Digimon Adventure 02: Hurricane Touchdown!! Reaction

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  1. kamesome
    13 hours

    This was one of the most insane movies i've ever seen, loved the reaction.

  2. endymion619_96433
    13 hours

    Watch the combined movie

  3. Lily Mrrgglton
    17 hours

    Thing is, unlike the Pokemon movies; The Digimon movies are HEAVILY tied into the shows, so not watching the shows for context, really makes shit REALLY confusing rofl, they arent standalone like the Pokemon movies are made to be

  4. Unstablebeast
    1 day

    id love if yall reacted to actual digimon series, even the recent reboot of adventure

  5. ShadowWalker
    1 day

    Yeah the US dub version is so much better than this silient redubbed Japanese version.

  6. ShadowWalker
    1 day

    Please watch Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 that would be so dope.

  7. masterfulpaladin
    1 day

    You guys should just watch the combined movie, no lie, it is a completely different experience.

  8. Stilly
    1 day

    Please do Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02!!!

  9. Izu
    2 days

    Does Digimon Frontiers have a movie?

    2 replies
    1. ghost0427
      1 day

      Up until savers every season has at least one movie

    2. taco_kun.
      2 days

      Yup. It’s pretty decent.

  10. Subaru130
    2 days

    One thing about the original Japanese, which the redub was trying to be closer to, vs. the original dub is that the Japanese was much more comfortable using silence to set the tone/atmosphere whereas the dub felt kinda afraid of silence, trying to fill up as much of it as possible with music or jokes. That said, even with that in mind, Hurricane Touchdown is an outlier. Typically, in the actual series, evolutions and the following fights are accompanied by hype evolution songs with lyrics. They definitely tried to get weird and experimental with this one.

  11. Jakob
    2 days

    As a digimon fan I have to say this movie is odd. Much prefer the other movies as well as the various series. Speaking of, you should check those out, it is great.

  12. nick
    2 days

    pretty much 4 kids has like 5 good show digimon is 1 of them funny enough winx another

    2 replies
    1. ghost0427
      1 day

      Digimon wasn't localized by 4Kids, it was localized by Saban 

    2. Quenterius
      2 days

      Winx love that show 

  13. EnC0unT3r
    2 days

    It would be better if you guys watched the original instead of the Redub in my opinion!

  14. Steven
    2 days

    Yeah, this third movie is definitely the worst lol.  But you all should watch more Digimon!  It's got a great universe.  If you ever go the series route, there's Digimon Adventure & Digimon Adventure 02.  As for easy to come by movies, there's the six Digimon Adventure Tri Movies, and then Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning. 

  15. 12gageking
    2 days

    You can watch the american if you want we will all want you to. 

  16. Subaru130
    2 days

    There's definitely downsides to both versions. The music is more fitting for the fights in the combined Digimon the Movie version, but then you get shit like them taking the sad scene of Kokomon going insane and talking about going back and instead shoving it in the credits where he's dancing to Smash Mouth's All Star and Willis jokes about him being tone deaf. It's definitely something funny and meme-worthy to look back on but also kind of messed up to take such a serious scene and turn it into dumb joke. I also don't even think they showed the original kids being kidnapped in the combined version.

    Also, the voice work sounds better in the combined version because that's the original dub when the voice actors were much younger whereas for the redub, they're all much older trying to sound like kids again.

  17. sydneyspade
    2 days

    When people said Digimon is a better game than Pokémon, I didn't believe them. Now I do.

    1 replies
    1. Lucy
      21 hours

      Animé, yes. In terms of games, Digimon is a real mixed bag. Cyber Sleuth and the DLC sequel Hacker's Memory are the only one's I'd consider truly amazing.

      The rest vary from "pretty decent" to "what the hell is this"

  18. Cloud
    2 days

    The second (third) movie takes place in the middle of Adventure 02, after they defeat the first Big Bad but before the new teammate is acquired and the true villain comes into play for the remaining half of the series. But the 4Kids movie spliced the OVA and last two movies into one, changing the random kid who found out about the Virus Digimon they were fighting in the 2nd movie to be Willis himself, and cut out all the kidnapping scenes in the third movie of the first digidestine crew. There is also a lot more cheesy jokes in the 4Kids version, like Taichi's mother being a terrible cook instead of just giving Koushirou too much tea to drink. XD

    That being said, if you want to watch a great season of Digimon, jump into Digimon Tamers. But if you wanna experience the series properly, start with the OG Adventure 01, to 02, then Tamers, and then Frontier. I'd skip the next couple seasons after that, and go straight into Ghost Game. I think Tamers in Japanese is better then the 4Kids version, buuuuut, Adventure 01/02 works well in either translation. Frontiers suffers in English, though...

  19. zach_the_artist
    2 days

    Yeah, the original American combined movie is sooooo good for the music.

