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1 month
I think there are 16 Colossi. Also, as an fyi, Agro is a girl.
1 replies
1 month
The tails you need to eat are the lizards with the white tails. They'll increase your strength pool (the yellow circle). There are also fruit that'll increase your health pool (the red bar).
1 replies
1 month
Mechanic-wise this game is 100% physics-based. You should also turn off "Motion Blur", by the way :)
I think there are 16 Colossi. Also, as an fyi, Agro is a girl.
The tails you need to eat are the lizards with the white tails. They'll increase your strength pool (the yellow circle). There are also fruit that'll increase your health pool (the red bar).
Mechanic-wise this game is 100% physics-based. You should also turn off "Motion Blur", by the way :)