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1 month
I don't have a crazy bus story, but I did have a crazy bus driver once. Or it felt that way. She was always the first bus at school, and left really early. Like much earlier than the other buses. I believe she had multiple bus driver gigs, so she left early to get to the other one. One time, she wasn't there, and when we asked one of the administrators, he radioed her. She apparently left with only one kid on the bus, even though she knew not that many of us decided to stay late. She had to come back and pick us all up. She didn't get back until after the second wave of buses left, and after the late buses who usually came after the second wave had come and gone. We think she might have done another route before coming back for us. It sucked having to wait so long.
But that's not all. One time, she saw some stuff people were selling on the side of the road. And she ask my best friend and I if we could go ask them how much it was. So we went and knocked on the door, and asked the owners how much it was because our bus driver wanted to know. They told us, and we told her. And then she said t oget back on the bus so she could finish the route. But we were closer to our houses from there, so we said we'd walk the rest of the way. So, she drove of. School was a weird time of my life.
I don't have a crazy bus story, but I did have a crazy bus driver once. Or it felt that way. She was always the first bus at school, and left really early. Like much earlier than the other buses. I believe she had multiple bus driver gigs, so she left early to get to the other one. One time, she wasn't there, and when we asked one of the administrators, he radioed her. She apparently left with only one kid on the bus, even though she knew not that many of us decided to stay late. She had to come back and pick us all up. She didn't get back until after the second wave of buses left, and after the late buses who usually came after the second wave had come and gone. We think she might have done another route before coming back for us. It sucked having to wait so long.
But that's not all. One time, she saw some stuff people were selling on the side of the road. And she ask my best friend and I if we could go ask them how much it was. So we went and knocked on the door, and asked the owners how much it was because our bus driver wanted to know. They told us, and we told her. And then she said t oget back on the bus so she could finish the route. But we were closer to our houses from there, so we said we'd walk the rest of the way. So, she drove of. School was a weird time of my life.
I adore clowns :3c
I adore...fictional ones??