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1 month
I just noticed how the Storm Troopers always try to capture and not kill the protagonists, but the protagonists always go for the kill against the storm troopers. Maybe the Storm Troopers are the real good guys
1 replies
1 month
Maybe if the Storm Troopers weren't working for the guys destroying planets.
3 months
37:49 can we just take a moment to discuss what just happened
Rey did the very thing that eluded Vader and Palpatine for decades: Use the force to have the midichlorians create life- that is how she healed the snake monster!
Plaplatine relied on methoods like Cloning and Spirit Transfer to stay alive but Rey is over here doing what he could not on pure instinct
There's problems with this movie- but I feel like all it needs is a good re-edit (and a name change to "Rise of Palpatine") to make this movie truly spectacular and a worthy conclusion to the sequel trilogy
3 months
Also a LOT of this movie was left on the cutting room floor, the novelization has the full story that ads a lot of context
3 months
Many of these movies' flaws come from capitulating to the most toxic elements of the fanbase. People were vitriolic about the prequels, so basically everything Disney produced had nothing to do with it until about 2017, hence why this trilogy seems so tied to the originals. People were INCREDIBLY hateful towards Rose's actress (and towards Rey's) so much so that Rose's actress had to leave the internet, and as a result they gave her basically nothing to do in Episode 9. People whined that Rey was a nobody in episode 8 so they made her a Palpatine who adopts the Skywalker name. They said TLJ was too disrespectful to the past, hence why they had so many "hey this is the orignal guy, you like this right?" moments in this movie. They kept trying to appeal to the whiniest fans and of course that was a losing battle. You can't capitulate to whiny hateful people guys, not in politics and not in movies, you wind up just disappointing everybody.
3 months
Reylo was a huge ship among fans when these films were coming out, hell I was even rooting for it, but my one gripe with it is just that Ben died, not a big fan of redemption=death being the default because it robs future stories of being able to show the redeemed character living with and atoning for past sins. FInn and Po was ALSO a huge ship that was supported by fans and the cast but IG Disney wouldn't go for it. It would hurt their bottom line because countries like China wouldn't like that. So no FinnPo even though it was supported internally and externally by the cast and fans
3 months
Fun fact Palpatine didn't actually fuck, his "son" was just a failed clone that didn't take after him in terms of force ability
3 months
I enjoy the sequel trilogy more than most people and I'm able to not nitpick every little detail but the one thing I wish the movies had was a consistent vision and narrative planned ahead. Disney's idea to take 3 directors and just let each one choose whatever direction they wanted instead of planning a cohesive story from the jump really hampered EP 8 and 9 to me compared to what I think they should have been.
3 months
I've got my grips about this one, but enjoyed watching it with you guys.
The "—And he's dead." made me laugh way too hard.
3 months
The biggest issue with this movie is really just that they spent the entire first half retconning and making every loose end from The Last Jedi bunk. Ben destroys his helmet in the last movie? It's back now. Rey's parents were irrelevant? Nah she's a Palpatine. Luke's saber was destroyed? It's back now, repaired off screen.
Also, Palpatine's message from the title crawl was a Fortnite event
1 replies
3 months
I one hundred percent agree. Personally the last jedi was my favourite of the new trilogy. I feel if they went with the vibe it was setting up, the third film could've been one of the best imo
3 months
Also about Finn, there's theories Mace Windu is still alive and Finn is his son. Don't underestimate the force persuasion skills of Sam L Jackson, he has enough power to make purple lightsabers canon lol
1 replies
3 months
AND convince George Lucas to keep Mace Windu alive after episode 3. "Jedi's fall from heights all the time and survive" or something like that - Sam L Jackson
3 months
So to me, I loved these movies simply for the sake that star wars would get to continue. At first I hated Palpatine's return because of how unoriginal it seemed but Boom made a good point, somehow the whole escaping death part of the prequels went over my head. But after playing the Knights of the Old Republic (which was before Disney), they really hit the mark where the line between light and dark isn't so clear cut. Lots of characters in the game that aren't strictly Jedi or Sith, so it's not so crazy that a good guy can use lightning. In-game, it's considered a dark side power, but using it doesn't automatically make you an evil character. Like the force just is, and the religions try to claim what powers are who's but they're just claims. Hope you guys eventually get to meet The Bendu, thanks for the content y'all 🤙
3 months
A big source of John Boyega's grief was some behind the scenes BS. He was treated pretty poorly by Disney executives and their marketing team who also forced the writers/directors to diminish his role to placate the Chinese audience and crap. There's a leak synopsis for what Episode IX was supposed to be when Colin Trevorrow (director of Jurassic World) was slated to write and direct it and Finn had a much larger role in that script that he was really excited for. Long story short, he was going to lead a full blown Stormtrooper rebellion within the First Order. But then Kathleen Kennedy fired Trevorrow, threw away all his ideas and then brought J.J. Abrams back to finish the trilogy.
3 months
So are you guys going to watch Mandalorian now?
3 months
I get what you guys are saying about spending too much time on old characters, but I was a little sad to see you pause to critique that during Luke’s scene of lifting the X-Wing, because that’s one of my personal favorite moments in the movie. In my opinion, the last movie almost entirely destroyed Luke’s character. I like the idea of an older Luke coping with failure, but the idea that he considered killing his own nephew even for a second is ridiculous where he spent the entirely or episode 6 trying to turn his father back to the light, so for me, the x-wing scene gave him a more satisfying and full-circle conclusion, so I liked it. I do agree with y’all about Lando stealing Poe’s moment at the very end, that was dumb. Regardless, I’m so glad you guys have been enjoying this franchise, it’s my 2nd favorite of all time, only behind Pokémon. Loving your Clone Wars reactions, and hopefully we’ll get to see Star Wars: Rebels very soon!!
3 months
1. Palapatines return never explained 2. Finn force sensitive?
3. What did he want to tell Rey?
4. Ben and Rey uhm why?
5. In accurate use of the force if we go by comics
6. Why did we only get too see her lightsaber at the end should’ve done what happened to Luke and give it to him at the beginning of the movie
7. Not owning her name
8. She’s still got both arms can’t be a Jedi “skywalker” with both arms and hands
1 replies
3 months
Palpatine basically created a whole batch of clones of himself during his experimentation on Exegol and in the Comics he basically died on the Death Star only to have his Soul transferred to another Clone Body basically similar to what Darth Vitiate did in Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG if I remember correctly Palpatine must have used knowledge of how to transfer his Soul to another body from an old Sith Holocron.
3 months
Welcome to the conversation boys...xD
3 months
So off topic, where did H-man go? like whats the last thing was he in? like why did he not go with them durring the big move? did they explain it in one of there videos? cause I cant really find anything on it
6 replies
3 months
Watch their podcasts, one of the recent ones explains what happened to him. The long and short of it is that he didn't really take the job as seriously as the others, wasn't doing the work that was expected of him, so they fired him. Which he was completely alright with. It was all strictly business with no heard feelings, so it would seem.
