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21 days
For the oreo etiquette the right way is to take a fork and stick it in the creme save the fingers and don’t risk dropping it.
3 months
Yeah man, sit down and finish Super, no need to re-watch the movie adaptations, start after the Ressurection of F, So yeah the tournament of destroyers, Goku Black, and Tournament of Power. And then you gotta do Daima
1 replies
2 months
If Boom finished the Cell saga, the boys should watch Buu together, into Daima and then Super. I think Daima is in between Z and Super. And hopefully when they finished, they have continued making the last few manga, so we can watch even more Dragon Ball!
3 months
Was #2 the voice of Hunter from owl house? Every time he talked I was distracted by that
3 months
Toriyama once wrote out the future of DBZ for a MMO game called Dragon ball online which was the basis for the xenoverse games. In the story Mr.satan was believed to be the strongest being by aliens as well to the point they waited until he died for them to invade
3 months
Y'all watching OG Dragon Ball would be awesome.
Mike Dark
4 months
You guys should watch GT gohan's daughter Pan is in it and Trunks
4 months
You guys could all watch Kai together with Sean. Now that he's seen this, no reason to spoil him more right? And, then you could watch Super together. If you want to.
4 months
Love that shenrons reaction is just "oh it's you again what's up?"
4 months
I dont know if its ever been commented yet but piccolo is only like less 5 years older then gohan is.
4 months
please watch the dbz filler episode where piccolo and goku drive cars lol
4 months
I'm amazed that boom hasn't noticed but the guy who voices magenta is Charles martinet the original voice of Mario in the Mario games
4 months
Gohan's new form is called Beast and so us fans now refer to it as BEAST Gohan (yes, caps required). I think this really solidifies Toriyama's idea of each of the Saiyan Warriors going down their own road of transformations. Gohan is all about potential so now BEAST is his potential all out on show where as Goku goes about Ultra Instinct and allowing his body to move on it's own. Vegeta, well, his one is in the Manga and he goes what is called Ultra Ego and it's all about power.
I am under the belief that if Toriyama was still around that he'd potentially give Broly Super Saiyan 4 as that would make the most sense or at least something equivalent to that because he is all about harnessing the Oozaru while remaining humanoid.
4 months
Gohan's new transformation is called Beast Gohan. It's a new thing, only currently obtainable by Gohan. Not the Ultra Instinct technique Goku uses.
4 months
So, toriyama hasnt been directly writing dragon ball outside of the 4 super movies, for a long time. all of the super anime and manga, he basically gave super simple plot points and everything else was filled in by toyotaro for the manga, and a writing team called the dragon room for the anime, the 2 manga arcs that havent been animated yet were written solely by toyotaro with just advice from toriyama. basically toyotaro is toriyamas sucessor and dragon ball will likely continue long past toriyamas passing
1 replies
3 months
And Daima, Daima had just as much of Toriyama involvement as any of the canon movies if not more
4 months
Toriyama was fully involved with the new Dragonball Daima show, and it was the last project he had full involvement in. Probably worth your time if you want to check it out after you're done with Kai as it takes place directly after The Buu saga, and takes place between Z and Super.
4 months
Its crazy how with boom watching kai rn, he remembers actual dragon ball more then the others, who keep thinking of dbza stuff, like they both called piccolo gohans dad, but boom knows its really more like an uncle type relationship
4 months
So I’ll just say outright would love to see y’all pick up super w the goku black arc, the movie redux arcs in the super anime are tragic. On a side if you give priority to any old Z movie I’d go with fusion reborn, doesn’t step on the toes of the main line story, and has arguably the best fusion scene!
1 replies
4 months
They should start with u6 vs u7 just before goku black, gotta get the introduction of hit
4 months
Hey Guys, I do enjoy your commentary and your reactions, but whenever you have questions to ask each other, can you please bring back the pause button? Sometimes there are moments that I feel can be missed. But if you really have no problem with the way it is now, that's perfectly fine. Im still a Billy lol 👍🏻
4 months
I'd love to see your reaction to the bojack bdz movie its right after cell's death and has gohan being Himhan and trunks has some dope stuff to
4 months
Base Gohan in this movie is legitimately my favorite design for him. The messy hair look just looks so good imo.
