Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith Reaction

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  1. Froakie
    4 days

    does anyone know why they havent watched solo afer episode 8 like they originally planned

  2. Jameson
    11 days

    Not quite. The Rule of 2 came about because the Sith couldn't stop banding together and betraying each other long enough to form a stable government. Darth Bane enacted the Rule of 2 for the Sith so that there will be a Master who has power and an Apprentice who craves it. The Apprentice will *ALWAYS* turn on the Master once they feel that they are strong enough. It is in the nature of Sith. They are predators. If the Apprentice wins, then he was obviously more powerful and is now the master and must find an apprentice.

    Balance to the Force means no darkside users. Darkside users warp the Force and use it selfishly.

    The Jedi were losing connection to the Force for two reasons: Their arrogance and Palpatine's subtle influence. The Sith went underground with the Rule of 2 so the Jedi were left to rule "in peace" and became very arrogant because they were never challenged. Also, Palpatine was *VERY* strong as he was the result of a thousand years of the Rule of 2, only the strongest survives.

  3. Dust
    1 month

    this movie still holds up today. The best prequel for sure.

  4. steve
    5 months

    loved the reaction!! will you guys be doing the obi wan series?

    1 replies
    1. kitrembo
      16 days

      eventually they might yeah gotta get there in the timeline chronologically tho

  5. Trystin
    5 months

    The way yodas voice wavers when saying he failed... who says Jedi cant be emotional.

  6. Trystin
    5 months

    its crazy noticing that just like when windu said it at the end, palpatin also said dooku was too dangerous to be left alive. if only anakin was as loose on that principle for palpatine as he was with dooku

  7. TSP247
    6 months

    you guys should look into general grievous lore video. it helps if you intend on watching star wars: clone wars tv series. 

  8. Robyt
    7 months


    George Lucas himself said that Balance of the force is that there's only the Light Side.

  9. Y0GE
    8 months

    Before you guys watch the mandolorian you should watch the clone wars and rebels first, there is massive missing context if you watch the mandolorian before the animated shows.

  10. Cadent
    8 months

    Correct me if I'm wrong on Erik's rule of two talk, but actually the rule of two was only for the Sith. Just because back when there were a bunch Sith they just kept betraying each other and dwindling their numbers. So a specific sith made that rule. It wasn't meant to be a doctrine for both the Jedi and Sith. Cause there's still like a bunch of Jedi that survived Order 66.

    2 replies
    1. Joe
      6 months

      Darth Bane who is a powerful Sith Lord that lived one thousand years before the events of the films and is known for being the originator of the Sith's "Rule of Two", which states: "One master and one apprentice can be the only Sith in the galaxy at a time."

    2. Y0GE
      8 months

      Yes and no. The rule of two is only for the sith but the more you have one one side of the force you have an imbalance and so you need to bring balance by either reducing the number of jedi or by increasing the number of sith can you bring balance. It is a cyclical cycle a power struggle between the light and the dark even with the sequel with the sith being no more a new dark side power will inevitably rise to bring balance to the force.

  11. Movie
    8 months

    And here we are are the best of the Prequels Revenge of the Sith this movie is awesome for so many reasons the opening space battle sets the tone immediatley epic and action packed i never get tired of this movie seeing Anakin being manipulated by Palpatine and finally fall to the Dark side and see Vader rise is both so hard and incredible to watch especially as slaughters the Younglings😔,the lightsaber duels in this movie are some of the best throughout all Star wars media especially Obi Wan vs Anakin/Vader on Mustafar also in that scene we get one of the greatest Star Wars Scores ever with Battle of the Heroes,Yoda vs Palpatine is amazing,Watching the Jedi fall breaks me everytime😭We have an aweslme villain with General Greivous,the revelation that Qui Gonn has returned from the netherworld of the force and can manifest in some way and off course the birth of the Twins a New hope Luke and Leia.Some amazing quotes in this one too but the best off course has to be the entire scene when Obi wan defeats Anakin some of my favourite lines in that moments although all of it is iconic "You were supposed to destroy the Sith not join them bring balance to the force not leave it in darkness"Awesome reaction guys 😊i literally cant wait for Clone wars you'll get a lot pf answers to unanswered questions and amazinfg characters and everything else in the Star Wars universe!

  12. Van
    9 months

    i believe its known behind the scenes might be wrong but they both actually went at the speed they were swinging their lightsabers at.  and it was just a metal pipe or something 

  13. Barbara
    9 months

    I'm so damn excited for y'all to watch Clone Wars. Takes place between the 2nd and 3rd prequel. more of a tragic slow burn of Anakin's fall to the dark side, you get so much more info on the Clones themselves guys will meet...certain people :)

    Hope you guys love it, you're gonna lose your shit once you get to the later seasons, hehehe

  14. snakegoddess
    9 months

    Duel on Mustafar is my favorite lightsaber fight in the entire saga.

    The sequels don't feel like star wars to me. the OT and Prequels had original stories but the sequels just seemed to recycle the OT. 

  15. snakegoddess
    9 months

    before you get into the sequels (7-9) definitely watch obi Wan Kenobi after you finish Clone Wars.  It's beautiful. 

  16. Luke
    9 months

    Oh and fun fact. There are many comics (canon and non-canon) for Star Wars that add a lot of worldbuilding and other neat little details. In of them Darth Vader recognizes C-3PO in The Empire Strikes Back while they're on Cloud City (I think it was there) anyways it was when C-3PO had gotten disassembled, Vader finds his head. This caused him to have a surge of memories some good, other bad, which causes him to become angry, however instead of destroying C-3P0 he has the droid delievered to Chewbacca's cell. It was a weird moment of... Compassion? Mercy? Who knows? Just a cool detail that answers those odd questions, such as, did Anakin recognize C-3PO and R2-D2 in the original trilogy after so many years as Vader.

  17. Luke
    9 months

    I really hope you guys watch both Clone Wars series after this. That's Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars (2003) he's the creator of Samurai Jack, and Dave Filoni's CGI Clone Wars series (2008). Filoni's Clone Wars series is canon, but it would be a shame if you missed out on Tartakovsky's Clone Wars because the animation and action are unparalleled. Also that series is very short with 3 seasons and like 5 min episodes, so it's a quick watch. Both series take place in the few years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Definitely will recommend on the polls.

