Playstation State of Play Reaction 9/14/2023

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  1. Dezwolf86
    1 year

    1000% Favorite game from the showcase is Spiderman 2, I can't wait till it comes out, slowly replaying the first one to 100% then doing the same for Miles

  2. Harry
    1 year

    so nice to see FF games embrace the camp again, XVI started strong but somehow took itself too seriously and then tried to discard all the buildup for a balls to the wall finale

  3. Afro-M
    1 year

    Would you consider doing gameplay of spider-man on the channel or on your personal chanels?

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 year

      I'll definitely stream it some on mine, not sure if Ruff will or not. If there's eventually enough interest, we may make a gaming channel.

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