3 months
Ruff Quote: "He was fired. That's it. Move on."
3 months
They talk about this on the last podcast
3 months
I remember they said in the video (I don't remember which one) that h-man just didn't want to be part of the videos anymore. And after that he just stopped doing all reactions except adventure time because he wanted to see the ending with the guys.
3 months
They've said that H-Man was fired for personal reasons. They've also said he just didn't like being on camera much
1 replies
3 months
I was thinking it might be personal with all the shit talk he got. Even if it was all in jest.
3 months
Ive wondered this for a while now. I'm very curious
3 months
Now that the star wars movies are done.......When we gonna kidnap ruff to watch the lord of the rings extended movies?
2 replies
3 months
I understand their frustration not letting poe rescue them, but think of it logically. Where were they going to sit? Thats a one person fighter.
3 months
they still have Solo I think
4 months
Just came to hear you guys say you liked the prequels the best, thanks for that :)
4 months
I also always wanted Finn to be the protagonist alongside Rey and become a Jedi.
A stormtrooper who sees the errors of his ways and becomes a Jedi over the course of 3 movies is such a cool idea.
I saw a comment on youtube that talks about a really interesting idea that could have been the Sequel:
"The original trilogy was about people fighting to regain freedom and democracy, the prequels showed us how easy it was to lose a democracy, and the sequels could have been about how hard it is to keep a democracy on track."
It would be more interesting, as it would bring a more rewarding feeling after the end of Episode 6, cause they win, but the beginning of Episode 7 already starts with the First Order dominating everything so, why was that for?? If they started weak and got stronger as the trilogy progressed, I guess that would be amazing.
4 months
John Boyega had to deal with a lot of racism from Star Wars fans and he feels Disney didn't support him or Kelly during the hatred they received. That's why he said he would never come back. I understand him, I remember when the first trailer was released for The Force Awakens, and the hatred he got when they thought he would be the Jedi was insane. I think a cool story for Fnn would have been for him to actually be a force user and have him be the idea of a child soldier finding freedom in the force. And with Kylo calling him a traitor you could have weaved a story around them being close friends and when Fnn defected Kylo would feel betrayed. This way you could have had the story of one finding freedom in the force while the other is imprisoned by the dark side of the force. Rey could keep her story trajectory and become a grey Jedi, the middle ground as someone born of evil but sees the light and dark are two sides of the same coin. There are no rules that say there couldn't be three main force users for this story.
1 replies
3 months
thats a saying somthing when at the same time Mace Windu gets a ton of praise.
4 months
One of the main reasons why so many Star Wars fans were so angry about this trilogy is not because they’re low quality, they had amazing scenes and lighting and were cinematic, it was the fact that fans know the lore around certain powers and we know that #1 force lightning and force healing and force ghost aren’t just “ wow look at me I doing it!” You have to read and meditate on very specific books and be taught these things, just because Rey is palpatines”daughter” doesn’t mean she can just do shit he does, he learned it he wasn’t born with it, sure it looks cool in a movie, but that isn’t suppose to just happen, you don’t just become a force ghost, master gods taught onion how to become one, anakin was made purely from mideclorians, so he was a force ghost’s with gods and onion, you don’t just get these powers
1 replies
4 months
Auto correct really fucked me with master yoda and obi wan😂😂 master god was yoda and onion was obiwan
1 replies
1 month
This gave me a good laugh
4 months
did i miss something or did finn never tell rey what he needed to say to her?
4 months
one of my biggest issues with this movie was summed up by boom and see-oh-knee perfectly at the end with a single sentence, "just own it", rey is so ashamed of her heritage that she's just decided to abandon it, and i get it, but at the same time you see someone like luke, who after discovering his dad is space hitler he decided to keep the name and turned it into a legend, he redeemed the skywalker name, thats his work, i wish rey would've stuck with the palpatine name to at least attempt to redeem it, change the galaxy in a positive way so that when people think of palpatine they don't think of super space hitler, they think of the legend who destroyed him. it would've been great thematically too, the man who was nothing but evil gets his name washed with the blinding light of a jedi's reputation, his granddaughter. i guess what bothers me is that she sorta just stole the name because it had a good reputation, it feel like stolen valor, if you want the credit then pave your own road and let everyone see it.
4 months
you should nostalgia critic on the sequel trilogy especially for Rise of Skywalker.
4 months
"They fly now?!" Makes my brain physically implode
1 replies
3 months
It's great as a meme though
4 months
you guys need to watch small soldiers!!!
4 months
You guys should make a Battlefront 2 video or stream now. Recommend modes to try or play would be Heroes vs Villians, Capital Supremacy, Galactic Assault, and maybe Ewok Hunt.😁
1 replies
3 months
Ewok if nothing else!
4 months
I think a lot of the nostalgia characters and moments were because of how long between the original trilogy and this one has been vs if they had obi and Anakin in here where you guys have watched all the movies relatively quickly. I remember people screaming in excitement when they heard Palpatine's voice in the reveal trailer. Also Rey is going to be in the new trilogy so you will get to see her with her official saber instead of using Anakins/Lukes, probably learned how to and had time after the war from the Jedi tomes. Can't expect her to do the ceremony while all that war was going on. I've loved all the new movies, definitely more the pre-quells and I haven't watched the originals, but I still think the newest trilogy would be my favorite.
4 months
My main complaint is that the movie would have been so much better with more of the new characters and less of the older characters. I enjoyed it, it made me emotional, it made me laugh- I really enjoyed it. But, it could have benefited from less of the older characters. I wanted more Finn, Rey, and Poe moments. I wanted more of the new resistance members. It felt like they shoved a bunch of older character scenes in because they just couldn't let go.
1 replies
4 months
I will say though, Rey calling herself a Skywalker at the end annoyed me and still annoys me so much. She’s NOT a Skywalker.
4 months
I feel that Finns character would have lived up to the potential a whole lot better had J.J. directed all three films. Like there are clear hints at him being force sensitive in episode 7, wielding the saber and all that. So had J.J. directed 8 that would have been expanded on a lot more, so come episode 9 all the force sensitive stuff wouldnt feel like such a reach out the blue.
1 replies
4 months
After watching the final comments and commentary from the guys, I felt the need to add that i agree with 95% of the points Boom made. Prequals for life!!!
4 months
Prequels are the best and Revenge of the sith is the best Star Wars film
4 months
Wow…real criticism😶🌫️ I’m actually impressed. Maybe the people who didn’t like it had a reason Ay?😂
1 replies
4 months
Them having actually criticism but also thinking that the hate is overblown a much criticism against it isn't very good are not mutually exclusive.