  18. Link
    9 months

    Super excited for you guys to watch Clone Wars. Although keep in mind that the show is pretty mid until Season 4, when it starts to get really good, and by the end of the series it becomes peak Star Wars that I would argue rivals the movies themselves.

  19. Morningstar2126
    9 months

    Watch the Harry Potter movies 

  20. Asher
    9 months

    I would love to see ruff cosplay anakin from this movie. The hair is already pretty close

  21. Donald
    9 months

    The Obi-Wan Kenobi show and The Mandalorian shows are the two best shows, please watch the Obi-Wan show next, it takes place basically right after the Jedi games which happen right after Revenge of the sith

  22. Michael
    9 months

    Apparently when vaders masked part of the helmet was being put on right before it was on he whimpered padme save me 

    1 replies
    1. Link
      9 months

      "Help me Padme..."

  23. Unstablebeast
    9 months

    So idk if it's just a very popular theory of its was officially confirmed, but anakin losing to obiwan despite being shown to be better earlier in the movie, is because there was still a conflict within him even during that fight, plus his arrogance in his new power. And fun fact, anakin and vader are literally like 2 entities in 1 body, and they are always in conflict

  24. Adam
    9 months

    Please watch the Obi-Wan Kenobi show

  25. Mikkel
    9 months

    You misunderstand the rule of two. The rule of two is purely a sith doctrine. One to embody the power (the master) and one to crave it (the apprentice)

    Why only two?

    Unlike the Jedi and the light side, who focuses on emotional harmony and detachment, the dark side focuses on accumulation of power. Thousands of years ago there used to be a smith empire that rivaled the Jedi, with thousands of sith and an emperor. The problem with that is that the dark side by nature does not make a good foundation for an organized empire. The sith would always try to scheme and overthrow each other, which by itself creates a mess of an empire. Also, the apprentices would focus on assassinations and temporary alliances to overthrow their masters, which meant that weaker sith would overthrow stronger ones, not because of merit and strength, but because the weaker ones would plot together. This does not result in strong sith over time and the Jedi because of their ability to work together, would always win in an organized empire vs. organized republic context.

    One day, a Sith Lord called Darth Bane betrayed the empire and lured them, along with many Jedi, into a trap that resulted in the annihilation of the empire. Bane did this, because he saw the flaw with having many sith working together. The sith went into hiding and became a secret order, thought to be extinct. He then created the doctrine of the rule of two. There can only be one master and one apprentice. The master’s job is to accumulate power, teach his apprentice and further the sith’s ressources and influence in the underworld. The apprentice’s job is to listen and aid his master, growing stronger day by day. Once the apprentice has grown strong enough, the apprentice is expected to try and overthrow his master. Not by assassination, but through a contest of power (although some would use assassination, which is against the doctrine). If the apprentice is successful, he becomes the master and has to find a new apprentice, if he fails, the master kills the apprentice and finds a new one.

    Over thousands of years, this results in the gradual development of stronger and stronger sith, and more and more ressources and power, which eventually resulted in Palpatine infiltrating the highest political power in the republic, starting the clone wars and eventually destroy the Jedi order. Palpatine was therefore the end result of a thousands of year old plan to defeat the Jedi, which he almost succeeded in, if it wasn’t for vaders betrayal. And because Vader was the apprentice, there was now no one to take over after Palpatine, eradicating the sith altogether.

  26. latew
    9 months

    God I forgot how hard the second half of this movie went. Got me good.

    I know it's probably pretty far down the show watch order, but I'm so hyped for you guys to get to Andor. Such a fantastic show.

  27. Carlos
    9 months

    Rogue One would be a nice follow up, basically bridges the gap between this movie and episode IV a new hope.

  28. DRCTakashi
    9 months

    The fight Obi Wan against anakin is realtime by the way, no enhancements and such. The Actors were going absolutely wild with this

  29. Jihad
    9 months

    Ik you guys are locked into the shows… but you GOTTA experience Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor!!

  30. wynosaurus
    9 months

    Not to hype it up too much but genuinely Star Wars the Clone Wars might actually be the best piece of Star Wars media in general. So hype to see your reactions in June because honestly it's probably gonna win in a landslide

  31. wynosaurus
    9 months

    To reiterate one final time.  Watch The Clone Wars, Rebels,

    Mandalorian, Book

    of Boba Fett, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire and

    Ahsoka in RELEASE ORDER. All of those shows are connected by characters

    and plot threads and they all involve a man named Dave Filoni as a

    creative lead. So the release order would be Star Wars the Clone Wars

    (movie), Star Wars The Clone Wars (series), Star Wars Rebels, and then

    The Mandalorian (season 1 and 2) to start with.

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      9 months

      You can technically watch Tales of The Jedi and The Bad Batch anytime after finishing The Clone Wars.


      can watch Kenobi WHENEVER, you can watch Star Wars Visions WHENEVER,

      you can watch Rogue One WHENEVER, and you can watch The Acolyte (which

      comes out in a few weeks and is set before the events of any of the

      movies) Whenever. Every Star Wars show made after 2008 is canon with the

      exception of the lego cartoons and Star Wars Visions which is an anime

      anthology series.

      Andor is a prequel to Rogue One, so its best watched after Rogue One.


      a Star Wars story is a prequel, BUT there are some major spoilers in

      there if you haven't seen the first four seasons of Star Wars the Clone


      And of course you can watch Star Wars

      Episode 7, 8, and 9 WHENEVER. Personally I like the Sequels about as

      much as I like the prequels, and I think you guys would definitely enjoy

      them at least halfway as much as you like these.


      far as video games go you're free to check out nearly everything with

      the exception of Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars, Star Wars Battlefront 2

      (2017), Lego Star Wars the Force Awakens, and Lego Star Wars the

      Skywalker Saga. You should also be free to play Star Wars Outlaws when

      it comes out but honestly who knows what cameos might appear.

  32. Sam
    9 months

    they dont really explain it in the shows i dont think but it is sith tradition that after they turn they have to kill a jedi and take there crystal and bleed the crystal with the dark side and their anger which then turns it red

    1 replies
    1. Sam
      9 months

      there is a comic that shows vader doing this to get the red crystal

  33. Get
    9 months

    please watch the 2D 2003 Clone Wars before The Clone Wars 2008

  34. Jadzia
    9 months

    Now you guys must watch Robot Chicken Star Wars and Family Guy Star Wars!

