Family Feud! Red Dead Redemption 2 First Playthrough – Part 6

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  1. Mitchell
    6 months

    Just reached the halfway mark in my second playthrough out of solidarity brother

  2. Parisj
    6 months

    Do you guys take show request? If so I think you guys should watch the marvelous misadventures of flapjack. 

    1 replies
    1. Ryan
      6 months

      they have request thrown at them from every angle.  Often repeated every day by some.  Just don't spam suggestions and participate when they put out polls

  3. Jamie
    6 months

    also, yes, Red Dead is on PC now. that's what i play on. 

  4. Jamie
    6 months

    i don't believe there are random horses in camp you can claim, i think they all belong to someone in camp. i could be wrong, though, there might be some unnamed ones? but most belong to someone 

  5. Jamie
    6 months

    i literally JUST finished last ep lol!! here we go, 3 more hours

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