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2 months
If it helps, try reading with the audio book going at the same time. I'm dyslexic and find having the audio book playing at the same time helps me read faster
2 months
I find it so funny that Treebeard is based on Tolkien's friend, C.S. Lewis (the author of The Chronicles of Narnia). The way Tolkien saw Lewis speaking is the way that Treebeard talks.. slow and rambling. lol
3 months
Just for context for the boys , the elves dont just live a long time they are litterally Immortal, they only die if killed. So them going to the undying lands, it's because all those that live there litterally can not die of natural causes. It also means that a single elven death holds an immense sadness and greater sense of loss to the world because Men, Hobbits, Dwarves, whether by the sword of the slow decay of time... they will all inevitably die. Elves do not ever have to suffer death so when they do die it's a tragedy that was avoidable
1 replies
2 months
In my best annoying nerd voice "umm ACTUALLY, elf can also die of a broken heart". 🤓
3 months
Love the boys all saying " I wonder if men and elves could have kids? We havent seen any half elven kids" RIGHT as the whole screen holds on Elrond HALF ELVEN's face " 😆
1 replies
1 month
In fairness I didnt even know that Elrond was only Half Elf(the movies certainly dont mention it) and yeah after the speech he just gave as if Arwen would be all alone after Aragorn passed I'd be wondering too if I didnt already know what comes down the line
3 months
about the kingdoms thing, you realise a country generally has more than one city right?
3 months
Treebeard is, in fact, voiced by Gimli. John Rhys-Davies. He also played Sallah, Indy's Egyptian sidekick in the Indiana Jones movies (Raiders and Crusade).
3 months
Holy crap watching the theatrical release is jarring. You're skipping so much context and exposition. Damn. Do yourselves a favor and rewatch the extended editions.
3 months
I would love to recommend The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Both C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were friends and influenced each others' stories. In fact, The Lord of the Rings was created because of a bet between the two authors. Not to mention, the four houses in Harry Potter are based on the main characters in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There are so many connections between the popular books and movie series.
3 months
This is such a fun watch, omg. The energy of Boom and Erik doing their best to keep Ruff in the dark of spoilers is so lovely. X3
I remember watching this movie in the threatre and loving the Ents, especially at the end. And Legolas and Gimli's growing friendship, and the bits between Gimli and Aragon, it's all such a delight.
3 months
THAT scene at 2:24:28 lives rent free in my head, I loved Boom shutting everyone up for that part XD
3 months
Quick question... Do they read the comments on this page? Lol! I'm genuinely curious.
1 replies
3 months
I don't think so, I've never seen any evidence of it
3 months
You guys want a great war film? Saving Private Ryan, hands down the best war film ever!
3 months
Wait till after watching Return of the King, but a fun video is Lord of the Rings x Power Rangers. It's a short vid where the PW opening theme and style is used only using LotR characters as the Rangers cast.
3 months
Play the Two Towers game from ps2 or xbox! Best game ever made!!
3 months
There is a MMORPG called Lord of the Rings Online. It came out in 2007 and is still an active game and apparently well received and considered under-rated.
3 months
38:30 a couple places you also may know Andy Serkis (that I think yall have seen before filming this) from are the MCU as Ulysses Klaw and as Snoke in the Sequel trilogy
3 months
So in the lore, there are 5 wizards with different duties, also the wizards are basically angels on earth. The white wizard was responsible for fighting the darkness and corruption in the world, in the books Sarumon renounces this title and claims to be the wizard of All colors, now having an oily color effect on his robe. Gandalf was sent back to fight the evil of Saron, so he was given the title and power of the white wizard
3 months
Frodo (Elijah woods) and Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) have both said they have gotten mistaken for one another in the past…I see the resemblance! Lol
3 months
If they decided they wanted to watch the extended editions after these, I'd totally be down to re-watch those as well
3 months
Every morning I was waking up waiting for this
3 months
I will say this on The Rings of Power. It's badly writhed fanfic, that retcon so much of Tolkien's lore of the 2nd Age it's not even funny. I could go in to details, but that would spoil the show if you guys even get to it.
