Fett (less screen time but bad ass). And H man is R2D2, the true hero

    1 replies
    1. boom
      10 months

      Who’s Olivia?

      1 replies
      1. Ben
        10 months

        Right, I'm confused too ? ?

  61. Anthony
    10 months

    If you guys watch the clone wars show make sure you look up the chronological order cause some episodes were released out of order

    2 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      10 months

      The official order is on I just worry because they’ve gotten super frustrated with out of order shows in the past. I do agree that chronical order is a better experience for The Clone Wars 

    2. wynosaurus
      10 months

      Technically it wasn’t released out of order. It began as an anthology series and got more serialized as it went on

  62. korrasrightbicep
    10 months

    I haven't finished the video yet (so if ya'll looked it up eventually, ignore this lol), but Leia wasn't always supposed to be Luke's sister. It was originally going to be a completely different character and the storyline was going to be much different. To tie up the trilogy, Lucas ended up just making Leia the sister, so that's why there are so many moments where Leia and Luke have romantic tension/share kisses, because she originally wasn't his sister at all. That's also why there's not really any huge hints/build up to it.

  63. Petrichor12
    10 months

    If you're willing to shuck out some $$$ for custom lightsabers, you should check out someone like SaberForge or UltraSabers. ?

  64. Gabriel
    10 months

    You guys should watch Both Ewok movies, they are fun watches plus they are on Disney plus now.

  65. sombra_hacker09
    10 months

    OMG YES please do the family guy pradioes of the original trilogy and even robot chicken sketches

    1 replies
    1. Cole
      10 months

      I loved those so much, that’s actually how I learned that Lando wears Han’s clothes in the last scene of Empire Strikes back?.

  66. Cole
    10 months

    Absolutely love this movie, So 1 cool thing is you see Luke in black pretty much almost the whole movie showing his pull to the dark side. Until after his confrontation with the emperor which then you see a white flap from the inside of his outfit hanging during the death of Vader, showing the Lightside within him prevailed and officially won Luke over. Also if you own a version of this movie from before the prequels were released you will see the original actor for Vader (Sebastian Shaw) in this movie. George changed it because he wanted Anakin from when he was last a Jedi and described as this.” when you die, your inner person goes back to where you left off in the lightside. So when Vader died, he went back to where Anakin was when he was last in the lightside of the Force.” He didn’t tell (Hayden Christensen) why he was filming, he just had him stand still and filmed him. Also can’t wait for you to watch the prequels cause that’s my favorite Trilogy of Star Wars.????

  67. Saint
    10 months

    you mean moblins from zelda.

  68. Lightningplays
    10 months

    To be fair I like the prequel trilogy the most out of the 3 trilogies

  69. Wulves
    10 months

    Next Episode 1 & 2 then The Clone Wars series before Episode 3.

    3 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      10 months

      Like the finale of The clone Wars coincides with and spoils parts of Revenge of the Sith as well. It only makes sense as a watch order for people who’ve already seen the prequels and Ruff hasnt

      1 replies
      1. patelasaur
        10 months

        I don't why people keep commenting to save episode 3 for after season 7 as a first time watch. Season is made in a way that adds so much more knowing what happens in episode 3.

    2. wynosaurus
      10 months

      There’s no reason at all to delay episode 3 for a seven season show. Besides theyd have to wait anyways to clear up another show spot. 

    3. William
      10 months

      Idk, if they do that it will be 1 year plus more before they get to Episode 3.

      Idk if people want to wait that long. To be honest, I'D LOVE that too but idk if the crew themselves would want to do that.

      For sure though no matter what, they need to get to Clone Wars (2008) (chronological order)

  70. Claire
    10 months

    All of the ships in this trilogy are 100% practical. The CGI updates are mainly the weird animals on Tatooine in the first movie, cuz in the original versions, there was no CGI

  71. Andrew
    10 months

    I know it’s something you would probably never do, but I would love for you guys to review the Sabres from Theory Sabers absolutely premium quality and way better then Disneys cheap ones 

  72. Gabriel
    10 months

    Yes! Here we go!

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