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6 months
what is going on with the brightness?
6 months
Holy shit dude the brightness is so low. I turned my tablet to max in a dark room and could barely see anything
7 months
I would recommend turning on the setting hang tells you who is speaking by telling you their name in the subtitles. It helps with distinguishing everyone
7 months
lol, weirdly enough, had you Mercy Killed the wolf attack victim, you would’ve been rewarded with positive honor. There’s a large variety of random encounters, and in a lot of them, you can save people, avoid conflict & gain world building lore depending on your choices.
7 months
yesss i just saw that ep 3 was uploaded too so i am SOOO happy this seems to be turning into a series. excited to see your reaction to the story!
7 months
Awesome video Sean, just wondering if the others are gonna play as well or is this a solo series now? But anyways great video, just some tips for the game, You can take the deer carcass to camp or to a trapper or a butcher in town. Also make sure to take notice of your cores, food is the thing that fills up your cores, and in the encounter with the O’Driscoll gang at the end your low eye core made you lose your dead eye faster, even tho you filled the ring. Great job taking them out btw! Another thing, if you’d like to change the map or make it bigger or take it off, you can hold the down button on the arrow pad to toggle options. Last note, when brushing your horse, you have to spam click the brush button for maybe like 5-10 seconds, pressing it once doesn’t do much.
Sorry it was kinda long but I rlly look forward to more Red Dead 2!
7 months
7 months
Hell yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about more RED DEAD
what is going on with the brightness?
Holy shit dude the brightness is so low. I turned my tablet to max in a dark room and could barely see anything
I would recommend turning on the setting hang tells you who is speaking by telling you their name in the subtitles. It helps with distinguishing everyone
lol, weirdly enough, had you Mercy Killed the wolf attack victim, you would’ve been rewarded with positive honor. There’s a large variety of random encounters, and in a lot of them, you can save people, avoid conflict & gain world building lore depending on your choices.
yesss i just saw that ep 3 was uploaded too so i am SOOO happy this seems to be turning into a series. excited to see your reaction to the story!
Awesome video Sean, just wondering if the others are gonna play as well or is this a solo series now? But anyways great video, just some tips for the game, You can take the deer carcass to camp or to a trapper or a butcher in town. Also make sure to take notice of your cores, food is the thing that fills up your cores, and in the encounter with the O’Driscoll gang at the end your low eye core made you lose your dead eye faster, even tho you filled the ring. Great job taking them out btw! Another thing, if you’d like to change the map or make it bigger or take it off, you can hold the down button on the arrow pad to toggle options. Last note, when brushing your horse, you have to spam click the brush button for maybe like 5-10 seconds, pressing it once doesn’t do much.
Sorry it was kinda long but I rlly look forward to more Red Dead 2!
Hell yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about more RED DEAD