Flow Reaction

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  1. igormd
    2 months

    Thank you. I'm from Brazil and lesser-known and non-mainstream films take a long time to reach theaters, if they ever do. So thank you for the opportunity to watch such a beautiful work. also, WICKED when?

  2. dr.nrn
    2 months

    Yall need to watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs

  3. Barbara
    2 months

    Hearing the name Janet reminds me, have you guys seen The Good Place? Awesome show, one of a kind, never boring. Very funny and interesting

    1 replies
    1. igormd
      2 months

      My God, I love the good place, I binge-watched it in 3 days and it was one of the best comedy series I've ever seen. cried a looooot

  4. Elina
    2 months

    For a similar serene, forgotten tempel-y vibe, animal companionship and storytelling that is extremely light on dialogue, you guys should play The Last Guardian. Short, heartwrenching game about a boy befriending a giant cat-hyena-bird creature and discovering the secrets of a giant temple, by the people who made Shadow of the Colossus! When it comes to other things to watch, I'd kill to see you react to Severance. Season 2 just started airing, the hype has been insane, its funny, scary, the best thing on tv atm. Lots of twists and revelations that make it perfect for reactions.

  5. Marloes
    2 months

    I never saw or even heard of this movie before but i'm only 15 minutes in and i'm already crying and don't want to watch anymore :'(

  6. iKirbeeburgr
    2 months

    I will never forget A-aron, Gerald, Julius, Janet, & Steve

    1 replies
    1. iKirbeeburgr
      2 months

      & Water Homie

  7. Callum
    2 months

    To me this movie feels like a fusion between Last Ember and Raft

    1 replies
    1. Callum
      2 months

      *Lost Ember

  8. iKirbeeburgr
    2 months

    I Believed Boom & googled "Fraiser Crane"  & it was Just a guy. 😭

  9. Piña
    2 months

    This reminded me, you guys should watch the sea beast

  10. Obsidianfox
    2 months

    Never heard of this movie but the art style reminds me so much of "Little Kitty in the Big City" a cute little game that I think yall would enjoy in your person time. Def a good game to sit down and relax to.

  11. Kevin
    2 months

    I hope you guys do Sonic The Hedgehog 3 next week please

    1 replies
    1. Mark
      1 month

      They've already done it

  12. Kayla
    2 months

    Also recommend Primal!

    And two movies I would love for you guys to do that have amazing animation: Wolfwalkers and The Mitchells Vs The Machines

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      2 months

      any cartoon saloon movie would be welcome, even star wars visions tbh 

  13. KingOfRedLions89
    2 months

    Also I appreciated Sean’s Frasier Crane joke :)

  14. KingOfRedLions89
    2 months

    This was such a good movie! But definitely one of the most stressful animated films I’ve seen since Dinosaur (2000 Disney movie). But I loved every minute of it and I was in tears by the end. And the opening really does feel like Stray.

    1 replies
    1. a.ahm3d
      2 months

      Speaking of which, they should do Dinosaur too

  15. Brandon
    2 months

    I love how the message of this movie is simply "go with the flow". don't panic, don't worry, things will happen both good and bad, just sit back and things will be eventually fine and if its not fine for you it will be for someone and thats fine. 

  16. Ashizaka
    2 months

    You guys should REALLY watch: Tartakovsky's "Primal."

    Similar, "silent" storytelling and beautiful animation. Highly recommend

  17. Jakeb
    2 months

    Google is insisting the Secretary Bird did not die, but I think the imagery in the "trippy" scene suggests that Cat homie discovers him to be dead or dying. Which sucks, but in a movie with so may lovable animal characters its a relief that we only lost one of them. 

  18. Ameena
    2 months

    React next to mummy 2 Please 

  19. Cannon Fire
    2 months

    This was such a funny reaction and a beautiful movie, I'm so glad you guys watched it. Can't believe this is the one where we discovered Christian's master plan to kill Erik and take his place.

  20. Ren
    2 months

    I think the bird was a secretary bird! i absolutely love them

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