First Time Playing Detroit Become Human

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  1. kaii_0111
    6 months

    Im very excited for this!! really hope they bring it back

  2. Cara
    7 months

    SPOILER WARNING FOR THE OTHER PATH WHEN CARL DIES - if you disobeyed Carl, he would have lived but instead of Leo accusing Markus, the cops misunderstand the situation and think Markus attacked Leo unprovoked and shoot him anyways. It doesn't change much, but you do miss out on a very sweet yet heartbreaking scene later on now that he's dead

  3. Wren
    7 months

    I can't wait to see you guys play more of this game! It's been my favorite game for years now and I always love watching people play through it.

  4. Kizuato
    7 months

    Funny thing I actually know the girl who plays Alice in this game. My mom and her mom have been best friends since college and we flew to France some time ago to see her. 

  5. iKirbeeburgr
    7 months

    As for Todd, it’s just like Stoic told Hiccup in How To Train Your Dragon 2; “Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with.”

  6. Jamie
    7 months

    please play the full game!! i love this game so much!

  7. iKirbeeburgr
    7 months

    Caaaaarrrrl You have to keep playing, Carl! 🥺 You can't just stop there, i wanna see what happens next... Caaaarrllll 😭

  8. Hey
    7 months

    the ost in this game is so good. Missed this game sm so glad to see it being played

  9. SauceyRed
    7 months

    SEMI-SPOILER for a thing with Todd later on if you don't kill him in the house:

    If you have seen the family photo in Alice's box and don't kill Todd, there's a scene in the late game where he can be interacted with and you get an option that leads to him to breaking down and admitting his faults, wishing you good luck and seeming like the start of an off-screen redemption arc.

  10. mayasha_chan
    7 months

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so glad you guys are enjoying this game! The replay value is so rewarding and it is such a great one to watch others play with the vast variety of choices and options that effect the story. I love it so much! Can't wait to see you guys play more!

  11. SauceyRed
    7 months

    I said "YES" out loud when I saw this lmao, this game is so good.

  12. Zen
    7 months

    "Look at everything" proceeds to not look at 80% of every environment 

  13. Halcyon Days
    7 months

    Diamond tier is so worth it for this lmao and Boom's right LOOK AT EVERYTHING lol excited for the rest!

    1 replies
    1. Halcyon Days
      7 months

      What they fucking killed Connor on first try I CANT LMAOOOO

      2 replies
      1. Jamie
        7 months

        thankfully the first mission doesn't count LOL

      2. SauceyRed
        7 months

        Truly a Sorta Stupid moment lmao

  14. Aaron
    7 months

    Choose your own adventure games are awesome. Quantic Dream also did Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls, both also very good games in the genre.

  15. Barbara
    7 months

    random movie reccomendation: Stick It. really good gymnastics movie with legit cool moves and decent humor

  16. Mitchell
    7 months

    This game was so creative and fun, with so many possible outcomes and branching stories. 

  17. Sam
    7 months

    1:14:50 I need you to hit the gong right now mister!

  18. roy7
    7 months

    You can replay any chapter at any time... feel free to play Kara's story again and go upstairs instead of talking to Todd. Explore the tree more, unlocks points to spend on Extras menu. :)

    1 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      7 months

      I think it'd be more interesting for them to do that once they've played through the whole game once.

  19. Dotty
    7 months

    I can't believe you guys are playing Detroit, omg! But a few things/tips, 1. I recommend playing through the whole game without going back and redoing anything, if you wanna see a different outcome, I think there's a non-saving mode where it won't save over the main game 2. Connor is a prototype, notice how the  last 2 numbers on his jacket changed when he died and 3. All the crime scenes are timed, there is a thing when you take too long to figure out the crime scene. Either way, definitely looking forward to seeing what choices you make!

  20. roy7
    7 months

    I'm amazed you weren't curious enough about the flowchart the first time to scroll around and look it over. :)

  21. Coco
    7 months

    I love this game

  22. Keywii
    7 months

    (Making this comment at 20 minutes in) I know you guys are playing blind, and I do love seeing blind playthroughs, but it would have been so cool if you passed the controller and like each of you had a designated character you played as. As an example, Boom played only Kara, and Ruff played only Marcus. It'd make choices made and the stories that happened more like, personal, you know?

    2 replies
    1. Alex
      7 months

      That's a really cool idea

    2. Dotty
      7 months

      Brooo, that would be FIRE! 3 characters, 3 players, it just works!

      1 replies
      1. Vlad3163
        7 months

        Bro Super Best Friends tried that on launch and it was a nightmare.  There are sections where control can swap between two player characters with seconds between swaps.

        1 replies
        1. roy7
          7 months

          Yeah don't try to swap mid-act based on the character. But different people could run different acts if they prefer. Whatever the guys prefer to do is fine. :)

  23. Bonnie
    7 months

    You guys are going to love this game!


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