  35. Oscar
    9 months

    Btw Palpatine uses a sith scream when he first attacks, this is why he easily defeated 3 Jedi right away. The scream sends shockwaves through the force that basically confuses and paralyzes those around him.

  36. emperorbelos
    9 months

    Jedi fallen order is a pretty darn good game y’all should check out

  37. Oscar
    9 months

    Watch Clone Wars!! There's so much more that goes into Anakin hating the Jedi Council and becoming Darth Vader. Plus you have to meet Ahsoka if you guys want to continue watching more Star Wars.

  38. Elana
    9 months

    One of the reasons Star Wars fans were so against some stuff the prequels introduced, were the almost 20 years of books they got to enjoy.

    And then George Lucas made movies that contradicted some of their beloved book canon. And at that point of time there were no tv shows or anything so 99% of Star Wars canon was in printed form.

    And one thing is for sure, hard core fans can be very loud on the internet ;)

  39. Jana
    9 months

    Please react to the sing movies (1 and 2). They are awsome. If you haven't seen them already

  40. David
    9 months

    Grievous in the Tartakovsky cartoon > movie Grievous

    1 replies
    1. David
      9 months

      On top of all the Star Wars content there is also the Auralnauts abridged series since you've done a bunch of abridged ones before.

  41. Juan
    9 months

    As I mentioned, you can now watch Star Wars and Clone Wars (SWTCW).

    - There is a 2D series that was made into a 2-hour movie, I think, called Star Wars Clone Wars (SWCW). As you mentioned, it is a series of short stories created by the creator of Samori Jack to promote Episode 2. I don't know if it is canon; I think it is, but I could be wrong. You can watch it; it is awesome, and the fights go hard. But you can watch it either before SWTCW or after. Some elements in the 2D show do appear in the 3D show. 

    - Bad Batch is the sequel to SWTCW; you can watch it after you finish SWTCW. I have only seen the first season, but it was really good, especially the animation. 

    - Rebels take place after Bad Batch. Unfortunately, I never got into it. I was mainly put off by the animation, and its tone/mood was more "child-like" than SWTCW. But I have seen clips and heard some amazing things about the show, so you can definitely watch it.Rouge 1 is a must-see. I originally wasn't excited about it, but after watching it, I enjoyed it. Especially as time went on, I grew to appreciate it more. You can watch Rouge One now; you don't need to see the shows, and it's probably better to watch it before Episodes (EPS) 7-9.Andor is a Live-action show you can watch after or before Rouge 1. If you want to watch it chronologically, you should watch Andor first and then Rouge 1. But I think most fans would say watch it after Rouge 1. Like the Originals and the Prequel movies, Rouge One came first, and Andor was made as a prequel series to Rouge 1.

    - Han Solo is a movie that you could watch now. BUT there is a scene in the movie that you will not understand. The context of that scene can be found in the SWTCW show. If you guys really want to see Solo, do it before EPS 7-9. But you can watch it now, and then the SWTCW or you can watch SWTCW and then SOLO. If you watch SWTCW first, you can either finish the show and then watch SOLO or once you reach Season 4 and get some of that context you need; you can watch SOLO.

    - The live-action TV show Asoka cannot be watched until after you finish SWTCW. If you plan to watch Rebels, watch that first, and then you can watch the show Asoka. But definitely look online when you watch this show because I don't know if you have to watch Mandalorian first and then Asoka. I haven't watched this show. All I know is that it was a bit disappointing, but nothing too negative; just that it missed potential.

    - Kanobi, I think, can be watched now, but check online first. Same thing with Asoka; I haven't seen this live-action show. I have heard some negative things about it, but nothing major. The biggest issue was that the story that was made it dragged on too long and could have been shorter. But the biggest complaint I remember was that it didn't meet expectations and live up to its fullest potential. I think some fans will recommend watching Rebles before Kenobi because there is a scene in Kenobi that is given greater meaning, but you need Rebels context to appreciate the Kenobi scene a lot more. It's like watching One Piece 3D2Y and understanding how Red Hawke was invented by Luffy before watching the post-time skip episodes.

    - You must finish watching Seasons 1 and 2 of Mandalorian before Boba Fett. Boba Fett happens and gives context to Mandalorian between Seasons 2 and 3. Again, I haven't seen it, but the same story with Kenobi: It didn't live up to its fullest potential, and fans were disappointed with the story Disney gave us. Basically, nothing meaningful happened, or at least that is what I have heard.

    - I have only seen Mandalorian Season 1, and it was Awesome! I heard the first two seasons are bangers. But the third one didn't hit as hard and is the black sheep of the three. I think you can watch it now, but I believe there are references to SWTCW and Rebels in the later seasons.

    - Finally, you could watch the sequel trilogy now, but it would be better to watch rouge 1 first. If you want to watch Solo, watch that as well before the Sequels. I haven't seen EP 9, but I think I saw 8 and 7. Ep 7 played it safe, and the film has some valid criticisms. But I didn't mind it; it looked great and offered a lot of interesting stories that could be expanded upon. But EP 8 went in a different direction. From what I heard from others, it made me see EP 8 as a real letdown; having a different director for this film really hurt the trilogy, in my opinion. 

    In conclusion, in chronological order, you can watch:Prequels - Star Wars the Clone Wars (Show), Star Wars the Clone Wars Movie, Star Wars Clone Wars (2D Show), Star Wars Tales of the Jedi (Short Show)The Bad Batch(3-season show), Star Wars Tales of the Empire (Short Show), Solo (Movie),  Obi-Wan (Short Show), Andor (Show), Rebels (3D Show), Rouge One, The Mandalorian (3 Seasons), Boba Fett (Short Show), Asoka (Short Show), Star Wars Resistance, EP 7, EP 8, EP 9.Star Wars Visions (Own stories that can be watched whenever. Star Wars but Anime Style. Short 9 episodes) 

  42. Juan
    9 months


    As I mentioned, you can now watch Star Wars and Clone Wars (SWTCW).