4 months
IIRC didn"t they end the Manga, and KAi with Goku and Vegeta tieing?
3 replies
4 months
If yall want to react to super, id suggest starting with universe 6 vs universe 7, then goku black, then tournament of power, first 2 arcs just recap the movies. also the 2 manga arcs after broly are pretty good if any of you wanna check them out after. also regarding how strong gohan is by the end of this movie, the manga confirms him to be on par with goku but not above him
4 months
If yall wanna binge and react ro super, id recommend skipping the starting arcs that just recap the movies. start with the universe 6 vs universe 7 tournament, then goku black saga, then tournament of power. then if yall want you could check out the 2 manga only arcs that happen after broly, they are pretty damn good especially when binging
4 months
They didn't end it, per se. The manga went on hiatus with Goku and Vegeta back on Earth
4 months
Yess just watch the arcs after the movies cuts down a lot of episodes
4 months
I stand by that the greatest crime is in a movie called super heroes there is no mention to the greatest hero The Great Saiyaman
1 replies
4 months
Yeah, even if it was just Gohan cringing at how he used to be, I can't believe a movie about super heroes with Gohan as one of the leads has no mention to when he used to actually be a super hero.
4 months
tournament of power watch through? đź‘€
4 months
Goku has only beaten Vegeta with outside help.
1 replies
4 months
Yes, but the majin vegeta fight vegeta realized goku couldve won easily, and over the last few years, gokus always found a way to get ahead, not since saiyan saga has vegeta clearly beaten goku, and even then he considered needing great ape to be an insult
4 months
Dragon ball z kai group reaction would be sick and the kingsman reaction would also be fire
4 months
If you wanna watch the old DBZ movies I recommend the original Broly movie or Coolers Revenge. In terms of DB Super you should watch the Universe 7 vs Universe 6 tournament arc. (Episodes 28-41). It’s the shortest arc and takes place before the Goku Black arc.
4 months
To answer your question Eric, Namekians do age slower, Kami was like 400, and also Piccolo is only 30 in this movie.
4 months
I'm pretty sure universe 6 & 7 have their tournament a bit before Goku Black, but I'd skip the filler after that and get to the tournament of power. Except for that filler episode where Goku goes one a quest for Roshi's weed
4 months
now we want to see more Death Battle of Superman vs Goku 2
4 months
A lot of people don't like the animation, I think it makes the fights look better though.
4 months
please join boom with his kai reactions
4 months
I would love for you guys to join Boom in his Kai reaction.
4 months
1:45:06 funny thing is Vegeta's also never lost a fight to Goku. Before this they've only fought twice. The first was in the Saiyan sage where Goku definitely lost, but Vegeta probably doesn't consider that a win, the second time in the Buu saga but their fight got interrupted and there was no decisive winner, Goku even said later on that he and Vegeta were evenly matched. So technically Vegeta is 2-0 against Goku whether he acknowledges it or not.
2 replies
4 months
Well vegeta always considered needing to use great ape as an insult and a loss on his pride, and in buu saga, he later learned about ssj3 and realized goku couldve won at any point and was holding back, so in his pride, hes never beaten goku, tho funnily, here it was borderline a tie, and they both had to hold back lol
4 months
They also had a tie at the end of the OG manga
4 months
there's two manga arcs before this movie. btw the manga version of this arc had a mini arc before it and little bit after. Toriyama DOES have a successor, Toyotaro, who drew the entirety of the Super Manga. The manga's been on hiatus since Toriyama's death but it will come back. Although Toriyama was involved in the writing for the DBS anime and Manga, to my knowledge he mostly provided major plotpoints and allowed Toyotaro to do his own thing.
4 months
I love that none of them reacted to android 16 being modeled after Dr. Gero's son being made cannon.
1 replies
4 months
It's because it was pretty much spoiled to them during their reaction for Dragon Ball Z Abridged. So it wasn't that much of a shock.
4 months
Yay! Been waiting for this one! This was the most fun I've had with DBZ since watching abridged. It was the perfect blend of cute and cool.
The voice of #2 was Zeno Robinson who is Hunter in the Owl House.
