Hackers Reaction

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  1. Keywii
    1 month

    In my high school the freshman joke we played was "find the fourth floor, you need to take the elevators to get there"

    There *was* a fourth floor on maps posted around the school, but it was like exclusively the employee lounge for the cleaning staff, so no students were allowed there, and there also wasn't any elevator to speak of. (At least at the time, supposedly there is actual elevators these days) and it was fun just gaslighting the new kids like "wait, you haven't found the elevator yet? I found it like my third day"

  2. Colonel
    1 month

    00:57:10 Idk how people use normal keyboards... ergonomic keyboards are better, no arguing about it.

  3. Colonel
    1 month

    00:33:35 That is not made up shit...

  4. Colonel
    1 month

    THE DRAGON BOOK OMG I STUDIED THAT IN COLLEGE. (and it was a knife in your butt)

  5. mousey
    1 month

    Bree’s head turn when ruff says the shirt was see thru

  6. rin
    2 months

    1:49:00 lmao I caught that glee reference would love to see a reaction

  7. Atticus
    2 months


  8. Swordfish
    2 months

    comedy Down Periscope from 1996

  9. xav98
    2 months

    @5:30 gotta love European triphop 

  10. Curtis
    2 months

    Haven't seen this but heard good things, excited to watch with you guys.

  11. Dasan
    2 months

    This gives me such digimon movie vibes and I can’t explain why you guys should watch it 😂

  12. TheDarkOrganism
    2 months

    You guys should watch WarGames next.

  13. David
    2 months

    One of those great 90s movies that's just fun, goofy-ish, and very emblematic of that time period re: fashion, slang, etc.

  14. SauceyRed
    2 months

    I'm not going completely crazy thinking main character dude looks kinda like MatPat, right?? LIke the way he stares and his like, facial structure/chin?

  15. Colonel
    2 months

    You guys really like to bully our girl here damn, relax xD

  16. Residentfan 1
    2 months

    I’d never seen this movie but man that was great

  17. MMifzz
    2 months

    Such a fun movie. 

  18. Bomb-Boy
    2 months

    Hacker voice: I’m in

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