Christmas in the Spotlight Reaction

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  1. LaLa
    3 months

    I came in to leave a like because I love you Boom, but you can't make me sit through this a second time. I hope you watch the Hallmark Chiefs Christmas movie too, so you can  suffer with the rest of us forced to watch it over Thanksgiving weekend.

  2. Slimymic
    3 months

    Sean you know this means you gotta do more!! This was too funny holy shit 

  3. slavicandsapphic
    3 months

    Havent heard of this and happy to rage right along with everyone les go

  4. rin
    3 months

    Not boom roping me into a hallmark movie😭

  5. Michael
    3 months

    There’s a Christmas movie I would like to recommend. it’s a 2011 movie called Arthur Christmas. I think you guys will really like it.

  6. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    Is this the Sorta Stupid Christmas special? Watching Hallmark Christmas movies? If so I'm FIRMLY seated.

    1 replies
    1. Krmickey
      3 months

      Gotta recommend Hot Frosty then. It’s a Netflix Christmas movie that’s Hallmark level of jaw droppingly dumb. Like more so than any of their others.

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