Halloweentown Movie REACTION

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  1. talon.808
    4 months

    This was so fun to watch! Please react to the rest of the Halloweentown movies 😍

  2. OneAutmLeaf
    7 months

    Loved this movie as a kid, really wish we got more movies about Halloweentown it was such a great world. 

    1 replies
    1. OneAutmLeaf
      7 months

      This and the movie Mostly Ghostly were my guilty pleasure movies. would binge them all while downing ice cream and had a blast as a kid with them, def have a special place in my heart.

  3. chance.welch.37
    7 months

    with it getting close to October i hope you guys give the trilogy a shot

  4. princesskooh
    7 months

    Holy crap Yall did Halloween Town! YESSS Please tell me Yall gonna do the rest of them too. This is such a nostalgic movie series for me harkening back to the glory days of The Disney Channel / Disney XD

  5. Ryan
    8 months

    In the  start of the movie the grandma tells them to put up garlic to keep away the vampires. yet in her world vampires are essentially regular people. Is grandma racist?

    8 months

    please more of these this upcoming all hallows eve!

  7. Ofbricks
    8 months

    WTF is Tropicania? lollolololol wow, someone needs another hit.

  8. reni
    1 year

    omg yes boy meets world!! i would definitely watch yalls reaction to boy meets world

  9. reni
    1 year

    damn i'm hella late ?. i didn't know you guys reacted to this. better late than never

  10. Courtney
    1 year

    I would love to see you watch The Scream Team Disney Channel movie!!!

  11. ernestova891
    1 year

    please do a reaction for once upon a studio, it'll be amazing to see you guys watch it and react to the awesomeness

  12. Matthew
    1 year

    I loved the first three but when they replaced the Mc in the fourth one I couldn't get into it at the time. Might have been good but I will just have to wait to watch it with all of you.

  13. DRedd
    1 year

    Definitely do Don't Look Under the Bed. It was absolutely the one that gave you nightmares. It still holds up pretty well, though it's also still a Disney Channel Original, so that's relative.

  14. Jessica
    1 year

    Oh, this was so much fun to watch! Great reaction. The Halloweentown movies are just so silly to watch and a good time. As long as you don't take them too seriously, then you can enjoy them. I'm glad you all had a fun time with this one and would definitely be interested in you doing the other ones (2, 3, and 4). The fourth one is rather controversial and tends to get a lot of (undo, imo) hate because they changed the actress for Marnie, but the older I get, the more I like it. They are all worthwhile to watch. Also, if you ever want to react to another children's Halloween based movie, then I definitely suggest "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble." It's a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie that was based around Halloween and rather surprisingly dark and creepy at times.

  15. shiny
    1 year

    Yall should watch winches of a wavery place

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      1 year

      If they need help moving stuff with their cars they’ll probably let us know. Probably don’t need a tutorial show. But I am curious why winches specifically from Waverly Place are so special. Can’t they be bought elsewhere?

  16. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Loved Halloweentown 2 for sure!

    Great to get some Sophie props because she carried this whole movie and gets no recognition for it!


    Also, I am pretty sure "Don't Look Under the Bed" was also one that gave me nightmares. I vividly remember never being able to watch it as a kid. I wonder if it is super corny now or still kind of spooky?

  17. Jrax567
    1 year

    Wow, random nostalgia trip out of nowhere? never thought I’d see you guys react to this I used to watch this every Halloween such a goofy cheesy, but super fun movie. You guys should react to old goosebumps episodes or episodes of the more modern take on it, the haunting hour.

  18. Golden Witch
    1 year

    Boom proving once again that he has EXQUISITE taste with having a crush on the Mowry twins?

  19. Ameena
    1 year

    Please react to more of adventure time season 5 episode 45 and the episodes after that and legend of korra season 3 Please

  20. Bijone
    1 year

    I would 1000% watch your reactions to Boy Meets World I think Eric would enjoy it.

  21. Sarah
    1 year

    Please do a Boy Meets World reaction that would be so amazing!!

    Also I’d like to suggest Black Christmas from the 1970s. I think about it every time I watch your videos lol.

  22. Circuitdoodles
    1 year

    The segregation thing isn’t even that much of a stretch if I remember correctly there is a plot line about letting the monster world and human world interact again and monster kids going to human school

  23. Kyra
    1 year

    Yall should definitely react to boy meets world someday that'll be amazing as well as luck of the Irish atleast for like st. Patrick's day that'll be iconic

  24. Cloud
    1 year

    I only knew there were two, didn't know there were four... I personally didn't enjoy the 2nd movie, but I haven't seen it in years, so maybe it holds up better then I thought as a child.

