Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer Reaction

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  1. beybladeshinobi
    3 months

    You guys should watch the grinch movie, if your down for it 

  2. Elizabeth
    3 months

    I grew up watching this movie

  3. sam16621
    3 months

    All these years later, and I'm only now realizing everyone has four fingers lol 🤔 

  4. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    Ruff you grew up in the north east, you 100% have seen this

  5. Atticus
    3 months

    That lawsuit song has been stuck in my head for years.

    1 replies
    1. Aaron
      3 months

      The moment I saw the thumbnail I instantly thought of the song XD

  6. Obsidianfox
    3 months

    The grandma reminds me of Mee Maw from Young Sheldon

  7. Lexi_animeweeb
    3 months

    This was and still is my favorite Christmas movie growing up

  8. Obsidianfox
    3 months

    This and Olive the Other Reindeer were two movies we had that would Olay in repeat up to christmas

  9. LaLa
    3 months

    You and your kids would live Arthur Christmas. I watch it at leat twice every year. It's so hysterical and has all the heart you want in a Christmas movie. 💗

    Watching this with you guys was an unexpected trip down memory lane. Merry Christmas guys! 🎄

  10. GainingGamer
    3 months

    olive the other reindeer is my fave

  11. Dylan
    3 months

    Grandpas gonna sue the pants off of santa is a certified banger

    1 replies
    1. Obsidianfox
      3 months

      100 percent and it's going on my Playlist lol

  12. boom
    3 months

    My favorite part is the grandpa singing about grandma getting plugged by elvis in heaven.

  13. Jose
    3 months

    this played every december on cartoon network it was a staple just like how scary godmother was a staple for halloween

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