Dragon Ball Z: Broly Reaction

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  1. Steamed
    2 months

    Yeah most people do not like the third Broly movie but a lot don’t like the second either. Other than the stupid reasoning for why Broly hates Goku, this movie is pretty great and one of the best of the original 13. 

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    2 months

    OG broly was a demon nothing beats the line "how much do you love your son"

  3. Pat
    2 months

    Damn was hoping they had the version with the Licensed music. 

    1 replies
    1. Steamed
      2 months

      Yeah just for 10’s by Pantera to play when Broly transforms. 

  4. Robin
    2 months

    I thought you guys did the blue mountain state jack him off shout. xD

  5. Gokeez
    3 months

    What I love about all the dragon ball movies is that they almost always fit oolong in, so he stays relevant even after og dragon ball

  6. T
    3 months

    You guys need to do this reaction with other non cannon movies. Like DBZ: Coolers Revenge and DBZ: The Return of Cooler.

  7. Pip
    3 months

    You guys really need to watch DBZA's HIFL series. Broly shows up in the latest episode.

    1 replies
    1. Steamed
      2 months

      They’re also short 

  8. Slasher2
    3 months

    50:17- broly-you green man whats your power level?Piccolo- I don't know, give me a minute.


  9. countershock3032986
    3 months

    To the people who ask why they do reactions of things they already "saw", do you want the content or not

  10. shadowpunch13
    3 months

    Unpopular opinion but I think Second Coming is worse than Bio-Broly. Also if you do watch more DBZ movies, please continue to watch with the Japanese music since it's better, doesn't completely miss the point of the scenes, and also pisses everyone else off. 

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      2 months

      I agree. I really like Broly but of the three Z movies he had only the first one is any good. The second one is a slug with uninteresting fighting and despite being rage induced Broly really doesn't seem like he is going all out at all in the movie, just kinda slow fighting. It really isn't that good.

  11. Jose
    3 months

    aw you guys watch the version that didnt have pantera in it 


    1 replies
    1. Gokeez
      3 months

      I can see that, bio broly is a cashgrab at it's purest but second coming completely assassinated brolys character

      1 replies
      1. Gokeez
        3 months

        Wait I responded to the wrong comment lol

  12. mikehawk
    3 months

    please do fusion reborn

  13. Subaru130
    3 months

    Fun fact, the favorite words Chichi suggested for the interview "Friendship! Effort! Victory!" is the Shounen Jump motto.

  14. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    All of the old z movies were written and directed by someone completely separate from toriyama, and the only involvment he had was sometimes drawing character designs, how super broly happened, was toriyama being told broly was popular, and he went "Oh i think i remember designing him." and then he watched the z broly movie for the first time like 23 years after it came out and went "I can use these characters for a better movie."

  15. JoshTraut
    3 months

    You should check out the bojack DBZ movie great moments for a lot of the Z fighters and one of the hardest lines Gohan ever says

  16. garden0725_85121
    3 months

    Broly's transformation just isn't the same without Pantera playing in the background

    1 replies
    1. Colonel
      3 months

      Well, the whole story isn't the same in the Eng dub, they added a lot of clever "jokes" and extra dialog that just messes things up and even the characters personalities. The OST is a secondary issue here.

      1 replies
      1. xav98
        3 months

        That was in the original dub version i think in the remastered they’re watching the actors did redub some lines to be more accurate to the Japanese version. I remember buying this version as part of the broly dvd box set. Also the rock music whilst amazing for atmosphere and baddassness it’s a licensed song why would Funi pay for a license of a song for 20+ years? So now Funi just uses the generic songs from the original sub. It was the Bruce Falconer situation they sadly got rid of his compositions after they parted ways & redid all the songs to erase his music from their future catalogs. Cause they’d have to pay for a license agreement every time they used it

  17. Chillnuh
    3 months

    even if u dont make a reaction to the us soundtrack it is amazing

  18. Vanoyal
    3 months

    "How big is your power level. Mines pretty big"

  19. charliematick
    3 months

    sooo... revenge of cooler when?

  20. Red
    3 months

    Man it just hurts the soul you guys aren't reacting to the other version. 

