Twilight: Eclipse Reaction

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  1. Thomas_Stilinski
    18 days

    jasper is a beast i love him lol

  2. John
    1 month

    Vampire and wolf man? yall REALLY need to see Being Human 

  3. KingOfRedLions89
    1 month

    I love seeing Bree’s reaction when Jacob tries to explain imprinting to Bella lol

  4. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    he said " Calmed down charlie" LMAO forgto he is edward lmao bro i was there for the live for this movie and i was dieing lmao 

  5. Quin
    1 month

    I'm surprised you all blamed Bella for asking Jacob to kiss her, and didn't see how manipulative and in the wrong Jacob was. He had essentially just threatened to potentially go get himself killed because Bella didn't love him, and when she pleaded with him to not put himself in danger, he urged her to give him a reason. It's kind of equivalent to someone threatening to kill themselves in order to guilt their partner into not breaking up with them.

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      1 month

      Yes but also it wasn’t exactly just his fault. As he originally said he just needed to kill something to get the rage out & she said he’s not thinking straight. Yeah he was manipulative when he said he could get himself killed. Though she also was partially manipulative as she said she didn’t want to lose him & him saying not good enough as he felt he was being used and he was for most of the saga and she kissed him to act as a last resort to not fight or get himself killed. Both sides used emotional tethers to manipulate each other & Edward knew this potentially could happen and was fine telling Jacob 

  6. Scarlet
    1 month

    As someone who tries to understand Bella n Elena's pov, IF YOU GET IT YOU GET AND IF YOU DON'T YOU DON'T. IT IS WHAT IT IS LMAO. Love the reaction tho<3

  7. hurryupmode
    1 month

    They took Valedictorian away from Eric and gave it to Anna Kendrick. Boooo

  8. xav98
    1 month

    Ahh yes the character assassination movie and yes Stephanie obviously assassinated Jacob’s character as in interviews she already said Edward was always the end goal and that Jacob was the other more or less.

  9. Wonderxfull
    1 month

    Great reaction guys! I can't wait to see the reaction for the last two movies... there are two scenes in particular that I can not wait to see y'all flip out about.

  10. thetank096
    1 month

    did Edward not sleep with bella incase she bled?

  11. berymintt
    1 month

    @30:58 well they did kiss at the 2011 mtv awards as like a comedy skit so yeah they were well aware lol 

  12. Roberto
    1 month

    I'm glad I'm able to watch this because I had to go to bed during the live reaction for this one and the other two after this I saw the first two so now I get to catch up also I can't wait for Fridays the mummy returns and porko on Wednesday

  13. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    love watching this again , i was ther for the live marathon too 

  14. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    yesssssssssssssssss u guys have to watch the behind the scenes for twilight in general since yall did the reunion with harry potter behind the scenes   

  15. Merck
    1 month

    Watching this on presidents day!!!!!!

  16. sam16621
    1 month

    Eric: ME???

    lol im dying 🤣🤣🤣

  17. sam16621
    1 month

    "They DO make fields like this again!"

    ...Guys, that NEEDS to be a shirt for the channel. 😉😉

  18. Vibes
    1 month

    watching this on my debirthday!!!!!!

  19. Penswer
    1 month

    Watching this on my rebirthday!!!!!!

  20. Jay
    1 month

    40 year old men don't understand whats appealing about a story made for teenage girls lmao

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 month

      you seem upset

      1 replies
      1. Jay
        1 month

        Upset? No lmao thats the appeal of the reactions, but the lack of empathy towards Bellas situation does get frustrating. 

