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  1. drizzt8886
    7 months

    "cave paintings" sorry guys thats not what those were, look up hiroshima shadow people and you'll get a better idea.

  2. Calvin
    1 year

    I was not a fan of this movie. Let's see if I can get through a reaction of it

  3. Ranginald
    1 year

    Ungodly amount of effort poured into making this, truly the work of a determinator

  4. TrueJFY
    1 year

    Can't wait for you guys to watch Deadpool 2!

    1 replies
    1. empress
      1 year


  5. Sly
    1 year

    I could totally watch this with a mixtape of some White Zombie, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, and Soundgarden. Just drop acid and go on an adventure.

    1 replies
    1. deadkelpie
      1 year

      fr i only watched it high on weed but yeah this is the most metal movie ever made i LOVE it haha

  6. iron pirate
    1 year

    can we get more live action movies like the kingsmen secret service, the x men movies, the star wars movies maybe even some more marvel movies

  7. Hellfire69
    1 year

    Apparently it took 30 years to make this

  8. DeadHubris
    1 year

    YES I LOVE THIS MOVIE, good luck on that youtube edit though lmao

  9. Dylan
    1 year

    You guys should definitely check out kubo and the two strings, and paranorman. They're both really good and done by the same studio that animated coraline

    1 replies
    1. themania.
      1 year

      Also fantastic

      1 replies
      1. _Owwls_
        1 year

        And Isle of Dogs ?

  10. Billie
    1 year

    Oh… oh no… What have you done? Are you ok? Do you wanna talk about it?

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