1. Mika
    1 year

    love this game alot im still stuck on the one when i got sandy

  2. Ruben
    1 year

    this really bring some memories, love the content, you should try the movie videogame

  3. imrightoverhere
    1 year

    cool, you guys gonna play the SU games too?

  4. Gold475
    1 year

     play the arkham games

  5. James
    1 year

    i would love to see yall play crash bandicoot 

  6. Jordan
    1 year

    You guys should play the SpongeBob SquarePants movie from PS2!!!

  7. maskedmagician
    1 year

    Please play the Spongebob Movie game if you can get your hands on it

  8. ernestova891
    1 year

    are we getting pirates of the carribean reactions?

  9. death
    1 year

    fun fact this remake was only possible because the speedrunning community made this game soo popular

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