As Above So Below Reaction

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  1. Slasher2
    12 hours

    SCP 2316

  2. Lauryn
    18 hours

    What’s wrong with us blue eyed people? 

  3. alex.
    1 day

    Funny enough I liked this movie a bit more on the second watch. It's not amazing by all means but it's got a decent lore at least, definitely better found footage films out there

  4. FryLord
    1 day

    NGL, not a fan of this movie, binged a bunch of trash horror movies back in college and walked away fuming from this one because that final scene you can legit see the zippers on the costumes but...saw the thumbnail to this and that it's a Sean solo reaction and come on...gotta check it out. We simpin out here. Ten mins in and the movie is already gross, her character is so boring, rich girl with a complex who thinks she can do whatever she wants, it's all the negative qualities of lara croft with none of the charm

  5. Momokol
    1 day

    I swear there was a cut of this movie where only she makes it, but then again its been awile

  6. Jadzia
    2 days

    Funny Comment.

  7. Atticus
    2 days

    A movie centering about the Philospher's Stone? Fingers crossed this is a prelude to a Fullmetal Alchemist reaction heh.

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