#1 is Aleks Le, who is Zenitsu in Demon Slayer
If you want a cute Kaiju movie, the "Ultraman Rising" that came out on Netflix this year was pretty good!
4 months
the next arc after the Freeza movie is the Universe 6 tournament arc.
4 months
Btw the Goku Bkack Arc is NOT the next arc for you guys, the next arc is the Universe 6 tournament arc
4 months
That Gohan form is called "Gohan Beast" there is no other info on it lmao
1 replies
4 months
nah in the manga they go a bit into it. If you want spoils I'll tell you but it is worth a read.
4 months
Watched this in theaters. Loved it so much. Pan is such a cutie.
4 months
you should watch Dragon Ball Crossover with One Piece
4 months
For the record. Goten and trunks are 7 and 8 during the Buu saga. And through super they reach about 13 or 14. In superhero they're around 16 and 17
4 months
I like how everyone sees Piccolo as Gohan's dad (rightfully so) even though Piccolo was only 8 years old when he raised Gohan lol
1 replies
4 months
Hes more like an older brother or uncle
4 months
Honestly because of this movie I'll put it on the pedestal that gohan is probably a worse dad than people think goku is. Goku died for his son twice and spent every living moment with his family, gohan won't even stop researching his ants for 5 minutes to get his daughter from school
4 months
So piccolo is only 5 years older than gohan tops. He was a fully grown adult at 3 or 4. Kami and demon king piccolo have existed for centuries and just look old so it's possible they either can't die from old age or just take significantly longer to do so.Also as a side note, Pan absolutely adores her grandfather goku. When piccolo was explaining all these ways to take care of pan and calm her down as a baby, she was already super calm in gokus arms
4 months
after golden freeza is the Universe 6 and 7 tournament.
4 months
It would be fire if you guys did some of the z movies
4 months
There is one arc between Resurrection F and Goku Black. The Universal Tournament, which I think is better than Goku Black. In my opinion GB should just be skipped other than the final battle.
4 months
For ages, Goten and Trunks are approx. 16 and 17. It bothered me in Super that they still looked 7 and 8, like in the Buu Saga, when it was 6 years later, but I appreciate them writing themselves out of that with the Goku logic from original Dragon Ball, since he didn't change at all from 11 to 15, but was suddenly fully grown at 18. Pan being small makes sense, though, since she is actually 3. If anything, I feel like she's kind of big for a 3 year old.
1 replies
4 months
goku did change when he was growing up , go back and you see he loses some of his chubbyness at the end with King Piccolo , it was a slow change over time, its funny how gohan just grew naturally , and trunks and goten just looking like kids even though there teenagers its cuase Toriyama forgot to change how they look
4 months
I will say there is a video on the two manga arcs that have been released, as long as the manga adaptation of this movie on youtube by a guy called Justin's Den. He goes over there really well and he uses the colored manga, The arcs are honestly great and it's a shame they won't be animated for probably a while now.
Also you guys should react to Dragon ball daima that's currently going, it is the last show that was made by Toriyama before he passed and it's really fun and introduces a lot of lore!
1 replies
4 months
Also I would love you guys going through the arcs of z and super again if you would like it, they are fun arcs, the manga is a little different in how the anime arcs go but they are also good!
4 months
So that transformation isn't that transformation it's something new unique to Gohan I think it's called super Saiyan beast.
1 replies
4 months
Yeah that's what it is, It's called Beast Gohan, its kinda like a evolution of his ultimate form pretty much
4 months
I don't know if you guys knew but Gamma 2 is voiced by Zeno Robinson aka. Hunter from Owl House.
4 months
Technically dragon ball daima is toriyama's last work , and rn dragon ball is being headed by toyotarou
4 months
When Boom finishes DBZ KAI you guys should watch DAIMA. It takes place before DB Super.
4 months
Regarding subtitles: The problem is that the subtitles are for the Japanese track. They're a literal translation of what's being said. A dub is more than just a literal translation, so a lot of times they don't sync up. Some anime are good about having proper dub subtitles too, but a lot just use the same track.