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3 months
They literally said “I don’t think the people that hate, have the same issues as us”, as if the hate for it that exists doesn’t include anything valid. This movie breaks the universe, point blank period.
4 months
It was actually really cool to hear Ahsoka toward the end, but I was actually surprised to see Kanan get a voice line
1 replies
3 months
A surprise but a welcome one, but a welcome one for sure
4 months
"This isn't as bad as everybody tries to make it out to be"
Yup, this is proof that it's only the most annoying haters the ones we read about. Fortunately most people watching these movies are just normal people who don't like to rant about anything just for attention.
2 replies
4 months
heres the thing though, if you're a big fan of a series and they fumble it then you're gonna have bigger issues with it than someone who just watched casually, also the majority of the people who complain about the movies have had time to marinate on it, as opposed to them who had only just finished watching it. its not about wanting attention, its about being annoyed that a series they probably grew up with had a disappointing trilogy
4 months
Why people don't like these movies is because episode 7 was just A New Hope again, episode 8 divided the fan base due to unnecessary plot points that ultimately don't matter and the character assassination of Luke Skywalker. Episode 9's biggest hurdle is the fact that it's a movie that does so much coarse correcting to try and salvage what was left from 8 and make a ending for a trilogy that had no true road map to begin with. The problem people have of the new trio is that they don't spend enough time together for it to feel earned nor are finn and po given much to do while rey gets all of the story. The actor of Finn was advertised as the MC of force awakens- which got people attention due to it seemingly being about a stormtrooper going rogue and seemingly becoming a Jedi. So for many people ,including John boyega himself- these movies not only did both him dirty and Luke Skywalker a disservice but also retroactively has become the seeds of Disney changing what many fans believed to be cannon and spits in the face of fans of those stories.
4 months
Can't wait for yall to meet Kanan Jarrus
4 months
That actually is lando daughter
4 months
Disney execs even said that 7 of 10 of the people in charge/write star wars weren't fans and most have them hadn't even seen it prior. There is also an interview with the main cast and Finn's actor even said the "They fly now?" with the jet troopers had them during the clone wars
4 months
Force lighting is a dark side ability plo koon and some other powerful jedi can use a less powerful version called force judgment because it doesn't use the dark side and it's yellow
4 months
Ugh, I'm normally such a positive person on films. I love finding the good in films. What makes this film so awful for me is the wasted potential. The idea from episode 8 was that Rey's parents didn't matter, and that was her worst fear, that she was nobody. It set it up at the end to demonstrate that anyone could be a jedi, that you didn't need to be trained, but inspired. (Such a great marketing idea as well disney, way to go on killing that one). Palpatine took over all of the intrigue that was created by killing Snoke and leaving the world up in arms and in chaos. Kylo Ren at the end of 8 looked like he was going down a path of anger that was so all-consuming that he went over the edge. In this he just seemed moody. They brought in a girlfriend for Poe to make sure he didn't seem gay, both the actors were advocates of Poe and Finn having a relationship, and it was completely shut down.
Every important moment or consequence was abandoned almost immediately. Chewie dies, no hes alive. C3P0 loses his memory, nope that's back. Luke sacrifices himself to bring back the memory of the Jedi. Just kidding, actually he can come back at any point and chat to Rey for fun. They shipped off Rose because fans didn't like her character. They made the entire movie about how important all the previous Jedi and Sith were, not how important the new characters were. The moment where Rey tells Palpatine that her parents were strong is empty and meaningless. I felt NOTHING because we know not a single thing about them. That was because her parents were clearly never meant to be important. Rey was the girl who came from nothing, with no one who cared about her and survived, and the story would've been so satisfying for her to represent that no matter where you came from, no matter how alone you are, you matter and you have potential.
Also the plot, is four fetch quests stiched together poorly. The idea that a dagger from eons ago for an old forgotten planet is a map by lining up exactly with a ship that crashed into the sea? As long as you stood exactly in the right place to look through the dagger?
They also decided to just make the final space battle so big, so impossibly difficult to beat, that any way they won felt forced. Like, there's upping stakes from previous films, and then there's making the stakes from the previous films feel meaningless. The character assassination of Finn was horrendous. I feel so bad for these actors because they were AMAZING actors. Rewatching the scream and emotion that ripped out of Rey when she thinks she's killed Chewie is INCREDIBLE.
I know no one is probably gonna read this, but getting it off my chest felt good. In my head, this film isn't cannon, and the true villain all along was emperor Jar-Jar. The objectively correct timeline.
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4 months
Yeah after this movie I declared the sequels non-canon as well. I started reading the legends books and easily have declared them as the true sequels, I’m much happier now
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4 months
100% went the same way
4 months
according to wookiepedia Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.
4 months
guess what....the message that palpatine spread throughout the galaxy was revealed...NOT in a star wars original piece of media but in a FORTNITE LIVE EVENT COLLABING WITH STAR WARS
4 months
I spent half of this reaction just saying "It's dumb, I hate it, It's dumb I hate it" From the moment they reveal who she's related to.
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4 months
Well, why did you even finished the second half then? Why are you here even? This is the pure definition of a hater. I enjoy the movie for that it is btw.
1 replies
4 months
Well, why did you even comment then? Why are you here even? This is the pure definition of a hater. I enjoyed his OPINION for that it is btw.
4 months
Most of Leia's scenes were deleted scenes from 'The Force Awakens'. This movie was kinda like trying to course correct the negative reaction that episode 8 got and it ended up not going well here either. Especially when they wanted to tie in the entire saga here instead of having a new threat. This trilogy had no real plan of what they wanted. Funny enough tho with Finn and the force this is the only time they tie him to that, but there is a Lego Star Wars Holiday special that kinda goes into it but not much
4 months
The issues you cited where basically what a lot of the critiques were. It all just feels like wasted potential, it sucks cause there's moments they botched where it would have made sense to honor the legacy, then shoehorned it in where it wasn't needed. This movie spent way too much time gagging on the past and trying to retcon the decisions made in the earlier movies. Hopefully one day star wars can learn to let go or we're just gonna have flop after flop.
4 months
Force Lightning is a dark Side force power. That doesnt mean a jedi can't use it. They just will not use it. There is a light side Version of it, its called Electric Judgement, which shoots golden Lightning Bolts instead of blue ones. It was accidentally discovered by a Jedi.
4 months
It's unfortunate that no one told Anakin about Force Healing. Y'know, the thing that would have solved the fear that drove him to Palpatine/ the dark side in the first place.
4 months
I can't believe you were so foolish as to not play fortnite when the other part of the film was released in it. It explained everything about palpatines return. Silly consumers, thinking watching the film would explain the film.
