(Gold) Evil Dead (1981) Movie REACTION

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  1. Andrew
    1 year

    I really hope y’all watch Evil Dead II. I definitely think it’ll be a fun watch!

  2. Joshua
    1 year

    I just want to correct something. Evil Dead 2, regardless of how many times it's referred to as such, is NOT a remake of the first film. There were issues with rights and stuff, and they couldn't use footage from the first film for a recap. So they spent like the first 7 minutes basically retelling the first film. It was originally supposed to have all the characters there, but the schedules of the actors didn't work, and they didn't have enough budget for it, so they cut it down to just Ash and Linda.

    The trilogy, and even the show, has a lot of continuity errors. It's a very messy timeline. But Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell have always described Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2's continuity as follows: you watch the first film up to the moment the entity zooms into Ash, and then cut to the moment in Evil Dead 2 where Ash is sent flying through the forest.

    This is made even more apparent when the show treats the events of both films as canon through direct references, jokes about continuity errors (like where Ash originally found the book), and the use of footage. The show was unable to aquire the rights to use footage from Army of Darkness, however, so they only allude to it very briefly, and even then, they're still technically referring to the ending of Evil Dead 2. But the cast and crew of the show is adamant that all three films are canon to the show.

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