3 months
Gandalf and the Balrog were the same species. Upon dying, Gandalf returned to Ilúvatar (god), who then sent him back to Lothlórien where he was healed and dressed in white robes. He was sent back to replace Saruman as the White Wizard and to aid middle earth in defiance of Sauron.
3 months
the scene with Aragorn floating down the river, Viggo caught caught in an undertow and nearly drowned
1 replies
3 months
got caught*
3 months
You guys really should react to Narnia for awesome war scenes
3 months
Boom constantly telling Frodo and Sam to kiss is so real 😂
3 months
thank you for feeding us today, good food yum
3 months
also since the theatrical version doesn'tmention it i will Aragorn is 87 years old.
3 months
Not a fun fact but a suggestion, after all the films watch the Making Of from the DVDs!
3 months
"He's a real trailblazer" I see what you did there Sean
3 months
FUN FACT! Viggo bought the horse that played Brego at the end of the film! And yes, he loves horses, he also bought the horse from Hidalgo (well, the main horse. There were 5 that played Hidalgo during different scenes) Viggo also bought Liv Tyler's stunt double the horse she rode during the chase with the ring wraiths from the first film.
1 replies
3 months
Clarification: Purchased the horse from the chase scene FOR the stunt double because she loved the horse so much. He's a genuinely nice dude.
3 months
Whenever I hear a One Piece fan say they haven't watched LotR it's always so strange to me. These films are basically a (comparatively) quick hit of the same range of feelings that come from incredible characters exploring a vast world on a single quest.I'm so glad Ruff has proven what myself and many other fans have said for so long that he would love these movies.
3 months
I think this movie probably has the best 3rd act in Cinematic History.
3 months
FUN FACT! Treebeard is in fact voiced by John Rhys-Davies aka Gimli
1 replies
3 months
OH ALSO, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that Treebeard was supposed to be a caricature of CS Lewis who was good friends with Tolkein
3 months
There were so many scenes from the extended edition that I think add so much and its so sad to not see them
3 months
gear 5 Gandalf has risen
3 months
FUN FACT! The majority of the Rohirrim extras are just women because they put out a call for people who owned their own horses and could ride and there were just sooooo many women in New Zealand with horses who showed up, so that's a bunch of women with fake beards riding with Eomer.
3 months
I would love to see a reaction to "Rings of Power" and "The Hobbit" series. I gotta reinstall all the games XD
3 months
- While not shown in the movies (unless I'm forgetting something from the extended cut), when Gandalf first goes to Saruman in Fellowship, there's a part where Saruman calls himself 'of Many Colors', rather than Saruman the White, a sign of his corrupted ego. He basically abandoned his title and position.
- Tolkien was not a fan of industrialization, which comes out pretty damn strong in this movie. I feel like the Ents taking Isengard and freeing the river to flood the place was fairly cathartic for him to write.
- Sadly missing from the theatrical cut is the fate of the Uruk-hai who flee the battle. Fangorn Forest has shown up over the night behind them (the mention of trees moving earlier), and they die real fast when they go in. One of my favorite stories about Tolkien is that, when he was a kid, he was really disappointed when he first saw Macbeth, as he thought the prophecy of Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane meant the forest was actually going to move. So in *his* books the forest does move, and there are some really, really angry trees.
- In the last two novels, each book is split into two parts, the first following Aragorn and friends all the way through Helm's Deep, then the second flipping back to Frodo and Sam for the rest. It's not a format that would ever work in a movie, but it means the reader doesn't know what's happening to Frodo and Sam until they've finished the first half of each book. Tolkien takes particularly evil advantage of this in a few spots.
- Viggo Mortensen loved the horse he rode in this movie so much he actually bought it. Then he bought one of the trainers the horse she wanted because she couldn't afford it.