1 replies
4 months
I feel like someone brings that up with every dragon ball movie
4 months
Alongside Daima, Toriyama had begun work on another movie before he died. It was very early in production, but he was involved until his sudden death.
1 replies
4 months
Hope one day they check out Daima, I am loving it so far! That bar fight scene in ep 3 was great!!
Wish they did a simulDub tho.
4 months
The woman in the family tree is Android 21 from the non canon Dragon Ball FighterZ game. The character is canon yes but the story of that game where she's an android isn't.
4 months
That One fish from the SpongeBob chocolate episode: “FINALLY!”
For the oreo etiquette the right way is to take a fork and stick it in the creme save the fingers and don’t risk dropping it.
Yeah man, sit down and finish Super, no need to re-watch the movie adaptations, start after the Ressurection of F, So yeah the tournament of destroyers, Goku Black, and Tournament of Power. And then you gotta do Daima
If Boom finished the Cell saga, the boys should watch Buu together, into Daima and then Super. I think Daima is in between Z and Super. And hopefully when they finished, they have continued making the last few manga, so we can watch even more Dragon Ball!
Was #2 the voice of Hunter from owl house? Every time he talked I was distracted by that
Toriyama once wrote out the future of DBZ for a MMO game called Dragon ball online which was the basis for the xenoverse games. In the story Mr.satan was believed to be the strongest being by aliens as well to the point they waited until he died for them to invade
Y'all watching OG Dragon Ball would be awesome.
You guys should watch GT gohan's daughter Pan is in it and Trunks
You guys could all watch Kai together with Sean. Now that he's seen this, no reason to spoil him more right? And, then you could watch Super together. If you want to.
Love that shenrons reaction is just "oh it's you again what's up?"
I dont know if its ever been commented yet but piccolo is only like less 5 years older then gohan is.
please watch the dbz filler episode where piccolo and goku drive cars lol
I'm amazed that boom hasn't noticed but the guy who voices magenta is Charles martinet the original voice of Mario in the Mario games
Gohan's new form is called Beast and so us fans now refer to it as BEAST Gohan (yes, caps required). I think this really solidifies Toriyama's idea of each of the Saiyan Warriors going down their own road of transformations. Gohan is all about potential so now BEAST is his potential all out on show where as Goku goes about Ultra Instinct and allowing his body to move on it's own. Vegeta, well, his one is in the Manga and he goes what is called Ultra Ego and it's all about power.
I am under the belief that if Toriyama was still around that he'd potentially give Broly Super Saiyan 4 as that would make the most sense or at least something equivalent to that because he is all about harnessing the Oozaru while remaining humanoid.
Gohan's new transformation is called Beast Gohan. It's a new thing, only currently obtainable by Gohan. Not the Ultra Instinct technique Goku uses.
So, toriyama hasnt been directly writing dragon ball outside of the 4 super movies, for a long time. all of the super anime and manga, he basically gave super simple plot points and everything else was filled in by toyotaro for the manga, and a writing team called the dragon room for the anime, the 2 manga arcs that havent been animated yet were written solely by toyotaro with just advice from toriyama. basically toyotaro is toriyamas sucessor and dragon ball will likely continue long past toriyamas passing
And Daima, Daima had just as much of Toriyama involvement as any of the canon movies if not more
Toriyama was fully involved with the new Dragonball Daima show, and it was the last project he had full involvement in. Probably worth your time if you want to check it out after you're done with Kai as it takes place directly after The Buu saga, and takes place between Z and Super.
Its crazy how with boom watching kai rn, he remembers actual dragon ball more then the others, who keep thinking of dbza stuff, like they both called piccolo gohans dad, but boom knows its really more like an uncle type relationship
So I’ll just say outright would love to see y’all pick up super w the goku black arc, the movie redux arcs in the super anime are tragic. On a side if you give priority to any old Z movie I’d go with fusion reborn, doesn’t step on the toes of the main line story, and has arguably the best fusion scene!
They should start with u6 vs u7 just before goku black, gotta get the introduction of hit
Hey Guys, I do enjoy your commentary and your reactions, but whenever you have questions to ask each other, can you please bring back the pause button? Sometimes there are moments that I feel can be missed. But if you really have no problem with the way it is now, that's perfectly fine. Im still a Billy lol 👍🏻
I'd love to see your reaction to the bojack bdz movie its right after cell's death and has gohan being Himhan and trunks has some dope stuff to
Base Gohan in this movie is legitimately my favorite design for him. The messy hair look just looks so good imo.
