First Time Playing Bioshock… Bioshock, Gaming To view this content, you must be a member of Sorta Stupid Patreon or Youtube at $10 or moreAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Slime 11 months A great gmae thats like bioshock is prey (2017) I feel none of you guys have probably played it which would make a great blind playthrough!
Obsidian 11 months Hell yeah! I just bought the remasters f 1 and 2 on xbox. Be watching this while I'm playing too ?
you should play elden ring is top tier game and soon the dlc is coming out
You lot should try Prey, (the one in 2017 not the orìginal)
A great gmae thats like bioshock is prey (2017) I feel none of you guys have probably played it which would make a great blind playthrough!
It says this vid is only for $10 or more but im a diamond teir
I think the link to the video is broken. Its just a picture for me
Hell yeah! I just bought the remasters f 1 and 2 on xbox. Be watching this while I'm playing too ?
Day 6 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009