Finally a Good Star Wars Game!

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  1. Joseph
    2 months

    videos not working 

  2. MephilesNumberOneFan
    5 months

    One of the best parts of the game is the alternate ending you can get.

  3. TheWojtek11
    9 months

    While the game does look good, I'd not exactly say it's amazing for a PS2. It's not like bad obviously but I'd more put it in the middle graphics wise. This game released the same year as Resident Evil 4 and a year after Metal Gear Solid 3.

    PS2 just had way better graphics capabilites than people actually remember/realise

  4. RedAmethyst915
    9 months

    the original Lego Star Wars games are a must 

  5. Gabriel
    9 months

    I hope you guys play fallen order and Force Unleashed

  6. Foulrookie
    9 months

    If you want to laugh your asses off you guys should play through the lego starwars skywalker saga game. Its full of hilarious cutscenes and some of the funniest visual gags ever, even anakin's idle animation in episodes 2 and 3 is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

  7. ZayZillions
    9 months

    Versus modeis unlocked already at the start 

  8. ZayZillions
    9 months

    The best Star Wars game alive(to me)

  9. hakairyu
    9 months

    Would love to see more of this, perhaps with them figuring out the co-op missions are not the main campaign even

  10. JollyNik
    9 months

    Stop it!


    T A U N T I N G



  11. Callum
    9 months

    A game before the movie...werk, I guess lol

  12. PJ
    9 months

    Sorta Stupid: “We’ve watches the first 6 Star Wars movies”

    The Billies: Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      9 months

      omg love it!

  13. MegumiMary
    9 months


    You gave us so many back to back only to hold out on us with the best one!

    kinda makes me wish you spaced out the movies a bit if this was the alternative....

    1 replies
    1. Cerebral
      9 months

      yeah same they were cranking them so i was expecting this one like within the next day or two. Didnt expect to have to wait weeks

  14. sombra_hacker09
    9 months

    Damn we got the game before the movie reaction

  15. Easy_DG
    9 months

    Please play Star Wars The Force Unleashed its about Darth Vader's Apprentice and I know how much yall would love that game cuz its pretty much just a hack and slash just destroying everything in your way but it still has a VERY good story not to mention there's two of them.

  16. ernestova891
    9 months

    Where’s the movie?

  17. Aegis
    9 months

    The movie tho?

    1 replies
    1. Gabriel
      9 months

      It seems they watched it but just haven't uploaded it yet

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