4 months
In legend there is a jedi versjon of sith lightning. is known as Electric judgment or emerald lightning. it manifested as yellow-orange, green, white or golden. The difference is the jedi appmication came from a sense of determined justice. This is a forbidden techniques because of it similarity to sith. But a few jedi did study it jedi master Plo koon and Luke skywalker. Being the last jedi does not make you stronger Rey is just that strong. Darth vender can not use sith lightning because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the sith lightning. The only other person we have seen use sith lightning is count Dooku.
4 months
"Somehow, Palpatine returned." The final nail in the coffin
4 months
C-3PO saying "is this the afterlife? are droids aloud here?" Had me i tears when i first heard it
4 months
Also quick correction,John boyega(finn) didn't hate the fans,he hated how his character was handled especially in the last 2 films..
Also Eric that premise for Ep 10 was scrapped a long time ago,Disney has a dumb habit of announcing films and scrapping them later
4 months
I enjoyed seeing your reaction to star wars especially seeing and pointing out the bad parts as you went through it.
4 months
J. J. Abrams, the director of episode 7, set up a lot of things and mysteries, but there was no overall predefined goal. This director likes "mystery box" storytelling, where he sets up a mystery and then tries to figure it out later. The director of episode 8 Rian Johnson then took those set ups and had to deal with them, and he also tried to move the movies in a different direction, in some was successfully, in some not so much, but overall there was a split in the fanbase. Then Disney had another director ready, but went back to J. J. Abrams to "fix" the episode 9 and to try to "unite" the fans and make Disney a lot of money, they made a lot of cheap decisions they thought would please the fanbase, while at the same time trying to please the racist and homophobic markets to maximaze the revenue.
There was not original outline of the series. Palpatine actor was surprised that he was casted again because as he and George Lucas intended Palpatine to be dead, and the Kylo Ren/Ben Solo actor signed up on the movies with the assumption he'd end up the "bad guy" till the end of the movies, not turning "good"
This trilogy is just a mismanagement hell, with people not having any real plan, making things up as they go, while panicking executives try to please fanbase, which lets be hones, is not always easy to deal with.
There's a lot of more issues with the story than what you've noticed, but I get it, you can't pick on everything on the first view, especially if you don't have the lore in details in your memory, like a lot of fans did.
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4 months
"while at the same time trying to please the racist and homophobic markets to maximaze the revenue."
Uh, are you talking about China?
4 months
I can never tell which of the last 2 movies i like the least. Like Episode 8 just feels like it hates Star Wars and Episdoe 9 feels like it course corrected so hard that its just pandering.
4 months
This movie has its up and downs but i don’t see it as a horrible thing tbh, it has its moments where you actually get chills and get emotional. I love watching you guys react to these movies! I hope you get to watch The Mandalorian, honestly its one of my favorite things Disney has made.
4 months
lightning is a sith skill, manipulation like yoda did is a jedi skill. healing is a jedi skill.
4 months
Don't worry newer star wars TV shows explain how palpatine came back
2 replies
4 months
Bold faced lie. Nothing has explained at all how he came back
4 months
The problem is that those shows shouldn’t have to explain nor should the novelization or writers
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Residentfan 1
4 months
The Clone Wars shouldn’t have to explain why the Clones turned on all the Jedi without a second thought or why the Jedi don’t trust Anakin in ROTS……but they do. The purpose of Star Wars TV shows has always been to fix bad writing.
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4 months
The clones were given an order the moment palpatine was found out. Also the jedi were given fake leads on who created the clones, so there isn't an explanation needed there. Anakin in the movies had an attachment to padme and was unpredictable, so that covers why they didn't trust him to be a jedi master. Shows can certainly expand on concepts from other media, but it definitely shouldn't have to be explained in that way.
1 replies
4 months
But like clone wars didn't have to explain why the clones turned on the Jedi tho. Like one could just assume order 66 was just a command code hidden in the genetic programming of the clones.
4 months
RAAAGHHH, time for my mini rant! There’s no mistaking these movies have scenes that I love, especially 7, but overall their reputation was marred by a whole bunch of BTS bs, from each movie being directed by a different person(leaving the trilogy feeling disjointed as 8 & 9 spend half their runtime trying to “fix” the what the current director didn’t like from the previous movie), to international racism causing Disney to pivot from their original story and minimize the roll of Finn. The Finn thing hurt the most as a kid because the idea of a Black MC in Star Wars was my everything at the time, but since China hates black people(seriously, look up episode 7’s China poster vs US), John Boyega, who was contracted to be a “main” character in 3 movies, was reduced to a glorified supporting cast member who just yells “REYYYYY!” .
And that Gadies and Lentelmen, is why despite the cool scenes, I’ll always hate 8 & 9.
1 replies
4 months
It’s truly gotten to the point for me where I just consider the legends as my sequels. So many better stories and characters and much better characterizations of the OT characters! They all grow into very successful and influential people!
4 months
This movie gets a lot of hate, but I don't really see it myself.
4 months
ah yes the only of the sequel trilogy that I actually dislike.
4 months
I'm excited to see your reaction to this one, barely remember it, saw this and the past one in theaters. Gotta be honest haven't seen Ep. 4,5,6 .
4 months
This movie was truly the final nail in the coffin for Disney Star Wars for me! I hated this movie to no end! I hated that Palpatine returned because it was clearly a desperate attempt to save the trilogy and it only failed, and the ONLY explanation we got was “Somehow Palpatine returned” which is such crap! Rey being his granddaughter was just out of no where, and her just naming herself a skywalker was just really weak. Finn suddenly isn’t so special anymore because apparently more stormtroopers rebelled. And Leia’s death wasn’t very emotional because Carrie Fisher was already dead. So much I hated about this movie, I decided to look to the legends books and now I consider those as my sequels because the stories and the characters are so much better it’s not even funny!
1 replies
Residentfan 1
4 months
You missed out on some of the best Star Wars content ever then. Solo, Rise of Skywalker and the Acolyte are the only bad Star Wars media Disney has made out of 5 movies, 1 short film, 12 shows, 2 YouTube micro series and 9 video games. This of course isn’t counting books, comics(I wouldn’t read them regardless of how good they are), adaptations of previous stories or things that are blatantly non canon that were just made for fun like that Lego Christmas special they did.
1 replies
4 months
I’ve seen the other shows but what I meant was most of the stuff Disney puts out, starting with the sequels, isn’t canon for me. Like I love rogue one, andor, and mandalorian, and Ahsoka, but these days anything post ROTJ I look to the legends rather than the canon
4 months
Yeah, people were MAD about the fact Palpatine returned
3 replies
4 months
it wasn't that plapatine returned but the only reason why in lore at the time was po dame ran going "somehow Palpatine returned
2 replies
4 months
does this have alot of problems yes. do i still like it also yes. Exegol is such a interesting new planet and the lore in the books post tros exspanding it have been pretty good .
