Apothecary Diaries Episode 12-14 Reaction

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  1. Navy
    1 month

    Jinshi fumbled the bag, indeed. But! We can take solace that he didn't fumble as hard as Modecai. Nobody, has ever fumbled,  as BAD as Mordo

  2. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i love Chappelle roan too <3 

  3. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    yessssss sean your awesome and a amazing better keep doing u and everything <3

  4. Jane
    1 month

    Starting with black, each player takes turns to place a single stone on the board.

    When a stone is played so that it causes a group of opposing stones to have no liberties, that group is captured.

    A player cannot play a stone to a location such that a previous position is repeated.

    Got all of the rules of go for you right here, man. Enjoy the horrifically brain-bending process of making this into usable strategy.

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