Baby Driver Reaction

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  1. Diesel
    1 year

    An unbelievable ride from start to finish. Every scene set to the musicm every car door, every gunshot, every squeal. Edgar Wright is a goddamn GENIUS. The transitions, the shots, the practically shot car chases, it has it all. 10/10 Flawless.

  2. matt
    1 year

    Watch the divergent series please the first is one of my favorite movies and you’ll get to like them all

  3. Chris
    1 year

    If you like White Noise then you'll like Shutter and maybe 1408 too. Both are thrillers. I am not someone who enjoys horror movies cause of my anxiety but I can handle most thrillers. Shutter I know was 2004 I can't remember when 1408 was tho.

  4. Philbo
    1 year

    i still hope you guys watch

    - Evil dead (2013) and Evil Dead Rise

    - Spider-Man Far from home and No way home

    - The kingsman movies would be FIRE

    - that Trilogy Shaun of the dead, Hot Fuzz and Worlds end is going to fun

    - Would also love more Horror movie reactions to ones you havent seen yet

    I can go on a much longer list lol

  5. docrubente
    1 year

    If you're watching Edgar Wright movies, might I recommend Scott Pilgrim vs the World?

  6. _Owwls_
    1 year

    Do all Kingsman movies and more Twilight!!

  7. Lily Mrrgglton
    1 year

    You watching Worlds End? Cant wait, way too funny movie imo, especially for reacts

  8. hexoutx
    1 year

    guys you think bats is ok?

  9. Vexxar
    1 year

    Love your reactions all, looking forward to your Hot Fuzz reaction its comedy gold

  10. iron pirate
    1 year


  11. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Another Edgar Wright movie I highly recommend is Last Night in Soho! It’s an awesome movie!

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