4 months
Oh yeah, I am completly aware of that
4 months
"somehow Palpatine returned"
4 months
No surprise, people didn’t even like that he came back as a clone in the legends comic dark empire. Him returning in the canon now makes it seem like Anakin’s sacrifice was all for nothing and the chosen one prophecy was not fulfilled, plus now it seems like everything that they fought for and accomplished in the original trilogy was all for nothing because they ended up exactly where they started all because of Palpatine!
1 replies
4 months
it wasnt for nothing anakin became the new father of mortis and the balance of the force held for 30 years . sheev also had to basically start from scratch power wise .
I just noticed how the Storm Troopers always try to capture and not kill the protagonists, but the protagonists always go for the kill against the storm troopers. Maybe the Storm Troopers are the real good guys
Maybe if the Storm Troopers weren't working for the guys destroying planets.
37:49 can we just take a moment to discuss what just happened
Rey did the very thing that eluded Vader and Palpatine for decades: Use the force to have the midichlorians create life- that is how she healed the snake monster!
Plaplatine relied on methoods like Cloning and Spirit Transfer to stay alive but Rey is over here doing what he could not on pure instinct
There's problems with this movie- but I feel like all it needs is a good re-edit (and a name change to "Rise of Palpatine") to make this movie truly spectacular and a worthy conclusion to the sequel trilogy
Also a LOT of this movie was left on the cutting room floor, the novelization has the full story that ads a lot of context
Many of these movies' flaws come from capitulating to the most toxic elements of the fanbase. People were vitriolic about the prequels, so basically everything Disney produced had nothing to do with it until about 2017, hence why this trilogy seems so tied to the originals. People were INCREDIBLY hateful towards Rose's actress (and towards Rey's) so much so that Rose's actress had to leave the internet, and as a result they gave her basically nothing to do in Episode 9. People whined that Rey was a nobody in episode 8 so they made her a Palpatine who adopts the Skywalker name. They said TLJ was too disrespectful to the past, hence why they had so many "hey this is the orignal guy, you like this right?" moments in this movie. They kept trying to appeal to the whiniest fans and of course that was a losing battle. You can't capitulate to whiny hateful people guys, not in politics and not in movies, you wind up just disappointing everybody.
Reylo was a huge ship among fans when these films were coming out, hell I was even rooting for it, but my one gripe with it is just that Ben died, not a big fan of redemption=death being the default because it robs future stories of being able to show the redeemed character living with and atoning for past sins. FInn and Po was ALSO a huge ship that was supported by fans and the cast but IG Disney wouldn't go for it. It would hurt their bottom line because countries like China wouldn't like that. So no FinnPo even though it was supported internally and externally by the cast and fans
Fun fact Palpatine didn't actually fuck, his "son" was just a failed clone that didn't take after him in terms of force ability
I enjoy the sequel trilogy more than most people and I'm able to not nitpick every little detail but the one thing I wish the movies had was a consistent vision and narrative planned ahead. Disney's idea to take 3 directors and just let each one choose whatever direction they wanted instead of planning a cohesive story from the jump really hampered EP 8 and 9 to me compared to what I think they should have been.
I've got my grips about this one, but enjoyed watching it with you guys.
The "—And he's dead." made me laugh way too hard.
The biggest issue with this movie is really just that they spent the entire first half retconning and making every loose end from The Last Jedi bunk. Ben destroys his helmet in the last movie? It's back now. Rey's parents were irrelevant? Nah she's a Palpatine. Luke's saber was destroyed? It's back now, repaired off screen.
Also, Palpatine's message from the title crawl was a Fortnite event
I one hundred percent agree. Personally the last jedi was my favourite of the new trilogy. I feel if they went with the vibe it was setting up, the third film could've been one of the best imo
Also about Finn, there's theories Mace Windu is still alive and Finn is his son. Don't underestimate the force persuasion skills of Sam L Jackson, he has enough power to make purple lightsabers canon lol
AND convince George Lucas to keep Mace Windu alive after episode 3. "Jedi's fall from heights all the time and survive" or something like that - Sam L Jackson
So to me, I loved these movies simply for the sake that star wars would get to continue. At first I hated Palpatine's return because of how unoriginal it seemed but Boom made a good point, somehow the whole escaping death part of the prequels went over my head. But after playing the Knights of the Old Republic (which was before Disney), they really hit the mark where the line between light and dark isn't so clear cut. Lots of characters in the game that aren't strictly Jedi or Sith, so it's not so crazy that a good guy can use lightning. In-game, it's considered a dark side power, but using it doesn't automatically make you an evil character. Like the force just is, and the religions try to claim what powers are who's but they're just claims. Hope you guys eventually get to meet The Bendu, thanks for the content y'all 🤙
A big source of John Boyega's grief was some behind the scenes BS. He was treated pretty poorly by Disney executives and their marketing team who also forced the writers/directors to diminish his role to placate the Chinese audience and crap. There's a leak synopsis for what Episode IX was supposed to be when Colin Trevorrow (director of Jurassic World) was slated to write and direct it and Finn had a much larger role in that script that he was really excited for. Long story short, he was going to lead a full blown Stormtrooper rebellion within the First Order. But then Kathleen Kennedy fired Trevorrow, threw away all his ideas and then brought J.J. Abrams back to finish the trilogy.
So are you guys going to watch Mandalorian now?
I get what you guys are saying about spending too much time on old characters, but I was a little sad to see you pause to critique that during Luke’s scene of lifting the X-Wing, because that’s one of my personal favorite moments in the movie. In my opinion, the last movie almost entirely destroyed Luke’s character. I like the idea of an older Luke coping with failure, but the idea that he considered killing his own nephew even for a second is ridiculous where he spent the entirely or episode 6 trying to turn his father back to the light, so for me, the x-wing scene gave him a more satisfying and full-circle conclusion, so I liked it. I do agree with y’all about Lando stealing Poe’s moment at the very end, that was dumb. Regardless, I’m so glad you guys have been enjoying this franchise, it’s my 2nd favorite of all time, only behind Pokémon. Loving your Clone Wars reactions, and hopefully we’ll get to see Star Wars: Rebels very soon!!
1. Palapatines return never explained 2. Finn force sensitive?
3. What did he want to tell Rey?
4. Ben and Rey uhm why?
5. In accurate use of the force if we go by comics
6. Why did we only get too see her lightsaber at the end should’ve done what happened to Luke and give it to him at the beginning of the movie
7. Not owning her name
8. She’s still got both arms can’t be a Jedi “skywalker” with both arms and hands
Palpatine basically created a whole batch of clones of himself during his experimentation on Exegol and in the Comics he basically died on the Death Star only to have his Soul transferred to another Clone Body basically similar to what Darth Vitiate did in Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG if I remember correctly Palpatine must have used knowledge of how to transfer his Soul to another body from an old Sith Holocron.
