Dr. Who S2 Episode 5-6 Reaction

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  1. Adam
    2 days

    Do want to point out that those rope ladders are notoriously hard to climb stationary, let alone hanging from a moving zeppelin.

  2. Sean
    3 days

    The best part of these reacts is expression on Sean's face everytime the gang predicts something and he cant react cause of spoilers

  3. cynderblock5340
    3 days

    The musical motifs on this show are great tools of foreshadowing throughout the whole show so listen closely!!

  4. Quin
    4 days

    Sometimes I hate how unempathetic you guys are. Like, whenever characters make choices that you disagree with, you just jump to hating the character, and make absolutely no effort to actually understand them or their perspective.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      4 days

      To be clear, I don't disagree that Rose treats Mickey like crap, or that she makes a lot of bad decisions. But I feel like you guys give her a pretty disproportionate amount of hate and usually can't see her perspective, and can't appreciate her better qualities either.

      1 replies
      1. cynderblock5340
        3 days

        Yeah I agree. RTD wrote her to be an imperfect character and a reflection of real human emotion not a perfect sidekick that always does what’s she’s told and never gets jealous. She’s the opposite of that but she has room for growth, but her relationship with the Doctor is super dependent and that’s not just on her side. You can see it on his too. They mentioned how it’s just fun and games to Rose in the Tooth and Claw episode but the Doctor and her have the same view on their adventures he took the bet she made about queen Victoria and he was giggling with her the whole time. It’s a disservice to her character to point out her flaws while ignoring the Doctors and completely setting aside her best qualities….that being said everyone agrees Mickey deserved to be treated better but he only decided to cling on to Rose after she started to drift away. He was comfortable in the relationship and didn’t give anything else to it. Let’s not forget that after her job was blown up he was just going to leave her to watch the match, but learned to be more active and engaging, and had his own growth as well. He gathered up the courage to go out there and take part of action. It’s a complete turn around from where he started 

  5. Fox0
    4 days

    Now I wanna see a Dalek and Cyberman fight

  6. Isabelle Xena Autumn
    4 days

    I love Rose, but she does treat Mickey like shit, so I get it

    1 replies
    1. sydneyspade
      2 days

      Because he lets her. She's a bad girlfriend to him, but he still tolerates her. 

  7. A.M
    5 days

    So glad were getting more

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