        1 replies
        1. xav98
          1 month

          I mean she’s literally a self insert of a 40 something year old woman steph didn’t even understand her own plight as in comparison to Jacob she has it way easier. Like she’s a socially awkward/ loner child if divorce. Okay that’s bad definitely i speak from personal experience growing up in a broken home. But Jacob both lost his mom at 9, was mostly raised by his sisters, might have a half brother, born on a reservation with others. He’s his paralytic dad’s caretaker. Was forced to shift because his tribe’s reaction to vampires. Btw he’s still 16 but physically 25. Has to constantly fight & be on guard duty 24/7 with his psckmates to protect both his family, the reservation, all of forks (as the entire city is apart of their territory it’s why the vamps need to go way out near the mountains to hunt) He  has to constantly hear chatter from his other pack mates in the background. Like honestly yes Bella goes through a lot but most of that is because she’s getting involved & sometimes it works like how she saved Edward in the movie & the later movies to a certain extent. Though honestly it’s no real comparison. Hell Edward honestly has it worse sometimes & has actually done more mental or physical harm to Bella as a byproduct of his actions but he doesn’t completely understand that as he’s very noble inherently he’s in nature but his noble to a fault mentality can make things worse. New moon birthday party, the big climax at new moon, his by all definitions stalking & committing b&e larceny, in the books literally contemplating how to murder everyone in his class. He’s not wrong saying he has the skin of a killer as he originally viewed Bella not as someone to love but rather an experiment/ intriguing like you’d do to a lab experiment. I’m sorry for my tangled tangent but my point is the lack of empathy whilst it’s all jokes ass they’re mainly just shooting the shit whilst watching this. Bella is her own worst enemy most of the time. Edward is a control freak who is a sociopath. Jacob is a child that was made a man against his will & is mostly petulant & controlling.

  21. Jay
    1 month

    Jacob says hes going to go off himself. Bella does the only thing she can to keep him from doing that. But Bella is the worst character imaginable and Jacob does no wrong 😂

    2 replies
    1. xav98
      1 month

      Too be fair him saying that whilst wrong & manipulating. It still wasn’t right for her to kiss him as beside the fact he’s 16 here and she 18/19. Jacob is a child still & he’s obviously mad & lashing out like a child because he’s also gonna fight a war & he feels used as he was used as a glorified Snuggie to keep her warm. It didn’t help that she heard the conversation the night before & Edward intentionally wanted to hurt Jacob. As he knew he’d hear it the morning conversation.  It also didn’t help that in each movie she’s leading him on & him being so inexperienced in love, romance and friendship dynamics with a woman. It’s obvious his views on the situation also got muddled badly and it didn’t help that she was doing the aforementioned leading him on. As in every single instance of semi reciprocated romance she showed him Edward or anything that involved the Cullens she’d jump at faster than he could jump in his his wolf form. I like all the characters to a point as literally every character is toxic in some way. Though she even tried to to do a minor thing to stop him from “ending himself “ first as she was saying you mean everything to me and I can’t lose you. She then says I love you in a last ditch effort to keep him in her life & he said prove it if I’m remembering correctly. That’s when the kiss happens. Both sides did TEXT BOOK EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION & ABUSE. The caveat though for Jacob is he’s a child in comparison to the other two & as a byproduct of being a wolf his anger & ability to lash out is heightened dramatically. We see this with Paul from the slap, we see this later when Jacob crashes the you know what, we see it at first when he’s about to send i think Mike to the hospital in the movie date scene. We see it when he kicks his bike, when he runs into the rain, when in the books he lives a few months as only a wolf. He’s the antithesis to Edward’s more or less controlled psychopathic murderist intent/ behavior. As Edward is constantly trying to keep that bloodthirsty sadistic side under check . We saw that leap out multiple times before in each movie. Sorry for the second tangent. In short Jacob actually has a viable defense against the aggressive/ spontaneous lashing out he does/ says Edward as well to a lesser degree. Bella though has zero reasonable defense for her manipulative & arguably manic actions. Still don’t understand how she thought it was a smart idea to go to fucking Italy on a the idea that Edward would die in front of the voltori as a damn human. Girl was banking on a LOT OF LUCKY OUTCOMES!

    2. Andrew
      1 month

      Seriously. Bella is far from a saint but she gets a disproportionate amount of hate when everyone in this love triangle sucks. Even if Jacob deserves to know about the marriage, intentionally breaking his heart right before a life and death battle is SO messed up from Edward. And if I'm remembering the books correctly, Jacob was lying about offing himself so that was all just blatant manipulation on his part to get Bella to kiss him again. Like, they're ALL terrible people.

      1 replies
      1. Jay
        1 month

        Right. There all insufferable teenagers and Jacob gets the pass way too often since he is the cool werewolf lol even when he is arguably the most toxic person in this one. 

  22. Ashizaka
    1 month

    Watching this on my unbirthday!!!!!!

  23. The
    1 month

    Watching this on my birthday!!!!!!

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 month

      Happy birthday!

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