- Gollum was groundbreaking in this movie, either the first or one of the first very successful CGI portrayals of a serious character. Andy Serkis really fucked up his throat doing the voice, and battered himself pretty hard throwing himself all over those rocks. If you've seen Avengers 2 or Black Panther, he plays Klaue. He's a ton of other CGI characters, including Caesar in the Planet of the Apes reboot movies, and Snoke in the Star Wars sequels.
- Aragorn continues to wear Boromir's gauntlets as part of his armor in this movie. In the scene showing his funeral, he is still wearing them.
- One of the extended edition scenes involves a glimpse at Boromir and Faramir's relationship, and gives a lot of context to the 'a chance for Faramir to show his quality' line.
- Two changes fans got really angry about in this movie were elves at Helm's Deep and Faramir being tempted by the ring. I think the reasoning for both is solid, particularly Faramir. In the book, once he finds out what's going on, he says he wouldn't pick the ring up if it was lying on the side of the road, and immediately lets Frodo, Sam, and Gollum go. A cool moment for the character, but it also severely undermines the movie trying to emphasize that literally everyone is vulnerable to it.
- Whiterun in Skyrim is really, really, *really* obviously fashioned after Edoras from this movie, right down to having a horse on their banners.
- In the novel, Aragorn is the one to recite the Horse and the Rider poem, at a much earlier point in the story.
- Wormtongue's speech to Eowyn is taken from something Aragorn says about her in the novels, fittingly proceeded by: "Think you that Wormtongue had poison only for Theoden's ears?"
- Tolkien fought in World War 1 and lost nearly all of his friends in the fighting. This comes out really strongly in certain parts of the books, but particularly during the scene where Sam and Frodo witness the ambush against the Haradrim. It's one of my favorite passages from these books:
"It was Sam's view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart or what lies or threats had led him on the long March from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace."
3 months
They don't tell you this in the movies, but Gandalf is not a human. He is basically an angel. If Gandalf were to be corrupted by evil, he would turn into a Balrog. That's why he was able to take on a Balrog himself and was old enough to even know what it was. When he killed the Balrog on the mountain, he straight up died. But, god sent him back to Middle Earth to complete his mission of helping the forces of good against Sauron. You have to be pretty badass to have god himself say "Nuh uh, not yet." to your death.
3 months
Useful information: Most humans in Middle Earth live as long as they do IRL. Hobbits live a bit longer, usually reaching 100 years old. Numenoreans, like Aragorn, are basically the GigaChads of humanity, and live for 300-500 years, along with being taller, stronger, smarter, etc. Dwarves live for about 250 years, but some could get as old as 340. Also they never go bald. Elves are immortal, or at least never grow old. Orcs only live for 20-30 years.
3 months
I didn't play the two towers as much, but I played a ton of Return of the King's video game. The ride of the Rohirrim, (Gandalf's arrival) is the tutorial for the Return of the King game. So many memories.
3 months
The colors of the wizards seem to be a sort of ranking system to establish a pecking order. The five wizards, know as the Istari, were sent to middle-earth. Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown, and two unnamed blue wizards. Saruman was supposed to be their leader, Gandalf a sort of second in command with a greater purpose never known by himself until his Jesus-like resurrection, Radagast preferred the company of the animals of the wood (you may one day meet him) and is thought to be less powerful to Gandalf, and the two nameless Blue Wizards are almost a complete mystery. The only thing that can be said for sure of them is that they traveled to the east on a quest that is never revealed in Tolkien's writings, nor do they appear in any of the major stories.
This world is so fascinating to learn about, Tolkien was and is truly in a class all his own.
Please, watch Game of Thrones. From my experience it is the closest fantasy world that can be compared to Tolkien's, and to be fair, the nudity in the show can generally be cut out of youtube releases, do to the lack of relevance to the over all story.
3 months
rings of power is definitely one of those shows that has gotten hate because it’s “woke” as a lord of the rings fan i loved it and really hope you guys react to it
2 replies
3 months
Never watched it myself, (Haven't really seen any of it thats grabbed my attention) but my friends did, and their main complaint was most of the plots were uninteresting or didn't make sense, only the parts with the dwarves were interesting to them.