    There is a 2D series that was made into a 2-hour movie, I think, called Star Wars Clone Wars (SWCW). As you mentioned, it is a series of short stories created by the creator of Samori Jack to promote Episode 2. I don't know if it is canon; I think it is, but I could be wrong. You can watch it; it is awesome, and the fights go hard. But you can watch it either before SWTCW or after. Some elements in the 2D show do appear in the 3D show. 

    Bad Batch is the sequel to SWTCW, and you can watch it after you finish SWTCW. I have only seen the first season, but it was really good, especially the animation. 

    Rebels take place after Bad Batch. Unfortunately, I never got into it. I was mainly put off by the animation, and its tone/mood was more "child-like" than SWTCW. But I have seen clips and heard some amazing things about the show, so you can definitely watch it.

    Rouge 1 is a must-see. I originally wasn't excited about it, but after watching it, I enjoyed it. Especially as time went on, I grew to appreciate it more. You can watch Rouge One now; you don't need to see the shows, and it's probably better to watch it before Episodes (EPS) 7-9.

    Andor is a Live-action show you can watch after or before Rouge 1. If you want to watch it in chronological order, you should watch Andor first and then Rouge 1. But I think most fans would say watch it after Rouge 1. Like the Originals and the Prequel movies, Rouge One came first, and Andor was made as a prequel series to Rouge 1.

    Han Solo is a movie that you could watch now. BUT there is a scene in the movie that you will not understand. The context of that scene can be found in the SWTCW show. If you guys really want to see Solo, do it before EPS 7-9. But you can watch it now, and then the SWTCW or you can watch SWTCW and then SOLO. If you watch SWTCW first, you can either finish the show and then watch SOLO, or once you reach Season 4 and get some of that context you need, then you can watch SOLO.

    The live-action TV show Asoka cannot be watched until after you finish SWTCW. If you plan to watch Rebels, watch that first, and then you can watch the show Asoka. But definitely look online when you watch this show because I don't know if you have to watch Mandalorian first and then Asoka. I haven't watched this show. All I know was that it was a bit disappointing but nothing too negative, just that it was missed potential.

    Kanobi, I think, can be watched now, but check online first. Same thing with Asoka; I haven't seen this live-action show. I have heard some negative things about it, but nothing major. The biggest issue was that the story that was made it dragged on too long and could have been shorter. But the biggest complaint I remember was that it didn't meet expectations and live up to its fullest potential. I think some fans will recommend watching Rebles before Kenobi because there is a scene in Kenobi that is given greater meaning, but you need Rebels context to appreciate the Kenobi scene a lot more. It's like watching One Piece 3D2Y and understanding how Red Hawke was invented by Luffy before watching the post-time skip episodes.

    You must finish watching Seasons 1 and 2 of Mandalorian before Boba Fet. Boba Fet happens and gives context to Mandalorian between Seasons 2 and 3. Again, I haven't seen it, but the same story with Kenobi: It didn't live up to its fullest potential, and fans were disappointed with the story Disney gave us. Basically, nothing meaningful happened, or at least that is what I have heard.

    I have only seen Mandalorian Season 1, and it was Awesome! I heard the first two seasons are bangers. But the third one didn't hit as hard and is the black sheep of the three. I think you can watch it now, but in the later seasons, there are references to SWTCW and Rebels, I believe.

    Finally, you could watch the sequel trilogy now, but it would be better to watch rouge 1 first. If you want to watch Solo, watch that as well before the Sequels. I haven't seen EP 9, but I think I saw 8 and 7. Ep 7 played it safe, and the film has some valid criticisms. But I didn't mind it; it looked great and offered a lot of interesting stories that could be expanded upon. But EP 8 went in a different direction. From what I heard from others, it made me see EP 8 as a real letdown; having a different director for this film really hurt the trilogy, in my opinion. 

    In conclusion, in chronological order, you can watch:

    Prequels - Star Wars the Clone Wars (Show), Star Wars the Clone Wars Movie, Star Wars Clone Wars (2D Show), Star Wars Tales of the Jedi (Short Show)

    The Bad Batch(3-season show), Star Wars Tales of the Empire (Short Show), Solo (Movie),  Obi-Wan (Short Show), Andor (Show), Rebels (3D Show), Rouge One, The Mandalorian (3 Seasons), Boba Fett (Short Show), Asoka (Short Show), Star Wars Resistance, EP 7, EP 8, EP 9.

    Star Wars Visions (Own stories that can be watched whenever. Star Wars but Anime Style. Short 9 episodes) 

    2 replies
    1. Tiger
      9 months

      My dude why would you tell the to watch The Clone Wars Movie after the Show when it is the beginning of the show and released before it, and is also Chronologically speaking the third episode of the show. You also forgot to tell them to look up a watch order for The Clone Wars since its told more out of order than any other piece of media they've watched since it was an anthology series that liked to create entire arcs to explain events that led to events in previous arcs, and makes much more sense when watch Chronologically. Additionally the 2D animated Clone Wars show is not cannon and thus can be watched whenever.

    2. Juan
      9 months

      I thought I could delete this but I can't. Thought I could do it on Patreon but everything brings you here and not there anymore. By chance can Sorta Stupid delete this comment. I forgot to add dividers in my first comment and it is a lot of text. So I copied and pasted but added dashes to help separate text. But now o can't delete this comment and don't want to overwhelm you guys nor take up space from other people in commenting 

  43. Blindshark
    9 months

    i would say look up the timeline for the clone wars. in the beginning of episodes are different times of star wars.

  44. Swordfish
    9 months

    Also, let Erik cook on that theory!!! A lot of people miss that Anakin fulfilled his part of the prophecy to bring balance to the force. It never said bring light force into strength, nor defeat only the dark side. In fact, technically he still carried out his duty of balancing the force by killing the Emperor after the Jedi were slain, thus balancing out again at the end of Return of the Jedi.

    Now, yes...*pushes metaphorical nerd glasses up nose* TECHNICALLY he's kinda wrong about the "Rule of Two" being something that both sides of the force agreed upon and need to follow. In the Old Republic (yes, like the video games) there were plentiful Sith along with Jedi, but because Sith loved stabbing each other in the back for more power, even if they're on the same side, the Sith Empire could never truly control the Galaxy under their rule for a long time. One Sith started this new rule where he and his apprentice went into hiding while all the other Sith were betrayed to their demise at the hands of the Republic and the Jedi Order who believed they won the war, ridding the Galaxy of the Sith, only to be duped by the remaining 2 Sith. The Jedi Order grew complacent, even finding themselves siding with the Senate and the Republic more often in favor verse their target that they were suppose to "Negotiate" with and be a "Neutral" party to.

