The UNHINGED Star Wars PS1 game BROKE us… – UNCUT

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  1. lightning132ttv
    9 months

    You might have to hold down the "interact" button to push objects. The button that lets you push buttons in the game.

  2. Petrichor12
    9 months

    The OG Lego Star Wars for 360 remains one of my favorite games to this day!

  3. devontetheenigma
    9 months

    Man, y'all should definitely checkout Lego Star wars the complete saga after finishing the prequels

  4. J.
    9 months

    "The game is actually good."

    No, No it is not and never was. Some of us who were little and obsessed with Star Wars back then would insist it was fun, but we said that about any trash with a lighsaber in it.

  5. Hollowjac
    9 months

    Were are you guys getting these old ass games?. No really I'm genuinely curious.

    2 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      9 months

      Some of them are available on steam, others on ps plus.

    2. Vlad3163
      9 months

      This one is in the PSPlus Classics.

  6. LaLa
    9 months

    Sooooo, I desperately wanted to watch all of this, but 3 seconds into you playing the game I started getting vertigo and motion sickness. ?

    The 30 seconds beforehand was amazing though, you guys were f*n hilarious! Glad you were all in good spirits. I lost it when Erik started throwing shade at Ruff and started playing another video game while he started this one!

    Anyhoo, excited for Episode 1 to hit the channel soon. ?

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