1 replies
3 months
the first half of the first season is definitely slow but it’s way worth it for the second half and season 2
3 months
I 100% agree with this. I loved Rings of Power as well. And it’s great at fleshing out parts of the world you don’t get to see in the movies. I really hope they react to it too.
Residentfan 1
3 months
Aragorn: screamsBoom: smiles
Me: don’t do it
Boom: pauses the video
Me: don’t you fucking say it
Boom: I got to
Me: shut the fuck up!
Residentfan 1
3 months
Aragorn: screams Boom: smiles Me: don’t do it Boom: pauses the video Me: don’t you fucking say it Boom: I got to Me: shut the fuck up!
3 months
Just reminder, Nazgul are the Wyverns, the Shadow Kings are Ring Wraiths
4 replies
3 months
No. Nazgûl are the ring wraiths the mosters they ride are Fellbeasts.
3 months
Nazgul is another name for Ringwraith or The Nine. The Wyverns are called Fellbeasts.
3 months
Horribly incorrect wtf
3 months
Incorrect, Nazgul are the Ring Wraiths. The Wyverns are Fell Beasts
3 months
The game for Return of the King is incredible too. One of the best co-op games I've ever played. Easily.
3 months
So a it of info gandalf and the other wizards aren't your classic wizards like dumbledor they are actual angels sent by the god of LoTR to help fight sauron so gandalf coming back is he died and was sent back to middle earth to replace saruman who was the white wizard before he fell to corruption.
For short gandalf is an angel sent by god and not a meer wizard like dumbledor
3 months
Please watch Planet of the Apes! Andy Serkis was so good playing Ceasar!!
Mike Dark
3 months
you should react to this hishe
3 months
Just noting to bear in mind for further discussions- Tolkien was very, very Catholic.
3 months
I highly recommend you guys watch the extended version for the final film as it has so much context that I feel you will miss if you watch the regular version.
3 months
"it has to be insane to have that much knowledge and that much time.".
Bros, you gotta watch Frieren.
3 months
3 months
Yeah Its always interesting how many people miss why Frodo has that outburst when Sam says there's no chance to save Gollum. Frodo isn't even thinking about just himself and the effects he's already feeling from the Ring and Gollum being a possible future but also Bilbo. Every time he seems Gollum, Frodos probably reminded of when Bilbo went full goblin mode at being denied the Ring in Rivendell. And the Ring is affecting Frodo more than it ever did for Bilbo over 60 years. He's desperate for any glimpse that his fate won't lead right to what's in front of him.
3 months
Aw, it isn't the extended edition? well, you missed the roast chicken joke.
3 months
Rohans ost is my favorite in lord of the rings
3 months
People, vote for the last one as extended 😇
3 months
Can you please watch the last one as extended 🙏🏼?! So many good episodes are missed in short one ... at least the last one extended
3 months
Okay, more behind-the-scenes shenanigans with Aragorn. Peter Jackson was absolutely determined to get the perfect shot of Viggo Mortensen kicking the Uruk helmet past the camera. They kept doing take after take, each one having the scream be too dull or the flight of the helm being too far from the camera. Finally, they caught the shot which ended up in the movie. Peter was thrilled and ran over to Viggo who promptly told him that he had just broken his toe and the scream was real. On a more serious note, Viggo still considers the river float scene to have been the closest he ever came to dying on the set of a movie. When they scouted the river, they failed to notice a very powerful suction force which would pull water under a submerged rock outcropping where the river split. As Viggo floated along, he was pulled under at the split and was stuck under the rock for some time. He came very close to drowning but was able to save himself.
3 months
It appears this is in fact, not the extended edition. Shame. Extended edition adds alot of context to the battle of helms deep if I remember correctly. The Billy's once again are ignored. (I say this purely jokingly of course. The theatrical run is still perfectly fine.)