Welcome to the conversation boys...xD
So off topic, where did H-man go? like whats the last thing was he in? like why did he not go with them durring the big move? did they explain it in one of there videos? cause I cant really find anything on it
Watch their podcasts, one of the recent ones explains what happened to him. The long and short of it is that he didn't really take the job as seriously as the others, wasn't doing the work that was expected of him, so they fired him. Which he was completely alright with. It was all strictly business with no heard feelings, so it would seem.
Ruff Quote: "He was fired. That's it. Move on."
They talk about this on the last podcast
I remember they said in the video (I don't remember which one) that h-man just didn't want to be part of the videos anymore. And after that he just stopped doing all reactions except adventure time because he wanted to see the ending with the guys.
They've said that H-Man was fired for personal reasons. They've also said he just didn't like being on camera much
I was thinking it might be personal with all the shit talk he got. Even if it was all in jest.
Ive wondered this for a while now. I'm very curious
Now that the star wars movies are done.......When we gonna kidnap ruff to watch the lord of the rings extended movies?
I understand their frustration not letting poe rescue them, but think of it logically. Where were they going to sit? Thats a one person fighter.
they still have Solo I think
Just came to hear you guys say you liked the prequels the best, thanks for that :)
I also always wanted Finn to be the protagonist alongside Rey and become a Jedi.
A stormtrooper who sees the errors of his ways and becomes a Jedi over the course of 3 movies is such a cool idea.
I saw a comment on youtube that talks about a really interesting idea that could have been the Sequel:
"The original trilogy was about people fighting to regain freedom and democracy, the prequels showed us how easy it was to lose a democracy, and the sequels could have been about how hard it is to keep a democracy on track."
It would be more interesting, as it would bring a more rewarding feeling after the end of Episode 6, cause they win, but the beginning of Episode 7 already starts with the First Order dominating everything so, why was that for?? If they started weak and got stronger as the trilogy progressed, I guess that would be amazing.
John Boyega had to deal with a lot of racism from Star Wars fans and he feels Disney didn't support him or Kelly during the hatred they received. That's why he said he would never come back. I understand him, I remember when the first trailer was released for The Force Awakens, and the hatred he got when they thought he would be the Jedi was insane. I think a cool story for Fnn would have been for him to actually be a force user and have him be the idea of a child soldier finding freedom in the force. And with Kylo calling him a traitor you could have weaved a story around them being close friends and when Fnn defected Kylo would feel betrayed. This way you could have had the story of one finding freedom in the force while the other is imprisoned by the dark side of the force. Rey could keep her story trajectory and become a grey Jedi, the middle ground as someone born of evil but sees the light and dark are two sides of the same coin. There are no rules that say there couldn't be three main force users for this story.
thats a saying somthing when at the same time Mace Windu gets a ton of praise.
One of the main reasons why so many Star Wars fans were so angry about this trilogy is not because they’re low quality, they had amazing scenes and lighting and were cinematic, it was the fact that fans know the lore around certain powers and we know that #1 force lightning and force healing and force ghost aren’t just “ wow look at me I doing it!” You have to read and meditate on very specific books and be taught these things, just because Rey is palpatines”daughter” doesn’t mean she can just do shit he does, he learned it he wasn’t born with it, sure it looks cool in a movie, but that isn’t suppose to just happen, you don’t just become a force ghost, master gods taught onion how to become one, anakin was made purely from mideclorians, so he was a force ghost’s with gods and onion, you don’t just get these powers
Auto correct really fucked me with master yoda and obi wan😂😂 master god was yoda and onion was obiwan
This gave me a good laugh
did i miss something or did finn never tell rey what he needed to say to her?
one of my biggest issues with this movie was summed up by boom and see-oh-knee perfectly at the end with a single sentence, "just own it", rey is so ashamed of her heritage that she's just decided to abandon it, and i get it, but at the same time you see someone like luke, who after discovering his dad is space hitler he decided to keep the name and turned it into a legend, he redeemed the skywalker name, thats his work, i wish rey would've stuck with the palpatine name to at least attempt to redeem it, change the galaxy in a positive way so that when people think of palpatine they don't think of super space hitler, they think of the legend who destroyed him. it would've been great thematically too, the man who was nothing but evil gets his name washed with the blinding light of a jedi's reputation, his granddaughter. i guess what bothers me is that she sorta just stole the name because it had a good reputation, it feel like stolen valor, if you want the credit then pave your own road and let everyone see it.
you should nostalgia critic on the sequel trilogy especially for Rise of Skywalker.
"They fly now?!" Makes my brain physically implode
It's great as a meme though
you guys need to watch small soldiers!!!
You guys should make a Battlefront 2 video or stream now. Recommend modes to try or play would be Heroes vs Villians, Capital Supremacy, Galactic Assault, and maybe Ewok Hunt.😁
Ewok if nothing else!
I think a lot of the nostalgia characters and moments were because of how long between the original trilogy and this one has been vs if they had obi and Anakin in here where you guys have watched all the movies relatively quickly. I remember people screaming in excitement when they heard Palpatine's voice in the reveal trailer. Also Rey is going to be in the new trilogy so you will get to see her with her official saber instead of using Anakins/Lukes, probably learned how to and had time after the war from the Jedi tomes. Can't expect her to do the ceremony while all that war was going on. I've loved all the new movies, definitely more the pre-quells and I haven't watched the originals, but I still think the newest trilogy would be my favorite.
My main complaint is that the movie would have been so much better with more of the new characters and less of the older characters. I enjoyed it, it made me emotional, it made me laugh- I really enjoyed it. But, it could have benefited from less of the older characters. I wanted more Finn, Rey, and Poe moments. I wanted more of the new resistance members. It felt like they shoved a bunch of older character scenes in because they just couldn't let go.
I will say though, Rey calling herself a Skywalker at the end annoyed me and still annoys me so much. She’s NOT a Skywalker.
I feel that Finns character would have lived up to the potential a whole lot better had J.J. directed all three films. Like there are clear hints at him being force sensitive in episode 7, wielding the saber and all that. So had J.J. directed 8 that would have been expanded on a lot more, so come episode 9 all the force sensitive stuff wouldnt feel like such a reach out the blue.
After watching the final comments and commentary from the guys, I felt the need to add that i agree with 95% of the points Boom made. Prequals for life!!!
Prequels are the best and Revenge of the sith is the best Star Wars film
Wow…real criticism😶🌫️ I’m actually impressed. Maybe the people who didn’t like it had a reason Ay?😂
Them having actually criticism but also thinking that the hate is overblown a much criticism against it isn't very good are not mutually exclusive.
