DEADPOOL 2 Movie Reaction

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  1. Chris
    6 months

    Supposedly Deadpool & Wolverine will be streaming released on October 1st. Hope that is true and CAN’T WAIT to see you guys react

  2. Kristjaan
    1 year

    It's called ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL 

    Deadpool retells the story from Deadpool 2 to someone 

    With new scenes and jokes

  3. Zach
    1 year

    Did they know that Cable is Cyclops' son? I feel like they went the whole movie not knowing that

  4. Zach
    1 year

    I wish black tom had the accent

  5. Elizabeth
    1 year

    I'm the only one who thinks of Walker when it's the monologue part?

  6. Emperor
    1 year


  7. Damon
    1 year

    Would be nice to see y’all react to The Suicide Squad after this. It very quickly became one of my favourite DC movies.

  8. Ranginald
    1 year

    Aww, missed the last credits scene

  9. Lupikus
    1 year

    Y'all did miss one more after credit scene. Something about Deadpool and Baby Hitler

  10. Lazygeneration
    1 year

    Would love to see you guys watch Real Steel with Hugh Jackman. Also, the sherlock holmes movies with RDJ would be awesome

  11. Chris
    1 year

    Kinda old movie recommendation and I feel like its not one widely known but it's very good. Big Fish. Danny DeVito, Ewan McGregor, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Buscemi etc.

  12. Rez
    1 year

    The Incredibles 1 and 2

  13. Iruma
    1 year

    From what I remember Hugh Jackman said he was retiring as Wolverine after Logan and wouldn’t come back unless it was in the MCU. So I mean…he didn’t lie. ?

    Also I hope you all react to Scott Pilgrim vs the World. It’s another comic/graphic novel movie and it’s hilarious as well as just fantastic. I’m sure you all would love it ^^

  14. Kristian
    1 year

    Love the reaction, sad it isnt the fully uncensored version

  15. BeerFan
    1 year

    Watch Upgrade (2018). Awesome dark sci-fi movie. If you haven't watched it, you'll be in for a treat.

  16. Harry
    1 year

    Juggernaut as far as I know isn't a mutant, he gets his powers from Cyttorak which is why he's so absurdly strong in the comics- sometimes, depending on the writer

  17. The
    1 year

    you should watch guardians of the galaxy trilogy. at least watch guardians of the galaxy vol.3. great movies

    1 replies
    1. logan
      1 year

      they havent seen endgame or infinity war it would make some stuff confusing especially with the third one

  18. Sebastian
    1 year

    I was watching your Logan reaction video while yall uploaded this... Cosmic man..

  19. Tru3D3m0nL0rd
    1 year

    First of all, i love yall reactions; Second, too bad this is the theatrical version and not the Super Duper Cut (which has alternate scenes)

    1 replies
    1. Subaru
      1 year

      if you dont mind saying, what scenes were added?

  20. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Preemptive comment before finishing this video #2:

    Oh, and John Likens (who I think animated the Deadpool intro here) just released a cool realistic TMNT Leonardo animation on his Youtube/ Twitter yesterday. It's only 30 seconds, I just watched it this morning, and it looks amazing!

  21. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I bought that Christmas Deadpool to watch on my Xbox. I cant remember the censoring very well anymore, but t's basically the Princess Bride with some additional footage! Worth watching for those new scenes alone.

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