2 replies
3 months
but now they dont know how old aragorn is
3 months
I'm sure yall also just did all the movies close together anyway before we brought it up so still totally fine. Lol
3 months
Love Two Towers!!! Agian A Bit Sad You Didn't Do The Extended Edition Bit I'm Gussing You Recorded All 3 Movies and didn't know about the Extended Versions. So I'll stop nitpicking and enjoy it. Have fun on this journey 🙂
3 months
This was my favorite among the Theatrical version, but Return of the King ext. became my favorite as I got older. I can't wait to watch this.
If it helps, try reading with the audio book going at the same time. I'm dyslexic and find having the audio book playing at the same time helps me read faster
I find it so funny that Treebeard is based on Tolkien's friend, C.S. Lewis (the author of The Chronicles of Narnia). The way Tolkien saw Lewis speaking is the way that Treebeard talks.. slow and rambling. lol
Just for context for the boys , the elves dont just live a long time they are litterally Immortal, they only die if killed. So them going to the undying lands, it's because all those that live there litterally can not die of natural causes. It also means that a single elven death holds an immense sadness and greater sense of loss to the world because Men, Hobbits, Dwarves, whether by the sword of the slow decay of time... they will all inevitably die. Elves do not ever have to suffer death so when they do die it's a tragedy that was avoidable
In my best annoying nerd voice "umm ACTUALLY, elf can also die of a broken heart". 🤓
Love the boys all saying " I wonder if men and elves could have kids? We havent seen any half elven kids" RIGHT as the whole screen holds on Elrond HALF ELVEN's face " 😆
In fairness I didnt even know that Elrond was only Half Elf(the movies certainly dont mention it) and yeah after the speech he just gave as if Arwen would be all alone after Aragorn passed I'd be wondering too if I didnt already know what comes down the line
about the kingdoms thing, you realise a country generally has more than one city right?
Treebeard is, in fact, voiced by Gimli. John Rhys-Davies. He also played Sallah, Indy's Egyptian sidekick in the Indiana Jones movies (Raiders and Crusade).
Holy crap watching the theatrical release is jarring. You're skipping so much context and exposition. Damn. Do yourselves a favor and rewatch the extended editions.
I would love to recommend The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Both C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were friends and influenced each others' stories. In fact, The Lord of the Rings was created because of a bet between the two authors. Not to mention, the four houses in Harry Potter are based on the main characters in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There are so many connections between the popular books and movie series.
This is such a fun watch, omg. The energy of Boom and Erik doing their best to keep Ruff in the dark of spoilers is so lovely. X3
I remember watching this movie in the threatre and loving the Ents, especially at the end. And Legolas and Gimli's growing friendship, and the bits between Gimli and Aragon, it's all such a delight.
THAT scene at 2:24:28 lives rent free in my head, I loved Boom shutting everyone up for that part XD
Quick question... Do they read the comments on this page? Lol! I'm genuinely curious.
I don't think so, I've never seen any evidence of it
You guys want a great war film? Saving Private Ryan, hands down the best war film ever!
Wait till after watching Return of the King, but a fun video is Lord of the Rings x Power Rangers. It's a short vid where the PW opening theme and style is used only using LotR characters as the Rangers cast.
Play the Two Towers game from ps2 or xbox! Best game ever made!!
There is a MMORPG called Lord of the Rings Online. It came out in 2007 and is still an active game and apparently well received and considered under-rated.
38:30 a couple places you also may know Andy Serkis (that I think yall have seen before filming this) from are the MCU as Ulysses Klaw and as Snoke in the Sequel trilogy
So in the lore, there are 5 wizards with different duties, also the wizards are basically angels on earth. The white wizard was responsible for fighting the darkness and corruption in the world, in the books Sarumon renounces this title and claims to be the wizard of All colors, now having an oily color effect on his robe. Gandalf was sent back to fight the evil of Saron, so he was given the title and power of the white wizard
Frodo (Elijah woods) and Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) have both said they have gotten mistaken for one another in the past…I see the resemblance! Lol
If they decided they wanted to watch the extended editions after these, I'd totally be down to re-watch those as well
Every morning I was waking up waiting for this
I will say this on The Rings of Power. It's badly writhed fanfic, that retcon so much of Tolkien's lore of the 2nd Age it's not even funny. I could go in to details, but that would spoil the show if you guys even get to it.