  45. Juan
    9 months

    Great reaction! I, too, like the prequels, but I don't know which I prefer. The Clone Wars show is the best Star Wars Medium and content out of everything, in my opinion. 


    You can watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SWTCW) now. My recommendation is to watch in chronological order. There is a list on the Disney Website that groups everything in Arcs (Like 99%; some arcs expand over several episodes) and Chronological order. SWTCW does have a movie, and you watch it after two SWTCW episodes. You can watch it in release order, but the first three seasons can get a bit confusing, especially because a character may die in Season 1 but reappear in an episode in Season 3. This happened because, ORIGINALLY, the show was going to be an anthology Series, with 1 or 2 episodes of different events that happened in the Civil War (the Clone Wars). But later, one of those episodes got expanded on in later seasons, so in season 3/4, the episodes started being released in chronological order and were grouped in arcs. 

  46. Swordfish
    9 months

    YES RUFF YES!!! I was kinda hoping y'all would have watched those 5 min Clone Wars parts before this, as Cartoon Network put them out between II and III as tie-in filler and hype to lead into Revenge of the Sith back in 2003. After that, you could either watch The Clone Wars movie and then it's show in season order, OR you could potentially watch all of it in what's known as "THE CHRONOLOGICAL CLONE WARS EPISODE ORDER" submitted by many people, one solid list being:

    Personally, I'm ok with just the movie and then the show but I understand the reason for the list as the Clone Wars in universe went on for 3 years, and the CGI show kinda jumps around throughout the 3-year span and thus making it complicated for those not paying close attention to what time in the war are they (ie First year, Third year, etc)

    In between all that, you could still watch Rogue One. I'd say halfway through the Clone Wars series you could start the Sequel Series, maybe even Mandalorian. Solo should be later.

  47. Juan
    9 months

    Okay, to clear up some misconceptions:

    1) When Grievous died after getting shot in the chest, it was because Obi-Wan opened it during their fight; his organs were initially protected by this armor (Metal Body).

    2) I mentioned this before, but from what I remember, they had a cable attached to the lightsaber in the first film, and if it swung too fast/hard, it would break. I looked at a quick video on YouTube, and what I saw was that first, they used a material that reflected light, but as soon as you hit another saber, it would break if you did it too hard. This is why they mainly tap the awards in the first film. Then they added a special tape, but the sabers were still fragile. As technology improved and in the story, as Luke improved, the fights got better. But the duels weren't flashy due to the technology at the time. In the story universe, Luke was a novice and didn't get the full Jedi train; thus, in the Prequels, the fights were better because they were trained warriors and extremely proficient. Yoda and Sidious didn't fight in the original. Obi fought briefly, and Luke was a rookie.

     3) The fight between the 4 Jedi masters and Sidious didn't feel as impactful because originally, there was a stunt double who learned all this choreography that would make the fight more flashy and epic. The practice footage was released recently, and many fans were upset. This wasn't done because Lucas wanted the Actor Sidious to do the fight himself. So A, the actor, didn't have much time to practice the choreography, and B, he isn't really a fighter. Its like asking me a 320 fat guy to do a backflip, I am not exactly qualified to do that. So that is why the 3 Jedi died fast and mostly were standing around.

    4) Yoda lost mainly because Palpatine got the high ground and was able to get his guards. Sideous was running away before Yoda stopped him. They fought and were mostly matched, but in the end, Yoda fell all the way down, and Sedious was able to catch himself. Yoda knew the Clones would be called and was disadvantaged regarding positioning. Palpatine did not win off straight alone.

    5) The rule of Two applies to the Sith only, not the Jedi.

    6) Anikin did bring peace by killing Sideos when he attacked Luke and by dying himself. The Sith were whipped out by Anikin, not by Luke.

    7) I thought the same thing, but Storm troopers are not Clones. The animated show Bad Batch and I think Rebels explain why they are not the same. But if you don't see those shows, Episode 7 (The Sequels) briefly touches base on this. 

  48. Damon
    9 months

    I have been eagerly awaiting this for a while. Easily my favourite Star Wars movie of all time.

  49. harrison.rogers14
    9 months

    Y’all gotta do rogue one next!

  50. hurryupmode
    9 months

    "Only a sith deals in absolutes" being an absolutism, is also an absolutism, is also an absolutism, is also an absolutism, ad inf.And it's a popular meme, but I argue that it's a surface level understanding, without the nuance. The crux of this issue is a paradox, as seen in the Paradox of Tolerance.

    "if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance." 

  51. Ean
    9 months

    also the empire switched from clones to drafted people within the empire, because the emperor saw the clones as too dangerous and expensive to keep around

  52. bobofallvaas
    9 months

    i would love to watch your guys' reaction to empire of dreams: the story of the star wars trilogy if you can, it shows a lot of what went into making and filming these movies

  53. idziman
    9 months

    So this was always my least favorite of the prequels, not that I thought there were any problems with it or anything, but because this is the turning point where the galaxy becomes shrouded in darkness for years to come. I know you've heard it to death too, but the Clone Wars show is definitely a good watch, it basically is just more of the prequels, but with all the adventures you could ever want.And as for games, I can't rate highly enough the Original Battlefront games for the original Xbox and 360 era, as well as both of the Force Unleashed games. The Force Unleashed is basically everything you could want out of a Jedi game, before soulslikes took the world by storm

  54. Champ9000
    9 months

    The Obi-Wan series was pretty good you guys would enjoy that for sure

  55. Ean
    9 months

    you guys should check out the Clone Wars series. It's pretty good, and there is a different order to watch the show instead, where you can watch it chronologically compared to how the series actually is, where it jumps around throughout with a few arcs here and there, I definitely recommend watching it! :D

  56. hurryupmode
    9 months

    The best of the prequel films. My one complaint is the same as the last movie though. George Lucas is still absolute gobshite at writing "romantic" dialogue."You're so beautiful.""It's only because I'm so in love."

    "No it's because I'm so in love with you."

    Who the fuck talks like this?

