Digimon Adventure & Digimon Our War Game Reaction

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  1. Msr9272tce
    4 minutes

    this movie is amazing. digimon world goes hard for at least 2 gen maybe 3

  2. Michael
    22 minutes

    The original English dub is peak late 90s/early 2000s. You guys should watch it.

  3. KaiserKnight217
    4 hours

    Plz watch More Digimon Moviebut Plz Watch Digital Monster X Movie

  4. Cloud
    6 hours

    I would love you to watch more Digimon movies, especially the TV series as well. XD And yes, the first one you watched as an OVA, that also ties in with the anime's lore, while the second movie takes place AFTER the anime of Adventure 01 completed, a year or so later.

  5. Alexblade
    8 hours

    The sound track do be lacking in this version but still a great watch

    1 replies
    1. Slasher2
      4 hours

      Yea I thought something was wrong. That as not the song that plays during the Parrot fight.

  6. Papermaker
    10 hours

    dammmm I didn't know there was a different dub version. The American version is better though, the music was fire!

  7. Kayla
    10 hours

    I remember watching the show when I was younger. But I don't remember seeing these. And I remember that Patamon was my favorite, even have a plush of him somewhere. Would be cool if you guys did the original series.

  8. zach_the_artist
    10 hours

    Please for the love of God watch the American combined version. It's way more 90's and the soundtrack is waaaaay better.

    1 replies
    1. Stilly
      6 hours

      God no

  9. Jacob
    11 hours

    Definitely a fun reaction and I’ve never seen the Japanese versions with the redubs. So that was a treat. I think overall, this is better than what we got in America originally but the American version had a better soundtrack. I definitely believe we should listen to at least a couple songs together especially the Digirap and let’s go digital. The funny thing is I regularly listen to the soundtrack I would say anywhere from 4 to 10 times a month. Though I only watch the original American version like every five or six years. 

    I would say they should watch the first three seasons of Digimon then they should find on YouTube the fox kids DigiBowl if any of you remember that. I think that would be hilarious.

  10. Stilly
    11 hours

    Digimon is the fucking best

  11. capkyros
    12 hours

    Wait. Where the hell are the jokes! This is a sham!

  12. Kobe
    12 hours

    I loved watching this again but I really can't get over how different it all feels without that original dub and soundtrack. They didn't even name omnimon in the end and all the big moments just feel less exciting without that kick butt music

    1 replies
    1. Stilly
      11 hours

      Omegamon. The silence is so much better. More gravitas.

      1 replies
      1. drezato
        41 minutes

        Omnimon is his canon english name and no the lack of music makes him feel like an unimportant. the sound mixing as a whole in this redub was a bit naff tbh.

  13. capkyros
    12 hours

    4kids version is so nostalgic.

  14. Lily Mrrgglton
    12 hours

    Watching the movie BEFORE the show is Certainly a choice rofl

  15. Jason
    15 hours

    Alright I grew up watching the og dub with the digimon rap theme. I had no idea this version existed 

    1 replies
    1. Stilly
      11 hours

      This version didn't exist until very recently, they brought back a bunch of the cast to re-record and actually do it right this time.

  16. John
    15 hours

    I'm sorry but what? Where's the soundtrack? 

  17. Charlie
    15 hours

    Yall gotta watch the abridged digimon movie, that  shit is hilarious 

  18. John
    15 hours

    More digimon please 

  19. Jadzia
    16 hours

    Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions!

  20. Thekingmonkey
    17 hours

    Digimon season 1 reaction?

  21. deus._.deorum
    17 hours

    I've only seen the cut up awesome music Version with the Adventure and 02 gang, but i know there were more movies. i think one more with the 02 group of kids then a few for a couple of the different anime with other sets of kids untill 2006 when the movies went on hiatus. they then returned to the OG Digidestined aged up for the "Tri" movies in 2015 and there were 6 of those, the 6th being in 2018. after they did another with that group called Last Evolution in 2020 following the events of Tri and finally there was one where they brought back the 02 gang aged up in 2023 and i think it's also a continuation from Last Evolution. i can't remember if you said you watched the whole of the cut version on stream but if you didn't that's 100% worth re seeing the story as a whole just for how much the music enhances the movies, especially the ones shown in this reaction

  22. Quenterius
    17 hours

    Definitely need to watch some more

  23. Shadow
    17 hours

    I hope you watch the Digimon season 1 now the original one

  24. Senpai
    18 hours

    I'd recommend the first season of Digimon, whether it'd be through the dub or adventure. 

  25. Jonathan
    18 hours

    I love digimon please do more if you guys liked it 

  26. Justin
    18 hours

    The director of the War game Mamoru Hosoda, made two movies that are remake/spiritual successors of this movie. Summer Wars is pretty much a retelling with better animation and no Digimon and Belle has a Beauty and the beast twist with great music. I would also suggest his other works The Boy and the Beast, Wolf Children, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. 

  27. Subaru130
    19 hours

    The second one you watched is by far the best imo, but I still think it would be fun to at least finish out the disk and watch the third. That one is about the second generation of kids from the second anime series. I would love if you guys did a full reaction to the whole first series (it has a remaster just like this one), but there probably wouldn't be enough views to justify watching a whole 50-episode series.

  28. Jakob
    19 hours

    Yes, more digimon please. Would love to see you guys delve into the digital world

  29. Swordfish
    19 hours

    God yes please Digimon! The first part was a prequel to the show, the War Games was a sequel to the main Adventure/Season 1 of the show. That third movie part is a mid-season movie of Adventure 2/Season 2, so you don't have to watch it fully, but at least till the end of the first major arc.

  30. davi
    20 hours

    darn. i know people on the comment is going to hate me, but i was hoping it  was the original english dub soundtrack. hit so  hard on my childhood.

    2 replies
    1. Stilly
      6 hours

      I understand where you're coming from but I'm they're experiencing it the right way, rather than just indulging my nostalgia.

    2. cyberguccx
      19 hours

      I'm in the same boat as you, but it's good to see them get to this either way.

  31. MrMathMatical
    20 hours

    Did they re dub the Digimon movies? Because I've never seen these versions. The only version I've seen is of the heavily edited first 3 Japanese movies turned into 1 movie for English dub. But boy did that movie have one hell of a soundtrack.

    1 replies
    1. Subaru130
      20 hours

      Yeah, they put out a Blu-ray that has the original Digimon the Movie remastered with the original dub as well as the three full movies redubbed. There's even a subbed option for the three movies. It's pretty awesome.

  32. Obsidianfox
    20 hours

    Oh hell yeah I've been a Digimon fan way more than Pokémon. Haven't watched this since it just dropped 10 minutes ago but if you guys want Team FourStar content they did an abridged of the Digimon movie! 

  33. Cadent
    20 hours

    I FORGOT THEY REDID THE DUB FOR THESE. OH THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD! So happy yall are checking out Digimon. Easily one of my all time favorite franchises. Hope you guys cover more in the future!

    (Personal recommendation would be Digimon Tamers, widely regarded as the BEST season of Digimon, and disconnected from all the other shows so you don't gotta worry about watching the previous stuff to understand it much.)

  34. Speedking535
    20 hours

    My childhood,u guys should watch more digimon

  35. Thomas_Stilinski
    20 hours

    Please do more digimon 

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