Gandalf and the Balrog were the same species. Upon dying, Gandalf returned to Ilúvatar (god), who then sent him back to Lothlórien where he was healed and dressed in white robes. He was sent back to replace Saruman as the White Wizard and to aid middle earth in defiance of Sauron.
the scene with Aragorn floating down the river, Viggo caught caught in an undertow and nearly drowned
got caught*
You guys really should react to Narnia for awesome war scenes
Boom constantly telling Frodo and Sam to kiss is so real 😂
thank you for feeding us today, good food yum
also since the theatrical version doesn'tmention it i will Aragorn is 87 years old.
Not a fun fact but a suggestion, after all the films watch the Making Of from the DVDs!
"He's a real trailblazer" I see what you did there Sean
FUN FACT! Viggo bought the horse that played Brego at the end of the film! And yes, he loves horses, he also bought the horse from Hidalgo (well, the main horse. There were 5 that played Hidalgo during different scenes) Viggo also bought Liv Tyler's stunt double the horse she rode during the chase with the ring wraiths from the first film.
Clarification: Purchased the horse from the chase scene FOR the stunt double because she loved the horse so much. He's a genuinely nice dude.
Whenever I hear a One Piece fan say they haven't watched LotR it's always so strange to me. These films are basically a (comparatively) quick hit of the same range of feelings that come from incredible characters exploring a vast world on a single quest.I'm so glad Ruff has proven what myself and many other fans have said for so long that he would love these movies.
I think this movie probably has the best 3rd act in Cinematic History.
FUN FACT! Treebeard is in fact voiced by John Rhys-Davies aka Gimli
OH ALSO, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that Treebeard was supposed to be a caricature of CS Lewis who was good friends with Tolkein
There were so many scenes from the extended edition that I think add so much and its so sad to not see them
gear 5 Gandalf has risen
FUN FACT! The majority of the Rohirrim extras are just women because they put out a call for people who owned their own horses and could ride and there were just sooooo many women in New Zealand with horses who showed up, so that's a bunch of women with fake beards riding with Eomer.
I would love to see a reaction to "Rings of Power" and "The Hobbit" series. I gotta reinstall all the games XD
- While not shown in the movies (unless I'm forgetting something from the extended cut), when Gandalf first goes to Saruman in Fellowship, there's a part where Saruman calls himself 'of Many Colors', rather than Saruman the White, a sign of his corrupted ego. He basically abandoned his title and position.
- Tolkien was not a fan of industrialization, which comes out pretty damn strong in this movie. I feel like the Ents taking Isengard and freeing the river to flood the place was fairly cathartic for him to write.
- Sadly missing from the theatrical cut is the fate of the Uruk-hai who flee the battle. Fangorn Forest has shown up over the night behind them (the mention of trees moving earlier), and they die real fast when they go in. One of my favorite stories about Tolkien is that, when he was a kid, he was really disappointed when he first saw Macbeth, as he thought the prophecy of Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane meant the forest was actually going to move. So in *his* books the forest does move, and there are some really, really angry trees.
- In the last two novels, each book is split into two parts, the first following Aragorn and friends all the way through Helm's Deep, then the second flipping back to Frodo and Sam for the rest. It's not a format that would ever work in a movie, but it means the reader doesn't know what's happening to Frodo and Sam until they've finished the first half of each book. Tolkien takes particularly evil advantage of this in a few spots.
- Viggo Mortensen loved the horse he rode in this movie so much he actually bought it. Then he bought one of the trainers the horse she wanted because she couldn't afford it.