  25. Angie
    1 year

    i would HAPPILY join the 25$ tier for boy meets world.

  26. George
    1 year

    Boy Meets World reactions, lets go!!! "Topakanga" lmfaooooo

  27. Murphdog18
    1 year

    I would love to see you guys react to the other movies. I personally like them better than the first one.

  28. TheLostChimera
    1 year

    Halloweentown 2 is a like top five favorite film of mine. Big big recommendations on that one.

  29. Honey
    1 year

    I LOVE the other 3 movies! The 4th movie is the one they replace the actress playing Marnie. But it's probably one of my favorite ones minus one of the best characters being missing from the cast. They get better each movie imo, quality and story wise~

    So it'd be a lot of fun to see you react to them! I would also love a reaction to Twitches! It's such a good movie, not the biggest fan of the second one, but the first one is iconic.

  30. Jazz
    1 year

    I recommend you watch all of the sequels, especially if you want to know more lore about HalloweenTown.

    I personally like and enjoy all of them! ? I hope you do end up reacting.

  31. Janiya
    1 year

    Y’all should watch twitches

  32. Internet Zing
    1 year

    When are you guys going to react to actual super scary horror movies? ?

  33. idziman
    1 year

    I mean, the fact that there's multiple movies about this, it's pretty clear that in a magic society, all it takes is one asshole to put literally everyone in jeopardy. It makes sense the mom would want to get away from that. Plus it's true how Marnie was letting it all get to her head, what is it with witches and wizards and thinking they're better than everyone else just because they can make a few things levitate?

    1 replies
    1. Circuitdoodles
      1 year

      I mean the grandma also turned a dead chicken into an alive chicken so I can see how that would go to someone’s head after like 200 years

  34. Kay
    1 year

    I really hope you guys watch all of the other Halloweentown movies! My personal favorites are the 3rd and 4th movies.

  35. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    I would 100% be down for Boy Meets World reactions

  36. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    Jesus I completely forgot about Kalabar’s motivation in this movie

  37. Bath
    1 year

    That is a good idea maybe you guys can react to the chilling adventure of Sabrina for Halloween

  38. iron pirate
    1 year

    you guys should react to live action movies like talk to me or zombieland

  39. khalil
    1 year

    please watch halloweentown 2, it’s so good!

  40. Jamie
    1 year

    also, speaking of "nice zombie" movies/shows, y'all should defensively watch the movie Warm Bodies. its about a zombie who falls in love with a human lol. i personally think it's a good movie for what it is.

    1 replies
    1. Gavynnnnn
      1 year

      Warm bodies is a great cheesy movie! Guilty pleasure and I’m a dude lol

  41. Jamie
    1 year

    yessss this is my favorite movie to watch in October! that and the second one, which honestly i like more than the first! PLEASE watch Halloween Town 2!!

  42. Sleepy Psychic
    1 year

    And Billie Lourd is her Debbie Reynolds' granddaughter. She's been in Amercian Horror Story and the newer Star Wars but honestly her best work was the first season of Scream Queens which is such dumb hilarious time and a great watch!

  43. Doctor
    1 year

    Yes they get better with each one

  44. Stellaris Winters
    1 year

    It’s true! People used to call me a school shooter for wearing my cloak. However, I didn’t wear my cloak to hide guns, I wore it to hide my MASSIVE dong!

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      1 year

      I'm on same boat as Seeohknee, I haven't seen Boy meets World either. Not that I wasn't interested or anything, didn't have control of the remote growing up ?? I'd be down to see a reaction of it. I forgot that there were sequels to this movie though. Really enjoyed the reaction guys ? l

  45. Curtis
    1 year

    I love this movie, My family always have a party and watch them all every year.

  46. TsundereVA
    1 year

    Gwen to this day is still severely annoying to me, her mother came to her asking for help and she essentially said "F you mom! I don't care about you or the place I grew up in!", "No! You can't go out on Halloween, because I decided that you shouldn't participate in anything connected to your family's culture!", "I married a human so my kids HAVE to be human too, and they don't get to decide if they want have magic or not, i'll let every drop of magic in them die, because I want it to!"..... Seriously, Gwen pissed me off everytime I saw this movie growing up.

    Glad you guys saw though, rant over!

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