Barbie Reaction

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  1. DarkTzuyu
    4 months

    You guys should watch white chicks it’s a funny movie 

  2. Pip
    10 months

    I think if there was a sequel, it would probably have to be about Ken figuring out who he is. That was left pretty open ended, with Ken not getting a fully satisfying ending compared to Barbie. Though I don't know what the actual story would be.

  3. Miles
    1 year

    you guys should’ve let him believe that that’s the real creator!!

  4. hurryupmode
    1 year

    All of the footage shown when Ruth tells Barbie to feel was actual home video footage from the women that worked on this film.

  5. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Barbie is a great film, I've seen it at least 3 times now. I liked it more than Oppenheimer.

  6. Brye
    1 year

    The whole ken plot could have been avoided if Barbie was just honest with ken. It seemed kinda obvious that ken just wanted someone to care about him and make him feel important then at the end they just tell him he doesn’t REALLY know what he wants and he should reassess. I just don’t understand why they couldn’t just have ken end up with a Barbie that actually wanted a relationship instead of basically telling him to get a new dream.

    1 replies
    1. Brye
      1 year

      A lot of the jokes about the kens were funny and I didn’t find any of the ken portrayals offensive or anything as a guy. But the way some of the Barbie’s treated the kens, especially the main ones, just really put a bad taste in my mouth. And it was only because some of it was never even addressed as possibly problematic (some ken treatment was in the end) or it was just praised as a good or necessary thing.

  7. Stash
    1 year

    I don't know what they would do for a sequel, and I don't know if whatever they think of could give the same passion or level of execution without retreading the same idea (Plato's Allegory of the Cave/toy leaves their world to discover knowledge, returns to liberate those without that knowledge, and ultimately chooses to live in the bright new world). This movie's story/thesis is so intrinsically tied to Barbies and Kens that I have no idea what new idea they could illustrate with Barbie. If I think of the basic conflicts of storytelling, I can't think of another that'd fit so well using the tools available to them. This story could have only been told with Barbie because of Barbie's history and how she is perceived, and it felt fairly complete to me. I have no idea what they'll do for a sequel...but I'm even more unsure when it comes to the new...Mattel cinematic universe... It's sure to be entertaining no matter which way it goes, I'm sure.

  8. llongo1996
    1 year

    I was honestly surprised with how much I enjoyed this movie because I didn’t know what to expect when I went to see it in theaters. I’m gonna be seeing it in IMAX on Thursday since they’re gonna be doing that 1 week run in IMAX until next week.

  9. Antonio
    1 year

    solid movie

  10. Jakeline
    1 year

    Fun fact the memories of people played in Barbie’s flashback were gathered from the women who worked for the Barbie movie. Everyone there was part of the production of Barbie.

  11. RexWitty
    1 year

    i love that i wore the same shirt as ruff to my friends barbie themed birthday lmao

  12. BNB
    1 year

    You guys should check out Amphibia’s Sasha and Marcy theme song takeover on YouTube

    It gives the context to what happened to them at season 1

  13. summer164
    1 year

    Didn't expect you guys to react to this. Hope you like it.

  14. Bryonna
    1 year

    Love the outfits!!!

  15. kikko78
    1 year

    Please see Miraculous ladybug & Chat Noir movie you don't need to have seen the show to see this movie.

  16. GiGi’s got this
    1 year

    You guys should watch Strange magic

  17. Sleepy Psychic
    1 year

    OMG Y'all should watch Bottoms next!!!!! Such a great campy movie!!!!

  18. EmiRice
    1 year

    I remember pregnant Barbie my folks refuse to buy her for me even though I begged for one lmao! It would be hilarious if they ever reacted to Sam and Mickey's Barbie in their spare time. Side note I forgot Skipper was blonde, dark hair is much better on her

  19. Megan
    1 year

    I’m a girl and I was literally on Ken’s side for so much of this movie tbh. Like I would’ve hated if it went back to the beginning because the Ryan gosling ken was so miserable and that’s why he wanted change so badly. It sucks that he had to change the entirety of barbie land but they should’ve not just been thinking of themselves and never of the Kens.

    1 replies
    1. Liam
      6 days

      Which makes me wonder how much of that was based on Grete's experience with Mattel (after she asked about Ken) telling her they didn't care about what happened with Ken. He didn't matter. 

  20. Em
    1 year

    I feel like everyone chewed on their Polly Pocket clothes! So I get you, Bri! Also, I believe Mattel already has a Polly Pocket movie in the works (as well as a whole Mattel Cinematic Universe) due to the success of the Barbie movie. Mattel owns a ton of toy brands like Hot Wheels, Uno, Little People, etc. I hope if they continue making movies, they don't just do the whole thing of "toy comes to life" every single time, but try to find ways to make each movie unique.

  21. Ren
    1 year

    omg I'd love a La La Land reaction, that was my favorite movie for a long time

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      I haven't seen La La Land yet either, though I always meant to watch it. So, if you guys react to it, you would literally be killing 2 birds with 1 stone on my end! ?

  22. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Just so you know, the sequel is already confirmed!!!

    1 replies
    1. llongo1996
      1 year

      I haven’t seen or heard anything about a sequel getting announced or confirmed. Where did you find it confirmed?

  23. Lauryn
    1 year

    I feel like they could do another movie about monster high or bratz, I feel like they both have Barbie a run for their money

    1 replies
    1. EmiRice
      1 year

      I really want a live action Bratz not that shit from 2007 but like an actual good movie

  24. Harus
    1 year

    You know, I could've gone my entire life not watching this movie, but just for the fact it's you guys-

  25. Lauryn
    1 year

    Alan was supposed to be kens best friend that could also wear all his clothes so you could use your clothes from your ken dolls to also put on the Alan doll but I guess it didn’t work well

  26. alex.
    1 year


  27. Emperor
    1 year

    Ah hell yea I love this movie. It gets a bit preachy but it’s still amazing. Ken is the goat

  28. Trish
    1 year


  29. Internet Zing
    1 year

    OH MY GOD!!! My wish has finally come true! Thank you guys so much to react to this! I know you will love this ????????

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