Scary Movie 2 Reaction

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  1. Campbell
    2 months

    The Austin Powers franchise is probably my favorite parody movie trilogy. They poke fun at spy movies specifically James Bond

  2. zking3473
    2 months

    48:45 that's so real lol, guys have a tendency to think with their nut instead of their gut

  3. Goldcrusty
    2 months

    I like third one the best to be honest

  4. Wonderxfull
    3 months

    I am really enjoying seeing your reaction to these.

  5. gabe
    3 months

    please keep watching these and you should watch a haunted house

  6. solparadox9962
    3 months

    you all should react to the Charlies angels movies

    1 replies
    1. Coaxyy
      3 months

      +1 YES 

  7. Brandan
    3 months

    You guys should watch. Don't Be a Menace While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood extended version.

    One of the best Wayne's Brothers movies. 

    1 replies
    1. DabConnoisseur
      3 months

      That'd be a great reaction lol 

  8. Dylan
    3 months

    Brenda is the best part of these movies, the actress did a phenomenal job

  9. Jakeb
    3 months

    Yes! Watch 3 and 4! In my opinion this one is the weakest of the 4, although it has some of the most memorable lines!

    1 replies
    1. RancorSnp
      3 months

      I did remember 2 not being great, I didn't remember it being this bad ^^' but yeah 3 I remember as being pretty good

  10. KingOfRedLions89
    3 months

    Not Another Teen Movie is one of the better parodies from that era

    1 replies
    1. Krmickey
      3 months

      And a perfect reaction tbh

  11. Black
    3 months

    20:55 NO REACTION

  12. nate
    3 months

    You should watch man in black 2 and 3

  13. Daniel
    3 months

    Yay I love these movies :)

  14. Colonel
    3 months

    For the love of the Gods PLEASE React to Malcolm in the middle, that is a master piece.

  15. Persnickity
    3 months

    I too thought the lyrics to the song were "take my picture". I was singing it to myself walking through highschool hallways. A girl heard me and told me the real lyrics. I died a little realizing I'd been singing it for days

  16. mikehawk
    3 months

    boondock billy

  17. Juju’sWrld
    3 months

    i neeed moreeeeeee

  18. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    ghost hunting soon??

  19. Amantè
    3 months

    Scary Movie 3 was still pretty funny, imo but if yall have never seen Not Another Teen Movie, it's one of the more notable ones from this era

  20. COREY
    3 months

    Yes we need the Boondocks 

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      3 months

      Not Another Teen Movie is one of the better parodies from that era

  21. Joseph
    3 months

    please watch the charlie's angels movies the ones with drew barrymore not the newer one

  22. Charlie
    3 months

    Love the scary movies tho admittedly im more hype to see whenever you guys get around to the 2nd transformers movie

  23. Golden Witch
    3 months

    Sad fun fact about this movie, the reason why Tori Spellings character isn’t in this movie a lot is because most of her scenes were cut in retaliation for not filming a nude scene. Harvey and Bob Weinstein are truly the worst🫠🫠🫠

  24. Curtis
    3 months

    Saw this movie in highschool, remembered almost none of it. Great week for movies.

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