IIRC didn"t they end the Manga, and KAi with Goku and Vegeta tieing?
If yall want to react to super, id suggest starting with universe 6 vs universe 7, then goku black, then tournament of power, first 2 arcs just recap the movies. also the 2 manga arcs after broly are pretty good if any of you wanna check them out after. also regarding how strong gohan is by the end of this movie, the manga confirms him to be on par with goku but not above him
If yall wanna binge and react ro super, id recommend skipping the starting arcs that just recap the movies. start with the universe 6 vs universe 7 tournament, then goku black saga, then tournament of power. then if yall want you could check out the 2 manga only arcs that happen after broly, they are pretty damn good especially when binging
They didn't end it, per se. The manga went on hiatus with Goku and Vegeta back on Earth
Yess just watch the arcs after the movies cuts down a lot of episodes
I stand by that the greatest crime is in a movie called super heroes there is no mention to the greatest hero The Great Saiyaman
Yeah, even if it was just Gohan cringing at how he used to be, I can't believe a movie about super heroes with Gohan as one of the leads has no mention to when he used to actually be a super hero.
tournament of power watch through? đź‘€
Goku has only beaten Vegeta with outside help.
Yes, but the majin vegeta fight vegeta realized goku couldve won easily, and over the last few years, gokus always found a way to get ahead, not since saiyan saga has vegeta clearly beaten goku, and even then he considered needing great ape to be an insult
Dragon ball z kai group reaction would be sick and the kingsman reaction would also be fire
If you wanna watch the old DBZ movies I recommend the original Broly movie or Coolers Revenge. In terms of DB Super you should watch the Universe 7 vs Universe 6 tournament arc. (Episodes 28-41). It’s the shortest arc and takes place before the Goku Black arc.
To answer your question Eric, Namekians do age slower, Kami was like 400, and also Piccolo is only 30 in this movie.
I'm pretty sure universe 6 & 7 have their tournament a bit before Goku Black, but I'd skip the filler after that and get to the tournament of power. Except for that filler episode where Goku goes one a quest for Roshi's weed
now we want to see more Death Battle of Superman vs Goku 2
A lot of people don't like the animation, I think it makes the fights look better though.
please join boom with his kai reactions
I would love for you guys to join Boom in his Kai reaction.
1:45:06 funny thing is Vegeta's also never lost a fight to Goku. Before this they've only fought twice. The first was in the Saiyan sage where Goku definitely lost, but Vegeta probably doesn't consider that a win, the second time in the Buu saga but their fight got interrupted and there was no decisive winner, Goku even said later on that he and Vegeta were evenly matched. So technically Vegeta is 2-0 against Goku whether he acknowledges it or not.
Well vegeta always considered needing to use great ape as an insult and a loss on his pride, and in buu saga, he later learned about ssj3 and realized goku couldve won at any point and was holding back, so in his pride, hes never beaten goku, tho funnily, here it was borderline a tie, and they both had to hold back lol
They also had a tie at the end of the OG manga
there's two manga arcs before this movie. btw the manga version of this arc had a mini arc before it and little bit after. Toriyama DOES have a successor, Toyotaro, who drew the entirety of the Super Manga. The manga's been on hiatus since Toriyama's death but it will come back. Although Toriyama was involved in the writing for the DBS anime and Manga, to my knowledge he mostly provided major plotpoints and allowed Toyotaro to do his own thing.
I love that none of them reacted to android 16 being modeled after Dr. Gero's son being made cannon.
It's because it was pretty much spoiled to them during their reaction for Dragon Ball Z Abridged. So it wasn't that much of a shock.
Yay! Been waiting for this one! This was the most fun I've had with DBZ since watching abridged. It was the perfect blend of cute and cool.
The voice of #2 was Zeno Robinson who is Hunter in the Owl House.