They literally said “I don’t think the people that hate, have the same issues as us”, as if the hate for it that exists doesn’t include anything valid. This movie breaks the universe, point blank period.
It was actually really cool to hear Ahsoka toward the end, but I was actually surprised to see Kanan get a voice line
A surprise but a welcome one, but a welcome one for sure
"This isn't as bad as everybody tries to make it out to be"
Yup, this is proof that it's only the most annoying haters the ones we read about. Fortunately most people watching these movies are just normal people who don't like to rant about anything just for attention.
heres the thing though, if you're a big fan of a series and they fumble it then you're gonna have bigger issues with it than someone who just watched casually, also the majority of the people who complain about the movies have had time to marinate on it, as opposed to them who had only just finished watching it. its not about wanting attention, its about being annoyed that a series they probably grew up with had a disappointing trilogy
Why people don't like these movies is because episode 7 was just A New Hope again, episode 8 divided the fan base due to unnecessary plot points that ultimately don't matter and the character assassination of Luke Skywalker. Episode 9's biggest hurdle is the fact that it's a movie that does so much coarse correcting to try and salvage what was left from 8 and make a ending for a trilogy that had no true road map to begin with. The problem people have of the new trio is that they don't spend enough time together for it to feel earned nor are finn and po given much to do while rey gets all of the story. The actor of Finn was advertised as the MC of force awakens- which got people attention due to it seemingly being about a stormtrooper going rogue and seemingly becoming a Jedi. So for many people ,including John boyega himself- these movies not only did both him dirty and Luke Skywalker a disservice but also retroactively has become the seeds of Disney changing what many fans believed to be cannon and spits in the face of fans of those stories.
Can't wait for yall to meet Kanan Jarrus
That actually is lando daughter
Disney execs even said that 7 of 10 of the people in charge/write star wars weren't fans and most have them hadn't even seen it prior. There is also an interview with the main cast and Finn's actor even said the "They fly now?" with the jet troopers had them during the clone wars
Force lighting is a dark side ability plo koon and some other powerful jedi can use a less powerful version called force judgment because it doesn't use the dark side and it's yellow
Ugh, I'm normally such a positive person on films. I love finding the good in films. What makes this film so awful for me is the wasted potential. The idea from episode 8 was that Rey's parents didn't matter, and that was her worst fear, that she was nobody. It set it up at the end to demonstrate that anyone could be a jedi, that you didn't need to be trained, but inspired. (Such a great marketing idea as well disney, way to go on killing that one). Palpatine took over all of the intrigue that was created by killing Snoke and leaving the world up in arms and in chaos. Kylo Ren at the end of 8 looked like he was going down a path of anger that was so all-consuming that he went over the edge. In this he just seemed moody. They brought in a girlfriend for Poe to make sure he didn't seem gay, both the actors were advocates of Poe and Finn having a relationship, and it was completely shut down.
Every important moment or consequence was abandoned almost immediately. Chewie dies, no hes alive. C3P0 loses his memory, nope that's back. Luke sacrifices himself to bring back the memory of the Jedi. Just kidding, actually he can come back at any point and chat to Rey for fun. They shipped off Rose because fans didn't like her character. They made the entire movie about how important all the previous Jedi and Sith were, not how important the new characters were. The moment where Rey tells Palpatine that her parents were strong is empty and meaningless. I felt NOTHING because we know not a single thing about them. That was because her parents were clearly never meant to be important. Rey was the girl who came from nothing, with no one who cared about her and survived, and the story would've been so satisfying for her to represent that no matter where you came from, no matter how alone you are, you matter and you have potential.
Also the plot, is four fetch quests stiched together poorly. The idea that a dagger from eons ago for an old forgotten planet is a map by lining up exactly with a ship that crashed into the sea? As long as you stood exactly in the right place to look through the dagger?
They also decided to just make the final space battle so big, so impossibly difficult to beat, that any way they won felt forced. Like, there's upping stakes from previous films, and then there's making the stakes from the previous films feel meaningless. The character assassination of Finn was horrendous. I feel so bad for these actors because they were AMAZING actors. Rewatching the scream and emotion that ripped out of Rey when she thinks she's killed Chewie is INCREDIBLE.
I know no one is probably gonna read this, but getting it off my chest felt good. In my head, this film isn't cannon, and the true villain all along was emperor Jar-Jar. The objectively correct timeline.
Yeah after this movie I declared the sequels non-canon as well. I started reading the legends books and easily have declared them as the true sequels, I’m much happier now
100% went the same way
according to wookiepedia Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.
guess what....the message that palpatine spread throughout the galaxy was revealed...NOT in a star wars original piece of media but in a FORTNITE LIVE EVENT COLLABING WITH STAR WARS
I spent half of this reaction just saying "It's dumb, I hate it, It's dumb I hate it" From the moment they reveal who she's related to.
Well, why did you even finished the second half then? Why are you here even? This is the pure definition of a hater. I enjoy the movie for that it is btw.
Well, why did you even comment then? Why are you here even? This is the pure definition of a hater. I enjoyed his OPINION for that it is btw.
Most of Leia's scenes were deleted scenes from 'The Force Awakens'. This movie was kinda like trying to course correct the negative reaction that episode 8 got and it ended up not going well here either. Especially when they wanted to tie in the entire saga here instead of having a new threat. This trilogy had no real plan of what they wanted. Funny enough tho with Finn and the force this is the only time they tie him to that, but there is a Lego Star Wars Holiday special that kinda goes into it but not much
The issues you cited where basically what a lot of the critiques were. It all just feels like wasted potential, it sucks cause there's moments they botched where it would have made sense to honor the legacy, then shoehorned it in where it wasn't needed. This movie spent way too much time gagging on the past and trying to retcon the decisions made in the earlier movies. Hopefully one day star wars can learn to let go or we're just gonna have flop after flop.
Force Lightning is a dark Side force power. That doesnt mean a jedi can't use it. They just will not use it. There is a light side Version of it, its called Electric Judgement, which shoots golden Lightning Bolts instead of blue ones. It was accidentally discovered by a Jedi.
It's unfortunate that no one told Anakin about Force Healing. Y'know, the thing that would have solved the fear that drove him to Palpatine/ the dark side in the first place.
I can't believe you were so foolish as to not play fortnite when the other part of the film was released in it. It explained everything about palpatines return. Silly consumers, thinking watching the film would explain the film.
In legend there is a jedi versjon of sith lightning. is known as Electric judgment or emerald lightning. it manifested as yellow-orange, green, white or golden. The difference is the jedi appmication came from a sense of determined justice. This is a forbidden techniques because of it similarity to sith. But a few jedi did study it jedi master Plo koon and Luke skywalker. Being the last jedi does not make you stronger Rey is just that strong. Darth vender can not use sith lightning because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the sith lightning. The only other person we have seen use sith lightning is count Dooku.
