(Movie) Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Reaction

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  1. oregonchick2002
    19 days

    I understand his frustration about the red armor to be honest haha

  2. monika_lockpick
    5 months

    Ruff: “I’m gonna watch lord of the rings, I just need to prepare myself, those movies are long”also Ruff: “Let’s watch the marvel cinematic universe”

  3. Zen
    5 months

    It's fuckin crazy none of you saw what gale was doing as emotional manipulation 

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      2 months

      It's been like a decade since I read the books, so I don't remember a ton of how things differed in them compared with the movies, but just from the movies, I really don't see that. I mean, unless you're talking about his military tactic, which then I'd agree, since that was the whole point. But if you're talking about his relationship with Katniss I don't see a hint of manipulation there. Manipulation requires an intent to influence someone to act/be the way you want. But from the scenes we get, he seems to pretty clearly respect her feelings and choices. He's hurt and confused by her, though, and because she's confused and gives such strong mixed signals, he kind of reciprocates that. But I don't think it's manipulation at all, just poor communication and a lack of self-reflection.

      Not that you'll likely actually read this response, though, since I don't think this website notifies you about replies, and it's highly unlikely you'll actively visit this page again to read comments.

  4. Edox
    10 months

    With beard guy, i get the symbolism, as snow said that white was his color and perfection and thats why shes in red to represent the color snow is actual representing which the blood hes shed along the way from his corrupt ways, but it would have been better if she put the red armor to kill him and she kills coin who in itself was a new snow and she got her "hands" covered in blood.

  5. Ardyn
    1 year

    Honestly, I loved this ending

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