    1 replies
    1. Ricky
      3 months

      They reacted to it a few months back

      1 replies
      1. Red
        3 months

        No I mean the OG version 

        1 replies
        1. xav98
          3 months

          So that isn’t even the og version. That version is essentially only on vhs as the remaster took out all the copyright music. As they’d had to continuously pay for the rights for 30 years. It’s arguably lost media now. This is closer to the original version of the movie as back then Funi took a lot and I mean a lot of liberties 

  21. Xanbry
    3 months

    it really is sad you can't react to the OG version with the Funimation Soundtrack, its just like not having the Bruce Falcnor version of DBZ, it legit feels like an entire didn't show with the music straight up

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      The Falcnor track always changed the vibe of dragon ball from what it was intended to be, this version is whats in line with all other iterations of dragon ball

  22. Black
    3 months

    wheres the rock music

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      3 months

      Not in this version this is the remastered edition released in the 2010’s. The rock version was a special version licensed in the 90’s/2000’s that’s 20+ years ago Funi wouldn’t pay to hold onto a license for that long 

  23. Crusty
    3 months

    Fun fact, King Kai's voice actor is the same as Goku's! Sean Schemmel

  24. Roberto
    3 months

    I'm not trying to complain I'm just saying what everyone else is writing on here but the og dub soundtrack with 10s and gravity pool those were the best songs in that movie.

  25. Crusty
    3 months

    They  didn't do it with the OG Dub soundtrack??? Nooooooo. So much sauce lost

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      3 months

      They can’t that’s really only on the vhs sadly as the soundtrack was specifically licensed for that movie version. 

  26. Getes
    3 months

    Very nice reaction! It’s a shame you didn’t listen to the US soundtrack. Sure some people gripe because it’s “not the original”, but nothing goes better to me than Dragon Ball movies and a rocking soundtrack. Pantera playing while Broly transforms is a memory I’ll never forget 

    1 replies
    1. Future2021
      3 months

      i legit doesn't fit the damn show

      1 replies
      1. xav98
        3 months

        It does fit the show/ movie it’s just not available because of licensing restrictions that version was released almost 20+ years ago 

  27. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    I do want to see they react to Lythero Dragon Ball Fighter Z Videos

  28. davi
    3 months

    Aw darn. I was hoping it would be with the original Funimation dub soundtrack. Pantera and Broly goes so hard that it was engraved in my childhood memories. 

  29. Mr. Eldritch
    3 months

    Man, I’m definitely biased, but I wish they were watching the version with all the copyrighted music…Lazarus when Goku and Broly meet, 10’s by Pantera when Broly transforms…might not be a popular opinion, but I thought that shit was baller.

  30. Matthew
    3 months

    Broly isn’t attacking Goku because he’s mad that he cried as a baby. He’s attacking Goku because he’s insane and seeing Goku triggers ptsd from when he was a baby. He probably has audio sensory issues that developed from that. 

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      You are heavily overanalyzing, it is literally just as simple as goku cried loud as a baby and annoyed broly, if it was PTSD then vegeta who looks exacly like his father shouldve triggered it

      1 replies
      1. DCire
        3 months

        How? Broly's longest memory was of Goku crying as a child, him being stabbed is what caused the trauma. A war vet isn't triggered by what a gun looks like, but what the sound may mean. Broly likely linked that trauma, and pain with the same things he remembered; Being Goku's appearance and sound of his cry(context in later films). On top of this, the same place he is stabbed as a child seems to be the only damaging, and final blow. Do you think the chosen point of impact as a weakness, and where he was stabbed in the same spot as a baby are coincidence as well? The unconscious eyes once triggered(Paralleled in the new movie), as well as the face shattering/personality changing with borderline detachment from his surroundings(Showcased by killing his father)? These are a staggering amount of points directly linking to a strong case of PTSD. It feels subtly showcased through the entire film. Does the movie make this clear, or get it across well? Not at all. It did a horrible job. However, it is what the movie showcases, even if they didn't make it a plot point. 

        I also could be wrong but I remember the writer for this movie borderline confirming this at a convention during a fan question; but I for the life of me can't find it right now - So I'll hold off on that claim until I/someone else can find it.

  31. John
    3 months

    Damn shame they didn’t get the English dub soundtrack one seems this one has the original Japanese soundtrack damn shame 

  32. Carlos
    3 months

    Fun Fact y’all should play Dragon Ball Z Kakorat its awesome plus opening theme is same for the movie 

    1 replies
    1. PJ
      3 months

      They have played Kakarot actually, the video is on both the website and on their gaming channel.

  33. Jaystarfrosty
    3 months

    What I liked about this movie is Broly's transformation you can see just his body being torn apart as he transforms into the legendary super Saiyan. Also, apparently Broly's mad at Goku since he made his power spike due to the crying which then led to him being persecuted by King Vegeta. Although I feel like there should've been better motivation than just the crying.

    1 replies
    1. That
      3 months

      That's not why he is mad, Broly was already known to be powerful at birth. The reason he is mad is because Goku's crying is the only thing he remembers on the day he was stabbed and his planet was blown up so he conflates his trauma with Goku. Atleast that's what the intention was, but no idea how he knows its Goku that was crying after all this time lol

      1 replies
      1. Jaystarfrosty
        3 months

        ah ok thx for the explanation 

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