Invincible Episode 7 Reaction

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  1. iKirbeeburgr
    1 day

    cause when i saw "Many months later" i said Many Moons & then Boom said it Right after.

    That's all i wanted to say. i just thought it was cool.

  2. imrightoverhere
    1 day

    this episode was great, but i feel like this episode should've been split into two, cause 1) rex's death is treated like a subplot, when they've been building it up for multiple seasons, and 2) the casualties and the devastation from the invincible war is barely even shown, for an event that took out more people than chicago and probably has bigger stakes (not a comic reader so idk), it was odd to me how impersonal the deaths were.

    2 replies
    1. Robert
      1 day

      yea that how it was in the comics, this arc was only like 1 issue in the comics they actually added a bit to the arc for the show but  the point of this arc in the comics s it happens so fast and the scale you don't have time to process everything till after it completely done 

    2. Ranginald
      1 day

      Making Rex 10 times cooler then making his death just as uneventful as in the comics is demonic work

  3. sombra_hacker09
    2 days


  4. countershock3032986
    2 days

    Extra to cecils point about mark needing to be out there, their best anti viltrub weapon has no targeting its just blast the room with soundwaves that shut down mark too

  5. Residentfan 1
    2 days

    Rex Splode is a parody of Gambit. Remember how Gambit died in X-Men 97? 

  6. Residentfan 1
    2 days

    “Is it murder if you do it to yourself?” No, that’d be suicide

  7. Sly
    2 days

    My favorite boy Jeffery Dean Morgan as Conquest? Lets fucking go boys! Invincible vs Negan next week!

    1 replies
    1. Pastrie
      2 days

      Glenn finally getting that rematch

  8. Eric
    2 days

    The Immortal actually killed one of the marks in the comics solo. I was a little disappointed they didn’t give him a win real quick here for once. 

    1 replies
    1. Jsm
      2 days

      Same with techjacket. I get the reasoning behind them not showing too much of him but he still took out 2 marks with his base level jacket-armour-thingy

  9. kirpikins
    2 days

    Rex died the same way in the comics, but his relationship with Rae didn't get that far because he died in the lizard gang war. Amazon gave Rex a happy moment before he died, and Rex said "this is weird" before going to war.

  10. Taz
    2 days

    God damn Mark's so annoying when it comes to Cecil

  11. Down
    2 days

    Rex died the same way in the comic. But in the comic before his death, it happened before Multi Paul attacked, we saw his backstory which was sad.

    1 replies
    1. Sly
      2 days

      I'm surprised they didnt extend his character's life way longer in the series given the drastic changes from show to comics. They could've used his character for much more. But I guess that makes his death much more impactful. Like Nick from Fear The Walking Dead. That "Too Soon" feeling evokes true emotion from the audience, and Robert Kirkman and his crew at Skybound are very good at utilizing that emotion in people to the fullest. lol

  12. Foulrookie
    2 days

    I remember last week saying that rex was the wally of this show , annoying in the beginning (although rex was much worse than wally it still fits) but after a while he gets better and grows on you, and now I wish I never said that cause I wish it wasn't true

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      2 days

      I tend to compare him to Jean in Attack on Titan

  13. Captain
    2 days

    For the Walking Dead fans we have a rematch between Negan (Jeffery Dean Morgan/Conquest) and Glenn (Steven Yuen/Mark). Truly a glorious battle is upon us. Itll be even far more brutal. 

  14. Tobito
    2 days

    The Invincible War is such a huge event, that you can't think the show could go even harder. Like it could've easily been this season's finale but nope. Robert Kirkman still had another ace up his sleeve for season 3. I so cannot wait for next week's episode.

  15. Brandon
    2 days

    so the invincible war in the comics was one issue. the fight with conquest was 5

  16. Icy
    2 days

    By the way a lot of the helping fighters were replaced since in the comics they were all crossover characters even Spawn was in it helping Mark 

    1 replies
    1. Jsm
      2 days

      Spawn, tech jacket (to a lesser extent), Pitt, madman, savage dragon, mighty man, the darkness, and badrock make no appearances due to copyright issues with image comics and Amazon prime. A total shame considering most of the ones I mentioned did take out 1 or more mark’s 

  17. E
    2 days

    Casual reminder that the longer a Viltrimite is alive the slower the aging process. Nolan was old as hell and even he was only a salt and pepper daddy. Conquest is terrifying just for being that old within such a bloodthirsty empire.

  18. Darc
    2 days

    I personally think rex should've shoved his hand in invincibles mouth and made his teeth explode in his head or something

  19. Darc
    2 days

    Oh yeah. Before this episode every invincible variant was given a fan name so everyone could distinguish them. Mohawk mark, omni mark, sinister mark, viltrumite mark, mustache mark, flaxan Mark, etc. The only ones who didn't get names were the invincibles that looked too similar to each other or the ones that died too fast. And apparently this episode gave most of them names that I'm sure none of the fans will really use

  20. liloakwood
    2 days

    Stand ready for arrive, worm

  21. Darc
    2 days

    There is a lot i wanna get through so bare with me.•I believe in the comics mark first meets eves parents at a dinner. And let's just say the things mark hears from eves dad has him more traumatized than when his father beat him to a pulp

    •sinister mark, black and yellow, is by far the strongest of the marks, he doesn't even have blood or scratches on him compared to the others

    •Tech Jacket, the space guy, and Wolf Man appeared, meaning that they got the rights to use these characters and have the potential to show up in future stories like in the comics

    • Viltrumite Mark fighting wolf man originally fought and killed Spawn, but since they couldn't get the rights to spawn, we have wolf man

    • i have no idea what this Ka Hor story is leading to since it's tv show exclusive

    • originally only 7 of the evil invincibles survived, the outlier here is Omni Mark, in the original comics he was strangled to death by Yo-Yo man, which made him the weakest mark of them all

    I think there was more important stuff i wanted to add but I'm not sure what's gonna be shown in the future so we will see

  22. delta3064
    2 days

    Funfact spawn actually showed up in the fight in the comics but due to copyright obviously he didn't show up here 

  23. Havoc
    2 days

    To give eve's dad one iota of benefit of the doubt. He just found a random dude in his daughters hospital room. The guy is a shitbag but I'd also kick mark out in that situation.

    1 replies
    1. bouboulroz
      2 days

      And at the same time, he was more concerned about being pissed at him rather than being worried for his unconscious daughter, even after Mark left the room. If the reason for being rude is concern for your daughter, maybe focus on said daughter afterward.

  24. Charlie
    2 days

    they built up rex alot more then in the comics, glad to see tech jacket and wolfman

  25. daiki3031
    2 days

    I’m so ready for conquest!

  26. MannyJ
    2 days


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