First Time Playing Psychonauts

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  1. FryLord
    5 months

    Im a month late to this video but this game I'm like 20+ years late because I rememb er it releasing on the original xbox and I never got it. Wish I did because it's double fine and the voice of Zim and I can't stop imagining Zim in Raz's place everytime he speaks

  2. The 16bit Couple
    6 months

    this ia an amazing game!

  3. Nathaniel
    6 months

    I am the milkman. My milk is delicious.

  4. Pip
    6 months

    Oh hell yes, please play through Psychonauts. Such a fantastic game. And I wanna see you go through the Meat Circus.

  5. Hunter
    6 months

    This was awesome and more would definitely be awesome too

  6. exemptedslinky
    6 months

    One of my all-time favorite games right here.

  7. Ranginald
    6 months

    Hell yeah Psychonauts is one of the best experiences in platforming fr


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