- Gollum was groundbreaking in this movie, either the first or one of the first very successful CGI portrayals of a serious character. Andy Serkis really fucked up his throat doing the voice, and battered himself pretty hard throwing himself all over those rocks. If you've seen Avengers 2 or Black Panther, he plays Klaue. He's a ton of other CGI characters, including Caesar in the Planet of the Apes reboot movies, and Snoke in the Star Wars sequels.
- Aragorn continues to wear Boromir's gauntlets as part of his armor in this movie. In the scene showing his funeral, he is still wearing them.
- One of the extended edition scenes involves a glimpse at Boromir and Faramir's relationship, and gives a lot of context to the 'a chance for Faramir to show his quality' line.
- Two changes fans got really angry about in this movie were elves at Helm's Deep and Faramir being tempted by the ring. I think the reasoning for both is solid, particularly Faramir. In the book, once he finds out what's going on, he says he wouldn't pick the ring up if it was lying on the side of the road, and immediately lets Frodo, Sam, and Gollum go. A cool moment for the character, but it also severely undermines the movie trying to emphasize that literally everyone is vulnerable to it.
- Whiterun in Skyrim is really, really, *really* obviously fashioned after Edoras from this movie, right down to having a horse on their banners.
- In the novel, Aragorn is the one to recite the Horse and the Rider poem, at a much earlier point in the story.
- Wormtongue's speech to Eowyn is taken from something Aragorn says about her in the novels, fittingly proceeded by: "Think you that Wormtongue had poison only for Theoden's ears?"
- Tolkien fought in World War 1 and lost nearly all of his friends in the fighting. This comes out really strongly in certain parts of the books, but particularly during the scene where Sam and Frodo witness the ambush against the Haradrim. It's one of my favorite passages from these books:
"It was Sam's view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart or what lies or threats had led him on the long March from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace."
They don't tell you this in the movies, but Gandalf is not a human. He is basically an angel. If Gandalf were to be corrupted by evil, he would turn into a Balrog. That's why he was able to take on a Balrog himself and was old enough to even know what it was. When he killed the Balrog on the mountain, he straight up died. But, god sent him back to Middle Earth to complete his mission of helping the forces of good against Sauron. You have to be pretty badass to have god himself say "Nuh uh, not yet." to your death.
Useful information: Most humans in Middle Earth live as long as they do IRL. Hobbits live a bit longer, usually reaching 100 years old. Numenoreans, like Aragorn, are basically the GigaChads of humanity, and live for 300-500 years, along with being taller, stronger, smarter, etc. Dwarves live for about 250 years, but some could get as old as 340. Also they never go bald. Elves are immortal, or at least never grow old. Orcs only live for 20-30 years.
I didn't play the two towers as much, but I played a ton of Return of the King's video game. The ride of the Rohirrim, (Gandalf's arrival) is the tutorial for the Return of the King game. So many memories.
The colors of the wizards seem to be a sort of ranking system to establish a pecking order. The five wizards, know as the Istari, were sent to middle-earth. Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown, and two unnamed blue wizards. Saruman was supposed to be their leader, Gandalf a sort of second in command with a greater purpose never known by himself until his Jesus-like resurrection, Radagast preferred the company of the animals of the wood (you may one day meet him) and is thought to be less powerful to Gandalf, and the two nameless Blue Wizards are almost a complete mystery. The only thing that can be said for sure of them is that they traveled to the east on a quest that is never revealed in Tolkien's writings, nor do they appear in any of the major stories.
This world is so fascinating to learn about, Tolkien was and is truly in a class all his own.
Please, watch Game of Thrones. From my experience it is the closest fantasy world that can be compared to Tolkien's, and to be fair, the nudity in the show can generally be cut out of youtube releases, do to the lack of relevance to the over all story.
rings of power is definitely one of those shows that has gotten hate because it’s “woke” as a lord of the rings fan i loved it and really hope you guys react to it
Never watched it myself, (Haven't really seen any of it thats grabbed my attention) but my friends did, and their main complaint was most of the plots were uninteresting or didn't make sense, only the parts with the dwarves were interesting to them.
the first half of the first season is definitely slow but it’s way worth it for the second half and season 2
I 100% agree with this. I loved Rings of Power as well. And it’s great at fleshing out parts of the world you don’t get to see in the movies. I really hope they react to it too.
