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7 days
I wanna see Liam Neeson or Daniel Craig as The Doctor
9 days
In Australia boxing day is when the shops have huge sales, and everyone spends their Christmas money
10 days
I'm sorry bit ya'll Americans Definately LOST the war of 1812.
You started it because you wanted to conquer Canada ... and by the end you'd litterally gained no territory and had your capital burned down... so how you guys always say you beat us is just Crazy to me
11 days
Yall might find the movie with 8 to be entertaining. Paul McGann's Doctor is almost invisible because his only screen time is the poorly recieved (and kinda rightly so, lol) movie in the 80s, but the 8th variation is actually pretty cool and got to live on in a lot of books. I can't remember now if it was audiobooks or like radio play programs, but I remember listening to McGann as the Doctor at some point, and it's really good.
11 days
Eccleston is amazing. Totally underated because of the cheese and poor effects in his episodes. So many people skip him because like Sean said, the show doesn't really take off until Tennant, but without Eccleston being so good in this new version of Doctor Who, we wouldn't have the rest. Give him his flowers.But 10 is "my" doctor. Followed closely by 12. They had such good character arcs and amazing acting. Some of the writing gets weak in the show--most of 11 and especially early 12 imo--but the strong moments are so iconic and powerful. 13 is solid, but 10 & 12... *chefs kiss* with 9 as runner up.
11 days
Really cool details for this, Doctors are chosen, not auditioned. The offer goes out to the actor who the showrunners want the most and they work down a list. The Doctor's ensemble, their personalities, and even the look and feel of their TARDIS tends to be determined by the actor in some small part.
12 days
Is it just me or is some sound effects too loud?The same scene it’s just mid music but then BOOM BANG POW! Like it’s audio quality is just peaking
1 replies
8 days
Thats not our fault. Thats the audio balancing of the show. We can either have it be too quiet entirely or what we raise it to gets complained about too. Nothing we can do about it.
12 days
What's with the Spotify ads and music playing over the episode?
1 replies
12 days
Okay, nvm, the live people let you know. That would have made this pretty unwatchable if it went on for the whole episode
12 days
Technically, it's not the first episode of the season. As was said, Christmas specials are episodes of their own, outside of the normal seasons. So the next episode will be the actual first episode of Season 2, this one simply marks the transition between the 2. Some Christmas specials are, let's say, "optional", as in they don't bring anything big to the story, while others, like this one, are mandatory, because it helps you grab a hold of the Tenth Doctor's personality and explains why Rose still trusts him and travels with him.
12 days
Was Jason played by Paul Andersen, as in Arthur fucking Shelby.
12 days
Hate to correct you but, America sued for peace at the end of the 1812 war. America gave up shortly after the British set fire to the white house.
1 replies
5 days
don't try to use logic against yanks, they won't understand
I wanna see Liam Neeson or Daniel Craig as The Doctor
In Australia boxing day is when the shops have huge sales, and everyone spends their Christmas money
I'm sorry bit ya'll Americans Definately LOST the war of 1812.
You started it because you wanted to conquer Canada ... and by the end you'd litterally gained no territory and had your capital burned down... so how you guys always say you beat us is just Crazy to me
Yall might find the movie with 8 to be entertaining. Paul McGann's Doctor is almost invisible because his only screen time is the poorly recieved (and kinda rightly so, lol) movie in the 80s, but the 8th variation is actually pretty cool and got to live on in a lot of books. I can't remember now if it was audiobooks or like radio play programs, but I remember listening to McGann as the Doctor at some point, and it's really good.
Eccleston is amazing. Totally underated because of the cheese and poor effects in his episodes. So many people skip him because like Sean said, the show doesn't really take off until Tennant, but without Eccleston being so good in this new version of Doctor Who, we wouldn't have the rest. Give him his flowers.But 10 is "my" doctor. Followed closely by 12. They had such good character arcs and amazing acting. Some of the writing gets weak in the show--most of 11 and especially early 12 imo--but the strong moments are so iconic and powerful. 13 is solid, but 10 & 12... *chefs kiss* with 9 as runner up.
Really cool details for this, Doctors are chosen, not auditioned. The offer goes out to the actor who the showrunners want the most and they work down a list. The Doctor's ensemble, their personalities, and even the look and feel of their TARDIS tends to be determined by the actor in some small part.
Is it just me or is some sound effects too loud?The same scene it’s just mid music but then BOOM BANG POW! Like it’s audio quality is just peaking
Thats not our fault. Thats the audio balancing of the show. We can either have it be too quiet entirely or what we raise it to gets complained about too. Nothing we can do about it.
What's with the Spotify ads and music playing over the episode?
Okay, nvm, the live people let you know. That would have made this pretty unwatchable if it went on for the whole episode
Technically, it's not the first episode of the season. As was said, Christmas specials are episodes of their own, outside of the normal seasons. So the next episode will be the actual first episode of Season 2, this one simply marks the transition between the 2. Some Christmas specials are, let's say, "optional", as in they don't bring anything big to the story, while others, like this one, are mandatory, because it helps you grab a hold of the Tenth Doctor's personality and explains why Rose still trusts him and travels with him.
Was Jason played by Paul Andersen, as in Arthur fucking Shelby.
Hate to correct you but, America sued for peace at the end of the 1812 war. America gave up shortly after the British set fire to the white house.
don't try to use logic against yanks, they won't understand