  57. PKKite
    9 months

    HIGHLY suggest watching the clone wars micro series which is like 3 seasons of 5-10minite episodes that are only like 2ish hours. THEN watch THE CLONE WARS series I suggest in story order as production fucked up release order. There is a website for the order if you google it. After you could watch nearly everything live action or animated and be caught up. Only the Ashoka series requires you to watch Star Wars Rebels to understand it. Which is basically a continuation of the Clone Wars series but in the OG trilogy era.

  58. Keem
    9 months

    If you don't mind the exposition, the prequels are honestly not that bad and can be VERY fun to watch

    I cannot for the life of me enjoy the sequels in anyway besides visuals.

  59. Petrichor12
    9 months

    1. One throw away line from Anakin to Grievous prompted so many interesting writer's meetings for the 7 seasons worth of Clone Wars TV show! ? 

    2. I never noticed before that Luminara Unduli was on Kashyyyk with Yoda!?!? Did he just leave her there!? My SWR hindsight is saddened by this.

    3. The guys Boom said looked like vampires are called Pau'ans. They have long lifespans and have a carnivorous diet of raw meats. (So they are very vampire-ish!)

    4. I think it's said that one of those vases next to Palpatine's door actually has Darth Plageus' ashes in it.

    5. RIP the Jedi and the character development they earned through the show in the future. If you want to like a whole lot of characters WAY way better, then enjoy the animated shows! Once you know the Clones and Jedi as individuals, Order66 hurts so much WORSE!

    6. I like the theory that Palpatine syphoned Padme's life to give to Anakin. Because in a universe with bacta, stims, and flying everything... a woman is done in by a uterus and broken heart is so... so... stupid.

    7. The toys for this movie were the best I've ever seen of any marketing EVER. Not only did they look good, but there had to have been thousands of them for every little side character or droid you could blink and miss on the screen. They don't do it like that anymore.


    1 replies
    1. Tobito
      9 months

      I don't see what the existence of bacta and stims has to do with Padmé's death. The droids said that she is medically healthy. There isn't any injury for bacta or stims to heal.

      1 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        9 months

        Just a general way of saying the medical practices in the SW universe are more advanced than anything we have. Their cybertronics, scanners, and "band-aids" alone are incredibly OP, so it shouldn't even be a nightmare Anakin needed to have to move the plot along when he lives on the planet with the most modernized advancements in most of the known galaxy.  That's why I prefer the life-transference theory to just dying from a broken heart to get her out of the way so Anakin could lose his final straw of humanity, but that's just me.

  60. viktorbiktor
    9 months

    great reaction as always! I would personally love to see a clone wars reaction! same with all shows, have yet to watch one I dislike! and you guys are very entertaining to watch and I love hearing your thoughts and opinions! 

  61. Callum
    9 months

    Going forward into the newer trilogy, I actually really enjoyed The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I do have my issues with the last one but I'm still suuuuuuuuper hype for y'all to watch them!!

  62. Ryan
    9 months

    If you watch the clone wars series, there is an order list if you want to watch it chronologically or by episode number.  Either is a fine option. 

  63. Balmung
    9 months

    The Rule of To was created by Darth Bane because Sith Lords are always trying to get more power, so they kept killing each other. It's sort of impossible to have an organized army when your generals keep getting killed by their lieutenants. Also the Rule of Two makes it so there might be Dark Side Force Wielders, but they won't be taught the Secrets of the Sith, so the Master and Apprentice are on a completely different league from any other Force Wielder.

    Also, it's been explained by someone else here, but balance doesn't mean equal parts Dark Side and Light Side. The Force is naturally balanced, and while the Jedi use the force, they do so in harmony with their environment, and are conscious of the impact their wielding of the Force may have on things around them(this is true of the ideal behind the Jedi, not necessarily what the Jedi have become in this part of the history). The Dark Side is always hungry, it takes power, it manipulates the natural world in ways it is not meant to be manipulated, hence "the Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural". This actually means that the Dark Side is also in some ways naturally occuring, and it may be a part of every Force Wielder, but giving into it and taking the Force not as your ally, but as your subject, is what gets things out of balance.

    The idea that Light Side and Dark Side must exist in equal measure to maintain balance is like saying that Good and Bad are both important in order to keep things balanced. My point is, I would argue every person has some bad in them, but we acknowledge that we don't want to act on those parts, that hurting others and taking pleasure in it is not something we want, as a society. Or at least I hope we do.

  64. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    Idk if you guys caught it but when Palpatine was telling Anakin the story of Darth Plagius, he mentions how he could “manipulate the midiclorians to create life” and he looks over at Anakin. He also says that he taught his apprentice everything he knew. As you realized, Palpatine was the apprentice. Now if you think back to Phantom Menace, you may remember that Schmi Skywalker was a virgin who magically got pregnant and that Anakin’s midiclorian count is higher than any Jedi’s in history. Do you see what I’m getting at? Palpatine facilitated Anakin’s birth. He exists to serve Palpatine. His destiny was never his own. Palpatine was grooming Anakin to be his apprentice before he was even born. And as a side note, it is grooming. Some people don’t realize that grooming is always about sex.

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      Isn’t. It ISNT always about sex. I screwed up at the end there.

  65. Andrew
    9 months

    Who’s ready for them to be wrong about the sequel trilogy I am wooo

  66. Bath
    9 months

    I always feel bad that the first kid called him Master which may have set Anakin off the deep end

  67. lightning63
    9 months

    Also you guys should watch the Acolyte when it comes out

  68. lightning63
    9 months

    Bring on Clone Wars and Rogue One

  69. Drexmech
    9 months

    Loved the reaction, my fav out of all Star Wars Movies, Also Droid Hatred has been around way before the pre movies, The Military of Droids was not a reason but it did probably spread more hatred

  70. bstriker482
    9 months

    There is stuff from the prequels in fortnite. There is an Anakin skin, an Obi-Wan skin, a Padme skin and a Darth Maul skin.

  71. Mantas
    9 months

    guys you need to do clone wars in cronological order on it might get confusing as the first seasons where all over the place it is much easier to watch it to get context of what is happening

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      I really don’t get why people think it’s confusing. It’s very easy to piece together in release order.