  20. KingOfRedLions89
    2 days

    This was cool watching the original versions with you guys. First time I’ve ever seen this version…… but please, please still watch it again with the American combined version….. it’s a completely different experience and you guys will love it. The soundtrack goes hard

  21. Kobe
    2 days

    I'd be down to watch the movie again in the American version. It's definitely worth a reaction 

  22. Dasan
    2 days

    Really wish you guys watched the combined movie the music was sooo much better and it made some moments hit harder but still glad you guys watched it hope you guys try the cyber slueth game 

  23. Cody
    2 days

    ok wow knew that we got a cut down version of this but damn never knew about the original kids getting kidnap sub plot

  24. Jadzia
    2 days

    You guys have to watch the American version with the other soundtrack; it's a totally different vibe and tone!

  25. batman831
    2 days

    I love y'all but this version just ain't it.  No smash mouth, it just ain't right!

  26. Ricky
    2 days

    If you are interested in more digimon stuff, they made a reboot of the original story back in 2020 thats more focused on fights and condensed story.

    1 replies
    1. Cloud
      2 days

      I'd recommend the original over the 2020, though... It made it harder to enjoy the main cast, 'cause it barely let us see them interact and be adventuring together in the digital world. =/

  27. Thomas_Stilinski
    2 days

    This might be the worst version of this I've ever seen lol

  28. Down
    2 days

    The “shorter cut” combined all three movies into one story and slightly altered it to make it flow better. In the shorter cut it’s stated that Willis created diaboromon and it cut out the subplot about the older digidestined being kidnapped. It basically stitched three mostly unrelated stories into one continuous narrative.

  29. Panterx
    2 days

    Im happy they are reacting to digimon but i wish they had watch the American version 

  30. Vexkun
    2 days

    You guys should check the 4kids dub of the 3 movies together for the music only! :P. As for this movie, the mix version cuts the whole part of the older kids getting kidnap.

    1 replies
    1. Vexkun
      2 days

      You guys would really like the first three TV series.

  31. Quenterius
    2 days

    The one u watched was with the Japanese music why the combined one was with different music liked the combined one more cause the music didn't feel right in the original 

  32. capkyros
    2 days

    It honestly pissed me off that you guys didn't get to watch the American version. I wish you would have asked us before watching it..

  33. capkyros
    2 days

    Guys give it like a month and watch the American version.

  34. John
    2 days

    Hope you guys watch the more digimon stuff

  35. kagowolf
    2 days

    Great reaction! Hope you all consider rewatching to experience the OG dub xD 

    The og series and 02 would have given some context on how evolution works. (Sometimes. Cause sometimes it is frustrating when they take awhile to go again (looks at tri) ) But your armors, don’t go again. They just got different armors. 

    2 replies
    1. kagowolf
      2 days

      But I shall warn, dialogue is cheesy xD 4kids and all. But hey, it’s all in good fun.

    2. kagowolf
      2 days

      And I will say, the last movie, still a bit confuzzling either way xD

  36. Kris
    2 days

    That original soundtrack was legendary. Can’t hear “One Week” by Bare Naked Ladies without thinking of that movie.

    1 replies
    1. taco_kun.
      2 days

      Man, I love that song because of this movie lol 

  37. Jason
    2 days

    The soundtrack and pacing of his movie was really rough lol. I think the 4kids version was more exciting 

  38. delta3064
    2 days

    So correct me if I'm wrong in this movie there's the og crew, the armored second crew, and the gamers all in one movie

    1 replies
    1. delta3064
      2 days


      1 replies
      1. Icobi
        2 days

        no Tamer only adventure 01 and 02

  39. KaiserKnight217
    3 days

    i want you guys react to Digimon Adventure 02 4th Moviei Love ReDubbed version

    love it Japanese OST wiith Redubbed Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 Movies

  40. Poet
    3 days

    I think the 4 kid version had better music also you can either watch the digimon remake following the original digimon story or digimon ghost game 

  41. John
    3 days

    Please watch the full 4kids version, you want soundtrack? You won't be disappointed 

  42. Metalpapermario
    3 days

    ngl Kinda want them to watch the combined version, and also the series itself

    1 replies
    1. Xander
      3 days

      I would love for them to watch the series

  43. Icobi
    3 days

    pls watch the original digimon adventure anime it is so good

  44. Jesse
    3 days

    yes googles are what determines main characters  

  45. taco_kun.
    3 days

    I’m not sure how I feel about the redubbed Japanese version but I wasn’t aware that the original DD disappeared in the original plot. That was kind of cool. Still think I overall prefer the original US dub. Hope you guys react to more digimon in the future.

  46. Senpai
    3 days

    Fun Fact: Digimon had it's own sort of "Chimera Ant" Arc written by the same dude who wrote the Madoka anime.

    In Japan it's known as "Digimon: Tamers"

    2 replies
    1. kitrembo
      2 days

      is it as crazy and wild as the Chimera Ant Arc? especially with the guy who wrote Madoka

    2. taco_kun.
      3 days

      Man I would kill for them to react to Tamers. They don’t even necessarily have to watch Adventure or 02 to react to it but if they wanted to go in order, I get it.

      1 replies
      1. Jakob
        2 days

        I would love it if they went in order but if they were to only check out one season then I think Tamers is the best bet as it is the most self contained and it is absolutely amazing

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