Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Movie Reaction

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  1. koltoney
    6 months

    Camp Nowhere is such a great movie, Boom always mentioning the classics

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    7 months

    man im sad halloween town didnt do well same with twilight although im probably alone there lol

  3. Metis
    7 months

    Are we getting closer to doing the Jimmy/Timmy crossovers?! 

  4. Unstablebeast
    7 months

    The rugrats movies and the Jimmy neutron show would both be amazing reactions, and Jimmy neutron is WAY shorter than spongebob or fairly oddparents, but Jimmy neutron did have 3 separate cross over specials with fairly odd parents

  5. Wonderxfull
    7 months

    Yes please watch the Rugrats movies!

  6. iKirbeeburgr
    7 months

    I don't watch the Fairly OddParents reactions but i would watch Jimmy Timmy Power hour 😳

  7. Barbara
    7 months

    Love Bri's Land Before Time shirt

  8. Wolfbane37
    7 months

    I think you should react to all the rugrats movies in order. That would be fantastic

  9. Trey
    7 months

    The voice actress that voices Cindy is the same one that voices Sandy Cheeks

  10. danieljayrobinson
    7 months

    I'm so glad you guys watched this. I hope to see yall react to the show at some point.

  11. Swordfish
    7 months

    SPOILERS maybe...:

    I can't wait till you guys get blown away by the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour crossover movies when you get to that part of the Fairly Oddparents!

  12. just_jojo
    7 months

    i will need you to do the blue beetle movie next 

  13. CJ
    7 months

    Nostalgia aside this film is fun, I probably watched the show more than the film (even though I owned it on VHS) but I do have fond memories of it. Also, Nick screaming like a girl was always the funniest part as a kid for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

  14. Nike
    7 months

    The Amusement Park Launch sequence will always be my most favorite scene of this whole movie :D It'd be a lot of fun if you reacted to the tv show!

  15. Bomb-Boy
    7 months

    Please react to the second SpongeBob movie I beg of you

  16. Black
    7 months

    Watch Dune you missed a great reference

  17. nevyyy
    7 months

    this just makes me want you guys to watch DCOMS 😭

  18. COREY
    7 months

    There's 3 Rugrats movies.

  19. Girthquake23
    7 months

    my excitement for this knows no bounds. my brain references this movie involuntarily way too often. If i ever hear We're the kids of America" my brain immediately goes to this movie

  20. SillyBilly
    7 months

    Y'all should watch Rugrats Go Wild in exchange for Bree watching at least one Star Wars film 😈

  21. KingOfRedLions89
    7 months

    Amazing childhood memory unlocked! And yes please watch the Rugrats movies…. 1)The Rugrats Movie… 2) Rugrats in Paris…. 3) Rugrats Go Wild. If you liked this movie you’re definitely going to like Rugrats…. Early 2000s Nickelodeon movies tend to have really great soundtracks too

  22. Josh
    7 months

    I am so down for some Disney Channel original movies!

  23. Jakeb
    7 months

    Watch suggestion: Chicken Little

  24. LordTouchMe
    7 months

    Gosh, memories... this was the first movie I ever went and saw in theaters on my own

  25. Kee
    7 months

    No no no! Don't just watch Rugrats Go Wild! Watch all 3! The Rugrats Movie, Rugrats In Paris and Rugrats Go Wild! Paris is my personal favorite. 

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      7 months

      THIS 1000% agree all 3 are great… but Rugrats in Paris is my favorite too.

  26. Petrichor12
    7 months

    Jimmy Neutron was a staple-point show of my childhood. I had this movie on VHS and remember rewinding to replay moments over and over. Realizing only now some of the terminology that went over my head back then lol 🤣

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      7 months

      Same lol 🤣 🤣.

  27. Colonel
    7 months


  28. Kyra
    7 months

    A freaking classic 🙌 hoping you guys do the series at some point 

  29. Kayla
    7 months

    i find it funny that that kid who loves llamas is named Carl

  30. DementisXYZ
    7 months

    Nice call on Rob Paulsen, Billy West, Martin Short, and Patrick Stewart voices.  Other voices include; Cindy Vortex is played by Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob (Carolyn Lawrence), King Goobot is voiced by Patrick Stewart, and Goddard is voiced by Scooby-Doo (Frank Welker)

    "I kind of want a series about the dad and what he's doing." Good news about the series; there are plenty of Hugh-centric episodes.

    "He's going to space with open top?" Good news about the series; they address this detail...technically.

    "Crack and egg on it!" I am so glad y'all have been getting so much mileage out of that line.

    There are actually a few Jimmy Neutron games, all related to specials from the show (to my knowledge).

    With Megan Cavanagh (The voice of Judy Neutron, the mother) and Martin Short, I got 2 movie recommendations for y'all: A League of their Own and Treasure Planet.

    I do hope The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron make it into your series list eventually.

  31. MONIAH
    7 months

    I’m 1000% here for the Jimmy Neutron series reaction and Rugrats Go Wild!

  32. Kee
    7 months

    I feel like you guys need those little mics you hook on your shirts. A lot of the time, it's hard to hear you over the movie or show. Not all the time but often when you talk more softly. 

  33. idziman
    7 months

    oh my god yes, please watch the Rugrats movies. The Rugrats Movie, Rugrats in Paris, and Rugrats Go Wild. those movies are my childhood and the first movie always gets me so emotional

  34. Sydney
    7 months

    It would be awsome to see you guys react Jimmy Neutron. It was literally the first ever cg cartoon made. Also, it would be epic down the line for the epic surprise since you're already watching Fairly Odd Parents. 

  35. Angie
    7 months

    i feel like a kid on christmas, i am SO giddy to watch this haha

  36. tm0thy_
    7 months

    So in terms of Disney channel originals, sky high and high school musicals are always fan favorites. Not to mention up up and way, and all the Robert Rodriguez joints: spy kids, spy kids 2, spy kids 3, shark boy

  37. ammy95.
    7 months

    Wait but I enjoyed the Halloween content like Halloweentown etc!

  38. Captain
    7 months

    I grew up with Jimmy neutron and I loved the show but I can't wait for you guys to react to total drama, Kim possible or American dragon.  

  39. Antonio
    7 months

    even if this is patreon exclusice i would love to see the series for this

  40. Joseph
    7 months

    im 24 and watch this movie every year so glad you guys are reacting 

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      7 months

      im 25 and same! I can quote it haha. "I'm peeing in the shower!...im still doing it!"

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