#1 is Aleks Le, who is Zenitsu in Demon Slayer
If you want a cute Kaiju movie, the "Ultraman Rising" that came out on Netflix this year was pretty good!
the next arc after the Freeza movie is the Universe 6 tournament arc.
Btw the Goku Bkack Arc is NOT the next arc for you guys, the next arc is the Universe 6 tournament arc
That Gohan form is called "Gohan Beast" there is no other info on it lmao
nah in the manga they go a bit into it. If you want spoils I'll tell you but it is worth a read.
Watched this in theaters. Loved it so much. Pan is such a cutie.
you should watch Dragon Ball Crossover with One Piece
For the record. Goten and trunks are 7 and 8 during the Buu saga. And through super they reach about 13 or 14. In superhero they're around 16 and 17
I like how everyone sees Piccolo as Gohan's dad (rightfully so) even though Piccolo was only 8 years old when he raised Gohan lol
Hes more like an older brother or uncle
Honestly because of this movie I'll put it on the pedestal that gohan is probably a worse dad than people think goku is. Goku died for his son twice and spent every living moment with his family, gohan won't even stop researching his ants for 5 minutes to get his daughter from school
So piccolo is only 5 years older than gohan tops. He was a fully grown adult at 3 or 4. Kami and demon king piccolo have existed for centuries and just look old so it's possible they either can't die from old age or just take significantly longer to do so.Also as a side note, Pan absolutely adores her grandfather goku. When piccolo was explaining all these ways to take care of pan and calm her down as a baby, she was already super calm in gokus arms
after golden freeza is the Universe 6 and 7 tournament.
It would be fire if you guys did some of the z movies
There is one arc between Resurrection F and Goku Black. The Universal Tournament, which I think is better than Goku Black. In my opinion GB should just be skipped other than the final battle.
For ages, Goten and Trunks are approx. 16 and 17. It bothered me in Super that they still looked 7 and 8, like in the Buu Saga, when it was 6 years later, but I appreciate them writing themselves out of that with the Goku logic from original Dragon Ball, since he didn't change at all from 11 to 15, but was suddenly fully grown at 18. Pan being small makes sense, though, since she is actually 3. If anything, I feel like she's kind of big for a 3 year old.
goku did change when he was growing up , go back and you see he loses some of his chubbyness at the end with King Piccolo , it was a slow change over time, its funny how gohan just grew naturally , and trunks and goten just looking like kids even though there teenagers its cuase Toriyama forgot to change how they look
I will say there is a video on the two manga arcs that have been released, as long as the manga adaptation of this movie on youtube by a guy called Justin's Den. He goes over there really well and he uses the colored manga, The arcs are honestly great and it's a shame they won't be animated for probably a while now.
Also you guys should react to Dragon ball daima that's currently going, it is the last show that was made by Toriyama before he passed and it's really fun and introduces a lot of lore!
Also I would love you guys going through the arcs of z and super again if you would like it, they are fun arcs, the manga is a little different in how the anime arcs go but they are also good!
So that transformation isn't that transformation it's something new unique to Gohan I think it's called super Saiyan beast.
Yeah that's what it is, It's called Beast Gohan, its kinda like a evolution of his ultimate form pretty much
I don't know if you guys knew but Gamma 2 is voiced by Zeno Robinson aka. Hunter from Owl House.
Technically dragon ball daima is toriyama's last work , and rn dragon ball is being headed by toyotarou
When Boom finishes DBZ KAI you guys should watch DAIMA. It takes place before DB Super.
Regarding subtitles: The problem is that the subtitles are for the Japanese track. They're a literal translation of what's being said. A dub is more than just a literal translation, so a lot of times they don't sync up. Some anime are good about having proper dub subtitles too, but a lot just use the same track.
I feel like someone brings that up with every dragon ball movie
Alongside Daima, Toriyama had begun work on another movie before he died. It was very early in production, but he was involved until his sudden death.
Hope one day they check out Daima, I am loving it so far! That bar fight scene in ep 3 was great!!
Wish they did a simulDub tho.
The woman in the family tree is Android 21 from the non canon Dragon Ball FighterZ game. The character is canon yes but the story of that game where she's an android isn't.
That One fish from the SpongeBob chocolate episode: “FINALLY!”
very hyped for this