First Time Playing Red Dead Redemption 2

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  1. Jamie
    8 months

    please i hope you do the full story as a series because my god i need to see your reaction to the ending

  2. Prometheus
    8 months

    It's not cash, it's MUNEYHH, but seriously, I'm excited to see this playthrough 

  3. Cole
    8 months

    To answer Eric’s question of how u wipe in the woods, many people used corn shucks to wipe back then. Those are what u get when u eat a whole corn on a cob. Either that or leaves, paper, or ur hand if ur desperate

  4. rangerghost24
    8 months

    Do i want a part 2? I want a series lmao

  5. Mr.Maple
    8 months

    I hope to god, you fellas play the rest.

  6. Alexander
    8 months

    Definitely hope to see a continuation.

  7. Sly
    8 months

    This makes me wanna see you guys watch a bunch of westerns. Tombstone, Magnificent Seven, The Hateful Eight, Django Unchained, Fistful of Dollars, etc. I'm down if ya'll are gettin into a western mood.

  8. Mitchell
    8 months

    GTFO this is so weird, I literally just started my playthrough today.

  9. Antonio
    8 months

    Hopefully y'all finish this, it's easily my favorite game of all time

  10. DKThunder
    8 months

    1:30:50 for the expert strats.

  11. nightwolf4397
    8 months

    hell yes i know its a long game but im hoping yall will play through the story

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