      1 replies
      1. PJ
        9 months

        Chronological watch of Clone Wars just makes more sense from a story standpoint. I mean the last 4 seasons are pretty straight forward but the constant jumping back and forth from the first three seasons can get a bit confusing. Especially if you watch a character die in one episode and next few episodes later they’re just randomly alive.

  72. cyborggamerpro
    9 months

    Y'all should watch Rogue One next

  73. sguy90
    9 months

    The OG 6 is now completed. I don't know if you are going to finish all the other movies first or watch some of the shows but either way good luck cause there is a lot. The OG Clone Wars is basically two movies so you can watch that first for the entertainment value cause from what I remember the first season is pure action and the second season starts having a semblance of a plot. Then there is the 3d animated Clone Wars show which yes does have a movie then the series. There are two ways to watch that show either way works, after that there is plentiful shows to watch both animated and live action. For the live action shows be sure to look up the release order of all the shows cause there is a show between season 2 and 3 of the Mandalorian. World building is my favorite part of Star Wars. Also did you note that when the twins were being born Darth Vader was being made at the exact same time, now you know why Episode 4 was renamed 'A New Hope'.

  74. Brye
    9 months

    I think you guys should watch rouge one and solo before watching 7, 8, and 9. Not for any major reason but I think it just makes more sense since they both take place before 7, 8, and 9 

    1 replies
    1. Bluestone
      9 months

      Rogue One for sure but they shouldn’t watch Solo or any of the live action Disney era SW shows until they’ve watched Clone Wars and Rebels there’s just way too many callbacks and returning characters that won’t hit nearly as hard if they haven’t watched them

      1 replies
      1. Juan
        9 months

        Does Mando, Kenobi, and Bobafet have any call backs to Clone Wars and Rebels? I haven’t seen these live actions so I don’t know. Obviously Andor is after Rouge 1 and Asoka is after clone wars/rebels

        2 replies
        1. Bluestone
          9 months

          Yes pretty much every live action Disney Star Wars series has numerous call backs to both Clone Wars and Rebels. It’s getting to the point where it’s recommended to have watched them to enjoy any future Star Wars content the new Ahsoka series was basically just a continuation of SW: Rebels

        2. Residentfan 1
          9 months

          Mando has a bunch of callbacks to Clone Wars and Rebels. Bo Katann, Ahsoka and the Dark Saber all make appearances.

  75. NickLay
    9 months

    Man if im to be able to watch the clone wars or just this part of the story i really need to ignore that this is the ending

  76. Tobito
    9 months

    Oh man. Revenge of the Sith. My favorite Star Wars movie of all time.

    I could write essays discussing every little part of this movie, and don't get me wrong this comment will be LONG, but it could be so much longer.

    I don't have many movies that I would describe as such, but in my humble opinion, this movie qualifies as a masterpiece. It may not be perfect. But it is a masterpiece.

    And I think it's only fitting we talk about the star of the show. Hayden Christensen, Anakin Skywalker.

    Man, oh man, what a performance. I've already praised Hayden's performance last movie for encapsulating emotionally repressed teenager in love and with severe emotional trauma but his performance here is absolutely brilliant, start to finish.

    And Ruff picked up on alot of the important details about Anakin's distrust in the council and eventual turn. From Anakin's reaction when he learns Padmé's pregnant, going from the initial shock to legit panic and then into this mixture of forced calm and genuine happiness, when he tries to comfort Padme to his constant turmoil that's written all over his face when interacting with Palpatine to the sheer intimidating presence that Hayden carries during the 3rd act as he slaughters the Seperatist leaders and later on in his duel with Obi Wan.

    But my absolute favorite scene is this quiet moment, after Mace Windu goes to arrest Palpatine where Anakin just sits in the council chambers, thinking about what Sidious said to him. Thinking about what the right thing to do is, while staring out to Padme's apartment. And as the sun sets one last time on the Republic, Anakin makes the choice that would alter the destiny of the entire galaxy and when he does this eery choir in the background is replaced by "Across the Stars". The leitmotif for Anakin and Padme's love story. Absolutely brilliant scene and it's done without any dialogue whatsoever. This is told to us purely through George Lucas' directing, John Williams' masterful score and Hayden Christensen's acting.

    George Lucas set out to make the birth of Darth Vader one of the greatest tragedies of all time and he succeeded big time. Setting up Anakin with this major trauma of being unable to save his mother, this thing he's dreamed about doing ever since he left to become a Jedi. The very reason why he even WANTED to become a Jedi. And he fails. This isn't just some character trauma for the heck of it. This failure informs every single one of Anakin's choices from the moment he gets his visions. The death of his mother has left such deep psychological scars that he becomes obsessed with finding a way to save Padme from that same fate. If there are teachings in the force that could do so, the council is withholding that information from him and meanwhile Palpatine offers him a way to alleviate his fears. The dark side of the force. Anakin, becoming more desperate every day goes against his better judgement and decides to intervene in Palpatine's arrest and in that moment something crucial happens. Throughout the movie Palpatine had planted this seed that the Jedi and Sith are barely different from one another but Anakin holds onto what the Jedi told him, because it's everything he has, despite the council acting against the Jedi code seemingly at every turn. And then Mace Windu utters the words "He's too dangerous to be kept alive." The same words Palpatine, the evil Sith Lord who is against everything the Jedi stand for, told Anakin to justify the execution of Count Dooku. At that point all bets were off. The fate of the Jedi and of Anakin were sealed. Finally thinking he realized the truth about the Jedi, Anakin does what he believes will save Padme. He protects Palpatine and aids in the murder of a Jedi master.

    This is it. It's the point of no return for Anakin. Palpatine, now Darth Sidious, manipulates Anakin more openly than ever before, convincing him that Jedi have always been evil and that they and their order need to be wiped out entirely. Sidious manages to convince Anakin that only by killing all the Jedi can the dark side grow within Anakin and make him powerful enough. Suddenly the entire Jedi order and all its members stand in the way of Padme's safety. And we can ask the Tuskens what Anakin is capable of with the right motivation.