"Somehow, Palpatine returned." The final nail in the coffin
C-3PO saying "is this the afterlife? are droids aloud here?" Had me i tears when i first heard it
Also quick correction,John boyega(finn) didn't hate the fans,he hated how his character was handled especially in the last 2 films..
Also Eric that premise for Ep 10 was scrapped a long time ago,Disney has a dumb habit of announcing films and scrapping them later
I enjoyed seeing your reaction to star wars especially seeing and pointing out the bad parts as you went through it.
J. J. Abrams, the director of episode 7, set up a lot of things and mysteries, but there was no overall predefined goal. This director likes "mystery box" storytelling, where he sets up a mystery and then tries to figure it out later. The director of episode 8 Rian Johnson then took those set ups and had to deal with them, and he also tried to move the movies in a different direction, in some was successfully, in some not so much, but overall there was a split in the fanbase. Then Disney had another director ready, but went back to J. J. Abrams to "fix" the episode 9 and to try to "unite" the fans and make Disney a lot of money, they made a lot of cheap decisions they thought would please the fanbase, while at the same time trying to please the racist and homophobic markets to maximaze the revenue.
There was not original outline of the series. Palpatine actor was surprised that he was casted again because as he and George Lucas intended Palpatine to be dead, and the Kylo Ren/Ben Solo actor signed up on the movies with the assumption he'd end up the "bad guy" till the end of the movies, not turning "good"
This trilogy is just a mismanagement hell, with people not having any real plan, making things up as they go, while panicking executives try to please fanbase, which lets be hones, is not always easy to deal with.
There's a lot of more issues with the story than what you've noticed, but I get it, you can't pick on everything on the first view, especially if you don't have the lore in details in your memory, like a lot of fans did.
"while at the same time trying to please the racist and homophobic markets to maximaze the revenue."
Uh, are you talking about China?
I can never tell which of the last 2 movies i like the least. Like Episode 8 just feels like it hates Star Wars and Episdoe 9 feels like it course corrected so hard that its just pandering.
This movie has its up and downs but i don’t see it as a horrible thing tbh, it has its moments where you actually get chills and get emotional. I love watching you guys react to these movies! I hope you get to watch The Mandalorian, honestly its one of my favorite things Disney has made.
lightning is a sith skill, manipulation like yoda did is a jedi skill. healing is a jedi skill.
Don't worry newer star wars TV shows explain how palpatine came back
Bold faced lie. Nothing has explained at all how he came back
The problem is that those shows shouldn’t have to explain nor should the novelization or writers
The Clone Wars shouldn’t have to explain why the Clones turned on all the Jedi without a second thought or why the Jedi don’t trust Anakin in ROTS……but they do. The purpose of Star Wars TV shows has always been to fix bad writing.
The clones were given an order the moment palpatine was found out. Also the jedi were given fake leads on who created the clones, so there isn't an explanation needed there. Anakin in the movies had an attachment to padme and was unpredictable, so that covers why they didn't trust him to be a jedi master. Shows can certainly expand on concepts from other media, but it definitely shouldn't have to be explained in that way.
But like clone wars didn't have to explain why the clones turned on the Jedi tho. Like one could just assume order 66 was just a command code hidden in the genetic programming of the clones.
RAAAGHHH, time for my mini rant! There’s no mistaking these movies have scenes that I love, especially 7, but overall their reputation was marred by a whole bunch of BTS bs, from each movie being directed by a different person(leaving the trilogy feeling disjointed as 8 & 9 spend half their runtime trying to “fix” the what the current director didn’t like from the previous movie), to international racism causing Disney to pivot from their original story and minimize the roll of Finn. The Finn thing hurt the most as a kid because the idea of a Black MC in Star Wars was my everything at the time, but since China hates black people(seriously, look up episode 7’s China poster vs US), John Boyega, who was contracted to be a “main” character in 3 movies, was reduced to a glorified supporting cast member who just yells “REYYYYY!” .
And that Gadies and Lentelmen, is why despite the cool scenes, I’ll always hate 8 & 9.
It’s truly gotten to the point for me where I just consider the legends as my sequels. So many better stories and characters and much better characterizations of the OT characters! They all grow into very successful and influential people!
This movie gets a lot of hate, but I don't really see it myself.
ah yes the only of the sequel trilogy that I actually dislike.
I'm excited to see your reaction to this one, barely remember it, saw this and the past one in theaters. Gotta be honest haven't seen Ep. 4,5,6 .
This movie was truly the final nail in the coffin for Disney Star Wars for me! I hated this movie to no end! I hated that Palpatine returned because it was clearly a desperate attempt to save the trilogy and it only failed, and the ONLY explanation we got was “Somehow Palpatine returned” which is such crap! Rey being his granddaughter was just out of no where, and her just naming herself a skywalker was just really weak. Finn suddenly isn’t so special anymore because apparently more stormtroopers rebelled. And Leia’s death wasn’t very emotional because Carrie Fisher was already dead. So much I hated about this movie, I decided to look to the legends books and now I consider those as my sequels because the stories and the characters are so much better it’s not even funny!
You missed out on some of the best Star Wars content ever then. Solo, Rise of Skywalker and the Acolyte are the only bad Star Wars media Disney has made out of 5 movies, 1 short film, 12 shows, 2 YouTube micro series and 9 video games. This of course isn’t counting books, comics(I wouldn’t read them regardless of how good they are), adaptations of previous stories or things that are blatantly non canon that were just made for fun like that Lego Christmas special they did.
I’ve seen the other shows but what I meant was most of the stuff Disney puts out, starting with the sequels, isn’t canon for me. Like I love rogue one, andor, and mandalorian, and Ahsoka, but these days anything post ROTJ I look to the legends rather than the canon
Yeah, people were MAD about the fact Palpatine returned
it wasn't that plapatine returned but the only reason why in lore at the time was po dame ran going "somehow Palpatine returned
does this have alot of problems yes. do i still like it also yes. Exegol is such a interesting new planet and the lore in the books post tros exspanding it have been pretty good .
Oh yeah, I am completly aware of that
"somehow Palpatine returned"
No surprise, people didn’t even like that he came back as a clone in the legends comic dark empire. Him returning in the canon now makes it seem like Anakin’s sacrifice was all for nothing and the chosen one prophecy was not fulfilled, plus now it seems like everything that they fought for and accomplished in the original trilogy was all for nothing because they ended up exactly where they started all because of Palpatine!
it wasnt for nothing anakin became the new father of mortis and the balance of the force held for 30 years . sheev also had to basically start from scratch power wise .