Aragorn: screamsBoom: smiles
Me: don’t do it
Boom: pauses the video
Me: don’t you fucking say it
Boom: I got to
Me: shut the fuck up!
Aragorn: screams Boom: smiles Me: don’t do it Boom: pauses the video Me: don’t you fucking say it Boom: I got to Me: shut the fuck up!
Just reminder, Nazgul are the Wyverns, the Shadow Kings are Ring Wraiths
No. Nazgûl are the ring wraiths the mosters they ride are Fellbeasts.
Nazgul is another name for Ringwraith or The Nine. The Wyverns are called Fellbeasts.
Horribly incorrect wtf
Incorrect, Nazgul are the Ring Wraiths. The Wyverns are Fell Beasts
The game for Return of the King is incredible too. One of the best co-op games I've ever played. Easily.
So a it of info gandalf and the other wizards aren't your classic wizards like dumbledor they are actual angels sent by the god of LoTR to help fight sauron so gandalf coming back is he died and was sent back to middle earth to replace saruman who was the white wizard before he fell to corruption.
For short gandalf is an angel sent by god and not a meer wizard like dumbledor
Please watch Planet of the Apes! Andy Serkis was so good playing Ceasar!!
you should react to this hishe
Just noting to bear in mind for further discussions- Tolkien was very, very Catholic.
I highly recommend you guys watch the extended version for the final film as it has so much context that I feel you will miss if you watch the regular version.
"it has to be insane to have that much knowledge and that much time.".
Bros, you gotta watch Frieren.
Yeah Its always interesting how many people miss why Frodo has that outburst when Sam says there's no chance to save Gollum. Frodo isn't even thinking about just himself and the effects he's already feeling from the Ring and Gollum being a possible future but also Bilbo. Every time he seems Gollum, Frodos probably reminded of when Bilbo went full goblin mode at being denied the Ring in Rivendell. And the Ring is affecting Frodo more than it ever did for Bilbo over 60 years. He's desperate for any glimpse that his fate won't lead right to what's in front of him.
Aw, it isn't the extended edition? well, you missed the roast chicken joke.
Rohans ost is my favorite in lord of the rings
People, vote for the last one as extended 😇
Can you please watch the last one as extended 🙏🏼?! So many good episodes are missed in short one ... at least the last one extended
Okay, more behind-the-scenes shenanigans with Aragorn. Peter Jackson was absolutely determined to get the perfect shot of Viggo Mortensen kicking the Uruk helmet past the camera. They kept doing take after take, each one having the scream be too dull or the flight of the helm being too far from the camera. Finally, they caught the shot which ended up in the movie. Peter was thrilled and ran over to Viggo who promptly told him that he had just broken his toe and the scream was real. On a more serious note, Viggo still considers the river float scene to have been the closest he ever came to dying on the set of a movie. When they scouted the river, they failed to notice a very powerful suction force which would pull water under a submerged rock outcropping where the river split. As Viggo floated along, he was pulled under at the split and was stuck under the rock for some time. He came very close to drowning but was able to save himself.
It appears this is in fact, not the extended edition. Shame. Extended edition adds alot of context to the battle of helms deep if I remember correctly. The Billy's once again are ignored. (I say this purely jokingly of course. The theatrical run is still perfectly fine.)
but now they dont know how old aragorn is
I'm sure yall also just did all the movies close together anyway before we brought it up so still totally fine. Lol
Love Two Towers!!! Agian A Bit Sad You Didn't Do The Extended Edition Bit I'm Gussing You Recorded All 3 Movies and didn't know about the Extended Versions. So I'll stop nitpicking and enjoy it. Have fun on this journey 🙂
This was my favorite among the Theatrical version, but Return of the King ext. became my favorite as I got older. I can't wait to watch this.