A Year Without a Santa Claus Reaction

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  1. nick
    3 months

    At timestamp 40:00 Mother Nature points to the wrong brother while giving instructions, she points to Snow Miser telling him to allow the other brother to have a cold day in the south and Heat Miser to allow there be a hot day at the north pole

  2. Honey
    3 months

    My mom is older than the movie, it came out when she was 5 and she’s 55 now

  3. barodspider
    3 months

    you guys should watch the santa clause

  4. Whispie
    3 months

    There's a movie that I cannot recommend enough for this time of year. In my opinion, it is the greatest Christmas movie ever made and it CANNOT be topped...

    Jingle All The Way

    It is a beautifully hilarious product of the '90s featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  5. hollyjollygamer
    3 months

    This is probably my favorite special. Glad you all reacted to it

  6. Xandred_Bass
    3 months

    I'm so glad you watched this. Easily one of my favorite Christmas movies 

  7. Johnny
    3 months

    You guys would love Jim Carreys Grinch

  8. Inkasaurus
    3 months

    For other holiday reactions, I recommendThe Grinch

    Arthur Christmas

    Prep & Landing

    S1 E1 Simpsons

    Home Alone

  9. Aileen
    3 months

    These stop motion clay animations are my top Christmas movies!! I have the collectors set of all of them and watch them very year!! I'm 8 years younger than this movie :) 

  10. Charlie
    3 months

    my favorites probably santa claus is coming to town but this ones also great, would lve yall to binge the rest of the rankin bass claymation christmas movies

  11. Carson
    3 months

    My favorite one right off the bat!

  12. Amantè
    3 months

    this was my mom and I's favorite christmas movie, this is wild; hopefully, yall watch the Grinch too [the 1996 or 2000 version]

    1 replies
    1. Amantè
      3 months

      my mom was 13 when this came out lol

  13. Etta
    3 months

    Would LOVE to see you guys react to Rise of the Guardians! 

  14. DrawingFyreFox
    3 months

    My favourie version of Heat Miser and Snow Miser is an Animatic of the songs on youtube made by Gemtrovert. They completely revamp the designs. Heat Miser actually looks cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMRIaCFgv24

  15. Atticus
    3 months

    You guys have gotta do Ernest Saves Christmas.

  16. idziman
    3 months

    It's a shame that Sean and Bree were too busy participating in the War on Christmas to join the reaction. I hope you'll react to Santa Claus is Comin' to Town sometime, and hopefully they'll be discharged from the front lines to join in for it!

  17. Lexi_animeweeb
    3 months

    it would be awesome if they reacted to A Miser Brother Christmas.

  18. julian
    3 months

    There is so many bizarre rankin and bass Christmas movies that bring me so much joy rudof’s shining new year, frostie’s 4th of July, a Pinocchio Christmas, and the leprechaun’s Christmas gold just to name a few

  19. Lexi_animeweeb
    3 months

    my dad is literally a year older than this movie 😂

  20. Shalah
    3 months

    Okay I'm dying over here. My dad is a professional Santa Claus and my mom's name is Martha

  21. Fish
    3 months

    Y'all need to react to Rise of The Guardians this upcoming Christmas, it's amazing

  22. Petrichor12
    3 months

    I always liked the stop motion Jack Frost, but it was one of those that played at the weirdest times. Like Nester the Long Eared Donkey or Little Drummer Boy.

  23. Stash
    3 months

    @7:30 According to Rankin/Bass’s “Santa Claus is Comin to Town” (another stop-motion movie I really hope you guys will react to; it’s a childhood favorite of mine), Mrs. Claus’s first name is Jessica. :)


    @27:01 - 27:10 CHARLIE CHAPLIN??

  24. LaLa
    3 months

    You guys have to react to the Rankin-Bass stop motion 1985 The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. It's the absolute TRIPPIEST stop motion in their catalog! It's one of the few movies I actually recommend smoking before, during, and after viewing. As a kid even my mom thought it was weird as hell. 😂

    1 replies
    1. George
      3 months

      I love that one! What other Santa story was a war between immortals lol

  25. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    These old stop motion Christmas movies are like nostalgia injected into my veins, ill always watch reactions to them

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