    But the dark side is a tricky thing. Lend a finger and it will take your hand. The dark side is corruptive in nature. Even the purest of intentions get twisted into something diabolical and selfish. And so, after falling deeper and deeper into the dark side, it's not just Anakin's body that gets altered but his mind too. Suddenly saving Padme isn't enough. When he knew it was wrong to crave more power early on in the film, all inhibitions are gone now. He craves more power and he's willing to take it from whoever he can. Even his own master. Becoming blinded by the dark side's corruption every emotion of his is like an explosive. Feeling's of betrayal lead him to lash out and attack both Padme and Obi Wan. His anger is too much to control. From his newfound power comes arrogance and from that arrogance comes Anakin's downfall. Mutilated by his former master and burned by the fires of Mustafar, his hatred is the only thing keeping him alive. And it is what keeps him alive in the gruesome surgery that seals Anakin in the armor that he would wear for the rest of his painful and miserable existence. Every second of his life filled with pain. Both physical and emotional after he learns what happened to Padme.

    Yoda's words from Episode 1 would go on to haunt Darth Vader for the rest of his life. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering."

    Again there is so much more I could talk about. I've written an entire school essay about ROTS' practical effects and how masterfully they were integrated with CGI but that essay was 15 pages long and would probably be a bit much.

    Suffice to say, I think it's pretty clear how much love I have for this movie and how emotionally impactful it still is for me.

  77. Gabriel
    9 months

    Loved the reaction guys, im happy you guys liked it so much. also to go into the lightsaber duels conversation. the in real life is yes the OG trilogy is older and looked clunkier and not as grand and choreographed as the prequels but as for in world there is for ObiWan vs Vader, Vader was being cautious in there duel since ObiWan is literally the dude that beat him, cutting his legs and arm off and leaving him to burn. plus He knows how skilled ObiWan is and isnt going to underestimate him. For when Luke fought Vader the first time, Luke is still a novice and Vader wants Luke alive. the second fight Vader was conflicted throughout his fight with Luke, he was conflicted between the good and evil in him. Also yes at the end there the training Yoda was talking about is how to become a force ghost. Cant wait for more Star Wars reactions guys.

  78. Lux
    9 months

    Hope clone wars or the obi wan series is next :-D

  79. hakairyu
    9 months

    So, that duel between the masters and palpatine? They apparently had some crazy choreography, but then George decided at the last minute that he didn't want a stunt double for Palpatine, I assume because he wanted Ian McDiarmid's acting to shine through his duels. The man's not a trained fighter, which sadly led to the current version where the other masters just stand around and let him take them out.

    1 replies
    1. The
      9 months

      And in the books, Palpatine was insanely fast and actually the first three Jedi in less a few seconds.

  80. Cube
    9 months

    That's absolutely not what the rule of 2 is what is Seeohknee even talking about

    1 replies
    1. legiev
      9 months

      It's wrong but it somehow makes sense.

  81. Death
    9 months

    Anakin skywalker marching into the Jedi temple with a sick beat while holding the youngling slayer 3000

  82. Michael
    9 months

    The rule of two is not the balance to the force, it was made by a Sith to make the Sith stronger. Lucas was quoted in an interview saying balance was brought to the Force when Anakin renounced being a Sith and did away with the Sith (AKA killing Palpatine) and getting rid of the evil in the universe. So basically according to the creator balance = can have Jedi but no Sith.

    1 replies
    1. Bluestone
      9 months

      That’s something they’ll come to understand when they watch the side media specifically Clone Wars and Rebels. Knowing how balance works when it comes to the force requires a greater understanding of the dark side than these 6 movies alone provide

  83. PJ
    9 months


  84. sombra_hacker09
    9 months

    R.I.P to the great jedi

    Plo koon

    Ki adi mundi

    Kit fisto

    Shaak ti

    Agen kolar

    Siasee tin

    Mace windu

    Jarro topal

    Depa Baliaba

    Luminara undullei

    Aayla secura

    Sin dralic

    Stass Allie

    Jocosta nue

  85. Petrichor12
    9 months

    Got to watch this one later, but for now, "YAY, PAIN!"

  86. Hugo
    9 months

    cant wait for clone wars

  87. MegumiMary
    9 months

    "his fate will be the same as ours"

    all three then went on to die on a death star

  88. Cole
    9 months

    Ahh and here we go. The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, born a slave to then be a slave to the Jedi, then a slave to the Sith, his whole life as a slave to the force. The Duel of fates (TPM) being the fate of Anakin being raised and taught the force by a father figure (Qui-gon) or a brother figure (Obi-Wan). This movie having a moment that almost mirrors the moment, Vader saved Luke( the death of Mace). That’s why I loved Duel of fates playing when Anakin goes to save his mom, cause it’s a moment of fate and the first half of that mask. Quick fun facts. Anakin points out Obi will share the same fate that both him and Palpatine will and they do cause all 3 die on a death star. Final one is when Obi is telling Padme that Anakin killed the younglings, he covered his mouth after “younglings” cause he couldn’t stop laughing or smiling when saying it and that helped him stop. Anyway I guess this is where the fun begins.????

  89. Bluestone
    9 months

    I haven’t watched the video yet but I’m calling it now this will be Ruff’s favorite SW movie within the Skywalker Saga

  90. MegumiMary
    9 months


  91. Gabriel
    9 months

    Lets Go! my favorite one!

  92. Raptor
    9 months

    Even if I’m not the first, might I suggest watching Spaceballs at some point now that you’ve watched all the Star Wars movies that matter?

    1 replies
    1. Cole
      9 months

      I want them to also see the family guy parody of the originals??

      1 replies
      1. Bluestone
        9 months

        They referenced it in the reaction so they probably watched them and just haven’t finished editing the videos yet

  93. supremejedi
    9 months

    im so hyped for this thank you

  94. ZayZillions
    9 months

    Also the game would’ve spoiled the movie if they continued it 

  95. wynosaurus
    9 months

    WHOOOO The Clone Wars can finally begin, let’s hope it’s on the next show poll

  96. Jiggy
    9 months

    This is where the fun begins

  97. jbirm3
    9 months

    Ah yes I’ve been waiting for this 

  98. Webbman76
    9 months

    It's here!. Let's F**king go Billy!

  99. Radar
    9 months

    Yeeeeah, more Star Wars, Billy! Was looking forward to this

  100. ZayZillions
    9 months

    Best Star Wars movie out of all of them 

  101. davi
    9 months

    Aaaw yea, first one here. (I know it’s stupid to brag, but today is my day off and I was hoping for a movie morning.)

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